Ohi Oi

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OHI: Other Health Impairment

IDEA DEFINITION: Limited strength, vitality, or alertness due to chronic or acute health
problems that adversely affects academic performance.

Academic: academic deficits, frequently absent/tardy, quiet in class but demanding in other
Social/Behavioral: Socially hesitant, withdrawn, possibly immature, dependency/learned
helplessness, lack of attention seeking behaviors
Physical: Fatigue, chronic pain, loss of appetite, sleepiness, sickness, withdrawn appearance,
may move different or require medical devices to function physically (i.e. wheelchair, oxygen
tank, etc..)

Continuous communication and collaboration is necessary to understand and aid students with
OHI classified disabilities. Use inclusive accommodations and modifications; be well prepared
with a thought out plan. Teach the student how to request/acquire the help they need, involve and
educate the students peers and other persons who could assist in care taking.

Communicating necessary information, being aware, differentiated instruction, PALS, CWPT,
and cooperative learning groups are all helpful in assuring the students with OHI can be placed
in the least restrictive learning environment.

A scribe, reduced workload, audio texts, providing notes, verbal assessments, and partner work
are all ways to help students with OHI function successfully in a general education classroom.

OI: Orthopedically Impaired

IDEA DEFINITION: A severe orthopedic impairment that affects a childs educational
performance including impairments caused by congenital anomaly, disease, and other causes.
Orthopedic impairments involves the skeletal system (bones, joints, limbs & associated muscles).

Neuromotor impairment involves the central nervous system, and neuromotor impairments may
lead to orthopedic impairment if not treated properly.

Academic: Poor attendance due to physical therapy, may have difficulty communicating and
Social: May have difficulty making friends and be isolated or withdrawn

Continuous communication and collaboration is necessary to understand and aid students who
are OI. Utilization of inclusive accommodations and modifications; be well prepared with a
thought out plan. Teach the student how to request/acquire the help they need, also involve and
educate the students peers and other persons who could assist in care taking.

Communicating necessary information, being aware, differentiated instruction, PALS, CWPT,
and cooperative learning groups are all helpful in assuring the students with OHI can be placed
in the least restrictive learning environment.

A scribe, reduced workload, audio texts, providing notes, verbal assessments, and partner work
are all ways to help students with OHI function successfully in a general education classroom.

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