Anti-Littering Policy: Section 4.1 Officers To Implement

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SSG ORDER NO. 001-2016

WHEREAS, the 2016 Supreme Student Government Constitution has been ratified.
WHEREAS, Article 7, Section 2 (a), Article VII of the SSG Constitution, authorizes the
SSG to formulate and recommend programs that will address relevant
issues/concerns of the studentry.
WHEREAS, there is a need to foster of a culture of responsible studentry by means
of enforcing strict schools regulations by competent authorities;
Now, therefore, resolved that the Anti-Littering Campaign, with the participation of
other Student Organizations, and support of the school administration and all of the
teachers, be implemented and enforced.
Section 1. Title: Anti-Littering Campaign
Section 2. Rationale:
It has been observed that even with the reminders of the teachers; some students
tend to intentionally dispose their trashes improperly inside the school campus. The
Supreme Student Government believes that this is due to the lack of an official and
strong policy regarding school campus cleanliness and anti-littering regulations.
The SSG would like to achieve its mission by providing a policy, and enforcing it,
that will help prevent students from littering inside the school campus.
Section 3. Persons Involved in the Implementation:
Supreme Student Government Officers, Members of the Environmental Police,
School Administrators, Teachers, and Student Organizations Officers
Section 4: Implementation
Section 4.1 Officers to Implement
The officers of the Supreme Student Government and other school organizations,
members of the environmental police, school administrators, and teachers are
tasked to implement this program.
Section 4.2 Procedures for implementation
1. Any person who violated this policy will be given a guidance slip by the
person/s in authority (see Section 3).
2. The person/s in authority has/have the right to confiscate the School I.D. of
the violator. He/She will just return the School I.D. after verification that the
violator already went to the guidance office.
3. The Guidance coordinator with the approval of competent authorities has the
right and authority to determine the necessary penalties of the student/s who
violated this policy.

Section 5. Dissemination of this Policy:

a. The SSG officers and Members of the Environmental Police are tasked to print,
prepare, distribute and post of signage, leaflets and flyers.
b. Official dissemination of this policy to all teachers for them to announce to their
respective classes.
c. Room to room information campaign by SSG Officials and other enforcing
student organizations about the Ant-Littering Campaign. Students who will
participate on this campaign shall be excuse from their classes. The SSG Adviser
shall be held responsible in arranging and informing their teachers.
d. An enforcing body of students, with the SSG and other student organizations
officials, shall monitor the implementation of this program. They shall have the duty
and power to check and identify students who will be violating this policy. In
addition, the SSG Adviser and teachers are encouraged to monitor the cleanliness of
classrooms and corridors.

Ignorance of the law excuses no

Prepared by:
Aldrian Tambor
President, Supreme Student Government
Kenneth De Luna
Secretary, Supreme Student Government
Noted by:

Mark Angelo S. Enriquez

Adviser, Supreme Student Government

Approved by:

Domingo A. Lozande
Teacher in Charge, Canumay West National High School Lingunan Annex

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