St. Mary'S Cathedral: Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity

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219 - 18 Ave. SW
Calgary, AB. T2S 0C2
PH: (403) 228-4170 FAX: (403) 244-1965

may 22, 2016

Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 8:30,10:00 am, Noon & 7:30 pm
Monday - Friday, 7:30 am & 5:00 pm
Saturday - 9:00 am

Friday 4:00-4:45 pm.

Saturday 8:15-8:45 am & 4:00-4:45 pm,
or by appointment
Mon-Fri 4:30 pm
Fridays, 5:30-6:30 pm

First time parents must participate in Baptism Preparation. To register, please fill out
a Request for Baptism form at the information desk.

Visitors and New Parishioners!

We hope that you have a meaningful
worship experience at St. Marys Cathedral. We invite unregistered parishioners
to complete a registration form at the
information desk. If you have any questions, or if there is anything we can do to
make your visit here more pleasant,
please do not hesitate to contact the
ushers, or any staff members that may be
present. You may also call the Parish
Office and talk to a staff member for
additional information (403) 228-4170.

To our visitors, enjoy your visit with

our parish family.
To our new parishioners,
Welcome Home!

Solemnity of the most Holy trinity

Todays readings offer us a variety of images of Gods outreach & involvement with history. Proverbs speaks of Gods
utter delight in creation, creation unfolds under the influence of love.
Pauls reflection in Romans moves from the image of
the awesome, all-powerful, Creator to Gods crowning selfrevelation in Jesus. In this short passage Paul describes
Jesus as the source of peace between God and humanity.
For Paul, Jesus reveals Gods basic
attitude of love toward humanity &
invites us to fully enjoy the grace
that springs from Gods love a
grace that has the power to minimize any affliction we might face.
Todays Gospel makes a point
that we as a church have rarely
taken with sufficient seriousness.
As Jesus shares the Last Supper
table with his disciples, he says, I
have much more to tell you, but you
cannot bear it now. But when the Spirit of Truth comes, he
will guide you.
That proclamation offers us two very comforting and
compelling ideas. First of all, Jesus is telling us that its
okay that our concepts are inadequate, that we dont know
the answers and that we cant understand all God is doing
or asking of us. At the same time, Jesus is saying that our
limitations are surmountable and that the Holy Spirit will
guide us to the extent that we allow ourselves to be led.
Revelation is an ongoing process.
The feast of the Trinity invites us not to heady speculation but to loving appreciation. It is a time to give thanks to
the God who loves us, to meditate on the ways we have
encountered that love and all the names for God that love
has inspired. Young or old, brilliant or simple, all of us are
capable of celebrating this day as the feast of the great love
of God. ( &

This Week
in the Parish
Monday, May 23
9:00 am Marissa Molino (RIP)
Tuesday, May 24
7:30 am Ken Moore (RIP)
5:00 pm Lydia Maria Martinelli (RIP)
Wednesday, May 25
7:30 am Julie Le (INT)
5:00 pm Edgardo Molino (RIP)
Thursday, May 26
7:30 am Angelita Artajo Sevilla (RIP)
5:00 pm Dennis Lobo (RIP)
Friday, May 27
7:30 am Stella Urbaniak (RIP)
5:00 pm Evaristo Aguinaldo SR. (RIP)
Saturday, May 28
9:00 am Daisy Mogol (RIP)

Looking Ahead
Syrian Refugee Family: As of the printing of
this bulletin, our sponsored family should
have arrived late Thursday afternoon. They
will have a busy and challenging week settling into their transition home, as well as dealing
with all of the paperwork (SIN, healthcare cards,
etc) and the mundane tasks (set up a bank account)
necessary for newly arrived citizens of Canada.
While we do not require household items at this
time, there is an immediate need for a stroller that
would seat a 2 year child & perhaps a tricycle for
her to enjoy our lovely spring weather. Please contact the Parish office if you have questions or have
one of these items to donate. Note: there are donation envelopes in each of the pews to aid in the
sponsorship of Refugee families & sponsorship
pledge cards were sent out this week.
St. Marys Cathedral will be hosting the
Feed the Hungry dinner on Sunday, June
We need to provide over 100 volunteers and
$5000.00 for the meal and we need your help!
On the weekend of June 4th & 5th, we will be registering volunteers for the dinner. Assistants will be at
all the Masses to help in the sign-up to ensure we
get the contact information to reach volunteers with
reminders and updates.
Please mark your calendar and sign up before or
after Mass on June 4/5. We ask that you also please
prayerfully consider making a donation to St. Marys
to underwrite the cost of the dinner.
Check the new website for shifts and volunteer
positions (

Monday, May 23
Victoria day, Office closed
No 5:00 pm Mass
Tuesday, May 24
Womens book study
Wednesday, May 25
Fr. Lacombe retreat
Thursday, May 26
Bible Study, 3:00 pm
Friday, May 27
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 5:30-6:30 pm
Saturday, May 28
Christian Life program, 12:30-4:30 pm

Interested in learning more about the

Catholic faith? RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a series of rites, catechesis, and faith development designed to help adults
become full members of the Catholic Church. Within
the RCIA, there are two basic types of people involved: Those who have never been baptized, and
those who have been baptized in another faith and
who wish to convert to the Catholic Church.
Please contact Delia (403-228-4170, ext. 228 or [email protected]) for further information.
We have a new website. Check it out at and let us know
what you think.
A special thank you to Phan Truong and
Hieu Tran for the many hours of service
they put into designing the new site. We
couldnt have done it without them.
Catholic Pilgrimage to India under the spiritual
guidance of Fr. Joe (Oct. 30-Nov. 10). Contact Fr. Joe
([email protected]) for more information.
The 4th Street Lilac Festival takes place
on June 5th. Please keep traffic and
parking considerations in mind when
trying to get to church.
Our Volunteer Appreciation Dinner will take
place on June 3rd in the Parish Hall. Paperless
post invitations have been sent out via our
email list. Please be sure to RSVP in the next
few days. If you have recently changed your email
address, please contact Marilyn in the parish office
(403-228-4170). We dont want to miss any of our
hard-working volunteers.

Readings for The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)
First Reading (Genesis 14:18-20) Melchizedek brought out bread and wine.
Second Reading (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) As often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lords
death until he comes.
Gospel (Luke 9:11b-17) All ate and were filled.

From Our Ministries

St. Mary's CWL News Would you like to join our
CWL community of women? Please contact Rita for
more information ([email protected]).
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Thank you
so very much for all the donations we received from last weekends Spring Blitz. Your
efforts to bring in food, clothing, household
products and financial support will help us to reach out to
those in need. If you could not make our blitz, we gladly
accept all donations of non-perishable food, financial
donations of all sizes, and new/clean used clothing for our
clients throughout the year. Items can be placed in the box
located at the main entrance of the church. Please mark
your envelopes to the SVDP Society. If you require
assistance call 403-397-6028.
Bible Study. Every Thursday at 3:00 pm in the Rectory Hall. Contact Tim at 403-283-1746 for more
information. All are welcome.
Womens Catholic Book Study The Four Teresas
by Gina Loehr. Join us as we discover the lives of St.
Teresa of Avila, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Teresa
Benedicta, and Mother Teresa (St. Teresa of Calcutta). Began Tuesday, May 17th at 7:00 pm in the Rectory
Hall. Books are available at the booth in the church or the
Parish office for $15.00. Contact Delia for more information
[email protected]. Newcomers welcome.

Stewardship of Treasure
May 15, 2016
Fort McMurray Disaster Relief
Mission Mexico
Pope Pastoral Works
Syrian Refugee Fund
Thank you for your generosity

Stewardship reflection for the

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will
guide you to all truth (John 16:13)
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us know and live
the truth. To prepare ourselves, we need to open
our hearts to receive this gift before we can give it.
Develop a daily prayer routine to ask the Holy Spirit
to help guide our thoughts and actions. (

Hospitality Ministry There is no coffee Sunday this

long weekend. Join us again next Sunday after the
10:00 am Mass and on June 12th (moved from the first Sunday due to the Lilac festival) after the 8:30 and 10:00 Mass.
Children's Liturgy of the Word celebrated at the
10:00 am Mass every Sunday. Children aged 3-6 are
invited forward following the Opening prayer to join
the leaders in the music room, where they will listen to the
Gospel, read from the Childrens lectionary, & then share in
a reflection at their level of understanding. They will return
to their families during the offertory collection. Please contact Rita ([email protected]) for more information.
The Pastoral Care Team of St. Marys would be
pleased to visit and bring the Eucharist to the shutins of our parish. Please call 403-228-4170 to make

36th Annual Hike For Life

Thanks to everyone who sponsored a member
of St. Marys Parish in the Hike for Life. There
are still a few outstanding pledges. If you
pledged, please return your donation by dropping an
envelop with the relevant information in the collection
basket or hand them in at the booth by the main entrance of the church.
Events at the FCJ Retreat & Conference Centre
Details can be found in the posters by the entrances
to the Cathedral
Dreamwork Evening: The Island of Dreams Thursday,
May 26th, 7:00 - 9:30 pm with Ita Connery, fcJ
Twilight Musings: Looking at Shane Claiborne's Book,
Thursday, June 2nd, 6:00 - 8:00 pm with Sr. Ger Curran, fcJ
and Denise DeNeve
Christian Meditation Drop-In Thursday, June 2nd, 7:00 - 8:00
pm with Engeline Piet
Taize Evening of Guided Prayer Friday, June 3rd, 7:30 - 8:30
pm with fcJ Sisters
The beginning of holiness is found in faithfulness to
prayer. May each of us grow in holiness through
prayer. If we praywe will believe. If we believewe
will love. If we lovewe will serve. Only then will we
put our love for God into action, through service to
Christ in the distressing disguise of the poor.
-from Thirsting for God

The Booth at the main entrance. Now available: Amoris

Ltitia (The Joy of Love) The Popes newly published PostSynodal Apostolic Exhortation On Love In the Family. In addition
we carry a small variety of other religious books that may be
of interest.


219 - 18 Ave. SW
Calgary, AB. T2S 0C2
PH: (403) 228-4170 FAX: (403) 244-1965
Rector: Very Rev. Bob Dielissen
[email protected]
Associate Pastor: Rev. John Kohler
[email protected]
Associate Pastor: Rev. Jos Tom Kalathil Parambil [email protected]
Deacon: Rev. Mr. Dennis Foraie
[email protected]

Administrative Offices
Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Closed from 12:00 - 12:30 pm

Admin. Assistant: Lillian Illescas

[email protected] [email protected]

In Residence: Rev. William Stephenson

Rev. Dennis McDonald
Rev. Sajo Puthussery
[email protected] Receptionist: Marilyn Belle-McQuillan
Rev. Charles Pottie Pt, sj
[email protected] [email protected]
Sacrament Coordinator: Delia Barr
[email protected]

Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary from the Catholic Pastoral Centre May 22nd, 2016. A full listing of
Diocesan news can be found at:
For Better & For Ever Marriage Preparation accepts all couples preparing for marriage. Upcoming Dates: May 30/Jun 17-18, Aug 22/
Sept 9-10. For more upcoming dates, other information and/or registration contact 403-218-5504 or email [email protected].
Marriage Preparation through Catholic Family Service Join us for one of our weekends: May 27-29th and June 10-12th. For registration,
information and more weekends, call CFS at 403- 233-2360 or visit www.cfs
Making Disciples | RCIA Workshop The Western Conference on the Catechumenate is in Calgary again this spring! Presented by Nick Wagner of TeamRCIA, this conference will give clergy and catechists a dynamic overview of the process and the various stages as well as strategies for bringing discipleship to life in your parish. May 27th (6:30pm 9pm) & May 28th (8:30am 4pm). FCJ Centre, Calgary. Check out: for more information.
The Church that Goes Forth: Justice and Mercy in the Current Migrant Crisis In his book, The Name of God is Mercy, Pope Francis describes the Church that goes forth as a field hospital for those who are wounded, who are in need of an attentive ear, understanding,
forgiveness, and love. Dr. Agnes de Dreuzy will be presenting on this message of hope on May 28th 2016, St. Josephs Church, 640 19 Avenue NW, 2:00 pm. Representatives from Calgary Catholic Immigration Society will be presenting on how Calgary and the Diocese have responded to this migrant crisis. All are welcome.
Visit of the Roman Curia to Calgary: Christian Unity Mass and Presentation Join members of The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity Dialogue with the Christian Church - Disciples of Christ from the Papacy and around the world. The Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral
will be with Bishop David Ricken and is scheduled for Sunday June 19th at 10 am, presentation and light lunch to follow at 11:30 am.
World Migrant & Refugee Day On June 20th, we will be celebrating the many contributions of forcibly displaced people throughout the
world with Mass at St. Marys Cathedral, at 7 pm presided by Bishop Frederick Henry. With this Jubilee Year of Mercy celebration, we will
not only recognize refugees, past and current, but the many people dedicated to helping them. An international potluck will follow in the
Church Hall. For more information and RSVP: [email protected] or call 403-218-5519.
Shalom Festival 2016 in Calgary Shalom Media is bringing Shalom Festival to Calgary on June 4th, 2016 at Canadian Martyrs Church, Calgary from 8:30 am - 5pm. It is a Catholic conference where individuals come together in prayer, worship, and solidarity. Bishop Henry will
be speaking at the event, as well as sessions led by international Catholic preachers and joyous praise and worship. This is an event for
everyone! You are invited to this spiritual banquet to receive God's grace and anointing. Come and experience the everlasting love of God!
For more information, visit
Feed the Hungry Golf Tournament Diocesan Golfers - Silvertip is calling! Do you love to golf? Have you always wanted to experience the
amazing Silvertip Resort in Canmore? Here's your chance! Once again, Feed the Hungry is holding its annual golf tournament at Silvertip in
Canmore. This year's tournament is August 8th. Golf for $350 ($100 tax receipt) and this includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, tee gift, 18 holes
& cart. We also need sponsors. For more information or to register online, visit or contact Samantha Jones.
403-218-5531 or [email protected]
One Rock Festival of Faith August 12-14th, 2016. Early bird pricing is on now. Tickets & more information at: All six Dioceses in Alberta are joining efforts for the One Rock Festival of Faith to present World Youth Day At Home. You can donate by using two
options: Online at onerock.caHow can I help page OR by sending a cheque designated for One Rock made payable to RC Diocese of
Calgary, 120 17 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2S 2T2. Thank you.
Ave Maria Discernment House Young women are invited to Ave Maria Discernment House for a night of prayer to hear Gods voice with
music and silence. Friday, June 10th Contact Sr. Lucille at [email protected] or 403-461-1094.

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