Paper Manufacture

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ACCE 4201 Chemical Technology-V

Paper Manufacture
Lecture 1
Raw Materials for Paper Manufacturing
Paper can be defined as matted or felted sheets of fibers, usually cellulosic
and generally formed on a fine wire screen from a suspension of pulp in water.

A. Fibrous raw materials:

1. Paper grade pulp

2. Reused pulp
3. Miscellaneous cellulose pulp

B. Non fibrous raw materials:

1. Inorganic raw materials

2. Organic raw materials
Paper Manufacturing

From pulp to finished paper sheet involves mainly two stages:

1. Conditioning the furnishes (fibrous and non-fibrous materials)

2. Sheet fabrication

1. Conditioning the furnishes (fibrous and non-fibrous materials)

1. Beating (in Beater or Hollander machine)

2. Refining (in Jordan machine)

Beating can be defined as the mechanical treatment of pulp carried out in

presence of water.

It is usually done by passing the suspension of pulp through a gap between a

revolving rotor and a stationary stator both of which carry bars or knives
aligned more or less across the line of flow of the stock.
Beating of fibre makes the paper strong, uniform, dense, less opaque and less
porous. Most importantly bonding of fibres is increased by beating because of
Hollander machine

Figure. The Hollander beater.

Hollander machine

Figure. The Hollander beater.

Jordan machine

Figure. Jordan machine

Jordan machine

Figure. Jordan machine

Jordan machine
Sheet Fabrication
a. Dewatering of stock:

1. Natural drainage
2. Induced drainage by partial vacuum
3. Roll pressure
4. Heating and calendering

b. Surface finishing: Rolling function

Two types of papermaking machine:

1. Fourdrinier machine
2. Cylinder machine
Sheet Fabrication in Fourdrinier machine

1. Random arrangement of fibres into a wet web

2. Removal of free water from wet web by pressing and compaction of sheets
3. Progressive removal of additional water by heater rolls
Sheet Fabrication in Cylinder machine

Figure. Cylinder machine

Sheet Fabrication in Cylinder machine

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