Time To Borrow: Paul Krugman

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Paul Krugman AUG. 8, 2016

The campaign still has three ugly months to go, but the odds 83 percent
odds, according to the New York Timess model are that it will end with the
election of a sane, sensible president. So what should she do to boost
Americas economy, which is doing better than most of the world but is still
falling far short of where it should be?
There are, of course, many ways our economic policy could be improved. But
the most important thing we need is sharply increased public investment in
everything from energy to transportation to wastewater treatment.
How should we pay for this investment? We shouldnt not now, or any time
soon. Right now there is an overwhelming case for more government
Let me walk through this case, then address some of the usual objections.
First, we have obvious, pressing needs for public investment in many areas. In
Washington, the aging Metro is in such bad shape that whole lines may have to
be shut down for maintenance. In Florida, green slime infests beaches, in large
part because failure to upgrade an 80-year-old dike or to purchase more land
as a runoff area is forcing the Army Corps of Engineers to release polluted
water from Lake Okeechobee. There are similar stories all across America.
So investing more in infrastructure would clearly make us richer. Meanwhile,
the federal government can borrow at incredibly low interest rates: 10-year,
inflation-protected bonds yielded just 0.09 percent on Friday.
Put these two facts together big needs for public investment, and very low
interest rates and it suggests not just that we should be borrowing to invest,
but that this investment might well pay for itself even in purely fiscal terms.
How so? Spending more now would mean a bigger economy later, which would
mean more tax revenue. This additional revenue would probably be larger than
any rise in future interest payments.
And this analysis doesnt even take into account the potential role of public
investment in job creation: Despite a low headline unemployment rate, the U.S.

economy is still probably short of full employment, and an investment agenda

would also offer valuable insurance against possible future downturns.
So why arent we borrowing and investing? Here are some of the usual
objections, and why theyre wrong.
We cant borrow because we already have too much debt. People who say this
usually like to cite big numbers Our debt is 19 trillion dollars, they intone in
their best Dr. Evil voice. But everything about the U.S. economy is huge, and
what matters is the comparison between the cost of servicing our debt and our
ability to pay. And federal interest payments are only 1.3 percent of G.D.P., low
by historical standards.
Borrowing costs may be low now, but they might rise. Yes, maybe. But were
talking about long-term borrowing that locks in todays low rates. If 10 years
isnt long enough for you, how about 30-year, inflation-protected bonds?
Theyre only yielding 0.64 percent.
The government cant do anything right. Solyndra! Solyndra! Benghazi! A large
part of our political class is committed to the proposition that any and all
government efforts to improve our lives are doomed to failure a proposition
that turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy when these people are actually in office.
But to hold that view you have to turn your back on our own history: American
greatness was in large part created by government investment or private
investment shaped by public support, from the Erie Canal, to the
transcontinental railroads, to the Interstate Highway System.
As for the constant harping on individual failures, all large organizations,
private businesses very much included, engage in some projects that dont
work out. Yes, some renewable-energy investments went bad but overall, the
Obama administrations promotion of solar and wind has been a huge success,
with a rough quadrupling of production since 2008. Green energy should be
seen as an inspiration, not a cautionary tale.
There is, in short, an overwhelming policy case for federal borrowing to pay for
public investment. But will the next president be able to act on this case?
The good news is that elite discourse seems, finally, to be moving in the right
direction. Five years ago the Beltway crowd was fixated on debt and deficits as
the great evils. Today, not so much.
The bad news is that even if Hillary Clinton wins, she may well face the same
kind of scorched-earth Republican opposition President Obama faced from day
one. So it matters not just who wins in November, but by how much. Will there
be a strong enough Democratic wave to give Mrs. Clinton the ability to act?
But while the politics remain uncertain, its clear what we should be doing. Its
time for the federal government to borrow and invest.
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