Macarthur 9 Thgradesciencefairguidelines
Macarthur 9 Thgradesciencefairguidelines
Macarthur 9 Thgradesciencefairguidelines
Topic Selection
Design Experiment
Design Data Analysis Methods
*Subject Specific Guidelines Followed
Type and turn in Research Plans
Conduct Experiment & Record Results
Create Abstract and Display
*Only required for projects that involve:
Human Subjects
Vertebrate Animals
Potentially Dangerous Biological Agents
Dangerous Chemicals, Activities and Devices
Topic Selection
This may seem obvious, but you will choose a topic or theme for your project. This could be
something very broad like Global Warming or Paleontology, but you will need to be able to
narrow down your focus to an aspect of the topic. This will be done in the next step. Use
the given topics handout if you need help.
Once you choose a topic you will need to research as much as possible. Gather facts about
the topic to help you narrow down your topic to the problem you will conduct your
experiment to try and solve. When you find information that you will use in deciding on a
problem, hypothesis or experiment you will need to write the information down on a note
card and record the citation for your research plan. Use the give research and note cards
handout for help.
As you research you will narrow down the focus of your project to one problem that you
can create a hypothesis for and create an experiment to test that hypothesis. This should
be a specific question. For example, in our class we tested this problem, How does
osmosis affect chicken eggs?
Once you have decided on a problem to test create a hypothesis for that problem. A
hypothesis can vary but should be an educated guess to:
The answer of the problem
Expected Outcomes of the experiment
Goals for the experiment
Design Experiment
This is the procedure that you will use to conduct the experiment and collect data. The
steps of the experiment need to be absolutely specific. This will include all materials used
and means that you will do everything that you have in your procedures and do nothing
Design Data Analysis Methods
This is the method(s) that you will use to analyze the data that answers your problem or
proves your hypothesis.
Risks. What are the risks or potential discomforts (physical, psychological, time involved,
social, legal etc) to participants? How will you minimize the risks?
o Benefits. List any benefits to society or each participant.
Protection of Privacy. Will any identifiable information (e.g., names, telephone numbers,
birthdates, email addresses) be collected? Will data be confidential or anonymous? If
anonymous, describe how the data will be collected anonymously. If not anonymous, what
procedures are in place for safeguarding confidentiality? Where will the data be stored?
Who will have access to the data? What will you do with the data at the end of the study?
Informed Consent Process. Describe how you will inform participants about the purpose
of the study, what the will be asked to do, that their participation is voluntary and they
have the right to stop at any time.
b. Vertebrate animal research:
Briefly discuss potential ALTERNATIVES to vertebrate animal use and present a detailed
justification for use of vertebrate animals.
Explain potential impact or contribution this research may have
Detail all procedures to be used
o Include methods used to minimize potential discomfort, distress, pain and injury to the
animals during the course of experimentation
o Detailed chemical concentrations and drug dosages
Detail animal numbers, species, strain, sex, age, source, etc
o Include justification of the numbers planned for the research
Describe housing and oversight of daily care
Discuss disposition of the animals at the termination of the study
c. Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents.
Describe Biosafety Level Assessment process and resultant BSL determination
Give source of agent, source of specific cell line, etc.
Detail safety precautions
Discuss methods of disposal
d. Hazardous Chemicals, Activities & Devices:
Describe Risk Assessment process and results
Detail chemical concentrations and drug dosages
Describe safety precautions and procedures to minimize risk
Discuss methods of disposal
If you want to work with a partner, choose wisely!!!! If you work with someone your fate
and grade is tied to that person!!!!!!
Plan ahead! Think about where you will be able to do the project? How much time it will
take? What do you need to do it? How much will it cost? A good idea means nothing if you
cant get it done!
Be prepared! Nothing is more embarrassing that saying, I dont know to a judge when
they ask you a very basic question. Think about what you may be asked so you will have an
Be serious! I know that you are a teenager, but you will have a great and worthwhile
experience if you work hard and do a great job rather than if you give little effort. Some
students have said in the past that the science fair was a waste of their time, and I
completely agree. If you are not serious you will not get any worth from the time you
spendthis is a valuable lesson you will learn in time.
DO NOT WAIT TILL THE LAST MINUTE!!!! It may seem that you have a lot of time, you
dont. As you grow older you will need to be able to accomplish a complicated task in a
given amount of time. This project will be one of many chances for you to learn how