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International Institute of Tele-Medicine

in cooperation with
University of Milano-Bicocca and University of Insubria-Como,
Ain Shams University of Cairo-Egypt, Harvard Medical School of Boston - USA

Trraaiinniinngg aanndd eedduuccaattiioonnaall pprrooppoossaallss

Advanced Course (2° Edition) on

Data Bases and Statistical Software in Epidemiology and
July 5-10, 2010
PTUD - Desio (Mb) – Italy
Lessons, Labs and Exercises (40 hours)

Medical records; Clinical Databases; Genomic Databanks
Hospital and Health Information Systems;
Epidemiological Registries, Clinical Trials and Genomic Epidemiology
Medical data integration over Internet and web-based applications in Biomedicine
Elements of Data Analysis and Statistics
Statistical Methods applied to Biomedicine and Epidemiology; examples and exercises.
Survey and introduction to some statistical software: SAS, SPSS, R; Examples of
Using a statistical Package: Data acquisition, management commands and statistical
functions; case studies and exercises.
Using of R statistical language and web service for data analysis; examples of
applications, case studies and exercises.
Data mining and neuronal networks: examples and applications

IMMIT: International Master on Medical Informatics &

July 2010 – June 2011
PTUD – Desio (Mb) – Italy
Lessons, labs, e-learning studies and stages (925 hours)
180 hours on site
220 hours by e-learning
250 hours individual study
250 hours stage in hospitals, universities, ICT companies, etc.
25 hours for examinations

The on site lessons will be divided in 2 modules of 90 hours each one 13 days every 6 months)
1st module  Data information and knowledge in Medicine
(12-24/07/10)  Classification and coding systems of medical information (ICD,
SNOMED, etc.)
 Medical records and clinical data bases
 Multimedia databases in biomedicine (data, signals, images, etc.)
 Data base in health care and registry in epidemiology (clinical,
genomics, etc.)
 Biological and genomic data banks and bioinformatics aspects
 Data analysis and statistical software (i.e. SPSS, SAS, etc.)
 Data Mining and neural networks in biomedicine
 Artificial intelligence in medicine and aspects of neuroinformatics
 DBMS and programming languages for medical informatics;
Queries languages etc.
 Medical and Hospital information system: ADT, CIS, LIS, etc.
 RIS/PACS and medical imaging
 Standards in medical informatics (HL7, DICOM, XML, ...)
 Health information systems (local, regional and national)
 Smart cards in healthcare services

2nd module Telemedicine: definitions and applications

(3-15/01/11) Teleconsulting, telediagnosis, telemonitoring, etc.

Telecardiology, teleradiology, telepathology, teledermatology,

teleophtalmology, telemergency, etc.
 TeleHomeCare and telesourveillance of medical parameters (data,
signals, etc.)
 pHealth and biomedical devices
 Networking and infotelematic infrastructure in health care and
TLC (fixed, mobile, wi-fi, etc.)
 Intra-extranet in hospital and health care services
 Internet in health care and facilities
 Medical Web site and portals in health care
 Telemedicine web based systems
 Web services and Grid technologies in biomedicine and healthcare
 Ontology in Medicine
Examinations will be held at the end of Master (July 2011)
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Course and Master Director: Francesco Sicurello (President of IITM/PTUD, University
of Milan Bicocca and University of Insubria Como)
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Faculty for the two events:
Giuseppe Andreoni (Polytechnic of Milan, Italy)
Roberto Antonicelli (National Institute of Ageing, INRCA, Ancona, Italy)
Essam Ayad (Italian Hospital Umberto I and University of Cairo -Egypt)
Claudio Azzolini (University of Insubria, Hospital of Varese, Italy)
Nello Balossino (University of Torino, Italy)
Ida Biunno (Bimedical Tecnological Institute (ITB), CNR, Milan, Italy)
Paolo Brambilla (University of Milan Bicocca - Desio Hospital, Italy)
Branko Celler (University of New South Walles Sydney, Australia)
Paolo Crosignani (National Cancer Institute of Milan, Italy)
Giovanni De Vito (University of Milan Bicocca, Italy)
Piermario Gerthoux (Hospital of Vimercate, Italy)
Wojciech Glinkowski (Medical University of Warsaw, Poland)
Enrico Guffanti (INRCA, Casatenovo, Italy)
Kiyomu Ishikawa (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Annamarija Margan (Eastern Mediterranean Region Inusla - INT, Croatia)
Giancarlo Mauri (University of Milan Bicocca, Italy)
Luciano Milanesi (Bimedical Tecnological Institute (ITB), CNR, Milan, Italy)
Ioana Moisil (University of Sibiu, Romania)
Massimo Musicco (Bimedical Tecnological Institute (ITB), CNR, Milan, Italy)
Alfredo Nicolosi (Epidemiologist, Scientific Attachè Italian Embassy in Brussels)
Gianni Pellicanò (Careggi Hospital/University, Florence, Italy)
Tiberiu Postelnicu (Medical Science Academy, Romania)
Abdel-Badeeh M Salem (Ain Shams University Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, Egypt)
Yuval Shahar (Ben-Gurion University of Negev, Israel)
Sandro Squarcia (University of Genoa, Italy)
Miriam Sturkenboom (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Nikolay Tverdokhlebov (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow Russia)
Peter Waegemann (Medical Record Institute, Boston, USA)
Yukako Yagi (Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Boston - USA)

For more information (Costs, Registration and Partecipation Modalities, Facilites, etc), contact:
IITM/PTUD Secretariat - tel. +390362627190 – fax +390362337840

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