ERASMUS REPORT Valuing The Year Abroad

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A Position Statement

Valuing the
Year Abroad
The importance of the year abroad as part
of a degree programme for UK students
1. The British Academy1 and the University Council of Modern Languages2 are concerned

that changes to university funding may deter UK students from undertaking a years
work or study abroad within their degree. There is a need to recognise the benefits
which a year abroad can have not only for the skills and attributes of UK graduates,
butalso for their employability and subsequent contribution to the UK economy,
atatime of accelerating globalisation.
2. In a survey undertaken by ThirdYearAbroad.com3 for the purpose of this statement,

nearly 600 graduates submitted case studies illustrating the academic, cultural,
intercultural, linguistic, personal and professional benefits derived from the year
abroad. Of the respondents, two thirds estimated that their residence abroad was
asignificant factor in getting their first and subsequent jobs, while no fewer than
86%considered theyear abroad to be the most valuable part of their degree.

1. The British Academy is the national academy for the humanities and social sciences.
2. The University Council of Modern Languages (UCML) represents university departments and professional
associations in modern languages, linguistics, cultural and area studies throughout the UK.
3. is designed by and for university students across the world to provide up-to-date
information, help and advice about living, studying and working abroad during degrees.

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3. Student mobility today is rapidly expanding in response to the challenges of

globalisation and the demand for well-educated, highly skilled graduates who are
capable of living and working effectively in a variety of geographical, cultural and
linguistic settings. In 2009, there were 3.7 million mobile students world-wide, an
increase of 77% since 2000.4 Of this 3.7 million, only 0.87% (or fewer than nine
inevery thousand) were from the UK.
4. What are the benefits of studying abroad? The international experience has been shown

to contribute both to students individual experience and employability5 and to their

home countrys national prosperity. In addition to academic learning and deeper cultural
insights, students on a year abroad develop both essential skills which help them to
observe without misinterpretation or ethnocentric judgment, and interpersonal skills
which allow adaptation to complex cultural milieux. They learn to show respect for local
values without abandoning their own. In non-English-speaking countries, UK students
also improve the fluency, accuracy and appropriateness of their language competence
faster than in the university classroom. Students typically grow in self-awareness and
self-confidence as a result of the challenges posed by a new environment. Skills such
as interpersonal engagement, individual initiative and team-working together with
an understanding of how different societies function and the advantage of direct work
experience for those students on placements endow graduates with a portfolio which
enhances their value to employers andtothenationaleconomy.
5. This statement comes at a time of significant change to the higher education

landscape, when funding will be largely driven by student choice. Using the survey
ofyear abroad graduates, this statement outlines the value of the year abroad
as part ofadegree programme for UK students, and in consequence makes
recommendations to government, universities, employers and students.

6. A recent report, Global Graduates into Global Leaders,6 asked multinational companies

employing UK graduates what skills they required. For global graduates, over and
above core graduate competencies such as teamwork, communication, presentation
skills, time and self-management, and professionalism, employers want additional
critical competencies. These include: a global mindset, global knowledge, cultural
agility, advanced communication skills, management of complex interpersonal
relationships, team-working and collaboration, learning agility,adaptability, flexibility,
resilience, drive and self-awareness.
4. Education at a Glance, OECD (2011)
5. See HEFCE report, Attainment in Higher Education (2009) and HEFCE-British Council report, International
student mobility literature review (2010)
6. The report was published in December 2011 for the Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR) and Council for
Industry and Higher Education (CIHE).

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7. These are precisely the skills developed by the year abroad and which the British

Academy-UCML survey highlights. The top requirement, even more important than
language skills, is an ability to work collaboratively with teams of people from a
range ofbackgrounds and countries. Adaptability, excellent communication skills
and the ability to learn in any culture or environment are also highly valued global
competencies, meaning that experience of working outside their home country
and immersion in a different culture can catapult a graduate into being considered
for rewarding and challenging roles. The report urges the government towards
incentivising higher education institutions to offer affordable transnational exchange
programmes and sandwich courses (such as Erasmus) and increase participation.
8. The worlds most successful student mobility scheme is the EUs Erasmus programme,

involving over 4,000 universities. Erasmus has helped over 2.3 million students to
spend part of their degree programme in a different country, either in university study
or a work placement. In the launch year of 1987, the UK was the largest contributor
toErasmus, with 28.5% of outgoing students; but by 2009/10, the UK had slipped to
sixth, with just 5.5% of outgoing students. In many European countries, over 10% of
graduates have some international experience, while the figure is below 2% inthe UK.7
9. Since 2000/01, aggregate Erasmus participation has increased each year, by a total

of 88%. In the UK, however, numbers fell consistently to 2004/05 but have since
recovered to a level 33% higher than in 2000/01. A major factor in explaining the
growth in the level of the UK participation figures in the past 5 years or so has been
the inclusion within Erasmus, since 2006/07, of not only university study but also
work placements in business and industry, including eligible language assistantships.
The UK has a larger share of outgoing students on work placements than any other
participating country, representing nearly one in three of all Erasmus placements.
Alikely additional factor in the increased enthusiasm for work and study abroad
byUKstudents is the recognition of the employability advantage thiswillconfer.
10. But the fact remains that, within Erasmus, the UK has the lowest share of students on

degree programmes other than Modern Languages. Across Europe these students have
consistently made up around 85%. In the UK, they have represented approximately
60%; and since the inclusion of work placements, which are mostly taken up by language
students, the proportion of students specialising in other fields has fallen to barely 50%.
At atime when the market for graduates is increasingly competitive, and graduates from
across Europe can offer international experience and fluency in one or two languages in
addition to English, the UK is finding itself at a disadvantage in disciplines such as Science,
Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) and also in Law, Economics and Management.
11. Current financial incentives push students (and their universities) to choose European

destinations rather than more challenging ones. They also encourage students to opt
7. European Commission statistical survey of Erasmus:

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for study rather than work placements. While every year abroad however spent adds
value, it would be very muchin the national and individual interest to level the playing
field and ensure thatthesame funding arrangements apply to all types of year abroad.
12. Although the number of UK undergraduates spending a year abroad has grown

in recent years, the total for 2009/10 was still only 17,314 (1.7% of all home and
EU students). The total comprised 8,053 on Erasmus study, 3,670 Erasmus work
placements, 100 studying in Switzerland, 4,910 non-European placements, 460
nonErasmus assistants, and 121 Comenius assistantships.8
13. Within the Erasmus scheme, the UK has the highest imbalance between incoming

andoutgoing students, with twice as many incomers as outgoers. When looking at

student mobility overall and taking both overall degree and credit mobility into account,
the imbalance is more than eleven to one.9 Not merely does this put adisproportionate
burden on UK universities, it underlines just how disadvantaged UKgraduates are in
what is now a global employment market.
14. High-achieving white students from well-educated cosmopolitan families are over-

represented among year abroad students. Study abroad participation by UK students

shows a similar pattern to Modern Language provision and recruitment, with Russell Group
universities well ahead of other pre-1992 universities and post-1992 universities well behind.
Since Modern Language degrees admit a higher proportion of students from independent
schools than any other discipline (at a ratio of about one in four), it follows that efforts to
widen participation have been equally unsuccessful with regardto the year abroad, and this
cannot be separated from the additional costs which a four-year degree entails.

The Value of the Year Abroad

15. The value of the year abroad is significant both for the individual and for the graduates

that the UK produces. This value extends beyond modern languages, facilitating the
development of vital personal and professional competencies and understanding
necessary for most, if not all, disciplines and careers. While measuring the skills
developed as a result of the year abroad is not an easy task, the national need
fortheseskills is multiple, falling under a variety of heads:

Development of language skills. To learn a foreign language well is to acquire

awealth of culture beyond textbook knowledge. And to learn a language outside
of its spoken environment is to learn it incompletely. The 2011 CBI Education and
Skills Survey10 highlights language skills as particularly important in sectors such

8. Growing Numbers in UK Student Mobility (from 200506 to 200910), Carbonell (2011)

9. International student mobility literature review, HEFCE (2010)
10. Building for growth: business priorities for education and skills (CBI 2011)

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as manufacturing, banking, finance and insurance reflecting the globalisation

of organisations. Moreover, with only a quarter of businesses expressing no
need for foreign language skills among their employees, the greatest demand
is for a level of language skills that can help in building relations with overseas
contacts. The development of language skills in the environment in which the
target language thrives opens up a world of encoded and tacit knowledge that
mustbeexperienced and not simply taught.

Intercultural understanding and openness. There is no substitute for having to live in,
cope with, and ultimately learn to function successfully within the rules and unwritten
conventions of a foreign culture. This includes a great deal more than learning
its language: it means living its culture, and understanding its history as the lived
experience. This can only really be learnt through a substantial period of residence
and work in the foreign environment. This provides a life experience unobtainable in
the classroom. Furthermore, students are potential ambassadors for the UK in foreign
countries, acting therefore as intermediaries for and between cultures and societies
often returning with a more nuanced and critical understanding of their own.

Personal confidence and development. As illustrated by the enthusiasm displayed

in our case studies, the experience of living, working and studying abroad has
a transformative effect, making students more reflective, self-reliant and selfconfident individuals.

Skills for competitiveness, professional development and employability. The

2011 CBI Education and Skills Survey found not only that over 58% of employers
expect to increase their demand for higher-skilled employees, but also that a
majority (52%) are not confident of meeting their need for high-skilled employees.
The year abroad provides a foundation not only for basic skills in working life,
but also for those which enhance competitiveness, providing the edge for UK
graduates in a way thatallows them to compete internationally.

The attitude to social issues, such as education and employment, and to global problems,
such as third-world debt and climate change, are broader, more informed, and more
nuanced among those of us who had the opportunity to see another culture indepth and
from the inside. The insularity that is represented by not speaking a foreign language is
indicative of the narrowness of vision that comes with having known only a single place and
culture in which ideas are expressed: it is not just important linguistic competencies which
are threatened by failing to support year abroad programmes, but the UKs engagement in
ageneration which looks across borders, inits policies, research, anddebates.
Katie Ritson, Modern and Medieval Languages, University of Cambridge, 2003. Now an Academic Editor
andTranslator at a research institute in Munich.

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The year abroad obviously significantly improved my language skills; it is true that you
do not properly learn a language until you are living among those that speak it. It is the
perfect way to put the theory you learn during your years studying to practical use and
it really does all start to fall into place. In University you are speaking with University
lecturers and fellow students, whereas when you are on your year abroad you are forced
to speak with people at all levels...My career has taken me into the translation industry...
Translation involves a certain degree of cultural awareness which can only be achieved
by living in the country and a knowledge of the regional variations in the language which
again can only be achieved by experiencing it firsthand.
Emma Roome, French and Spanish, Cardiff University, 2007. Now Translator and Project Manager
atWolfestone Translation.

As a person of English and Caribbean heritage, growing up in the 1990s in post-industrial

Newcastle upon Tyne, I was very unhappy with my lack of strong connections to the world
beyond Tyne and Wear. On my year abroad I made some good friends from Spain and
some other international friends who found themselves in Madrid at the same time as me.
This broadened my perspectives phenomenally, both academically and personally... Ata
personal level, I feel that, thanks to my year abroad, I am increasingly a global citizen.
I am much more aware of and able to discuss international political issues, suchas
universal human rights, Britains participation in the EU and the extent to which the
USshould instigate democracy abroad, than I ever was before my year abroad.
Stephen Tobin, Modern and Medieval Languages, University of Cambridge, 2003. Gained an MA in Linguistics
at the University of Southern California, and due to complete a PhD in Language and Cognition at the University
of Connecticut in May 2012.

The year abroad helps to shape our graduates into mature, knowledgeable adults who
have experience in a challenging environment, something that sets us apart from other
graduates. We experience different approaches to our subject of interest which is just
oneof the ways it opens our minds to the real world.
Megan Sweeney, French, Spanish and Marketing, University of Ulster, 2011.

Even though I was applying for training contracts with commercial law firms, I found
that many of the skills which I had developed during my teaching placement were highly
relevant namely the skill to communicate effectively in a range of different spheres,
and the ability to manage my time well. More generally, however, I think that the whole
experience of living and working in a culture that is different to your own is an extremely
attractive prospect to potential employers, since it displays self-confidence, pro-activity
and determination.
Tom Besant, Modern Languages (French and Italian), University of Oxford, 2011. Now doing his legal training

Having lived in a non-English speaking country, I feel that I can better relate to foreigners
that I come across as a Police Officer. I feel that my experience living overseas gives me a
better understanding of the possible confusion or complications faced by foreigners living
or visiting the UK. I believe my time living abroad makes me a better Police Officer. I am
also a French speaking volunteer at work, meaning that I can be called on to assist with
any situations where a French speaker is required.
Lisa Gillard, French studies, Oxford Brookes, 2007. Language Assistant in France, now a Police Officer.

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A degree in languages with the year abroad as its backbone has remarkable similarities
to joining the army as an officer, ultimately being sent away to different countries where
understanding local culture can mean life or death... Defence attach jobs, Liaison officer
jobs and even on the battlefield fighting as part of NATO forces would all require language
skills. As I write this, I am presently serving on operations in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.
My ability to deal with local nationals on a daily basis and understand the mechanics of a
foreign society, I attribute directly to my degree and specifically to the lessons I learned on
my year abroad. Finding oneself in the midst of a counter insurgency, which has all to do
with understanding ones environment, is not so different from living, working and socialising
in a different country, which is also all about understanding yourenvironment.
Peter Robert Gordon-Finlayson, French and Spanish, Newcastle Upon Tyne University, 2009. Studied in
Ecuador and worked in France. Now an Officer in the British Army serving on operations in Helmand Province,

I am currently preparing for an Assessment Centre to become a Lawyer-Linguist at the

Court of Justice of the European Communities in Luxembourg. It is simply inconceivable
that I should have reached this stage in the recruitment procedure without the skills and
experience gained from my year abroad over ten years ago.
Mary Guy, Interpreting and Translating with French and German Language (Dutch ab initio), University of East
Anglia, 2001. Studied in Switzerland and Germany, now a Lawyer-Linguist in Luxembourg.

Now working in recruitment I see graduates who have done a study year abroad; they
aregenerally good problem solvers, good at working on their own initiative and have good
communication skills. Whether they worked or studied it gives them something interesting
to talk about at interview and they (often unconsciously) demonstrate exactly the qualities
that the employer is looking for as they talk through their year. They are also typically
more confident in their spoken language ability.
Katherine Leopold, German and Linguistics BA, University of Manchester, 2001. Erasmus student in Germany,
and now a Senior Recruitment Consultant.

Graduate Survey
16. Respondents had undertaken a year abroad as part of widely different degrees, ranging

from Economics to Computer Science, History to Accounting, Law and Tourism to

Mathematics and English Literature. Two-thirds had studied one or more ofseventeen
languages, from French and German to Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese andThai.
17. The diagram overleaf outlines the principal learning outcomes11 of the year abroad

according to the surveyed graduates. While there are significant overlaps in the outlined
categories, graduates gained most in personal terms, followed by employment-related
skills. Personal objectives and outcomes have been among the most widely recognised but
least studied in terms of the value of the year abroad. Professional, employment-related
skills often overlap with other skills such as linguistic and intercultural competence.
11. The taxonomy used to categorise learning outcomes was developed by the Residence Abroad Project.

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Principal learning outcomes












careers of respondents

Other e.g. Shipping and Property

PR, Marketing, Sales,
Advertising and Communications
Private tutoring, courses
and freelanceteaching
School, College and
University Teaching
Translating and Interpreting
Travel, Tourism,
Events and Hospitality
UK public sector
Web Design, Software
Development and IT

Media and Journalism

Medicine, Pharmaceuticals,
Health and Nutrition

Research and Data Analysis


Management and Administration

Higher Degrees
International Development,
Charity Work, Volunteering, NGOs

Further Education

EU/UN Careers


Arts, Culture, Film,

Music and Fashion
Business, Accountancy
and Finance


18. One in four respondents have already followed an international career a higher

proportion than the 10.4% recorded by the AGCAS 2011 survey,12 but underlying
its conclusion: The success of language graduates in obtaining a good level of
employment may substantiate the assertion that graduate employers do set a premium
on graduates with languages. The diagram above illustrates the range of the careers
of our surveyed graduates, 86% of whom considered the year abroad to be the most
valuable part of the degree, with 66% estimating the role of residence abroad to be
asignificant factor in getting their first and subsequent jobs.

12. Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS)

8british academy |A position paper

19. Although respondents were self-selected and aware of the purpose of the survey,

the results are in line with a 2001 survey of over 1000 language graduates.13 Taken
together with other research, they confirm that the experiential learning of a year
abroad is increasingly significant in todays international job market.

20. We welcome the explicit recognition in the Governments Innovation and Research Strategy

for Growth14 regarding the need to increase mobility in the interests of UK employers:
British undergraduate students are less likely to study abroad than their mainland European
counterparts, for reasons such as lack of foreign language skills or the relative inflexibility of
courses. However, international exposure while at university provides students with skills that
employers have said are in short supply. [] We continue to support outward mobility and are
keen that study abroad becomes an integral and accredited part of a wider range of courses, and
to increase student mobility. We are working to ensure the recognition of study and qualifications
undertaken overseas. We are also working with the higher education sector to encourage
universities to credit other mobility activity so that overseasactivity contributes to their degree.

21. The recommendations made here by the British Academy and UCML address two

underlying issues that have been identified in this position statement:

Explicit recognition and active communication of the value and importance

of the year abroad: A December 2011 YouGov survey for the British Council
found that UK graduates did not make an explicit connection with the potential
career benefits of getting involved in international experiences such as living,
volunteering, working or studying overseas. A unified strategy involving all
stakeholders is necessary to monitor developments in, and recognise and
communicate the value of the international experience and student mobility
overall. This must involve students, universities, government and employers.

Investing in a highly skilled workforce in order to match supply and demand:

Recognising the costs to home institutions and students, it is vital that government
moves to ensure there are short-term financial incentives for the longer-term
benefit of the UK. Particularly in the current funding climate for higher education,
there is a real danger that students who already expect to havesubstantial loans
to repay after graduation will be deterred from all four-year courses and from
undertaking a year abroad, while universities will be deterred from supporting
ayear abroad for their students.

13. Study/work abroad and employability, UCML (2011):

14. Innovation and Research Strategy for Growth, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (December 2011):
page 65.

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22. The British Academys 2011 Position Statement, Language matters more and more,

urged universities in line with the recommendations of Sir Drummond Bones report
on the internationalisation of higher education to ensure that senior management and
governance structures reflected the importance of long-term collaborative partnerships
by putting internationalisation at the heart of their missions and strategies. With this in
mind, there is much that can be learnt from the ways in which national student mobility
functions overseas. With a target of a 50% overall international mobility rate among its
graduates, the ongoing student mobility campaign Go out of Germanys Academic
Exchange Service is exemplary.
23. Addressing the challenges outlined here in an effective and sustainable manner,

which ensures the UKs ability to compete internationally, requires both a top-down
and a bottom-up approach. We therefore make the following recommendations to
government, universities, employers and students:

Recommendations to Government
Government is urged to:
Acknowledge the exceptional contribution of work and study abroad to the pool of highly

skilled UK graduates, and also the return for UK plc on investment in the year abroad;
Recognise that over 99% of the worlds mobile students are not British, and that the UK

must expand outgoing numbers of students across all disciplines, in order to reduce the
deficit with our economic competitors;
Minimise financial disincentives for the small but currently growing number of students

who wish to undertake a year abroad, recognise that the cost of a year abroad is the
greatest disincentive to students, and that the market alone may not attract enough
UKstudents to take a year abroad;
Level the playing field between Erasmus and non-Erasmus, European and Non-

European, work and study placements;

Help reduce language obstacles to the mobility of specialists in other disciplines

bysupporting university-wide language programmes;

Recognise the challenge to Equal Opportunities and Widening Participation posed

by current year abroad statistics in which ethnic minorities and students from
disadvantaged backgrounds are under-represented.

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Recommendations to universities
Recognising the strategic importance of, and need for, internationalisation at the heart
oftheir agendas, universities are urged to:
Recognise the competitive employability advantage conferred on their graduates by

including a year abroad in the degree programme;

Recognise the attraction which year abroad provision represents for the brightest and

best qualified students, provided costs are within market expectations;

Moderate, through central funding, the fees charged to students for their year abroad;
Make targeted bursaries available to students of modest means;
Support and encourage Departments across all disciplines to make a year abroad

available at reasonable cost.

Recommendations to employers
UK employers are urged to:
Acknowledge explicitly in their recruitment and publicity materials the competitive

advantage which a year abroad adds to a candidates CV;

Acknowledge explicitly the added value which employee skills gained during the year

abroad bring to the company;

Make targeted bursaries available for disadvantaged students to undertake a year abroad.

Recommendations to students
Students are urged to:
Recognise the great potential benefits of a year abroad for their future employability,

andfor a satisfying graduate career in an increasingly international job market;

Explore all available sources of funding to enable them to undertake what is likely to be

the most challenging, most rewarding and most fun year of their lives.

March 2012

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In 2011, the British Academy was awarded Government funding to run a four
year programme to support Languages and Quantitative Skills (L&QS). Through a
targeted programme of research support, partnerships and interventions, the L&QS
Programme is seeking to build capacity to address these deep-seated challenges
and strengthen skills in these vital areas. The British Academy, established by Royal
Charter in 1902, champions and supports the humanities and social sciences. It aims
to inspire, recognise and support excellence and high achievement across the UK
and internationally. The British Academy is a Fellowship of over 900 UK scholars and
social scientists elected for their distinction in research. Views expressed here are not
necessarily shared by each individual Fellow.
The University Council of Modern Languages, founded in 1993, is the overarching
national organisation representing the interests of modern languages, linguistics and
cultural and area studies in higher education throughout the United Kingdom. UCMLs
members include virtually all UK schools and departments of modern languages,
together with professional and scholarly associations and organisations concerned
withstudy, teaching and research., founded in 2006, is the UKs largest information and support
network for students who work, study or volunteer abroad during their degree course.
The website also provides case studies, useful articles and a forum, while promoting
thestudy of Modern Languages in the UK to students of all ages, alongside the Routes
into Languages programme.

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