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Friendly Comparative Religion

Course Code: FCR-BSC

Islamic Information & Services Foundation
Taman Setiawangsa

Course Code: FCR-BSC

Table of Content
Preface _______________________________________________________________ 5
Is Dawah Compulsory? _________________________________________________ 7
Judaism_______________________________________________________________ 9
The Jewish Scriptures _______________________________________________________ 9
Brief History of the Jews ____________________________________________________ 10
What the Old Testament Says________________________________________________ 12
Valley of Baca __________________________________________________________________ 12
Ishmael and Hagar _______________________________________________________________ 12
The Convenant __________________________________________________________________ 14
Abraham (pbuh) Sacrifice of His Only Son ____________________________________________ 15
The Promised Land ______________________________________________________________ 15

Concept of God in Judaism __________________________________________________ 17

Muhammad in Jewish Scripture (Old Testament) _______________________________ 18
Jewish Festivals ___________________________________________________________ 18
Rosh Hashanah _________________________________________________________________ 18
Yom Kippur Day of Atonement _________________________________________________ 19
Sukkoth Tabernacles or Booths ________________________________________________ 19
Pesach To Pass Over __________________________________________________________ 19
Hanukkah ______________________________________________________________________ 19
Sabbath________________________________________________________________________ 19

Jewish Movements History & Current From Jewish Perspective _________________ 19

Movements in Ancient Times ______________________________________________________ 20
Karaites and Rabbinical Judaism ____________________________________________________ 21
Chasidim and Mitnagdim__________________________________________________________ 21
Movements in the United States Today _______________________________________________ 22
Movements in Israel Today ________________________________________________________ 23
Movements in the United Kingdom Today ____________________________________________ 24

The Land of Israel from Jewish Perspective ____________________________________ 25

Zionism and the Formation of the State of Israel________________________________________ 25
Israel Today ____________________________________________________________________ 27

Christianity___________________________________________________________ 28
The Scriptures ____________________________________________________________ 28
Brief History of Christianity _________________________________________________ 28
Christian Teachings ________________________________________________________ 30
Fundamental Doctrine of Christianity _________________________________________ 31
Inherited Sin____________________________________________________________________ 31
Son of God _____________________________________________________________________ 31
Divinity of Jesus ________________________________________________________________ 32
Crucifixion of Jesus ______________________________________________________________ 32
Trinity ________________________________________________________________________ 32

Doctrinal and Theological Comparison Between Islam and Christianity ____________ 33

Christian Doctrine of Salvation & Theology ___________________________________________ 33
Salvation & Theology in Islam _____________________________________________________ 33

Similarities and Differences with Islam ________________________________________ 35

Islam _________________________________________________________________________ 35

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Pillars of Islam __________________________________________________________________ 36

Islam the Complete Way of Life ____________________________________________________ 37
Conclusion _____________________________________________________________________ 38

Christian Festivals _________________________________________________________ 39

Epiphany ______________________________________________________________________ 39
Lent __________________________________________________________________________ 39
Easter _________________________________________________________________________ 39
Pentecost ______________________________________________________________________ 39
Christmas ______________________________________________________________________ 39

Chinese Beliefs and Festivals ____________________________________________ 40

Scriptures ________________________________________________________________ 40
Buddhism ______________________________________________________________________ 40
Taoism ________________________________________________________________________ 40
Confucianism ___________________________________________________________________ 40

Buddhism ________________________________________________________________ 40
Taoism ___________________________________________________________________ 41
Confucianism _____________________________________________________________ 43
Chinese Gods _____________________________________________________________ 44
Chinese Goddesses _________________________________________________________ 45
Customs and Beliefs ________________________________________________________ 45
Brooms________________________________________________________________________ 45
Numbers_______________________________________________________________________ 46
Moustaches and beards ___________________________________________________________ 46
Finger and toe nails ______________________________________________________________ 46
The fluid from a dogs eye_________________________________________________________ 46
Others_________________________________________________________________________ 47

Charms and talismans ______________________________________________________ 47

Pakua _________________________________________________________________________ 47
Talismans ______________________________________________________________________ 47
Jade __________________________________________________________________________ 47

Festivals__________________________________________________________________ 48
Chinese New Year _______________________________________________________________ 48
Chap Goh Mei __________________________________________________________________ 49
Hungry Ghosts __________________________________________________________________ 49
Wesak ________________________________________________________________________ 50
Moon Cake_____________________________________________________________________ 50

Hinduism ____________________________________________________________ 51
Hindu Scriptures __________________________________________________________ 51
The Vedas _____________________________________________________________________ 51
Upanishad _____________________________________________________________________ 51
The Bhagavad Gita ______________________________________________________________ 52
The Puranas ____________________________________________________________________ 52
Ramayana______________________________________________________________________ 53
Mahabrata _____________________________________________________________________ 53

Concept of God in Hinduism_________________________________________________ 54

The Hindu Religion Exposed_________________________________________________ 56
Lord Rama _____________________________________________________________________ 56
How Rama was Fooled by Sukrievan ________________________________________________ 56
12 Years for Rama, but One day to Ravan_____________________________________________ 56
Beef Eating Rama _______________________________________________________________ 57

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s Many Wives _____________________________________________________________ 57
Ramas Disrespect for his Father ____________________________________________________ 57
s Contempt for Women and Low Caste __________________________________________ 57
Ramas Death___________________________________________________________________ 58
What Leaders say about Lord Rama _________________________________________________ 58
Lord Krishna/Krsna ______________________________________________________________ 58
The Riddle of Krishna and Rama____________________________________________________ 58
God Shiva, Lord Ganesh & Goddess Parvathi__________________________________________ 59
Kali Goddess of Violence _________________________________________________________ 59
Pornography in Ramayana _________________________________________________________ 59
Lingam and Youni _______________________________________________________________ 60
Devadasi (Religious Prostistution)___________________________________________________ 60
The Kamasutra __________________________________________________________________ 60
The Devadasi System Thrives ______________________________________________________ 60
Lord Rama says do not trust Women_________________________________________________ 61
Hinduism and Caste ______________________________________________________________ 61
Women in Hinduism _____________________________________________________________ 62
Hinduism & Polygamy/Polygyny ___________________________________________________ 63
Hinduism vs Idolatry _____________________________________________________________ 63
Hinduism says Bestiality is Not That Bad a Crime ______________________________________ 64
Lord Siva & Lord Visnu __________________________________________________________ 64
How Lord Hanuman (the Monkey - God) was Born _____________________________________ 65
How Lord Ganesa was Born _______________________________________________________ 65
Origin of Holy Shiv Linga _________________________________________________________ 66
More on Origin of Holy Shiv Linga__________________________________________________ 66
Lord Brahma Lust Sivas Wife & Thousands of Yogis are Born ___________________________ 66
Lord Brahmas Incest_____________________________________________________________ 67
Lord Krsna seduces the Gopis ______________________________________________________ 67
Lord Krsna Marries 16,000 Wives___________________________________________________ 69

Festivals__________________________________________________________________ 70
Deepavali ______________________________________________________________________ 70
Thaipusam _____________________________________________________________________ 70

Womens Rights in Islam________________________________________________ 71

Spiritual Rights ___________________________________________________________ 71
Economics Rights __________________________________________________________ 71
Social Rights ______________________________________________________________ 72
As a Daughter __________________________________________________________________ 72
As a Wife ______________________________________________________________________ 72
As a Mother ____________________________________________________________________ 73

Educational Rights_________________________________________________________ 73
Legal Rights ______________________________________________________________ 74
Political Rights ____________________________________________________________ 74

Science and the Quran _________________________________________________ 75

Challenges for Daei ___________________________________________________ 79
Challenges for Reverts __________________________________________________ 81

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Course Code: FCR-BSC

We would like to welcome you to Friendly Comparative Religion course (FCR). As the
name suggest, the course is conducted in a friendly environment of brotherhood in Islam,
as we all share a common belief and objective in trying to reach the word of Islam to
those yet to be Muslim.
In the Quran 16:125:

! " # $ % # %&" ' ()*+ , - #

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0)*+ (1 %
Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with
them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have
strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.
In the Quran 2:256

% +# /=20> 4?. @ AB C 7AD&. %2' 3# 4 /567# )*8/9 .'/ # 2:#7; <

E) EF)%+ 0>#
GHDI# < ,=J # K 7L
Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects
evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never
breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.
On befriending non-Muslims, the Quran says in 60:8


A; . '4 A; 7M.

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0 # ;A !.
) # AC =8

Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you
out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who
are just.
However, one must tamper it with the following verse, not to take them as confidant and
forsaking fellow Muslim as the Quran says in 3:28

RQ 5 20># 4 S ) 2 T (LD. 4 O !4?% #

4 Q) .72& # !4?% # NM .<
UH% # 0># , 0 DI0># A; VN". WK=8 !4 # A=8 <
Let not the believers take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do
that, in nothing will there be help from Allah, except by way of precaution, that ye may
Guard yourselves from them. But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final
goal is to Allah.

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Course Code: FCR-BSC

This course, FCR-BSC, is a basic / introductory course on the subject of Comparative

Religion, which would:

give the participants basic knowledge and understanding of other religions

commonly practiced in Malaysia, similarities and differences
raise awareness of the perceptions non-Muslims have about Islam and Muslims
provide an understanding of the realities of dawah
o provide some information required to court non-Muslims to Islam
o provide some information required to counter non-Muslims allegation
against Islam
raise awareness of challenges faced by would be reverts and reverts to Islam
share experience of daei in the cause of Islam

and indirectly gives participants a greater appreciation of being Muslim vis--vis other
religious beliefs.
At the end of the course, participants may feel a need to futher enhance their
knowledge and understanding of Islam as well as on other faith to meet with the
challenges they face in trying to reach out the the non-Muslims.
We hope you have benefited from the lectures and materials that we have prepared. If
there are any shortcomings, it is due to us for good is from Allah SWT.

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Course Code: FCR-BSC

Is Dawah Compulsory?
By Shah Kirit
Most Muslims know that Islam is a universal religion, meant for all mankind. Allah SWT is the
Lord of the entire Universe, and Muslims have been entrusted with the duty of conveying
His message to all mankind. Alas, most Muslims today have become complacent
towards this duty! While accepting Islam as the best way of life for ourselves, most are
unwilling to share this knowledge with those to whom the message has not yet been
The Arabic word Dawah means a call or an invitation. In Islamic context, it means to
strive for the propagation of Islam. Thus Dawah means conveying the message of Islam
to Non-Muslims and inviting them to Islam.
The Arabic word Islah means to improve, correct, rectify or repair. In Islamic terminology,
Islah means correcting a Muslim or providing more knowledge of Islam to a Muslim.
It is sad to note that most of the activities, which we label as Dawah, are actually Islah.
Activities such as classes, seminars, talks, forums and other religious gatherings are meant
and targeted to Muslims only.
The Glorious Quran says:
Ah! Who is more unjust than those who conceal the testimony they have from Allah? But
Allah is not unmindful of what ye do! (Al-Quran 2: 140)
Allah SWT gives the Muslims an honour in Al-Quran 3:110; You are the best of people
evolved for mankind.
But honour comes with responsibilities! As an example, a principal of a school has more
honour than a teacher and that principal also has more responsibilities. Similarly, this
honour from Allah SWT to Muslims also comes with responsibilities as the full verse reads;
You are the best of people evolved for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid
what is wrong, and believe in Allah...
Therefore it is the responsibility of every single Muslim to be an individual of amar
maaruf nahi munkar or those who enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. This
means as a Muslim it is our duty to do Dawah and Islah.
The Glorious Quran says:
By (the token of) time (through the ages), verily man is in loss, except such as have faith,
and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of truth, and of
patience and constancy (Al-Quran 103:1-3). These are the 4 minimum criteria to attain
salvation, one of which is (join together) in the mutual teaching of truth, i.e.; to do
Dawah and Islah.
In Shahih Bukhari (4:667);
Narrated Abdullah bin Amr (ra): The Prophet (saw) said, Convey (my teachings) to the
people even if it were a single verse (from the Quran or the Sunnah).... This Hadith
clearly states the duty of Dawah is not rest upon those with sound knowledge of Islam,
i.e.; scholars, Ustadhs or Imams alone but every single Muslim. As a Muslim, we surely
know at least about La Ilaha Ilallah. There is no excuse for us not to do Dawah!
Allah further warns us in the Quran (47:38);
Behold, ye are those invited to spend (of your substance) in the way of Allah: But
among you are some that are niggardly. But any who are niggardly are so at the
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expense of their own souls. But Allah is free from all wants. And it is ye that are needy. If
ye turn back (from the path), He will substitute in your stead another people; then they
would not be like you!
On the contrary, the reward for spending our substance in the way of Allah is 70,000% as
mentioned in the Quran (2:261);
The parable of those who spend their substance in the way of Allah is that of a grain of
corn: it groweth seven ears, and each ear hath a hundred grains. Allah giveth manifold
increase to whom He pleaseth... Is there any other business in the world that guarantees
you a profit of 70,000%?
The Quran practically guides us on how Dawah should be done; Invite (all) to the way
of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are
best and most gracious... (Quran 16:125).
The master key to do Dawah is as mentioned in the Glorious Quran (3:64); Say: O
people of the Book! Come to common terms as between us and you: that we worship
none but Allah; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from among
ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah.
In the study on concept of God in major religions of the world, we will find several verses
from the Bible, Hindu Scriptures or Sri Grant Sahib (Sikhs Holy Scripture) that speaks about
oneness of God, i.e.; Tawheed.
We must start doing Dawah and stop giving excuses such as;

Religion is personal and we shouldnt mind other peoples business.

We live in a multi-racial country and Dawah will create disharmony.
Wait until I become a perfect Muslim or I have higher knowledge of Islam.
Dawah is the job of the Religious department, Ustazs or the Imams.

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While the number adherence of Judaism is negligible in Malaysia, we have nevertheless
included this as a precursor to understanding Christianity. However, when dealing with
Judaism, one cannot help but also discuss the Jewish history and beliefs since the Zionist,
secular Jews, had used their religion to justify their actions.
Before going further, we would like to reiterate that like any other people in the world,
there are sincere, honest and kind Jews who deplores the actions of their brethrens. One
website worth visiting is www.jews-for-allah.org.
We must also remember that Rasulullah (SAW) made a pact with the Jews of Medinah,
only expelling and executing them for the treachery. We can befriend them for the
purpose of dawah but as with any friendship with people of other faiths, it must be within
bound, one that does not impinge on ones beliefs.
The Jewish Scriptures
By Shahar
The Jewish scriptures is known as the Old Testament (Tanakh in Hebrew), which forms part
of the Christian bible. There are 39 books in it. In Judaism, the Tanakh is split into 3 portion:
The Torah refers to the first 5 books (sometimes known as the Pentateuch [Greek for "five
books"] or Hamisha Humshei Torah [Hebrew for "the five parts of the Torah"] or just
Humash ["five parts"] for short), Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy,
which were attributed to Moses (pbuh). 1The stories on Creation are believed to be
written 1000 years after Moses (pbuh). It should be noted that the Jewish authors of old
had a tradition of ascribing authorship of books, literature of famous, etc to well known
personality of the past.
However, Torah is also used
in the wider sense to refer to
all books in the Old
The next 21 books are
referred to as Neviim and
the final 13 books are
referred to as Ketuvim.

The Illustration above is said to be from the book

To Pray Like A Jew by Hayim Halevy Donin and
Norman Lamm

Other terms that one may

find in Judaism is Mishna is
refers to Oral Law and
addition to the Oral Law.

1 Pears Cyclopaedia 6th edition, J24

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Brief History of the Jews

By Shahar
The Jews traces their descendancy to Abraham through Jacob (pbuh) son of Isaac
(pbuh), better known as Israel. They are made up of 12 tribes, i.e., sons of Jacob.
After the Jews were liberated
and brought out from slavery
in Egypt by Moses (the
Exodus around 1250 B.C.),
they settled in the Promised
Land. The zenith of their
power was during the time of
Solomon (pbuh). However,
the Jews were mischievous
and prone to misdeeds; killing
of prophets, corrupting and
perverting Gods scriptures
and laws, etc. despite the
numerous reminders from
Allah through his prophets.

Above: Map of Old Jerusalem

They Jews had developed

the mindset that they are the
Chosen People, that God is
only for Israel, i.e., exclusive
for them and that the nonJews, Gentiles, are to be
subjugated by them as they
pleases. They are proud of
their intellect and cunning
(which they still possess to this

In the year 605 BC, Babylonian soldiers entered the land of Israel to crush an attempted
rebellion against foreign occupation by Jehoiachin king of Judah. Jerusalem was
besieged and Jehoiachin, together with 10,000 men from the leading familes of Judah,
were taken captive to Babylon. Solomons Temple, at Dome of the Rock (refered to by
them as Temple Mount), where Masjid Al-Aqsa stands, was destroyed.
Nebuchadnezzar permitted Jehoiachin'
s uncle, who renamed himself Zedekiah, to reign
under his patronage. When, in 587, Zedekiah moved in rebellion against his Babylonian
masters, Nebuchadnezzar returned in force and laid siege to Jerusalem, this time sacking
and burning down the Temple, and removing virtually all the surviving Jews to Babylon,
where they joined those who had gone into exile before.
Seventy years were to pass before the sons and daughters of these captives were
allowed to return. During their time in dispersion, they had lost much of their culture and
leaned towards the Greek culture, which was dominant at the time. This Hellenistic Jews
never learned from the mistakes of their ancestors.
They yearn for the coming Messiah, whom they believed would liberate them from
foreign occupiers, i.e., Romans and usher in new the golden age of Solomons (pbuh)
rule, to subjugate over other nations.

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By the time of Jesus (pbuh), the Jewish community is made up of :

Essenes: an apocalyptic splinter group, discontent with life under the
Maccabees. They formed an isolated ascetic, scribal, and priestly community on
the shores of the Dead Sea at Qumran. The Dead Sea Scrolls were part of their
Pharisees: a non-priestly group, whose concern about religious purity and the
study of Torah and oral traditions gave them popular influence in the society.
Their traditions influence rabbinic Judaism.
Sadducees: the religious elite, controlling the Jerusalem temple and its economy.
Rejected oral Torah and some of the newer ideas in Judaism.
Samaritans: a group in central Palestine, with obscure Jewish ancestry. Used the
Pentateuch and expected a prophet-like messianic figure.
Zealots: a collection of diverse discontents and apocalyptic militants, who led the
revolt against Rome.
The appearance of Jesus (pbuh), with his message for a return to the true teaching of
Judaism dismayed the Jews. They could not accept him as the said Messiah and tried
their best to isolate him. The Jewish historian of Jesus (pbuh) era, Josephus, did not even
mention Jesus in his chronicle of the history of the period, hence creating doubt about
the very existence of Jesus in the Jewish society at the time. (Refer below on Christianity
for further information on the subject).
Their misdeeds this time caused them to be expelled for the second time by the Roman,
which lasted almost 2000 years.
During this time in exile, they migrated far and wide.
They had a measure of success in converting the
Khazars of the Caucasas, in 9th Century. Some historians
believed the European Jews are descendants of the
Khazar, sometimes referred to as the thirteenth tribe of
Israel (sic), i.e., not Bani Israel.
Early European Jews were noted as moneylenders,
despised for their exhorbitant interest rates, i.e., greed,
best despicted by William Shakespeare in his book The
Merchant of Venice.
The subsequent rise and prominence of the Jews today are no doubt the result of their
industry, cunning and perseverance. By the 18th Century the Jewish bankers had
become prominent, using their capital to finance numerous wars between European
powers for a handsome profit and thus gained influence.
One should also consider the roles of secret societies, Jewish and Christians alike, like the
Knights Templar, Illuminati, Freemasons etc., bend on world domination and conquest of
the Holy Land.
Coming back to the present, the occupation of Palestine by the Jews are no doubt the
work of these elements, within the Jewish and Christian communities, who like to see the
prophesy of the coming Messiah comes through, with the return of the Children of
Israel. Some believes the coming would come about in the new Millenia!

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What the Old Testament Says

By Shahar
This section highlights some issues of interest to us all.
Valley of Baca
Mecca (Makkah or Bakkah) is mentioned in the Psalms as follows:

How amiable are thy tabernacles, O LORD of hosts!

My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart
and my flesh crieth out for the living God.
Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for
herself, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O LORD of
hosts, my King, and my God.
Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee.
Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; in whose heart are the
ways of them.
Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also
filleth the pools.
They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth
before God.
O LORD God of hosts, hear my prayer: give ear, O God of Jacob. Selah.

Bakkah is mentioned in the Quran in 3:96.


W; *4 &* ZN [ ! F1 R\ ) ]

The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing
and of guidance for all kinds of beings:
Ishmael and Hagar
What they say in Genesis about Ishmael (pbuh):

And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child
and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the
LORD hath heard thy affliction.
And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and
every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all
his brethren.

About Hagar (Hajar) in Genesis (note the racist slant (Egyptian) and her social
standing (bondwoman).

And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she had born unto
Abraham, mocking.
Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her
son: for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even
with Isaac.

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The Jewish scribes had tried to sully the good name of both mother and son, the
mother for being poor, black and not of the same race as Abraham (pbuh) and
Sarah, the son and his descendants are threats to their claim of being the sole
heir to Abraham. The following are some of verses from the Quran.
Quran - 14:37

K^H # # %)=) ! G7"% # ) /! R- _ ZT7)B R# .'AT 4 \ !&+ 'I !

7A&`. L @ #7%a# '4 9_ # ) Z 8[ ! # 4' WK/b2 (L 2
"O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in a valley without
cultivation, by Thy Sacred House; in order, O our Lord, that they may establish
regular Prayer: so fill the hearts of some among men with love towards them, and
feed them with fruits: so that they may give thanks.
Quran - 2:124

.'AT 4 ] 9 Y44 [ !

'I ] 9 %8c2R@ % & 06 ) #7 , # T

O % $ # Z/ A] !.< ] 9

And remember that Abraham was tried by his Lord with certain commands,
which he fulfilled: He said: "I will make thee an Imam to the Nations." He pleaded:
"And also (Imams) from my offspring!" He answered: "But My Promise is not within
the reach of evil-doers."
Quran 2:125

, I/

,dH4 ) #7 G=4 4 # ANM8# W!4 [ ! V W a4 \ )* # ! L T

e6 # F;67# O D; L# O DfC ) #7' g () %+ ) #7

Remember We made the House a place of assembly for men and a place of
safety; and take ye the station of Abraham as a place of prayer; and We
covenanted with Abraham and Isma'
il, that they should sanctify My House for
those who compass it round, or use it as a retreat, or bow, or prostrate themselves
(therein in prayer).
Quran 2:132

< 8 %8^2 .'/ # A& ,DCh# 0>#

! . i A=L. 0)! ) #7

% 64 I

And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons, and so did Jacob; "Oh my
sons! Allah hath chosen the Faith for you; then die not except in the Faith of
Quran 2:136

i =AL. j"+ () %+
!'4 R/ ) p'7DI< '

) #7 , ]kIA 4 !) ]kIA l4 0> !4m # AA9

4 6)*! # 8 A 4 , ) ,+ 4 8 A 4 n *+o#
% 4 0 "I

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Say ye: "We believe in Allah, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham,
il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that
given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and
another of them: And we bow to Allah (in Islam)."
The Convenant
The following are selected text from the book Genesis which is contradictory,
attempting to exclude Ishmael (pbuh) and his seeds from the convenant based
on 17:19. Again, refer above for on revelation in the Quran.

And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared
to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me,
and be thou perfect.
And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply
thee exceedingly.
As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father
of many nations.
Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall
be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee,
and kings shall come out of thee.
And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed
after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God
unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein
thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting
possession; and I will be their God.
And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore,
thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations.
This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy
seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised.
And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token
of the covenant between me and you.
And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every
man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought
with money of any stranger, which is not of thy seed.
He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must
needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an
everlasting covenant.
And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not
circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken
my covenant.
And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou
shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for
an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.
And Abraham took Ishmael his son, and all that were born in his house,
and all that were bought with his money, every male among the men of
Abraham's house; and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin in the
selfsame day, as God had said unto him.

Note what the Quran says about the Jews and their Convenant in 2:83.

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And remember We took a covenant from the Children of Israel (to this effect):
Worship none but Allah. treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and
orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and
practise regular charity. Then did ye turn back, except a few among you, and ye
backslide (even now).
Abraham (pbuh) Sacrifice of His Only Son
Isaac (pbuh) cannot be
Ishmael (pbuh) is the first

22:2 And He said: '
Take now thy son, thine only son,
whom thou lovest, even Isaac, and get thee into the
land of Moriah; and offer him there for a
burntoffering upon one of the mountains which I will
tell thee of.'
22:3 And Abraham rose early in the morning, and
saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with
him, and Isaac his son; and he cleaved the wood for
the burntoffering, and rose up, and went unto the
place of which God had told him.

Ishmael (pbuh) being

the first born fits the
decription of the Only
Son, i.e., before Isaac
(pbuh) was born. It is
said that Ishmael (pbuh)
was 13 years old when the sacrifice took place and Isaac was born when Ishmael
was 14 years old.
Refer to the Quran, 37:101-102 on Abrahams (pbuh) sacrifice of his son, Ishmael
37:101 So We gave him
the good news of a
boy ready to suffer and
37:103 So when they
had both submitted
their wills (to Allah., and
forehead (for sacrifice),

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The Promised Land

The Promised Land was mentioned in Genesis and has been used for the Jews to
claim the land of Palestine. Amazingly even the communist atheist government of
the then Soviet Union recognized this claim.
Anyway, far from politics, there are tangible fear that the Jews wanted to create
Greater Israel as the Promised Land extends between river of Egypt and
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Euphrates. We cant be certain whether this view is subscribed by all Jews but no
doubt some Jews may subscribe to it.
Left : Map of Israel proposed by World Zionist Organization after World War I.

The Promised Land Genesis 15:18

In that day the Lord made a
covenant with Abram, saying: '
thy seed have I given this land, from
the river of Egypt unto the great
river, the river Euphrates

Right: Map of
Greater Israel in
Most Jews believes the land was given unconditionally due to the righteouness of
Abraham (pbuh) but the text below from Ezekiel debunk this belief. The text refers
to their exile in Babylon.
From Ezekiel:
033:024 Son of man, they that inhabit those wastes of the land of Israel speak,
saying, Abraham was one, and he inherited the land: but we are many; the
land is given us for inheritance.
033:025 Wherefore say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Ye eat with the
blood, and lift up your eyes toward your idols, and shed blood: and shall ye
possess the land?
033:026 Ye stand upon your sword, ye work abomination, and ye defile every
one his neighbour'
s wife: and shall ye possess the land?
033:027 Say thou thus unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; As I live, surely they
that are in the wastes shall fall by the sword, and him that is in the open field
will I give to the beasts to be devoured, and they that be in the forts and in the
caves shall die of the pestilence.
033:028 For I will lay the land most desolate, and the pomp of her strength shall
cease; and the mountains of Israel shall be desolate, that none shall pass
033:029 Then shall they know that I am the LORD, when I have laid the land
most desolate because of all their abominations which they have committed.

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Remember what the Quran says in 4:46


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4:46 Of the Jews there are those who displace words from their (right) places, and
say: "We hear and we disobey"; and "Hear what is not Heard"; and "Ra'
ina"; with a
twist of their tongues and a slander to Faith. If only they had said: "What hear and
we obey"; and "Do hear"; and "Do look at us"; it would have been better for them,
and more proper; but Allah hath cursed them for their Unbelief; and but few of
them will believe.
Concept of God in Judaism
By Dr Zakir Naik (www.irf.net)



The following verse from the book of Deuteronomy contains an exhortation from
Moses (pbuh):
"Shama Israelu Adonai Ila Hayno Adna Ikhad"
It is a Hebrew quotation which means:
"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord" [The Bible, Deuteronomy 6:4]
The following verses are from the Book of Isaiah:
"I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour." [The Bible, Isaiah 43:11]
"I am Lord, and there is none else There is no God besides me."
[The Bible, Isaiah 45 : 5]
"I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me."
[The Bible, Isaiah 46:9]
Judaism condemns idol worship in the following verses:
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything
that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water
under the earth."
"Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I the Lord thy God
am a jealous God." [The Bible, Exodus 20:3-5]
A similar message is repeated in the book of Deuteronomy:
"Thou shalt have none other gods before me."
"Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in
heaven above, or that in the earth beneath, or that is in the water beneath the
"Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lord thy
God am a jealous God." [The Bible, Deuteronomy 5:7-9]

In Judaism too, we find the same thread of monotheism that is seen in other religions.

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Muhammad in Jewish Scripture (Old Testament)

By Dr Zakir Naik (www.irf.net)
1) Muhammad (pbuh) was prophesised in the book of Deuteronomy:
a) God Almighty speaks to Moses in Book of Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse
"I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee,
and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I
shall command him."
b) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is like Moses (pbuh):
Both had a father and a mother.
Both were married and had children.
Both were accepted as Prophets by their people in their lifetime.
Both besides being Prophets were also kings i.e. they could inflict
capital punishment.
Both brought new laws and new regulations for their people.
Both died a natural death.
c) Muhammad (pbuh) is from among the brethren of Moses (pbuh). Arabs
are brethren of Jews. Abraham (pbuh) had two sons: Ishmail and Isaac.
The Arabs are the descendants of Ishmail (pbuh) and the Jews are the
descendants of Isaac (pbuh).
d) Words in the mouth:
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was unlettered and whatever revelations he
received from God Almighty he repeated it verbatim.
Deuteronomy (18:18):
"I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee,
and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I
shall command him."
2) Muhammad (pbuh) is prophesised in the book of Isaiah:
It is mentioned in the book of Isaiah chapter 29 verse 12:
"And the book is delivered to him that is not learned saying, Read this, I pray
thee; and he saith, I am not learned.
"When Archangel Gabriel commanded Muhammad (pbuh) by saying Iqra, he
replied "I am not learned".
3) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned by name in the Song of Solomon
chapter 5 verse 16:
"Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Muhammadim Zehdoodeh wa Zehrace Bayna
Jerusalem." "His mouth is most sweet: ye, he is altogether lovely. This is my
beloved, and this is my friend, O daughter of Jerusalem."
All the prophecies mentioned in the Old Testament regarding Muhammad
(pbuh) besides applying to the Jews also hold good for the Christians (H Q. 61:6).
Jewish Festivals
By Shahar
Rosh Hashanah
Jewish New Year, in September or October. Begins a 10-day solemn period of
repentance and self-examination, which ends on Yom Kippur.

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Yom Kippur Day of Atonement

The holiest day of the Jewish calendar, marked by fasting, prayer and
Sukkoth Tabernacles or Booths
A seven-day harvest festival, linked to the wandering of the Hebrew exiles in the
desert after their escape from Egypt.
Pesach To Pass Over
Commonly known as Passover. Celebrates the escape of the ancient Hebrews
from Egyptian slavery (Exodus). A special meal (the seder) with various foods,
including unleaven bread (mat-zoth), is the highlight.
Hanukkah Light

Celebrates the victory of the Maccabees over Syrian Greek overlords, who had
outlawed Judaism. The name makes reference to the light from a miraculous 8day burning of holy oil. An eight-branch candlestick is used in the celebration.
Purim Lots
Recalls the Queen Esther story in which Persian Jews were saved when the
drawing of lots exposed the plot. Costumes and boisterous plays mark the
Shavuot Weeks
Commonly known as Pentecost (lit. fifty), celebrated fifty days after Passover.
Commemorates the giving of Torah.
The seventh day of the week, designated for rest and pious reflection.
Connected to both the creation of the world and the giving of Torah.
Jewish Movements History & Current From Jewish Perspective
Source www.jewfaq.org
The different sects or denominations of Judaism are generally referred to as movements.
The differences between Jewish movements are not nearly as great as the differences
between Christian denominations. The differences between Orthodoxy and Reform
Judaism are not much greater than the differences between the liberal and
fundamentalist wings of the Baptist denomination of Christianity.

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Movements in Ancient Times

Perhaps the oldest records we have of a formal difference of opinion among
Jews dates back to the time of the Maccabean revolt, which is the basis for the
story of Chanukkah. At that time, the land of Israel was under the relatively
benevolent control of Greece, and was deeply influenced by Greek culture.
Hellenizing Jews were opposed by a religious traditionalist group known as the
Chasideans (no direct relation to the modern movement known as Chasidism). As
the Selucid Greeks began to oppress the Jews, war broke out and the Jewish
people united in their opposition to the Greeks.
The war continued for 25 years, and the Jewish people remained united in
purpose. But after the war ended, the Jewish people became divided into three
groups: the Essenes, the Sadducees and the Pharisees.
The Essenes were an ascetic and mystical group devoted to strict discipline. They
lived in isolation from the world. The Dead Sea Scrolls are believed to be the
product of an Essene sect. Some scholars believe that early Christianity was
influenced by the mystical and hermetical teachings of the Essenes.
The Sadducees evolved out of the Hellenistic elements of Judaism. The
movement was made up of the priests and the aristocrats of Jewish society. They
were religiously conservative but socially liberal. The Sadducees believed in a
strict, narrow and unchanging interpretation of the written Torah, and they did
not believe in oral Torah. The Temple and its sacrificial services were at the center
of their worship. Socially, they adopted the ways of the neighboring Greek
The Pharisees believed that God gave the Jews both a written Torah and an oral
Torah, both of which were equally binding and both of which were open to
reinterpretation by the rabbis, people with sufficient education to make such
decisions. The Pharisees were devoted to study of the Torah and education for all.
After Judea was conquered by Rome and tensions with Rome began to mount, a
fourth group appeared: the Zealots. The Zealots were basically a nationalistic
movement, not a religious one. They favored war against Rome, and believed
that death was preferable to being under Roman control. They would commit
suicide rather than be taken prisoner. The most famous example of the Zealots
was the defenders of Masada, who held the mountain fortress against the Roman
Tenth Legion for months and ultimately committed suicide rather than surrender.
The Pharisaic school of thought is the only one that survived the destruction of the
Temple. The Zealots were killed off during the war with Rome. The Sadducees
could not survive without the Temple, which was the center of their religion. The
Essenes, who were never very numerous, were apparently killed off by the
Romans (they were easily recognizable in their isolated communities).
For many centuries after the destruction of the Temple, there was no large-scale,
organized difference of opinion within Judaism. Judaism was Judaism, and it was
basically the same as what we now know as Orthodox Judaism. There were some
differences in practices and customs between the Ashkenazic Jews of Eastern
Europe and the Sephardic Jews of Spain and the Middle East, but these
differences were not significant. See Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews.

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Karaites and Rabbinical Judaism

During the 9th century C.E., a number of sects arose that denied the existence of
oral Torah. These sects came to be known as Karaites (literally, People of the
Scripture), and they were distinguished from the Rabbanites or Rabbinical
The Karaites believed in strict interpretation of the literal text of the scripture,
without rabbinical interpretation.They believed that rabbinical law was not part
of an oral tradition that had been handed down from God, nor was it inspired by
God, but was an original work of the sages. As such, rabbinical teachings are
subject to the flaws of any document written by mere mortals.
The difference between Rabbanites and Karaites that is most commonly noted is
in regard to Shabbat: the Karaites noted that the Bible specifically prohibits
lighting a flame on Shabbat, so they kept their houses dark on Shabbat. The
Rabbanites, on the other hand, relied upon rabbinical interpretation that allowed
us to leave burning a flame that was ignited before Shabbat. Karaites also
prohibited sexual intercourse on Shabbat, while Rabbanites considered Shabbat
to be the best time for sexual intercourse. The Karaites also follow a slightly
different calendar than the Rabbanites.
According to the Karaites, this movement at one time attracted as much as 40%
of the Jewish people. Today, Karaites are a very small minority, and most
Rabbinical Jews do not even know that they exist. For more information about
the Karaites, see The Karaite Jews of America.
Chasidim and Mitnagdim
In the 1700s, the first of the modern movements developed in Eastern Europe. This
movement, known as Chasidism, was founded by Israel ben Eliezer, more
commonly known as the Baal Shem Tov or the Besht. Before Chasidism, Judaism
emphasized education as the way to get closer to God. Chasidism emphasized
other, more personal experiences and mysticism as alternative routes to God.
Chasidism was considered a radical movement at the time it was founded. There
was strong opposition from those who held to the pre-existing view of Judaism.
Those who opposed Chasidism became known as mitnagdim (opponents), and
disputes between the Chasidim and the mitnagdim were often brutal. Today, the
Chasidim and the mitnagdim are relatively unified in their opposition to the liberal
modern movements. Orthodoxy and even the liberal movements of Judaism
today have been strongly influenced by Chasidic teachings.
Chasidic sects are organized around a spiritual leader called a Rebbe or a
tzaddik, a person who is considered to be more enlightened than other Jews. A
Chasid consults his Rebbe about all major life decisions.
Chasidism continues to be a vital movement throughout the world. The
Lubavitcher Chasidim are very vocal with a high media presence (see their
website, Chabad-Lubavitch in Cyberspace), but there are many other active
Chasidic sects today. For a simple, plain English introduction to Chasidism written
by a modern Breslover Chasid, check out this FAQ on Hasidic Culture and

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Movements in the United States Today

Approximately 5 million of the world'
s 13 million Jews live in the United States.
There are basically three major movements in the U.S. today: Reform,
Conservative and Orthodox. Some people also include a fourth movement, the
Reconstructionist movement, although that movement is substantially smaller
than the other three. Orthodox and sometimes Conservative are described as
"traditional" movements. Reform, Reconstructionist, and sometimes Conservative
are described as "liberal" or "modern" movements.
Orthodoxy is actually made up of several different groups. It includes the modern
Orthodox, who have largely integrated into modern society while maintaining
observance of halakhah (Jewish Law), the Chasidim, who live separately and
dress distinctively (commonly, but erroneously, referred to in the media as the
"ultra-Orthodox"), and the Yeshivish Orthodox, who are neither Chasidic nor
modern. The Orthodox movements are all very similar in belief, and the
differences are difficult for anyone who is not Orthodox to understand. They all
believe that God gave Moses the whole Torah at Mount Sinai. The "whole Torah"
includes both the Written Torah (the first five books of the Bible) and the Oral
Torah, an oral tradition interpreting and explaining the Written Torah. They believe
that the Torah is true, that it has come down to us intact and unchanged. They
believe that the Torah contains 613 mitzvot binding upon Jews but not upon nonJews. This web site is written primarily from the modern Orthodox point of view.
The 1990 National Jewish Population Survey (NJPS) performed by the Council of
Jewish Federations found that 7% of the Jews in America identify themselves as
Reform Judaism does not believe that the Torah was written by God. The
movement accepts the critical theory of Biblical authorship: that the Bible was
written by separate sources and redacted together. Reform Jews do not believe
in observance of commandments as such, but they retain much of the values
and ethics of Judaism, along with some of the practices and the culture. The
original, basic tenets of American Reform Judaism were set down in the
Pittsburgh Platform. Many non-observant, nominal, and/or agnostic Jews identify
themselves as Reform simply because Reform is the most liberal movement, but
that is not really a fair reflection on the movement as a whole. The NJPS found
that 42% of the Jews in America identify themselves as Reform. There are
approximately 900 Reform synagogues in the United States and Canada. For
more information about Reform Judaism, see The Union of American Hebrew
Conservative Judaism grew out of the tension between Orthodoxy and Reform. It
was formally organized as the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism in by
Dr. Solomon Schechter in 1913, although its roots in the Jewish Theological
Seminary of America stretch back into the 1880s. Conservative Judaism maintains
that the truths found in Jewish scriptures and other Jewish writings come from
God, but were transmitted by humans and contain a human compontent.
Conservative Judaism generally accepts the binding nature of halakhah, but
believes that the Law should change and adapt, absorbing aspects of the
predominant culture while remaining true to Judaism'
s values. In my experience,
there is a great deal of variation among Conservative synagogues. Some are
indistinguishable from Reform, except that they use more Hebrew; others are
practically Orthodox, except that men and women sit together. Most are very
traditional in substance, if not always in form. This flexibility is deply rooted in
Conservative Judaism, and can be found within their own Statement of Principles,
Emet ve-Emunah. The NJPS found that 38% of the Jews in America identify
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themselves as Conservative. There

synagogues in the world today.





Reconstructionist Judaism is theoretically an outgrowth of Conservative, but it

t fit neatly into the traditional/liberal, observant/non-observant continuum
that most people use to classify movements of Judaism. Reconstructionists
believe that Judaism is an "evolving religious civilization." They do not believe in a
personified deity that is active in history, and they do not believe that God chose
the Jewish people. From this, you might assume that Reconstructionism is to the
left of Reform; yet Reconstructionism lays a much greater stress on Jewish
observance than Reform Judaism. Reconstructionists observe the halakhah if they
choose to, not because it is a binding Law from God, but because it is a valuable
cultural remnant. Reconstructionism is a very small movement but seems to get a
disproportionate amount of attention, probably because there are a
disproportionate number of Reconstructionists serving as rabbis to Jewish college
student organizations and Jewish Community Centers. Everyone I know seems to
have had a Reconstructionist rabbi at college or in a community center, yet
according to the NJPS, only 1% of the Jews in America identify themselves as
Reconstructionist. There are less than 100 Reconstructionist synagogues worldwide. See the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation home page.
Though most Jews do not have any theological objections to praying in the
synagogues of other movements, liberal services are not "religious" enough or
"Jewish" enough for traditional Jews, and traditional services are too long, too
conservative, and often basically incomprehensible to liberal Jews (because
traditional services are primarily, if not exclusively, in Hebrew). Some Orthodox will
not attend liberal services because of the mixed seating arrangements and
because the liberal prayer book cuts many required prayers.
Movements in Israel Today
Approximately 5 million Jews live in Israel. Orthodoxy is the only movement that is
formally and legally recognized in Israel. Until very recently, only Orthodox Jews
could serve on religious councils. The Orthodox rabbinate in Israel controls matters
of personal status, such as marriage, conversion and divorce.
The other American movements have some degree of presence in Israel, but for
the most part, Israelis do not formally identify themselves with a movement. Most
Israelis describe themselves more generally in terms of their degree of
observance, rather than in terms of membership in an organized movement.
More than half of all Israelis describe themselves as hiloni (secular). About 15-20
percent describe themselves as haredi (ultra-Orthodox) or dati (Orthodox). The
rest describe themselves as masorti (traditionally observant, but not as dogmatic
as the Orthodox). It is important to remember, however, that the masorti and
hiloni of Israel tend to be more observant than their counterparts in America. For
example, the hiloni of Israel often observe some traditional practices in a limited
way, such as lighting Shabbat candles, limiting their activities on Shabbat, or
keeping kosher to some extent, all of which are rare among American Reform
Jews, and unheard of among American Jews who describe themselves as

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Movements in the United Kingdom Today

There are an estimated 350,000 Jews in the UK. Of those, approximately 20% are
Reform or Liberal, which are two separate movements. There is also a small but
active Conservative movement called the Masoreti, which uses the same prayer
book as the Conservative movement in the United States. The Lubavitcher
Chasidim are also active and growing in the UK.
The liberal movements in the UK are generally more traditional than the Reform
movement in the United States. For example, the British Reform movement does
not accept patrilineal descent (although the Liberal movement does). See Who Is
a Jew.
Note: The Conservative movement believes that these laws and traditions can change
to suit the times, and Reform/Liberal/Progressive movements believe that individuals can
make choices about what traditions to follow.

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The Land of Israel from Jewish Perspective

Source www.jewfaq.org
The Promised Land
The history of the Jewish people begins with Abraham, and the story of Abraham
begins when God tells him to leave his homeland, promising Abraham and his
descendants a new home in the land of Canaan. (Gen. 12). This is the land now
known as Israel, named after Abraham'
s grandson, whose descendants are the
Jewish people. The land is often referred to as the Promised Land because of
s repeated promise (Gen. 12:7, 13:15, 15:18, 17:8) to give the land to the
descendants of Abraham.
The land is described repeatedly in the Torah as a good land and "a land flowing
with milk and honey" (e.g., Ex. 3:8). This description may not seem to fit well with
the desert images we see on the nightly news, but let'
s keep in mind that the land
was repeatedly abused by conquerors who were determined to make the land
uninhabitable for the Jews. In the few decades since the Jewish people regained
control of the land, we have seen a tremendous improvement in its agriculture.
Israeli agriculture today has a very high yield.
Jews have lived in this land continuously from the time of its original conquest by
Joshua more than 3200 years ago until the present day, though Jews were not
always in political control of the land, and Jews were not always the majority of
the land'
s population.
The land of Israel is central to Judaism. A substantial portion of Jewish law is tied to
the land of Israel, and can only be performed there. Some rabbis have declared
that it is a mitzvah (commandment) to take possession of Israel and to live in it
(relying on Num. 33:53). The Talmud indicates that the land itself is so holy that
merely walking in it can gain you a place in the World to Come. Prayers for a
return to Israel and Jerusalem are included in daily prayers as well as many
holiday observances and special events.
Living outside of Israel is viewed as an unnatural state for a Jew. The world outside
of Israel is often referred to as "galut," which is usually translated as "diaspora"
(dispersion), but a more literal translation would be "exile" or "captivity." When we
live outside of Israel, we are living in exile from our land.
Jews were exiled from the land of Israel by the Romans in 135 C.E., after they
defeated the Jews in a three-year war, and Jews did not have any control over
the land again until 1948 C.E.
Zionism and the Formation of the State of Israel
The Jewish people never gave up hope that we would someday return to our
home in Israel. That hope is expressed in the song Ha-Tikvah (The Hope), the
anthem of the Zionist movement and the state of Israel.
Kol od baleivav p'
Nefesh Y'
hudi homiya
fa-atey mizrach kadima
Ayin L'
Tziyon tzofiya

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Od lo avda tikvateynu
Hatikva bat sh'
not alpayim
yot am chofshi b'
Eretz Tziyon v'
yot am chofshi b'
Eretz Tziyon v'
As long as deep within the heart
The Jewish soul is warm
And toward the edges of the east
An eye to Zion looks
Our hope is not yet lost,
The hope of two thousand years
To be a free people in our own land
In the land of Zion and Jerusalem.
To be a free people in our own land
In the land of Zion and Jerusalem.
But for a long time, this desire for our homeland was merely a vague hope
without any concrete plans to achieve it. In the late 1800s, Theodor Herzl and
Chaim Weizmann founded the Zionism, a political movement dedicated to the
creation of a Jewish state in Israel. They saw the state of Israel as a necessary
refuge for Jewish victims of oppression, especially in Russia, where pogroms were
decimating the Jewish population.
The name "Zionism" comes from the word "Zion," which was the name of a
stronghold in Jerusalem. Over time, the term "Zion" came to be applied to
Jerusalem in general, and later to the Jewish idea of utopia.
Zionism was not a religious movement; it was a primarily political. The early Zionists
sought to establish a secular state of Israel, recognized by the world, through
purely legal means. Theodor Herzl, for example, was a completely assimilated
secular Jewish journalist. He felt little attachment to his Jewish heritage until he
covered the trial of Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French military who
was (unjustly) convicted of passing secrets to Germany. The charges against
Dreyfus brought out a wave of anti-Jewish sentiment that shocked Herzl into
realizing the need for a Jewish state. Early Zionists were so desperate for a refuge
at one point that they actually considered a proposal to create a Jewish
homeland in Uganda.
During World War I, the Zionist cause gained some degree of support from Great
Britain. In a 1917 letter from British foreign secretary Lord Balfour to Jewish financier
Lord Rothschild, the British government expressed a commitment to creating a
Jewish homeland in Palestine. This letter is commonly known as the Balfour
Declaration. Unfortunately, the British were speaking out of both sides of their
mouth, simultaneously promising Arabs their freedom if they helped to defeat the
Ottoman (Turkish) Empire, which at that time controlled most of the Middle East
(including the modern states of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq, as well as
significant portions of Saudi Arabia and northern Africa). The British promised the
Arabs that they would limit Jewish settlement in Palestine mere months after the
Balfour Declaration expressed support for "the establishment in Palestine of a
national home for the Jewish people."
After World War I, Palestine was assigned to the United Kingdom as a mandated
territory by the League of Nations. The Palestinian Mandate initially included the
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lands that are now Israel and Jordan, but all lands east of the Jordan River were
later placed into a separate mandate known as Transjordan (now the nation of
Jordan). The document creating the Palestinian mandate incorporated the terms
of the Balfour Declaration, promising the creation of a national Jewish homeland
within the mandated territory. Although Arab leaders were initially willing to give
Palestine to the Jews if the rest of the Arab lands in the Middle East were free, the
Arabs living in Palestine vigorously opposed Jewish immigration into the territory
and the idea of a Jewish homeland. It is around this time that the idea of
Palestinian nationality (distinct from Arab nationality generally) first begins to
appear. There were many riots in the territory, and the British came to believe that
the conflicting claims were irreconcilable. In 1937, the British recommended
partition of the territory.
The Holocaust brought the need for a Jewish homeland into sharp focus for both
Jews and for the rest of the world. The Jews who tried to flee Nazi Germany were
often turned back due to immigration limitations at the borders of every country,
including the United States, Britain and Palestine. Many of those who were sent
back to Germany ended up in death camps where they were systematically
The British were unable to come up with a solution that would satisfy either Arabs
or Jews, so in 1947, they handed the problem to the newly-founded United
Nations, which developed a partition plan dividing Palestine into Jewish and Arab
portions. The plan was ratified in November 1947. The mandate expired on May
14, 1948 and British troops pulled out of Palestine. The Jews of Palestine promptly
declared the creation of the State of Israel, which was recognized by several
Western countries immediately.
Israel Today
Today, approximately five million Jews, more than a third of the world'
s Jewish
population, live in the land of Israel. Jews make up more than eighty percent of
the population of the land, and Jews are in political control of the land.
Jews continue to immigrate to Israel in large numbers. Immigration to Israel is
referred to as aliyah (literally, ascension). Under Israel'
s Law of Return, any Jew
who has not renounced the Jewish faith (by converting to another religion) can
automatically become an Israeli citizen. Gentiles may also become citizens of
Israel after undergoing a standard naturalization process, much like the one
required to become a United States citizen.
Most Jews today support the existence of the state of Israel. However, there are a
small number of secular Jews who are anti-Zionist. There is also a very small group
of right-wing Orthodox Jews who object to the existence of the state of Israel,
maintaining that it is a sin for us to create a Jewish state when the messiah has
not yet come. However, this viewpoint does not reflect the mainstream opinion of
Orthodoxy. Most Orthodox Jews support the existence of the state of Israel as a
homeland, even though it is not the theological state of Israel that will be brought
about by the messiah.

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The Scriptures
By Shahar
Their scriptures, the Bible, is made up of 2 parts, the Old Testament (see Judaism) and the
New Testament. The Old Testament consists of 39 books and the New Testament is 27
books (for the Catholics there is an additional 6 books). The first 4 books, Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John are referred to as Synoptic, which basically are accounts of Jesus life. The
book of Acts is about Jesus followers after he left. The books, Roman, 1 Corinthians, 2
Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians and 2
Thessalonians are Pauls letters or correspondences. The other books from Timothy to
Revelation are letters from unknown authors.
In should be noted though that the Bible is not a revealed scripture as we understood
since the original evealed scripture like Taurat, Zabur and Injil are lost but what we have
now is collection of writings of scribes, which have been corrupted. In the Bible, the
supposed sayings of Jesus are printed in red.
Brief History of Christianity
By Shahar
(Refer to Brief History of the Jews for background information on the Jewish society prior
to the time of Jesus.)
According to the Bible, Jesus (pbuh) was born 4 B.C. and there was no record of him until
he turned 30 when he was baptised by John the Baptist (i.e., Yahya a.s.). His first miracle
was turning water to wine (as opposed to Allahs revelation in the Quran, that of
speaking up, while still a baby, in defence of his mother against slander and insinuation.
He met with opposition from the religious establishment and during his time, he made
very little headway in getting people to accept the message. Most Christians associated
him with miracles, e.g., raising of the dead,
How can Jesus (pbuh) be the Only
curing the lepers, restoring eyesight of blind
Son of God?
person, etc. More importantly, he had
prophesied the coming of the Comforter, i.e.,
Count on Phrase Son of Man
Muhammad (pbuh).
Old Testament: 121
New Testament: 89
He had a group of twelve disciples (hawari), one
of whom, Judas, later betrayed him to the
authorities. According to Christian beliefs, Jesus
(pbuh) was captured and crucified by the
Romans. Three days later, he was resurrected
and stayed with his followers for 40 days before
he ascended to heaven (which forms the basis
for Christians Easter festival).

Count on Phrase Son of God

Old Testament: 1
New Testament: 47
Count on Phrase Sons of God
Old Testament: 5
New Testament: 6

Jesus followers after his ascension were Jews known as Jesus Movement who attended
synagogue. The word Movement for Jews refers to Sect within Judaism.
However, history was soon to change the course of this when Paul (originally Saul, an
anti-Jesus Pharisee priest) claimed himself to be an Apostle for the Gentile (non-

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Jews)and started to corrupt Jesuss message. He started giving theological meaning to

Jesuss death, Jesus is God, He died for our Sins, and Salvation is only through belief
in Jesus, all of which were against the tenets of Jesus Movement.
Eventually Pauls doctrine (Christology) gain dominant in numbers, replacing the Jesus
Movement as the main body that represents Jesus teachings. As Pauls teaching run
counter to the monotheist beliefs of the Jews, they were no longer welcomed by the
Jews in the synagogue.
Over time Pauline Christianity grew converting many people in the Roman Empire to this
new faith. Along with it came the establishment of religious hierarchy, the churches,
priesthood, etc. It was an evolving religion and there were many beliefs within the
Christian world. One of the major theological conflict was between Arian (check out
webpage en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianism)and Athanasius as to the person Jesus (pbuh),
whether he was God or otherwise.
The First Council of Nicaea of 325 was convened to resolve the issue, chaired by
Constantine, the newly converted Emperor of the Roman Empire. While the vast majority
of the 318 Bishops agreed with Arian, by show of hands (that Jesus in not God),
Athanasius view held swayed with Constantine, which eventually see it being adopted
by the Council. The Council resolved that Jesus is God and Jesus is Son of God. They also
resolve for the scriptures to be compiled, after more than 300 years after Jesus.
Some other major events:
Council of Laodicea in 363 A.D. names 26 New Testament books (excludes
First Council of Constantinople in 381 A.D., on Trinity
Council of Ephesus in 431 A.D., Mary as Mother of God
Council of Chalcedon in 451 A.D., on the true nature of Christ
Christian Church Schism of 1054 A.D., i.e., split between Western Orthodox Church
(Catholic) and the Eastern Orthodox Church over the issue of Papacy (Pope Leo
IX and Patriarch Michael Cerularius exchange anathemas of excommunication).
Protestanism (to protest againsta as Catholitism) as early as 14th century
Reformation by Martin Luther in 1529
Most Christian scholars believe Paul as the founder of the Christian Church today,
supplanting the teaching and message of Jesus (pbuh). The paradox, not lost on the
Church themselves, is that Jesus (pbuh) was a Jew, not a Christian.
Sacrificing a
Sinless Person
to God


Work of Christ

Person of Christ

To Die for Sin


This chart shows the

derivation of Trinity
and trying to answer
the paradox of
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Only God is


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Christian Teachings
By Engku Fauzi
1. The Christians belief today is NOT the same as the one that was brought by Nabi Isa
a.s. (Jesus), which they claimed to have 2 billion adherence, i.e., 1/3 of the world
2. The word Christian came from the word Christ (in English) that was translated from
the word Messiah from the Hebrew language. The word Christ, Christian and
Christianity does not exist during Isa a.s. time. They were all invented 40 years after
Isa a.s. was raised to the heaven.
3. The book used by the Christian called the Bible is not the same as the Injil that was
revealed to Isa a.s. The word Bible originated from the Greek word biblos which
means a collection of books. The Bible is divided into 2 parts, the Old Testament (tales
recorded of prophets before Isa a.s.) and the New Testament (tales recorded after
the birth of Isa a.s.). The Bible used by the Catholic and Protestant consists of 73 and
66 books respectively.
4. Islam is the only religion apart from Christianity that acknowledges Nabi Isa a.s. As an
example, we believe him to be a prophet of Allah whose birth is a miracle (mukjizat),
he is Al Masih or Christ/Messiah and he also perform miracles in curing lepers,
blindness as well as raising up the dead, all with the Will of Allah. All these are
consistent with the Christian belief. So, if Muslim and Christian alike held Isa a.s in high
esteem, where then is the differences in belief between Islam and Christianity.
5. There are 5 differences between Islam and Christianity. The Christian believes in:
o Inherited sin
o Jesus is a son of God
o Divinity of Jesus
o Crucifixion of Jesus
o Concept of Trinity
The 5 doctrines are the fundamentals or tenets in the belief of the Christians (irrespective
of the Church). Should we be able to proof the fallacy of any one of these to them then
their faith will collapse. If we can master the 5 doctrines and the counter arguments, we
should be able to convince any Christians, even priests, that their faith had deviated
from the true teaching of Isa a.s.

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Fundamental Doctrine of Christianity

By Engku Fauzi
Most people are under the impression that Christianity was based on the teachings of Isa
a.s. 2 thousand years ago, but the truth is it only took the title of Jesus, Al Masih (Christ)
when in fact the doctrine was invented by a Jew by the name Saul (which was later
changed to Paul). Jesus (pbuh) is a prophet sent by Allah for the Jews who confirms
and reinstated/reiterated the earlier teachings found in Taurat (Torah). The book
revealed to Jesus is known as Injil (which means good news which differ from the current
Bible used by the Christian).
Even though Christianity teaches its adherence to love Isa a.s., also found in Islam, it
however is different from Islam. Islam focused on the concept of God and the
relationship between the Creator and His Creation whereas Christianity focused mainly
on the birth, mission and death (according to their believe) of Jesus.
Their doctrine can be simplified as follows:
Inherited Sin
Christians believed that sin (sometime referred to as the Original Sin) is inherited
by Mankind from Adam and Hawa (Eve) when they transgressed and ate the
forbidden fruit. In other words, all babies born inherit this sin.
Their belief is based on the following texts in the Bible:
RO 5:12, RO 3:23, 1COR 15:22
Al Quran, revealed 1400 years ago refuted these:
AQ 4:111-112, 17:15, 35:18, 39:7, 53:38
In the Bible itself, there are texts that are aligned with Al-Quran and refuted
inherited sin from generation to generation as follows:
EZE 18:20, DEU 24:16, 2 KI 14:6, JE 31:30, 1 COR 3:8, PRO 9:12, JOB 19:4, GAL 6:5,
MARK 2:17, 10-14, LUKE 13:3, JOHN 9:2-3 (REFUTE)
Son of God
Christian believe that Jesus is a son of God because he was born fatherless.
Their argument is based on the following in the Bible:
JOHN 3:16, MAT 3:17
This blasphemous lie is strongly objected in Al-Quran, as Allah has no associates
AQ 9:30, 112:3, 5:59, 19:88-92
If Jesus is glorified more than any other Prophets and Messengers, then it looks like
Isa a.s. is not alone in being referred to Son of God (among them Adam a.s.,
David, Solomon, and many other):
GEN 6:2, EXO 4:2, ROM 8:14, JER 31:9, GEN 6:4, MAL 2:10, LUKE 3:38, MAT 6:9, 2
COR 6:18

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Divinity of Jesus
The Christians believe that Isa a.s. is god incarnate and claimed that he is god.
Al-Quran repudiated the challenge on the Oneness (Tawhid) of Allah:
AQ: 5:72
Al-Quran informed us that Jesus is just a Muslim prophet who conveyed the
message of Allah:
AQ 3:52
Even in the Bible, Isa a.s. had on numerous occasion explained his position:
JOHN 14:24, 14:28, 10:29, 5:37, 5:30, MAT 12:28, 5:17-20, LUKE 11:20, MARK 13:32,
12:29, HOS 11:9
Crucifixion of Jesus
Christians believed that Isa a.s. was crucified for 3 days and 3 nights. Crucifixion is
important to their belief as his death is supposed to atone the sin of mankind.
This concept can be seen in the New Testament:
1 COR 15:14
Al-Quran exposed their lies as follows:
AQ 4:157-158
This doctrine is inconsistent even with the Bible:
MAT 12:38-40, LUKE 20:27-36, 1 COR 15:35&42, MARK 16:9, MAT 28:9, 1 COR 15:5-8,
JOHN 20:26-28, 21:1-24, 28:16-17, ACTS 1:2-9
Christians believe that god is one but manifested himself in 3 entities God the
Father, God the Son and the Holy Ghost (Ruhul Qudus)
1 JOHN 5:7
The word trinity does not exist in the Bible but is mentioned in Al-Quran: AQ 5:73,
The concept is clearly an innovation in Christianity when the Bible itself dismissed
DEU 6:4, PSA 86:10, ZEC 14:9, 1 COR 8:4, EPH 4:6, 1 TIM 2:5, MARK 12:29, ISA 41:4,
43:3, 43:11, 44:6, 45:16, 46:9
In conclusion, the message of Oneness of God (Tawhid) as taught by Isa a.s. is
very much different from the dogma of present day Christianity that has its roots
in Paul (Pauline Christianity).

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Doctrinal and Theological Comparison Between Islam and Christianity

By Engku Fauzi
Both Islam and Christianity subscribe to the convention of the deliverance of sin and its
penalties; also termed as salvation. However, they each go separate way in their path
for salvation. This is where the great divide begins that affected the centuries old
relationship between Islam and Christianity. And the prime factor that contributes to this
rift in the path towards salvation is the Christian Doctrine of Sin (Hamartiology).
Again although both Islam and Christianity acknowledge that sin is disobedience to God
that is as far as they could see eye to eye. Islam refutes the attributes of sin as advocated
in Christianity.
Christian Doctrine of Salvation & Theology
In Christianity, sin is inheritable from Adam the first transgressor. Hence we are all
born sinners. Further, the effect of sin according to Christianity is a severe
relationship with God leading to our separation from God. However, this
separation from God can only be restored if our sin is redeemed through a
sacrifice of a sinless person. Since all human are born sinners and only God is
sinless it follows that God had to incarnate as a sinless Godly person in the form of
Christ @ The Son of God to be sacrificed in our place. It is only upon the sacrifice
of such a sinless Godly person will God grant the forgiveness of our sin and reestablish His relationship with us. Hence, the Christian Doctrine of Salvation
(Soteriology) is founded upon their Doctrine of Sin. That accounts for the sin
centricity in their salvation plan.
Had the attributes, nature, effect and redemption of sin been otherwise then their
Doctrine of Salvation as well as their path towards salvation would also vary. And
Christ need not be a God incarnate @ The Son of God after all just so as to
accommodate the requisites of a vicarious atonement. In other words, the
Christian Doctrine of God or Theology is defined by their Doctrine of Salvation
Finally, according to the church salvation is by grace of God only and not by
deeds. Our deeds are futile for only the elected are saved. Further to be a
Christian the elected is not only required to having fat8in in the redemptive works
of Christ but also to believing that Christ was resurrected from the grave. Only
then will a Christian gain eternal life and never perish for such is the reward of
attaining salvation from God.
Salvation & Theology in Islam
Salvation in Islam is only from Allah the Merciful and Beneficent. He forgives us as
He forgives Adam and Eve. He does not burden us beyond our burden neither
with the burden of others. For that reason sin is not inheritable in Islam. Hence we
are all born sinless. Accordingly we are measured and judged by our own deeds.
A Muslim submits totally to Allah, do good deeds and follow the way of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). In case of wrongdoings a Muslim needs only to
sincerely repent from his transgression and seek forgiveness directly from Allah
with a pledge of an immediate end in his misdemeanor as Allah is All-Forgiving. A
sinning Muslim may incur the wrath of Allah yet His Love, Magnanimity and

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Mercifulness surpasses His wrath that He is ever willing to forgive those who
truthfully seek for His forgiveness. Hence sin in Islam does not result in a any
separation from Allah. Rather it provides an opportunity for the sinner to reach
Allah. As such a Muslim is an Allah conscious person who constantly seek for the
favor of Allah. That accounts for the Allah centricity in the Islamic call to Salvation.
The oneness of Allah is the dominant foundation of Islamic theology. Islam
professes the unity of Allah or Tawheed in contrast to the tri-unity of God in
Christianity. Allah Himself proclaimed in Surah Al-Ikhlas that he is one and only. He
begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none like Him. The All-Powerful and
Self-Sufficient Allah need only say, Be and it is done.
Allah promises a blissful life in Paradise as the reward for the righteous Muslim.
While those who do not earn the favour of Allah are thrown into the pits of Hell. It
is in this light that the Just, Merciful and Loving Allah sends His guidance to us in His
revelations to His Messengers and Prophets from Adam (pbuh) to Muhammad
(pbuh) so that every soul be rightly guided. Islam therefore is the best of fortune
from Allah and a mercy to all of His creation.

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Similarities and Differences with Islam

By Dr. Zakir Naik (www.irf.net)
(Note Shahar: The following is evaluation of similarities and differences of Christianity vis-vis values and tenets of Islam)
A) Meaning of Islam
Islam is dereived from the word salaam meaning peace
Submission to will of ALLAH, God Almighty
B) Meaning of Muslim
One who submit his will to ALLAH
Messengers in Islam
Part A
To every nation was sent a Guide or Messenger
Al-Quran 35:24, 13:7
25 Prophets mentioned by name in the Quran
Islam is the only non-Christian faith that believes in Jesus (pbuh)
Stories only of some Prophets mentioned in the Quran
Al-Quran 4:164, 40:78
More than 124,000 Messengers according to Hadith
Part B
Previous Messengers were only sent for their people and nation and their
complete message was mentioned only for a particular time period
Moses (pbuh) was sent only for the Jews
Jesus (pbuh) sent only for the Jews
Al-Quran 3:49, 10:5-6, 15:24
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the Last and Final Messenger for the whole
Al-Quran 33:40, 21:107, 34:28
Sahih Bukhari Vol 1, Book of Salaah, Chapter 56, Hadith number 429
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prophesized in the Bible
Al-Quran 7:157, 61:6
Old Testament - Deuteronomy 18:8, Isaiah 29:12, Song of Solomon 5:16
New Testament John 16:7, 16:12-14
Revelations of God
Part A
Several Revelations sent by Allah Al-Qur'
an 13:38.
By name only four are mentioned in the Quran.
Part B
The Quran is the Last and Final Revelation.
All previous Revelations before Qur'
an were only sent for a particular
group of people and for a particular time period
The Quran was Revealed for the Whole of Mankind
Al-Quran 14:1, 14:52, 2:185, 39:41

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Pillars of Islam
Part 1 Tawheed (Monotheism)
A) La ilaha ilallahu, Muhammad-ur-Rasoolullah
Sahih Bukhari Vol. 1 Hadith No. 7
B) Believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels and the Book and the
Al-Quran 2:177
C) Come to common terms Worship of one God
Al-Quran 3:64
D) Concept of God
Al-Quran 112:1-4
Old Testament: Deuteronomy 6:4
New Testament: Mark 12:29
E) Shirk Biggest Sin
Al-Quran 4:48, 4:116
Old Testament: Exodus 20:2-5, Deuteronomy 5:7-9
F) Jesus (pbuh) not God. He never claimed Divinity
Al-Quran 5:72
New Testament: John 14:28, John 10:29, Mathew 12:28, Luke 11:20, John
5:30, Acts 2:21
G) 99 Attributes of Almighty God
Al-Quran 17:110
H) Prefer using name Allah rather than the word God as the word God
can be played around with. Allah in the Bible Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani
New Testament: Mark 15:34, Mathew 27:46
Part 2 Salaah
A) Not merely Prayers but Programming
Al-Quran 5:90, 2:188
B) Prayers restrain you from shameful and unjust deeds
Al-Quran 29:45
C) Salaah timings for healthy soul five times a day
Al-Quran 17:78, 20:130
D) Take off shoes before entering mosque.
Commandment of Allah to Moses
Al-Quran 20:11-12
Old Testament: Exodus 3:5
New Testament: Acts 7:33
Can Pray with Shoes.
Sunan Abu Dawood Vol. 1, Book of Salaah, Chapter 240,
Hadith No. 652-653.
E) Ablution
an 5:6
Old Testament: Exodus 40:31-32
New Testament: Acts 21:26
Mental Preparation
F) Stand shoulder to shoulder, while praying
Sahih Bukhari Vol. 1, Book of Adhan Chapter 75 Hadith no. 692
Abu Dawood Vol. 1, Book of Salaah Chapter 245 Hadith No. 666.

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G) Sujud Prostration
To humble your mind, humble your body
Sujud mentioned 92 times in the Quran
Al-Quran 3:43, 22:77
Prostration in the Bible
Old Testament: Genesis 17:3; Numbers 20:6, Joshua 5:14;
Mathew 26:39
Part 3 Zakaah
A) Meaning: Purification and Growth
B) Description: 2.5% of saving every lunar year in charity
an 9:60
C) If every human being gives Zakaah, not a single person will die of hunger.
D) "Wealth does not circulate only amongst the wealthy and the rich"
Al-Quran 59:7
E) I Peter 4:8
Part 4 Saum (Fasting)
A) Description one lunar month i.e. during the month of Ramadaan every
lunar year, Muslims fast, i.e. abstain from food and drinks from sunrise till
B) Benefits: learn self restraint. If you can control your hunger you can control
almost all your desires. It enhances spiritual awareness.
Al-Quran 2:183
C) Medical Benefits:
Increases absorption capacity of intestines
Lowers cholestrol.
D) Discourages smoking, alcoholism and other addictions.
E) Bible prescribes Fasting
New Testament: Mathew 17:21, Mark 9:29
Part 5 Hajj
A) Description Pilgrimage atleast once in life time if you can afford it
B) Universal Brotherhood 2.5 million people from all over the world gather,
wear two pieces of unsewn cloth, preferably white. Cannot differentiate
between rich and poor.
Al-Quran 49:13
C) Significance of Kaaba Muslims dont worship it
Psalms 84:4-7
Islam the Complete Way of Life
These five pillars do not constitute complete Islam. Only if the pillars are strong, will
the structure be strong.
Part 1. Humans created to Worship Allah
A) Jinn and Man created for worship of Allah
Al-Quran 51:56
B) Meaning of Ibadaah root word Abd meaning slave.
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Part 2 - Obeying Commandments of ALLAH is submitting your will to ALLAH

A) Abstaining from alcohol
Al-Quran 5:90
Old Testament: Proverbs 20:1, Ephesians 5:18
B) Abstaining from prohibited food
Al-Quran 5:5, 2:173, 5:3, 6:145, 16:115
Dead meat
Old Testament: Leviticus 17:15, Deuteronomy 14:21
Old Testament: Genesis 9:4, Leviticus 17:14, Deuteronomy 12:16,
I Samuel 14:33
New Testement: Acts 15:29
Pork is prohibited
Old Testament: Leviticus 11:7-8, Deuteronomy 14:8, Isaiah 65:2-5
Food on which names beside Allah have been invoked
New Testament: Acts 15:29; Revelation 2:14
C) Being Honest
Being Honest in your Business
Helping Neighbours
Al-Quran 107:1-7
Abstaining from Backbiting
Al-Quran 104:1-3, 49:11-12
Obeying and Respecting Parents
Al-Quran 17:23, 24
Celibacy or Monasticism is prohibited in Islam
Sahih Bukhari: Vol. 7 Book of Nikah, Chapter No. 3, Hadith No. 4
Loving, being Kind and Just to your Wife
an 4:19
Abstaining from Adultery
Al-Quran 17:32
D) Dressing Modestly
an 24:30
New Testament Matthew 5:27-28
an 24:31
Six Criteria for Hijab in Islam
Old Testament: Deuteronomy 22:5,
New Testament: I Timothy 2:9, e.g. of Mary, I Corinthians 11:5-6
E) Circumcision
New Testament: Acts 7:8, John 7:22, Luke 2:21
In short, every Muslim should follow all the Commandments of Allah (SWT) and His
Messenger Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and abstain from the things they have
a) If Christian is a person who follows the teachings of Christ (pbuh) and not one
who worships Christ (pbuh). (We are more Christian than the Christians
b) Muslim is a person who submits his will to Allah.
Jesus (pbuh) said, "not my will but thy will be done.", i.e., Muslim.
New Testament: John 5:30
c) Al-Quran 5:82
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Christian Festivals
By Shahar
January 6 the date originally marked the birth of Jesus in the Eastern Church.
When the Eastern Church adopted the western date of Dec. 25, they kept Jan. 6
for the celebration of Jesus'baptism. The West celebrates the visit of the magi on
Jan 6.
In the West, a 40-day period of fasting or self-denial and penance, beginning on
Ash Wednesday. In the East, the period is longer, resulting from how a 40-day fast
period is calculated leading up to Easter. The East still has rigorous fasting rules,
restricting food to one meal each day during this period.
The primary and oldest Christian festival, celebrating the death and resurrection
of Jesus, held in the Spring. This was connected to the Jewish Passover. Many
churches reserve baptism until Easter celebrations. Good Friday commemorates
Jesus death, Easter Sunday commemorates Jesus resurrection and Ascension
commemorates Jesus ascension to heaven.
Also called Whit-sunday: (lit. fiftieth) a Sunday celebration 50 days after Easter,
commemorating the descent on the Holy Spirit on the disciples. It is understood as
the start of the world mission of the church.
[December 25] (lit. "Christ'
s mass") Celebration of the birth of Jesus. First
celebrated c. 336 under Constan-tine. The date was chosen to coincide with the
birthday of the "unconquered sun."

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Chinese Beliefs and Festivals

Sources: Various web sites
The vast majority of Chinese in Malaysia are non-Muslim and their beliefs are a mixture of
various beliefs, traditions and superstitions. Their beliefs are shaped by Buddhism, Taoism
and Confucianism (BTC).


Mahayana Texts Consists of 7 books

Lotus Sutra
Dialogue with Buddha


Tao Te Ching
Chiang Tzu


Confucian Analects
Doctrine of Mean
Great Learning

The origins of Buddhism are to be found in India, and entered China in the reign of
Emperor Han Ming Ti in about 65 AD, which is roughly about the time that the book of
Revelation in the Christian New Testament was written. Despite this early entry into China,
it did not gain any mass following until the around 290 AD. Its popularity came during a
time of social disorder and barbarian invasion. Buddhism'
s promise of personal salvation,
although very much against the norms of Chinese collectivism and emphasis on family
and society, attracted many during a time of great uncertainty.
Buddhism was established by Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha or '
enlightened one'
Siddhartha Gautama was a prince of the Sakya kingdom on the borders of what are
now India and Nepal and was a contemporary of Confucius. Although living in luxury,
Siddhartha Gautama was exposed one day to the sufferings of the masses. This greatly
affected the prince and he began a search to find relief for human suffering. This he
found when he received a moment of enlightenment while meditating under a Bo tree.
From this moment the prince became the Buddha - the enlightened one. The Buddha
taught that desires are the source of pain, and that by overcoming our desires we can
overcome pain. To achieve this he advocated meditation and pursuing the Eightfold
Path. The Eightfold Path is a set of rules similar to the Ten Commandments of Judaism and
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Christianity. The objective was to reach Nirvana - the condition of spiritual peace, where
all cravings, strife, and pain have been overcome and the spirit merges with eternal
Buddhism split into two major trends quite early on in its development: Greater Vehicle
(Mahayana) and Lesser Vehicle (Hinayana). Hinayana remained closer to the original
Buddhism and is the variation of Buddhism practised in the countries of South East Asia.
The Buddhism of China, Korea, Japan, Nepal, Tibet, and Vietnam, however, stems largely
from Mahayana Buddhism which incorporated some more traditional religious practices
such as the belief in repetitive prayers, heaven and deities (bodhisattvas) who would
help people gain salvation. It also readily adapted to the land and people it converted.
In China, it split into several schools, including Ch'
an (Zen in Japan), T'
ai (Tendai in
Japan), and Pure Land.
Originally Taoism was only one school of philosophy
amidst dozens. However, by 440 CE Taoism
(translated into English as the path or way) had
transformed into a religious belief and was adopted
as the state religion during the late East Han Dynasty.
The most famous early Taoist thinkers are Laozi
(Alternate spellings: Laotzu, Laotse, Lao Dan, Li Er)
and Zhuang Zi (a.k.a Chuang Tzu). They were
important figures in the development of philosophical
Taoism and seemed to have no intention of founding a new religion. Legend says Laotzu
had such profound wisdom that even Confucius visited him. He and Zhuang Zi
developed the idea of Tao, the essential life force that flows through all living beings.
They believed that nature was the source for all spiritual
living and that humans could only thrive if they lived in
harmony with the environment. There is little historical record
remaining on the life of Laotzu. He faded into the history
after he finished the famous book, Tao Te Jing (The Book of
the Way of Power or Classic of the Way and Its Power). This
5,000-character manuscript later became the Taoist bible.
Later, Chuang Tzu developed Taoism theory further and left
another Taoist canon named with his own name - Chuang
Tzu (The Book of Chuang Tzu). In later years Taoism was
overwhelmed by the emerging Buddhist faith. However,
during the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, Taoism
boomed due to the imperial support. In the middle Qing
Dynasty, Taoism lost imperial support and began to wane.
However, it still has many followers in the country
who practice acupuncture, herbal medicine,
meditation and Tai Chi.
Taoism is hard to understand, however, it tells many
truths and shows wisdom. At the center of Taoism is
the concept of Tao, which is the natural order of
things and cannot be explained since it exceeds
senses, thoughts and imagination. It needs more
meditation and contemplation and can be known
only through mystical intuition. Literally Tao means "the path" or "the way". Tao is the
natural way of the universe, the driving power in nature, the order behind all life and the
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driving force behind all living things. It underlies everything and works beyond human
logic. Taoists believe Tao is the origin of the universe and creates all living beings, thus
they worship all life in the universe and everything else created by nature, thereby
worship nature. Taoism encourages cooperating with nature and natural forces instead
of against them. The Taoist teaching Wuwei (Non-action) tries persuading people not to
try to control nature, to conform with it instead. Taoists realize that nature is constantly in
transformation and change and its order and harmony are
more stable.
Taoism also claimed people can be physically immortal. Taoists
engaged in alchemy long ago to produce Elixirs of Immortality.
There were two sects of alchemists. The Outer alchemists
believed in herbal medicine and pharmacology. The Inner
alchemists believed in alchemy inside their bodies with energy,
qi and spirit. As a result, Chinese medical science and Taoism
helped each other all the way.
Dialectic Taoism holds an opinion that the movement of Tao is
continuous interplay between opposites. Taoists consider Yin
and Yang are negative and positive principles of the universe.
One cannot exist without the other, and they often represent
opposites in relations to each other. Through the Taoist totem above, one can know how
important they are in Taoism. Yin usually means negative, female, dark, evil and earth
while Yang means positive, male, light, good and heaven. It is very similar with the Yin
and Yang theory in Wushu, Chinese Herbalism, etc.
Taoism mainly preaches Wuwei (Non-action). The
concept does not mean to do nothing as it literally
suggests. It means to follow the natural flow of nature
and let everything be what it naturally will be, not
trying against it to satisfy nature. The concept was
Taoist living attitude and utopian governing method
(to govern lightly, with least visibility and a serving
attitude, not to take actions involving the people).
Taoism also advocates Wuyu (Non-intention), which
requires people not to desire too much from life. Simplicity, compassion, moderation and
humility are also Taoist teachings.
As many religions in the world, Taoism has a strict
bureaucracy in Taoist pantheon. Taoist highest gods
are the trinity San Qing (Three Pure Gods). The three
gods are respectively respected as Yu Qing (Jade
Pure), Shang Qing (Upper Pure) and Tai Qing (Great
Pure). Among the three, Tai Qing (Great Pure) is said
to be the immortalized and divinized Laotzu and
superior to the other two. Under the trinity gods, there
are four Heavenly Emperors respected as Yu Huang (Jade Emperor) who governs other
deities, and the other three who help him. Next there are four numina guarding the east,
the west, the south and the north respectively. Among them, the northern numen is
entitled Zhenwu (Genuine Prowess), colloquially Zhenwudadi, and usually enjoys more
respects than other superior gods, since legend says he is the eighty-second
reincarnation of Tai Shang Lao Jun (another divinized title of Laotzu). There are also other
heavenly spirits, such as the famous Ba Xian (Eight Immortals) and San Guan (Three

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Officials). Although the complicated Taoist deity system is puzzling, one can figure it out
according to its rank system and Taoism beliefs.
Confucianism was founded by Confucius in the Spring
and Autumn period (770 B.C. - 476 B.C.), and further
developed by Mencius, thus called The Way of
Confucius and Mencius. In the Han dynasty,
Confucianism was adopted and other schools
suppressed by the Han rulers to consolidate their reign.
Then Confucianism flourished and became dominant in
the Chinese history and culture for almost 2 millenniums.
Later it even spread to Korea and Japan and has been
influential in the two cultures.
Confucius and his Confucianism had so great an impact on the Chinese civilization that
you can'
t imagine how Chinese culture and history will be otherwise. In the whole 2,000
years, Confucianism has influenced the Chinese attitude toward life, set the patterns of
living and standards of social value, established standards for training government
officials, and provided the background for Chinese political theories and
institutions.Confucius and his Confucianism had so great an impact on the Chinese
civilization that you can'
t imagine how Chinese culture and history will be otherwise. In
the whole 2,000 years, Confucianism has influenced the Chinese attitude toward life, set
the patterns of living and standards of social value, established standards for training
government officials, and provided the background for Chinese political theories and
Who is Confucius?
Confucius (551 B.C. - 479 B.C.), founder of Confucianism, was
born in today'
s Qufu, Shandong province. He was named
Kong Qiu and styled Zhongni and respected by Chinese as
Kong Fuzi or Kong Zi. He was an outstanding thinker and
educationist in the late Spring and Autumn period. He was
born poor, however he managed to get good education. It
was said that at the age of fifty Confucius finally ascended to
Prime Minister of State Lu. However, his political foes
conspired to force him to retire at
the age of fifty-five. Then he led his
disciples to trek around those
competing states to advocate his
teachings and to advise rulers how
to govern, however he was
frustrated. In his late years, he
engaged in education, with 3,000
disciples and 72 famous ones according to legend. He died in
Politically, he insisted strict social stratification to maintain
public order and contended moral cultivation and opposed
tyranny. Main ethic feature he advocated was benevolence,
called ren in Chinese. On the educational theory, he stressed
individual aptitude education and combination of learning

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and thinking, proposing " learning without thinking leads to bewilderment; thinking
without learning results in idleness."
Confucianism is a system of philosophy and humanism instead of a religion though it
features a few religious characteristics. Confucius and Mencius never intended to set up
a religion although they were enshrined in almost everywhere in the nation.
Confucius lived in a time of social and moral chaos, when common values were
generally rejected or simply disregarded. In the ethos of uncertainty and fear created by
warlords, Confucianism flourished and eventually transformed Chinese society with its
values and dominated it for centuries. Since Confucius saw a sharp difference between
the disunity and lack of harmony that existed in this chaotic society as opposed to the
harmony and orderliness of nature, his philosophy sought to consciously restore primary
set values and norms.
In the Qin dynasty (221B.C. - 206B.C.), Emperor Qin Shi Huang slaughtered Confucian
intellectuals and burnt Confucian canons, in order to unite chaotic thoughts to facilitate
ruling. It was soon over thrown. In the Han dynasty under the reign of Emperor Wu
(140B.C. - 87 B.C.), Confucianism was accepted as state ideology and orthodoxy since
Confucianism claimed regality was god-given, and other ideologies were banned to
maintain law, social stratification and social order with Confucian values. From then on,
The reason why Confucianism was dominant was it
conformed to needs of the ruling classing. It presented a
utopian world for both the ruling class and the common
people. Confucianism thinks that ruler be a father to his
people and look after their basic needs. It encouraged
officials to be loyal to their rulers and refuse to serve the
corrupt; advocated absolute authority of a king over his
subject, a husband over his wife, and a father over his
son; and stressed five constant virtues, namely
benevolence (ren), righteousness (yi), propriety (li), wisdom (zhi) and fidelity (xin) as basic
ethical code.
Confucianism was an androcentrism in which women has no dignity and human rights.
According to Confucianism, women had to obey absolutely their fathers when they were
not married, to obey their husbands absolutely after in the wedlock and to obey
absolutely their sons in their widowhood. Morality, proper speech, modest manner and
diligent work were basic virtues they ought have. In case women were barren, unfilial,
talkative, jealous, heavily sick, or in adultery and theft, they would be divorced no matter
what the reasons were.
Although Confucian is condemned for some of its views, it has branded Chinese and
their life.
Chinese Gods
eng-Huang : Chinese god of walls and ditches. Each village had their own Ch'
Chu Jung : Chinese god of fire executions. Emodies justice, revenge, death, and the
element of fire.
Erh-Lang : Chinese god who chased away evil spirits, the great restorer, the sustainer. He
is invoked for protection.

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Fu-Hsing : Chinese god of happiness. Symbolizes destiny, fate, love, happiness, and
Hou-chi : Chinese god of harvest and agriculture. Depicted as a kindly old man with
stalks growing from his scalp.
ien-Shang-Ti : Chinese god who removes demons and evil spirits.
I-ti : Chinese god of wine.
i-Hsing : Chinese god of safe travels, tests, literature, and students.
Kuan Ti : Chinese god of war.
Lao-Tien-Yeh : Chinese great god.
Lei-Kung : Chinese god of retribution and thunder. He makes thunder with his hammer,
chases away evil spirits, and punishes criminals whose crimes have gone undetected.
Lu-Hsing : Chinese god of salaries, wages, and employment. Symbolizes success,
prosperity, earned wealth, justice.
Lu-Pan : Chinese god of carpenters and masons. Symbolizes artistic talent and fame

Chinese Goddesses
Chang O : A moon goddess honored with a festival every
September. The divine archer, Yi'
s wife. She lives in a palace
made out of cinnamon wood.
Hsi Wang Mu : Goddess of immortality.
Kuan Yin : Goddess of compassion
Chuang-Mu : Chinese goddess of the bed and sexual delights.
Feng-Po-Po : Chinese goddess of the winds, she replaced
Feng-Po. She symbolizes the elements of air and water, storms,
precipitation and moisture.
Hu-Tu : Chinese earth goddess, similar to gaia, the deification
of the earth. Patroness of fertility, element is earth.
Lo-shen : Chinese goddess of rivers.

Kuan Yin

Meng-Po-Niang : Chinese goddess who stood just within the gates of hell. Her magic
potion was administered to each soul, so that they would forget their past lives.
Customs and Beliefs

Many superstitions abound in Chinese culture about brooms. The use of brooms
should only be for cleaning the house, shop etc. Traditional Chinese culture holds
that a broom is inhabited by a spirit, thus explaining why it should not be used for
games, playing etc. The broom should not be used for cleaning the household
gods or altar as this is disrespectful. These objects are cleaned with a cloth or a
special small brush. During the Spring Festival, Chinese custom prohibits the use of
the broom for three days from New Years Day, as it is thought that use of it will
sweep away the good luck the new year brings.
Beating a person with a broom will rain bad luck upon that person for years. The
curse can however be lifted by rubbing the part of the body hit several times. The
broom should never touch the head: this is very bad luck.

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In gambling, the spirit in the broom is sometimes invoked by threatening it until

luck in gambling ensues.
The broom is also sometimes used in temple rituals. Here, the persons whole body
is swept with the broom in front of the deities and the broom then beaten. This
functions to remove bad luck.
Numbers play a role second only to food in
Chinese custom and culture. It is believed that
numbers can determine a persons fate- for
example in the naming of a child.
Certain numbers are considered lucky, and others
unlucky. The luckiest number in Chinese culture is
eight, as the Chinese for eight sounds like the word
for lucky. Four, conversely is a very unlucky
number as in Chinese it sounds like the word for
death. Thus Chinese adhering to the customs try
to avoid the number four in, for example, car
number plates, house addresses etc. Seven can
also signify death, and '
Moustaches and beards
Despite a long history of beards and moustaches in Chinese heroes and Chinese
deities pictured with beards, wearing a moustache is considered bad luck by
Chinese custom, and can bring misfortune on the family and relatives of the
wearer. Being unshaven is associated with the working classes- who are thought
not to have time to shave- and thus lowers the status of the wearer.
Finger and toe nails
Chinese custom forbids the clipping of ones toe or finger nails at night as it is
believed that this may cause a visit from the dead or a ghost. Nail clippings are to
be carefully collected and disposed of in a place unknown to others as it is
believed that nail clippings can be used to cast a spell or curse upon the person
from whom the clippings have come.
The fluid from a dogs eye
Dogs are believed to have the ability to see supernatural beings such as ghosts
and phantoms, and howl when they see one. If a dog howls continuously, it is
believed that this presages an imminent death.
Following from this, it is believed that the fluid from a dogs eye can enable
humans to see the spirit world, for example ancestors souls. A medium will smear
the fluid on his/her eyes in order to see the supernatural world for the purposes of
exorcism etc. However it is believed that ordinary people who smear the fluid
from a dogs eye on their own eyes may die from the shock of seeing the afterlife.

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Other customs and superstitions include:
Dreaming of snow or teeth presages the death of a parent.
Hearing a crow cawing between 3 and 7am means the hearer will receive
gifts, whereas hearing a crow caw between 7 and 11am rain and wind will
follow, and between 11am and 1pm quarrels will ensue.
If a man'
s ears burn it can mean special things: if they burn between 11pm
and 1pm there will be harmony between him and his wife; if they burn
between 1 and 3 in the afternoon, a guest will soon arrive.
Yarrow and tortoiseshell are considered to be lucky.
Charms and talismans

With the explosion of popularity of Feng Shui in the West,
many western people are familiar with the mirror type of
pakua. Pakua in fact come in a variety of shapes and sizes,
depending on customs and beliefs. Pakua are used to ward
off ghosts, evil spirits and malign influences from a house. Their
use is, paradoxically, declining by Chinese people.
Chinese talismans have the same function as pakua- to ward off evil spirits, and
are often small pieces of paper or cloth with prayers or mantras written on them.
Buddhist talismans are small pieces of yellow cloth with sacred writings from
Buddhist scriptures and a picture of Buddha painted on it. Taoist talismans are
similarly of yellow cloth, but contain mantras from the I-Ching. Talismans are
traditionally written using the blood of a dog, chicken or human. Talismans can
be worn or hung on doors, and it is particularly common for children and
adolescents to wear talismans as it is believed that they have not grown
sufficiently yet to fight of malign influences themselves.
Jade, a recurrent theme in Chinese culture and
mythology, is also credited with the powers of
warding off evil and is often worn by children. If the
jade becomes darker, it is believed that wealth will
come the wearers way; conversely, if it pales,
misfortune will befall him/her.
Jade does not only function as a talisman. It
symbolises majesty, beauty, good manners and
goodness and is a favourite jewel among Chinese women, not only for the former
mentioned properties, but because it is believed that it can bring wealth and
good health to the wearer. Jade is sometimes worn before long journeys in the
belief that it can ward off accidents and misfortune. Wealthy Chinese families will

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often adorn their dead with jade as it is believed that jade can strengthen the
bonds between a family and its departed.

Chinese New Year

Celebrated on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Calendar, this is the most
important annual festival for the Chinese community. Each year is named after
one of the 12 animals according to the Chinese Zodiac.Houses are cleaned and
decorated to prepare for the big day.
Debts are settled, prayers and offerings are made. New clothes are bought and
plenty of food are prepared.
Family members from far come back for the gathering. New year cards are
exchanged between friends and relatives. A reunion dinner for the family is held
on the eve of the new year.Bad language and unpleasant topics are
There are lion dances and small fire works. Red paper showing Chinese
characters of prosperity and wealth are pasted either in front or inside the house.
Ang-Pow or red packet containing money is given out to children and elderly.
Open house is practised for visiting relatives and friends with various ethnic races.
The new year is lasted for fifteen days which the concentration is on the first three
days. The celebration ends with the Chap Goh Mei on the fifteenth day.
There are 2 versions as to the origin, but both involves the conquest of a
legendary beast Nian.
Version 1: The beast Nian (modern Chinese means "year") would come out from
the mountains and prey on people on the eve of a new year. People are
terrified. Then, an old man said that it feared loud noise and red colour. Hence,
before its arrival on the eve, people would put up red paper on their doors and
windows and when it comes, all would start to hit drums, pots, light fire crackers to
scare the beast away. Indeed the plan worked and from then on, Nian did not
appear anymore. Hence the beginning of red paper decorations, lighting of fire
crackers and lion dance.
Version 2: Nian had a very big mouth and would swallow a great many people
with just one bite. One day, an old man came and offered to subdue Nian. To
Nian he said, "I hear say that you are very capable, but can you swallow the
other beasts of prey on earth instead of people who are by no means of your
worthy opponents?" So, swallow it did many of the beasts of prey on earth that
also harassed people and their domestic animals from time to time. After that,
the old man disappeared riding the beast Nian. He turned out to be an
immortal. Now that Nian is gone and other beasts of prey are also scared into
forests, people began to enjoy their peaceful life. Before the old man left, he told
the people to put up red paper decorations on their windows and doors at each
s end to scare away Nian in case it sneaked back again.

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Chap Goh Mei

In Hokkien dialect, it means the 15th night of Chinese New year. It is celebrated
with prayers and offerings to mark the end of the Chinese New Year. Houses are
again brightly decorated with lights for the last day of the celebration. Legend
has seem young unmarried women throwing tangerines into the sea hoping to
find a good husband.
It probably began as a harvest festival where Chinese agrarian communities
celebrate and rejoice over their harvest.

Its origin goes back to the legend of Chang-E (

) and Hou Yi (
): the earth
once had ten suns circling it, each taking its turn to bring light and warmth to
earth. However, one day all ten suns appeared together. The heat was so
scorching and unbearable. A strong archer named Hou Yi came out and
succeeded in shooting down nine suns. He was later made the emperor but
after that he became a tyrant.
He wanted the elixir of life so that he can continue to rule forever. In order to
save the people from his tyranny, his wife Chang-E stole the elixir and comsumed
it herself. She then floated to the moon taking along her pet rabbit with her.
Hence started the legend of the lady in the moon with her Jade Rabbit.
Zhong Qiu Jie was given new meaning during the 14th century when Zhu Yuan
Zhang (
) plotted against the Yuan dynasty started by the Mongolians. The
rebels hid their messages in the mooncakes. Zhu eventually succeeded in
overthrowing the Mongolian rule and became the first emperor of the Ming
dynasty. Although Han rule was taken over by the Manchus in the 17th century
(Qing dynasty), Zhong Qiu Jie continues to be a commemoration of the
overthrow of the Mongolians by Han people.

Hungry Ghosts
Celebrated on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month by Buddhists and Taoists.
Bundle of joss sticks, paper hell money, and food placed on the street corner and
roadsides are burnt to appease the dead spirit from entering their home and
cause disturbance in their household. It is believed that the gate of the hell are
opened and all the hungry ghosts wander the earth in search of food and taking
revenge to those who has wronged them in life. Legend has it that two childhood
sweethearts forbidden were rejected marriage by their parents, committed
suicide by jumping from the Yu Lan Bridge. A single stalk of lotus bearing two
flowers under the bridge was found several days later.

It is said that Buddha had a disciple called Mu Lian. Mu Lian'

s mother was sinful in
her previous life, so she became one of the hungry ghosts. Under the guidance of
Buddha, Mu Lian prepared a variety of foods and delicacies for the monks from
all around on the 15th of the 7th lunar month and combined their merits to
release his mother from her torment. As a result of his actions, his mother was

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Celebrated around May by Buddhists which marks three momentous events in
s life - his birthday, enlightenment, and achievement of Nirvana. The
celebration begins at dawn when devotees gathering at the temples to
meditate on the Eight Precepts. Donations, giving food to the needy, offerings of
incense, joss sticks and prayers are carried out. The sutras are chanted in unison
by monks in saffron robes. The celebration is highlighted by a candle procession.
Moon Cake
Known also the mid-autumn festival which falls on the 15th day of the eighth
Chinese Lunar Calendar. This is a historical festival rather than a religious one. It
marks the successul rebellion against the Mongol ruler dated back in 14th century
China. Legend has indicated that the secret about a plot against the Mongolians
was hidden inside the mooncake and the mooncake was distributed widely.
Lanterns were used at night as signals from higher grounds and hilltop. Today, this
festival is celebrated with moon cakes and latern hanging on the house. The
lantern and the moon cakes have attracted many children and adults attention.
In certain area, lantern procession and competition are held.

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Hindu Scriptures
Source www.hindunet.org and others

Hindu religious literature, the most ancient writings in the world, is of two types: primary
scriptures (Sruti) and secondary scriptures (Smriti). The Sruti scriptures are of divine origin,
whose truths were directly revealed to ancient rishis (sages) in their deep meditations.
The Smriti scriptures are of human origin and were written to explain the Sruti writings and
make them understandable and meaningful to the general population. Sruti scriptures
include the four Vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sma and Atharva) and the Bhagavad Gt, and
constitute the highest religious authority in Hindu religion. Smriti scriptures include five
distinct groups of writings :

Itihsas (History or Epics)

Purnas (Mythology)
Dharma Shstras Law Codes
gamas & Tantras Sectarian Scriptures.
Darshanas Manuals of Philosophy
The Vedas
It is the ancient scriptures or revelation (Shruti) of the Hindu teachings. The word
Veda is derived from the word Vid which means knows, knowledge for
excellence or sacred wisdom.
There are four Vedas, each consisting of four parts (though some says there were
as many as 1131). Rigveda, Yajurveda and Samveda are considered as the most
ancient of the vedas, known as Trai Viddya or Triple Sciences.
The Vedas were compiled around the time of Krishna (c. 3500 B.C.).
The great compiler of the Veda and Puranas was Vyasa Krishna Dwaipayana.
He was said to be the twenty-eighth of the Vyasas or compilers of Vedic
The vedas are Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda.
Upanishad means the inner or mystic teaching. The term Upanishad is derived
from upa (near), ni (down) and s(h)ad (to sit), i.e., sitting down near. Groups of
pupils sit near the teacher to learn from him the secret doctrine. In the quietude
of the forest hermitages the Upanishad thinkers pondered on the problems of
deepest concerns and communicated their knowledge to fit pupils near them.
Samkara derives the word Upanishad as a substitute from the root sad, '
loosen.,' '
to reach' or '
to destroy' with Upa and ni as prefixes and kvip as
termination. If this determination is accepted, upanishad means brahmaknowledge by which ignorance is loosened or destroyed. The treatises that deal
with brahma-knowledge are called the Upanishads and so pass for the Vedanta.
The Upanishads more clearly set forth the prime Vedic doctrines like Selfrealization, yoga and meditation, karma and reincarnation, which were hidden

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or kept veiled under the symbols of the older mystery religion. The older
Upanishads are usually affixed to a particularly Veda, through a Brahmana or
Aranyaka. The more recent ones are not. The Upanishads became prevalent
some centuries before the time of Krishna and Buddha.
The main figure in the Upanishads, though not present in many of them, is the
sage Yajnavalkya. Most of the great teachings of later Hindu and Buddhist
philosophy derive from him. He taught the great doctrine of "neti-neti", the view
that truth can be found only through the negation of all thoughts about it. Other
important Upanishadic sages are Uddalaka Aruni, Shwetaketu, Shandilya,
Aitareya, Pippalada, Sanat Kumara. Many earlier Vedic teachers like Manu,
Brihaspati, Ayasya and Narada are also found in the Upanishads.
In the Upanishads the spiritual meanings of the Vedic texts are brought out and
emphasized in their own right.
There are over 200 Upanishads though according to Indian tradition there are
only 108. There are 10 main principals but some accord it to having 18 main
principals in the Upanishad.
Some of the Upanishads are Brhad-Aranyaka Upanishad, Chandogya Upanishad,
Isa Upanishad, Aitareya Upanishad, Taittiriya Upanishad, Katha Upanishad,
Prasna Upanishad, Kena Upanishad, Mundaka Upanishad, Mandukya Upanishad,
Kausitaki-Brahmana Upanishad, Maitri Upanishad, Subala Upanishad, Jabala
Upanishad, Paingala Upanishad, Kaivalya Upanishad, Svetasvatara Upanishad,
Vajrasucika Upanishad.
The Bhagavad Gita
The Bhagavad Gita more commonly known as the Gita, is part of the Itihaas
scriputre Mahabharata. It is an extremely popular scripture. There are 118
chapters of Gita.
If the Upanishads can be compared to the cow, the Gita is their milk. It is in the
form of a dialogue between Lord Sri Krishna and the mighty Pandava warrior
The battlefield of Kurukshetra is its place of origin. Its central message is that one
should discharge one'
s duty however hard and unpleasant it be - bravely and
with selfless dedication.
The Puranas
The Puranas are the richest collection of mythology in the world. Most of them
attained their final form around 500 A.D. but they were passed on as an oral
tradition since the time of Krishna (c. 1500 B.C.).
There are eighteen major Puranas and a few minor ones. Each is a long book
consisting of various stories of the Gods and Goddesses, hymns, an outline of
ancient history, cosmology, rules of life, rituals, instructions on spiritual knowledge.
Hence the Puranas are like encyclopedias of religion and culture and contain
material of different levels and degrees of difficulty.

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The most important Puranas are the VISHNU PURANA, SHIVA PURANA and
MARKENDEYA PURANA (to the Goddess). The BHAGAVATA PURANA is important
to the worshippers of Krishna. Other Puranas are the Vayu, Agni, Skanda, Kalki,
The Puranas are perhaps the most important or commonly used scriptural texts of
the Hindus. They were guide books for the whole of life and society.
Some of the Puranas are Brahma Purana, Padma Purana, Vishnu Purana, Shiva
Purana, Bhagwata Purana, Narayana Purana, Markandeya Purana, Agni Purana,
Bhavishya Purana, Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Linga Purana, Varaha Purana,
Skanda Purana, Vamana Purana, Kurma Purana, Matsya Purana, Garuda
Purana, Brahmanda Purana.
Ramayana is the story of Shree Rama avatar of Lord Vishnu, his consort Sita
brother Lakshman and devotee Hanuman and their fight against the evil of
According to Ramanuja, a famour Ramayana scholar, there are over 300 types
of Ramayana, e.g., Tulsidas Ramayana, Kumb Ramayana, etc.
Unlike Mahabrata, Ramayana is the work of reknown scholar, Valmiki, who may
have modified it in 3 BC.
Shree Krishna, an avatar of Lord Vishnu oversees the battle of good vs. evil in this
extraordinary scripture. It revolves around the 18 days war between the Kaurava,
which consisted of 100 sons of Dhritarashtra and Pandavas, which consisted 5
sons of Pandu.
The Kurukshetra war involved almost all of the kings in India. The result of the war
was the devastation of Kauravas dan their supporters. The head of Pandavas,
Yudhishthira was crowned Raja Hastinapura.
His victory symbololize victory of good over evil.

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Concept of God in Hinduism

Compiled by Shah Kirit
Hinduism is commonly perceived as a polytheistic religion. Indeed, most Hindus would
attest to this, by professing belief in multiple Gods. While some Hindus believe in the
existence of three gods, some believe in thousands of gods, and some others in thirty
three crore i.e. 330 million Gods. However, learned Hindus, who are well versed in their
scriptures, insist that a Hindu should believe in and worship only one God.
The major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim perception of God is the
common Hindus belief in the philosophy of Pantheism. Pantheism considers everything,
living and non-living, to be Divine and Sacred. The common Hindu, therefore, considers
everything as God. He considers the trees as God, the sun as God, the moon as God, the
monkey as God, the snake as God and even human beings as manifestations of God!
Islam, on the contrary, exhorts man to consider himself and his surroundings as examples
of Divine Creation rather than as divinity itself. Muslims therefore believe that everything is
Gods i.e. the word God with an apostrophe s. In other words the Muslims believe that
everything belongs to God. The trees belong to God, the sun belongs to God, the moon
belongs to God, the monkey belongs to God, the snake belongs to God, the human
beings belong to God and everything in this universe belongs to God.
Thus the major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim beliefs is the difference of
the apostrophe s. The Hindu says everything is God. The Muslim says everything is Gods.
Thus the major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim beliefs is the difference of
the apostrophe s. The Hindu says everything is G-o-d. The Muslim says everything is G-od-s. If the Muslims and the Hindus can work out on the difference of apostrophe s, then
the Muslims and the Hindus can become closer, InshaAllah.
To gain a better understanding on the concept of God in Hinduism, let us analyse the
Hindu scriptures.
The most popular amongst all the Hindu scriptures is the Bhagavad Gita. Consider the
following verse from the Gita;
Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires surrender unto demigods
and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own
natures. [Bhagavad Gita 7:20]
Ekam evadvitiyam
He is One only without a second [Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]1
Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah.
Of Him there are neither parents nor lord. [Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:9]2
Na tasya pratima asti
There is no likeness of Him [Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19]3
Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam.
His form is not to be seen, no one sees Him with the eye.
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]4
Na tasya pratima asti
There is no image of Him [Yajurveda 32:3]5
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Shudhama poapvidham
He is bodiless and pure [Yajurveda 40:8]6
Andhatama pravishanti ye asambhuti mupaste
They enter darkness, those who worship the natural elements (Air, water, fire, etc.)
They sink deeper in darkness, those who worship sambhuti (created things; table, chair,
idol etc.). [Yajurveda 40:9]7
Sages (learned priests) call one God by many names. [Rigveda 1:164:46]
Among the various attributes of God in [Rigveda 2:1:3];
Brahma, which means The Creator or Khaliq in Arabic.
Vishnu, which means The Sustainer or Rabb in Arabic.
Muslims can have no objections if Almighty God is referred to as Khaliq - The Creator Brahma or Rabb - The Sustainer - Vishnu.
However if it is said that Brahma is Almighty God who has four heads or Vishnu who has
four arms, the Muslims take strong exception to it. Muslims can never accept any image
of God.
As mentioned earlier, this also goes against
[Yajurveda 32:3];
Na tasya pratima asti
There is no image of Him.

[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19] and

Ma cid anyad vi sansata sakhayo ma rishanyata

O friends, do not worship anybody but Him, the Divine One. Praise Him alone. [Rigveda
Brahma Sutra of Hinduism:
Ekam Brahm, dvitiya naste neh na naste Kinchan
There is only one God, not the second;
Not at all, not at all, not in the least bit.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. [The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 447 and 448]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 1 The Upanihads part 1 page 93]
2. [The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 745]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15 The Upanihads part II page 263]
3. [The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 736 and 737]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15 The Upanihads part II page 253]
4. [The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 737]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15 The Upanihads part II page 253]
5. [Yajurveda by Devi Chand M.A. page 377]
6. [Yajurveda Samhita by Ralph T.H. Griffith 538]
7. [Yajurveda Samhita by Ralph T.H. Griffith 538]

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8. [Rigveda Samhita vol. 9 pages 2810 and 2811 by Swami Satya Prakash Sarasvati and
Satyakam Vidyalankar]
The Hindu Religion Exposed
(Note: The following are excerpts from various web sites.)
Brahmins always criticize, condemn and mock at other religions Their criticism and
mocking is unreasonable and unacceptable.
In his autobiography, Dr Charles, an American scholar says that it is very simple to define
a Hindu. He says a Hindu means "one who believes in anything and everything if said in
the name of god and shall never question its authenticity".
The Brahmins claim that Lord Rama is incarnated (came in human form) to study and
understand the difficulties of mankind. Is it really necessary for a god to incarnate
Can he not understand the creation? Why should God become a donkey or a
cockroach in order to understand the sufferings of these creatures?
Lord Rama
Lord Rama is the central character to the Epic RAMAYAN (whose author was
Valmiki) Rama is the son of Dasharath, the king of Banaras. Dasharath had three
wives, kaushalya, kaikeyi and Smitra besides several hundreds concubines.
According to the Ramayana, Rama spent most of his life trying to save his wife,
Sita from the clutches of Ravan At the same time Rama was enjoying life to the
full at every opportunity.
How Rama was Fooled by Sukrievan
When god Rama was exiled to the forest together with his wife, sukrievan
appeared as deer and fooled god Rama. Although Rama was a "god", he was
not able to see through Sukreivan'
s disguise!
12 Years for Rama, but One day to Ravan
To retrieve his wife from Devil Ravan, god Rama sought the help of Hanuman, a
monkey god. Hanuman agreed to help Rama bring his wife back on condition
that god Rama in turn help him (Hanuman) to kill his twin brother prior to
undertaking the mission.
I took more than twelve years for Hanuman to build a bridge and accomplish the
task while Ravan just took Sita and flew to Sri lanka in just one day'
s time Where is
the bridge that Rama built?? Who is more powerful - God Rama or Devil Ravan ?
Would a god seek the help of another god to murder a third god?
1. If Hanuman could fly carrying big mountains, he should have in the first
instance carried and flown god Rama to Sri Lanka, which would have
resulted in early rescue of Sita.
2. Who knows what Ravan might have done to Sita during this period of
twelve years? Definitely a devil would have done only "devilish" things!

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3. Before helping god Rama, Hanuman made Rama shoot his own twin
brother in the back and only then did Hanuman help god Rama How can
a "god" indulge in such a criminal act for personal gain?
Beef Eating Rama
When God Rama was told to go to forest, he mournfully revealed to is mother: "if
has been ordained that I have to lose the kingdom, forego the princely comforts
and the tasty, MEAT DISHES. (Ayodha Kandam, 20, 26, 94th Chapters).
s Many Wives
Mr. C.R. Sreenivasa lyengar'
s translation of Valmiki Ramayana says: " Though
Rama had married Sita to be the queen, he married many other wives for sexual
pleasure in accordance with the royal customs. (Ayodha Kandam 8th Chapter,
page 28). (The term "Rama'
s wives" as been used in many places in Ramayan).
Ramas Disrespect for his Father
Rama called his father " A FOOL, AN IDIOT" (Ayodhya Kandam, 53rd Chapter).
s Contempt for Women and Low Caste
Rama disfigured and mutilated many women by cutting off her noses, breasts,
ears etc., and tortured them (Soorpanaki, Ayomuki).
Rama said, "Women should not be trusted" and that "Secrets should not be
confided to the wife" (Ayodhya kandam, Chapter 100).
Sambuka was slain (by Rama) because he was making penance which was
forbidden to him by Vedas as he was a "Shudra" (Uttara kanadam, Chapter 76).
Looking at is hand Rama said the Sanskirt slogan "O right hand, you kill this Asche
Shudra unhesitatingly as killing this Shudra is the only way to get back the life of
the deceased Brahmin boy."

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Ramas Death
Rama , like an ordinary man, fell down into the river and was DROWNED. (Uttara
Kandam, Chapter 106). How can a "god die? Who will then look after the affairs
of the world?
What Leaders say about Lord Rama

"My Rama (god Rama) is not the Rama of Ramayana". Mahatma Gandhi
"The Ramayana and Mahabaratha are nothing but another Arabian
Nights Story" Jawaharlal Nehru
"Rama is not a god; but he is a hero" Rajagopalachari, First GovernorGeneral of India and a great Brahmin leader.
"Ramayan is not a divine story; it is only a literature" (Kaliyuga Kamban, T.K.
Chidambaranatha Mudaliar). Babri Masjid was demolished by Rama
Bhatkas claiming that it was his birth place.

Lord Krishna/Krsna
Lord Krishna was very fond of looking at naked young girls. Once upon a time
Krishna, in order to get a full view of some bathing virgin girls, went to the extent
of hiding their clothes on the tree top just to get a panoramic view. Does he have
divine immunity from looking at naked women?
The Gita, a Holy book of the Hindus, quotes that when these bathing low caste
girls begged for the return of their clothes, Lord Krishna demanded that they
come out of the water with their hands raised instead of covering their bodies.
Oh my innocent Hindu brethren! Can this action be attributed to god? Is this God
capable of indulging in such ungodly acts? Will Hindu mothers tolerate their son
imitating god Krishna??
The Riddle of Krishna and Rama
The "Times of India" reported on 12-11-87 that the Education Department,
Government of Maharashtra, had published a book called "The Riddles of
Hinduism" by Dr. Ambedkar.
The report said that various statements contained in the book aroused the ire of
some Brahmins, particularly the author'
s observation on Rama & Dasharth'
s many
wives and also Krishna'
s moral character. (The Riddles of Rama and Krishna is
available from Dalit Saithya Academy, Bangalore-3).

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God Shiva, Lord Ganesh & Goddess Parvathi

According to Hinduism, god Shiva'
s head is the
source of the river Ganges and his head is also
the place where the moon is located (if this was
really a fact then why should America send
astronaut Neil Armstrong 240,000 miles away to
the moon) .
According to Puranas, goddess Parvathi, wife of
God Shiva, sought Shivas'
s permission to have a
baby When Shiva refused, Paravathi took dirt
from her body and created Lord Ganesh. (The
late E.V.R. Preiyar used to call this god a "bundle
fo dirt").
Later God Shiva mistakenly chopped off his own
s head. How could a god make such a foolish mistake? Would such a god
solve your problems or make them more complicated?
To rectify his error God Shiva severed the head of baby elephant and
transplanted in onto his son who then become known as the Elephant headed
god. His statues are usually found near river-sides where he is said to be looking
for a bride resembling his mother! (There is a different version to this story which,
for decency'
s sake, cannot be printed here).
Kali Goddess of Violence
A recent report by the press trust of India stated that during the past three years
more than 2,500 young boys and girls were sacrificed to goddess kali in India An
s recent reports say: Hundreds of young boys and virgin girls are sacrificed
every month for the deity Kali. In one case Rama Sewak hacked his eight year old
son to death in broad daylight in Delhi becuase Godess Kali had told him he
woudl come back to life and bring him good fortune. Bloot-thirsy kali is
worshipped opnely in te length and breadth of India.
s statue stands naked aside the inanimate body of the Hindu deity Siva,
tongue stuck out with blood dripping from fang-like teeth. She holds a noose, a
skull-topped staff, a blood-encrusted sword and a severed head. She is also
known as Durga, Devi, Shaktima, Uma and Parvathi in manifestations.
Pornography in Ramayana
Ramanaya also recounts the story of king Dasaratha who, in order to have a
baby son, made a big sacrifice (yagam) of sheep, cattle, horses, birds and
snakes. He then delivered his three wives Kaushaliya, Sumatirai and Kaikeyi to
three priests. These holy men, having fully satisfied their carnal desire, returned the
ladies to the king. By this means, the king was able to have three sons-Ram,
Lakshman and Bharat (Bala Kandam, Chapter 14. For more details on yagam,
refer to the book "Gnana Surian", published by the kudi Arasu Press.)
Does it mean Rama was born to a Brahmin?

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The Ramayana tells us much about the unlawful relationship of incest but we do
not feel it appropriate or decent for ut to go in details (Please refer to Aranya
Kandam, chapter 45 verses 122, 123, 124, & 125).
The following Aryan practices will reveal how immorality and indecency are
sanctified in the name of Hinduism.
Lingam and Youni
Lingam and Yoni in Sanskrit means the
male and female sexual organs
respectively. Hindus are allowed to
worship anything - including sexual
organs. It is not unknown for them to
name their children as Shiva Lingam
(God Shiva'
s sexual organ) or Rama
Lingam (God Rama'
s sexual organ), (in
some places in Karnataka, the gods
demand both male and females to pray
naked together).

Devadasi (Religious Prostistution)

The Devadasi system was set up, according to a Times of India report (10-11-87),
as a result of conspiracy between the feudal class and the priests (Brahmins). The
latter, with their ideological and religious hold over the peasants and craftsmen,
devised a means that gave prostitution their religious sanction. Poor low-caste
Hindu girls, initially sold at private auctions, were later "dedicated" to the temples.
They were then initiated in to prostitution Even to this day this religious prostitution
blessed by Hindu religion is still alive in Karnataka and Maharashtra.
The Kamasutra
Brahmins has also created Kamasutra - a set of instructions on how to have sexual
intercourse. Some of the postures detailed in Kamasutra are so complex that they
can only be performed with the help of one or more ASSISTANTS!
Some Hindu temples have stone carvings of Kamasutra sexual poses and Hindus
worship them.
The Devadasi System Thrives
UNI. - TIMES OF INDIA - 10th Nov 1987: confirms that the practice of dedication
young Harijan (Hindu) girls (Mahars, Mangs, Dowris and Chambhar) at childhood
to a goddess, and their initiation into prostitution when they attain puberty
continues to thrive in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and other parts of South India.
This is largely due to social backwardness, poverty and illiteracy, according to a
study by two doctors of the India Health Organization.
The report clearly indicates that the Devadasi system was the result of a
conspiracy between the feudal class and the priests (Brahmins) who with their
ideological and religious hold over the peasants and craftsmen, devised a
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practice which acquired religious sanctions. They noted in their study on "Devadasis" - "the link between religious culture and child prostitution".
The study revealed that girls from poor Hindu families were sold after puberty at
private auctions to a master who initially paid a sum of money to the families
ranging from 500 to Rs. 5,000.
The study, made during health camps organized by the World Health
Organization (WHO) in the Devadasi populated areas, revealed that the
dedicated girls formed 15 percent of the total women involved in prostitution in
the country, and as much as 70 percent of the prostitutes in the border districts of
Karnataka and Maharashtra.
Lord Rama says do not trust Women
Lord Rama is in harmonious agreement with Manusmrti 7:145-153. While lecturing
his brother Bharata on how to govern the kingdom, Lord Rama says women are
not trustworthy creatures:
"[Rama:] '
Do you keep your womenfolk pacified? Are they duly protected by
you? I hope you do not repose excessive faith in them and do not confide your
secrets to them.'" -- Ramayana 2:100.
Hinduism and Caste
Caste (varna):
Brahmin = Priest Caste;
Ksatriya = Rajanya/Ruler/Warrior Caste;
Vaisya = Commoner Caste;
Sudra = Servant/Slave Caste; and
Avarna = Outcaste/Untouchable/Dalit/Candala/Dog-eater.
There are also many subsets in each caste. Dvija = twice-born (twice-born =
upper 3 castes or sometimes just Brahmin caste particularly). Some Hindus have a
delusion that caste is not promoted by any of their holy books. Is that really so?
s find out:
"By his very birth a Brahmin is a deity even for the gods and the only
authority for people in this world, for the Veda is the foundation in this
matter." -- Manusmrti 11:85.
"People here whose behaviour is pleasant can expect to enter a pleasant
womb, like that of a woman of the Brahmin, the Ksatriya, or the Vaisya
caste. But people of foul behaviour can expect to enter the foul womb,
like that of a dog, a pig, or an outcaste woman." -- Chandogya Upanisad
"If a man of one birth (Sudra) hurls cruel words at one of the twice-born,
his tongue should be cut out, for he was born from the rear-end. If he
mentions their name or caste maliciously, a red-hot iron nail tenfingerslong should be thrust into his mouth. If he is so proud as to instruct
priests about their duty, the king should have hot oil poured into his mouth
and ears." -- Manusmrti 8:270-272.
"If a man of inferior caste tries to sit down on the same seat as a man of
superior caste, he should be branded on the hip and banished, or have
his buttocks cut off." -- Manusmrti 8:281.

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"If in the process of negotiating betrothal there are first ten suitors of the
non-Brahmana varna for a woman (the marriageable girl), all of them lose
their claims of marriage and, only the Brahmin, the learned one, if he
grasps her hand would be her husband and only he. Not even the man of
Ksatriya varna and not even the man of Vaisya varna but only the
Brahmin is the husband of the bride in such cases of claimants of
betrothal, and the sun, as it appears, revealing this fact to the people of
five classes (4 varnas and the fifth avarna) rises up." -- Atharva Veda
"If someone born in a Ksatriya, Vaisya, or Sudra womb should be unable to
pay his fine, he may absolve himself of the debt by labour; a Brahmin
should pay little by little. The king should have women, children, madmen,
and the old, the poor, and the ill chastised with a whip, a bamboo cane,
a rope, and so forth." -- Manusmrti 9:229-230.
"The Sudra'
s duty and supreme good is nothing but obedience to famous
Brahmin householders who know the Veda. If he is unpolluted, obedient
to his superiors, gentle in his speech, without a sense of '
, and always
dependent on the Brahmins and the other (twice-born castes), he attains
a superior birth (in the next life)." -- Manusmrti 9:334-335.
"A Brahmin is a great deity whether or not he is learned, just as fire is a
great deity whether or not it is brought to the altar. The purifying fire with
its brilliant energy is not defiled even in cremation grounds, and when
oblations of butter are placed in it at sacrifices it grows even greater. Thus
Brahmins should be revered in every way, even if they engage in all kinds
of undesirable actions, for this is the supreme deity. If the Ksatriyas
become overbearing towards the Brahmins in any way, the Brahmins
themselves should subdue them, for the Ksatriyas were born from the
Brahmins." -- Manusmrti 9:317-320.
"His (Purusa'
s) mouth became the Brahmin; his arms were made into the
Ksatriya, his thighs the Vaisya, and from his feet the Sudra was born." -- Rig
Veda 10:90:12.
In comparison, Sudras are as low as feet & Outcastes (avarna) are even
below that status of course.

Women in Hinduism
"Men must make their women dependent day and night, and keep under their
own control those who are attached to sensory objects. Her father guards her in
childhood, her husband guards her in youth, and her sons guard her in old age. A
woman is not fit for independence." -- Manusmrti 9:2-4.
"Women are powerless, have no inheritance, and speak more humbly than even
a bad man." -- Krsna Yajur Veda Taittiriya Samhita 6:5:8:2.
"Lord Indra himself has said, '
The mind of woman cannot be disciplined; she has
very little intelligence.'" -- Rig Veda 8:33:17.
"A thirty-year-old man should marry a twelve-year-old girl who charms his heart,
and a man of twenty-four an eight-year-old girl; and if duty is threatened, (he
should marry) in haste." -- Manusmrti 9:94.
"A discarded wife is one who has no son. For a wife that is without a son, is
possessed with Nirriti (destruction, calamity)." -- Satapatha Brahmana 5:3:1:13.

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"A damsel whose menses begin to appear (while she is living) at her father'
house, before she has been betrothed to a man, has to be considered as a
degraded woman: by taking her (without the consent of her kinsmen) a man
commits no wrong." -- Visnusmrti 24:41.
Hinduism & Polygamy/Polygyny
Although there is nothing explicitly wrong with polygyny, some Hindus have a
delusion that Hinduism exclusively teaches monogamy. Let'
s find out in the
following scriptural quotes:
Hinduism knows the duties of a maharaja. However, some Hindus would say that
the harem-concubines are not necessarily the king'
s wives so this is not really
polygyny & it is only allowed for the raja (king). To further clarify this issue:
"Now a Brahmin may take four wives in the direct order of the (four) castes." -Visnusmrti 24:1. "One thing mixed with another should not be sold, nor anything
that is spoiled, deficient, far away, or concealed. If one girl is shown but another is
given to the bridegroom, he may marry both of them for the single bride-price;
that is what Manu says." -- Manusmrti 8:203-4. Manu'
s decrees are regarded as
inspired by God.
Also, Lord Krsna had 16,000 wives, Lord Visnu & Brahma also had multiple consorts
and Ksatriyas are recorded in the itihasas (Mahabharata/Ramayana/etc.) as
having as many as thousands of wives & thousands of progeny. However, the
immoral news is that Hinduism also sanctions polyandry, not only conventional
polygamy. In the epic, the Mahabharata (of which one book is the BhagavadGita), which is a true istory of Hindustan (Bharat/India) according to traditional
Hindus, the five renowned Pandava brothers were told by their mom Kunti to
divide the prize they won equally among all brothers. Good advice.....but the
prize they won turned out to be their wife, Draupadi -- five brothers sharing one
wife. Pathetic.
Hinduism vs Idolatry
Which religion states that idolators will "fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow,
and suffer terribly for a long time" ? Islam? Sikhism? Judaism? Christianity? GUESS
AGAIN....... Yeah, Hinduism - once again the holy Vedas speak:
"They are enveloped in darkness, in other words, are steeped in ignorance and
sunk in the greatest depths of misery who worship the uncreated, eternal prakrti -the material cause of the world -- in place of the All-pervading God, BUT THOSE
bodies (human and the like) in place of God are enveloped in still greater
darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain
and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time." -- Yajur Veda 40:9.
This is merely further confirmed in yet another verse:
"The Formless Supreme Spirit that pervades the universe can have NO MATERIAL
According to Hinduism'
s sacred & eternal Vedas, idolators (i.e. "but those who
worship visible things born of the prakrti") are condemned as perhaps the most

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wicked entities in Hinduism. "No material representation", i.e. no idols for Hindus
lest they rot in "hell"!!
Yet approximately 90% of practicing Hindus commit idolatry & defend it as an
authorized & integral practice for Hinduism. In fact, Hindu priests world-wide
provide prayers, offerings & even bathe miniature idols in milk regularly; pious
idols of Krsna, Ram/Sita, Linga (Phallus), Siva, Elephants (Ganesa), Monkeys
(Hanuman), Cows (Nandi/etc.), Brahma, Yoni (Vagina), Nude Kali (Naked
Dravidian-looking Goddess with a protruding blood-thirsty tongue), Snakes(Nag),
Hogs (Varaha - Boar Avatar), Turtles (Kurma - Turtle Avatar), Fish (Matsya - Fish
Avatar), Goats (Agni - Sacrificial Goat w/Flames -- the Fire-God), Fire-God (Agni),
Sun-God (Surya/etc.), Moon-God (Candresvara), etc. Some remote sects & tribes
of Hinduism even worship crocodiles, camels, donkeys, dogs, rats, toys, frogs,
insects and other absurdities.
Hinduism says Bestiality is Not That Bad a Crime
Hinduism states that sex with animals is not nearly as bad as sex with a (human)
outcaste; for sex with a cow or some other animal, it'
s pardonable, but for sex
with a (human) outcaste, a twice-born Hindu should be executed:
"An adulterer shall be made to pay the highest amercement if he has had
connection with a woman of his own caste; for adultery with women of a lower
caste, the second amercement; the same (fine is ordained) for a bestial crime
committed with a cow. He who has had connection with a woman of one of the
lowest castes, shall be put to death. For a bestial crime committed withcattle
(other than cows) he shall be fined a hundred Karshapanas." -- Visnusmrti 5:40-44.
Just as incest is not an infrequent theme in Hindu scripture, sex withanimals is also
not an uncommon motif in Hinduism. Indeed, great rishis (sages) have been born
through bestiality (ref. Manusmrti 10:69-72.). The rishi Rsyasrnga had a deer for a
mom. Furthermore, Pandu (the dad of the five famous Pandava princes) had
accidentally killed a rishi who was in animal form having sex with a deer (ref.
Mahabharata Adiparvan 95.). Hindu queens and other Aryan women of diverse
provinces in ancient Hindustan used to have sex with dead horses during the
Asvamedha sacrifice, and Lord Rama'
s mom Kausalya spent an entire night
having sex with a carcass of a sacrificial horse in Valmiki Ramayana (ref.
Ramayana 1:13:24-33.). Bestiality depictions have also been found at the
Khajuraho temple-complex in Hindustan.
Lord Siva & Lord Visnu
Mohini ['
The Enchantress'
] is a famous apsaras (celestial nymph) of Lord Indra'
harem. Although usually the apsarases are real and usually created by the gods
for the purpose of distracting enemies or ascetics, Lord Visnu himself sometimes
takes a form to look like the nymph Mohini to delude the demons during battle:
"Visnu took the form of the apsaras Mohini in order to beguile the demons and to
steal the Soma back from them. Having accomplished this, Visnu was
approached by Siva and Parvati, and Siva asked him to display the seductive
form which he had assumed for the demons. Visnu became Mohini, and Siva
immediately ran after her, abandoning Parvati who stood with her head lowered
in shame. Siva embraced Mohini by force, and his seed fell upon the ground.

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Mohini disappeared and Siva returned to Parvati." -- Brahmanda Purana 4:10:4177.

How Lord Hanuman (the Monkey - God) was Born
"One day Siva saw the Mohini form of Visnu. He was struck by Kama'
s arrows and
let fall his seed. The Seven Sages put the seed in a pot and they infused it into the
daughter of Gautama through her ear. In time, Hanuman, the monkey-god, was
born from it." -- Siva Purana 3:20:3-7.
How Lord Ganesa was Born
"When Siva and Parvati were making love together, Visnu took the form of a
Brahmin with matted locks, oppressed by thirst, and he went to the bedroom
door and said, '
What are you doing, Siva? Arise and give me food and water, for I
am an old man oppressed by thirst.'Siva arose, and his seed fell on the bed
instead of in the womb of his wife. Then Siva and Parvati offered the Brahmin food
and water, and he vanished and took the form of a child and went to Parvati'
bed. There he became mixed with the seed of Siva that was on the bed, and he
was born like an engendered child. Parvati found the child and nursed him,
naming him Ganesa." -- Brahmavaivarta Purana 3:8:19-33, 83-8, 3:9:1-26.
Lord Ganesa lost his head one day, so Lord Siva chopped-off an elephant'
s head
and attached it to Ganesa'
s body. This is how Lord Ganesa became an Elephantheaded God.

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Origin of Holy Shiv Linga

Lord Siva seduces the Pine Forest sages'wives and is cursed for this immoral
behavior. Origin of the holy Linga which is commonly worshipped in Hindu
"When the sages saw Siva naked and excited they beat him and they said, '
out your linga.'The great yogi said to them, '
I will do it, if you hate my linga'
, and
he tore it out and vanished." -- Kurma Purana 2:38:39-41; cf. Haracaritacintamani
10:74; Yagisvaramahatmya 26a. 14. In another version, the sages in the forest
quote the legal texts regarding the penalty for seducing a guru'
s wife when they
punish Siva:"You false ascetic, let your (Siva'
s) linga fall to earth here. A shameless
and evil man who has seduced another man'
s wife should be castrated; there is
no other punishment ever. A man who has seduced his guru'
s wife should cut off
the linga and testicles himself and hold them in his hands and walk until he dies." - Siva Purana, Dharmasamhita 10:187-90; cf. B. K. Sarkar, pp.234-5.
More on Origin of Holy Shiv Linga
Here is another origin of the holy Linga: "... He (Siva) agreed to this and laughed,
for he was secretly amused, and he said to Brahma, '
There is no good use for this
linga except for the creation of progeny.'And as he said this he broke it off and
threw it upon the surface of the earth. The linga broke through the earth down to
the subterranean hell and went to the very sky. Visnu sought the end of it below,
and Brahma flew upwards, but they did not find the end of it, for all their vital
effort. Then a voice arose out of the sky as the two of them sat there, and it said,
If the linga of the god with braided hair is worshipped, it will certainly grant all
desires that are longed for in the heart.'When Brahma and Visnu heard this, they
and all the divinities worshipped the linga with devotion, with their hearts set upon
Rudra (Siva)." -- Siva Purana, Dharmasamhita 49:23b-46, 74-86.
Lord Brahma Lust Sivas Wife & Thousands of Yogis are Born
Brahma instantly becomes the dad of thousands of ascetics; the following takes
place at Lord Siva'
s wedding: "Brahma saw the beautiful face (or feet) of Parvati
at the wedding, and he became excited and shed his seed upon the ground. In
fear of Siva, he began to make the seed barren, but Siva said, '
Brahma, you
should not kill Brahmins, and these are great sages.'Then 88,000 tapasvins were
born from the seed, and they ran around Brahma calling him '
Daddy, daddy!'" -Brahma Purana 72:18; Vamana Purana 27:56-9; cf. Siva Purana, Jnanasamhita
18:62-8; Siva Purana 2:3:49:3-10; Skanda Purana 1:1:26:15-22.

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Lord Brahmas Incest

"Brahma desired Sarasvati and went to her, asking her to stay with him. She, being
his daughter, was furious at this and said, '
Your mouth speaks inauspiciously and
so you will always speak in a contrary way.'From that day, Brahma'
s fifth head
always spoke evilly and coarsely. Therefore one day when Siva was wandering
about with Parvati and came to see Brahma, Brahma'
s four heads praised Siva
but the fifth made an evil sound. Siva, displeased with the fifth head, cut it off. The
skull remained stuck fast to Siva'
s hand, and though he was capable of burning it
up, Siva wandered the earth with it for the sake of all people, until he came to
Benares." -- Siva Purana, Jnanasamhita 49:65-80.
Another version:
"Brahma desired his daughter and took the form of a stag to pursue her as a doe.
The Brahmins called him to shame, and Rudra shot him with an arrow. The deer'
head came away from Brahma'
s body and became a constellation in the sky.
But then Gayatri and Sarasvati [the wives of Brahma] had no husband. They
performed tapas for Siva, and he agreed to revive their husband, giving Brahma
the four heads of Nandin and others of his hosts. Brahma arose and praised Siva."
-- Skanda Purana 3:40:1-59.
More of Lord Brahma'
s (Prajapati'
s) incest:
"Prajapati desired his daughter and made love to her. This was a sin in the eyes of
the gods, who said to the god who rules over beasts [Pasupati, Rudra], '
commits a sin, acting in this way towards his own daughter, our sister. Pierce him.'
Rudra took aim and pierced him. Half his seed fell to the ground. The gods cured
Prajapati and cut out Rudra'
s dart, for Prajapati is the sacrifice. To utilize [the
seed], the gods said, '
Take care that this may not be lost, but that it may be less
than the oblation.'They gave it to Bhaga to eat, but it burnt his eyes and he
became blind. Then they gave it to Pusan to eat, but it knocked out his teeth. At
last they gave it to Savitr [the sun] and it did not injure him, for he appeased it." -Satapatha Brahmana 1:7:4:1-7.
There are many instances of incest in sacred Hindu scriptures; these are not the
only ones.
Lord Krsna seduces the Gopis
Gopis: cow-herd girls; milk-maids; village girls; or better known as Lord Krsna'
"In the first month of winter, the gopis of Nanda'
village performed a certain vow to the goddess
Katyayani (Durga). They ate rice cooked with ghee;
they bathed in the water of the Kalindi (Yamuna)
River at sunrise; they made an image of the goddess
out of sand and worshipped it with fragrant perfumes
and garlands, with offerings and incense and lamps,
and with bouquets of flowers, fresh sprigs of leaves, fruits, and rice. And they
prayed: '
Goddess Katy ayani (Durga), great mistress of yoga, empress of great
deluding magic, make the son of the cow-herd Nanda my husband. I bow to

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Saying this prayer, the girls would worship

her, and having set their hearts on Krsna,
the girls performed this vow for a month;
they worshipped Bhadrakali (Durga) so
that the son of Nanda (Krsna) would be
their husband. Arising at dawn, calling one
another by name, they would join hands
and go to bathe in the Kalindi (Yamuna)
every day, singing loudly about Krsna as
they went.
One day, when they had gone to the river and taken off their clothes on the
bank as usual, they were playing joyfully in the water, singing about Krsna. The
Lord Krsna, lord of all the masters of yoga, came there with his friends of the same
age in order to grant them the object of their rites. He took their clothes and
quickly climbed a Nipa tree, and laughing with the laughing boys he told what
the joke was: '
Girls, let each one of you come here and take her own clothes as
she wishes. I promise you, this is no jest, for you have been exhausted by your
vows. I have never before told an untruth, and these boys know this. Slenderwaisted ones, come one by one or all together and take your clothes.'When the
gopis saw what his game was, they were overwhelmed with love, but they
looked at one another in shame, and they smiled, but they did not come out.
Flustered and embarrassed by Govinda'
s (Krsna'
s) words and by his jest, they sank
down up to their necks in the icy water, and, shivering, they said to him, '
should not have played such a wicked trick. We know you as our beloved, son of
the cow-herd Nanda, the pride of the village. Give us our clothes, for we are
trembling. O darkly handsome one, we are your slaves and will do as you
command, but you know dharma: give us our clothes or we will tell your father,
the chieftain.' The lord said to them, '
If you are my slaves and will do as I
command, then come here and take back your clothes, O brightly smiling ones.'
Then all the girls, shivering and smarting with cold, came out of the water,
covering their crotches with their hands.
The lord was pleased and gratified by their chaste actions, and he looked at
them and placed their clothes on his shoulder and smiled and said, '
Since you
swam in the water without clothes while you were under a vow, this was an insult
to the divinity (to Varuna, God of the waters). Therefore you must fold your hands
and place them on your heads and bow low in expiation of your sin, and then
you may take your clothes.'
When the village girls (gopis) heard what the infallible one said, they thought that
bathing naked had been a violation of their vows, and they bowed down to
Krsna, the very embodiment of all their rituals, who had thus fulfilled their desires
and wiped out their disgrace and sin.
Then the lord, the son of Devaki, gave their clothes to them, for he felt pity when
he saw them bowed down in this way and he was satisfied with them. Though
they were greatly deceived and robbed of their modesty, though they were
mocked and treated like toys and stripped of their clothes, yet they held no
grudge against him, for they were happy to be together with their beloved.
Rejoicing in the closeness of their lover, they put on their clothes; their bashful
glances, in the thrall of their hearts, did not move from him. Knowing that the girls
had taken a vow because they desired to touch his feet, the lord with a rope

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around his waist said to the girls, '

Good ladies, I know that your desire is to worship
me. I rejoice in this vow, which deserves to be fulfilled. The desire of those whose
hearts have been placed in me does not give rise to further desire, just as seed
corn that has been boiled or fried does not give rise to seed. You have achieved
your aim.
Now, girls, go back to the village and you will enjoy your nights with me, for it was
for this that you fine ladies undertook your vow and worship.'When the gopis
heard this from Krsna, they had obtained what they desired; and, meditating
upon his lotus feet, they forced themselves to go away from him to the village." -Srimad Bhagavatam 10:22:1-28. Compare: Brahmavaivarta Purana 1:27;
Brhaddharma Purana 3:17.
Lord Krsna is commemorated during Janmastami and many other festivals such
as Holi. Yadus (Yadavas): A race/tribe of kings that Lord Krsna incarnated into (as
an Avatar) to save the earth; Yadus/Yadavas are descendants of Yadu, who was
King Yayati'
s son. Krsna was Yadu'
s son. Cow-herd-raja Nanda was Krsna'
s fosterfather.
Lord Krsna Marries 16,000 Wives
Lord Krsna must be seriously lacking foresight to have sex with so many gopis,
overpopulate the earth & then destroy his own family for weighing down the
"Krsna became a householder (head of a household) in Dvaraka and married
many wives, and had many sons and grandsons. In the race of the Yadus, no one
was poor; everyone had many children, lived a long life, and respected
Brahmins. But they were so numerous that one could not count them even in a
hundred years. The terrible demons who had been slain in the battle of the gods
and demons were born among men, and so at the command of Visnu the gods
became incarnate in the race of Yadus to repress the demons.... When Krsna had
killed the demons, and thus relieved the burden of the earth, he thought, '
earth is still overburdened by the unbearably burdensome race of the Yadus. No
one else can overcome them, since they are under my protection.'... Deluded
by Krsna'
s power of delusion, and cursed by the Brahmins, they were all
destroyed, and when his entire family had been destroyed, Krsna said, '
burden has been removed.'" -- Srimad Bhagavatam 10:90:27-44; 11:1:1-4; 11:30:125.
The need to exterminate the Yadus precisely because they are born of Krsna'
seed is made explicit in the Linga Purana:
"One of Krsna'
s wives asked Krsna to give her a son equal to the lord of the gods.
Krsna performed asceticism for Siva, who granted him a son, Samba. Krsna took
sixteen thousand maidens for his pleasure, and then, under the pretext of the
Brahmins'curse, he destroyed his own family and lived in Prabhasa. After living for
a hundred and one years in Dvaraka, where he had removed the sorrow of old
age, he made the curse of the sages come true." -- Linga Purana 1:69:71, 82-84.
There is a common misconception among some Hindus that Lord Krsna had only
one consort/wife, Radha, and these 16,000 gopis were just spiritual followers of
this God. That is totally false. In fact, Lord Krsna got so many gopis & wives
pregnant that he populated much of the earth with Yadus (Yadavas) and had to
annihilate them later.
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Celebrated on the Hindu month of Kartik in October / November. It is also called
the Festivals of Lights. The celebration symbolises the victory of Lord Krishna over
the demon king Narakasura. It marks the return of Rama after 14 years of exile.
On this day, the Hindu wake up at dawn, bathe themselves in herbal oil, put on
new clothes, and say their prayers. Homes of the Hindus are lit with little oil lamps
made from clay pots filled with coconut oil and wicks. This is believed to invite
Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth who will not enter an unlit house.
Celebrated by Hindus on the tenth month of the Hindus calendar. It is believed
on this day the stars, Pusan and Brihaspati are united into one. It is a celebration
of the birthday of Lord Subramaniam, also known as Lord Muruga, the youngest
son of Lord Shiva. Before this day, Hindus usually prepare themselves by fasting,
dieting on certain food and maintaining self-discipline. A huge procession of
penitents in an atmosphere electric with drumming and chanting. Skewers
fastened metal hooks, spikes on their body including tongues, cheeks and nipples
defying all sense of pain. A fire walking ceremony is also demonstrated in some

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Womens Rights in Islam

Compiled by Shah Kirit
According to Oxford Dictionary, Womens rights are the rights that promote a position of
social and legal equality of women to men with regards to the right to vote, the right to
property etc. The topic will touch on the followin rights in Islam:

Spiritual rights
Economics rights
Social rights
Educational rights
Legal rights
Political rights

Spiritual Rights
The Quran says in 4:124, If any do deeds of righteousness be they male or female
and have faith, they will enter heaven and not the least justice will be done to them.
In Quran 49:13 Verily the most honored in the sight of Allah is the Most righteous of you
- regardless whether you are male or female.
In Quran 33:35 For believing man and women, for devout men and women, for true
men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and
women who humble themselves, for man and women who give in charity, for man and
women who fast, for men and women who guard their chastity, for men and women
who engage much in Gods praise for them God has prepared forgiveness and great
These verses clearly specifies that both men and women have equal spiritual
Economics Rights
Islam gave the economical rights to women 1300 years before the West. It was only in
1870 in England that West recognized the rights of married women to own or dispose any
of her property without consultation. In Islam, an adult Muslim woman can own or
dispose any of her property without consultation.
A Muslim woman is allowed to work if she wishes to work. There is not a single verse from
the Quran or authentic Hadith that prevents or prohibits a woman to do any work that is
lawful and within the preview of Islamic shariah. A true Muslim society requires women to
take up profession such as doctors. We do need female gynecologist, female nurses,
female teachers etc. Women are also allowed to do business and the best example we
can give is Khadijah (mAbpwh) the wife of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). She was one of
the most successful businessperson of her time.
In Islam a woman has no financial obligations! All financial obligations are laid on the
shoulders of men in the family. Before the woman is married, it is the duty of the father
and the brothers to look after her needs such as food, shelter, clothing etc. and once she
is married it becomes the duty of the husband and her sons. In genuine cases where two
ends do not meet and there is financial crisis, the woman has the option to work but
absolutely on her own free will.
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When a woman gets married, she is also on the receiving end. For a marriage to
solemnize in Islam, Maher or dowry is compulsory to be given to the woman. It is
mentioned in Quran 4:4 Give the woman in dowry, a marital gift. There is no upper or
lower limit for dowry.
Social Rights
Well now look at the rights of women, as daughter, as wife and as mother in Islam.
As a Daughter
Firstly let us look at the rights of the daughters. Islam prohibits infanticide, the killing
of female children. It was a common practice in pre-Islamic Arabia for female
children to be buried alive. It is mentioned in the Quran 81: 8-9 When the female
child is buried alive and when she questions you for what crime was she killed.
Female infanticide is still common among some of the societies in this world today
for example in China and India. In places like Rajasthan and Tamilnadu in India,
you can find advertisement such as Spend Rp 500 and save Rp 500,000
suggesting spend Rp 500 on ultra sonography to identify the sex of the child. If it is
a female child you can abort it and save Rp 500,000 in upbringing her and the
money you spend for dowry. It is a common practice among the Indian where
the woman has to give a hefty dowry to the man in marriage. According to a
BBC report in a programme titled Let her die, gave the statistic that 3000 fetuses
are aborted a day in India on being identified as female, which is more than a
million a year! According to the report from Tamilnadu Government Hospital, out
of ten female children born, four are put to death!
Islam also prohibits for rejoicing at the birth of a male child and being saddened
at the birth of a female child. In the Quran 16:58-59 When news is brought to
one of them on the birth of a female child, his face darkens and is filled with
inward grief! He hides in shame from his people for the news he has received.
In the Hadith of Ahmad, the prophet has said that Anyone who brings up two
daughters properly, on the Day of Judgment they will be like this to me
indicating they will be very close to the prophet.
As a Wife
Lets look into the rights of a wife in Islam. All previous civilizations considered
women to be the instrument of devil but the Quran refers to woman as
Mohsana, which means fortress against devil. When a good woman marries a
man, she prevents the husband from going to the wrong path and keeps him on
the straight path - Siratul Mustaqeem.
Islam forbids monasticism and it is mentioned in S.B. 7:3:4 Those who has the
means to marry, they should marry for it will help them to lower their gaze and
guard their modesty.

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The Quran says in 4:19 You are forbidden to inherit woman against their will.
Therefore the permission of both the male and female are required in a marriage.
A father cannot force his daughter to marry against her wishes.
In Sahih Bukhari: 7:43:69, A lady was forced by her father to marry against her will
and she went to see the prophet (pbuh) and the prophet invalidated the
Another Hadith in Ibn Hanbal Hadith # 2469 A daughter was forced by her
father to get married and when the daughter approached the prophet (pbuh),
he said she can either continue or invalidate the marriage.
The Quran says in the Quran 2:187 Your wives are your garments and you are
their garments. Garments are used to conceal and beautify. Similarly husbands
and wives should conceal one anothers mistakes and beautify each other.
In 4:19 Treat your wife on a footing of equity and kindness even if you dislike her,
for you may be disliking a thing which Allah has made good for you.
As a Mother
The only act above respect to mother is the worship of Allah SWT. The Quran says
in 4:1 Respect the womb that bore you.
It further says in 46:15, 6:151 and 31:14 You have to be kind to your parents.
Educational Rights
The first verse that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was Quran 96:1 Read,
proclaim or recite in the name of thy Lord. The first guidance that was ordained by
Almighty God to mankind, both male and female was not to pray, fast or give in charity
but it was to read! Islam pays the utmost importance to education.
It is reported in Sahih Bukhari: The women once approached Prophet Muhammad and
said; you are usually surrounded by men, why dont you give us one particular day so
we too can ask you questions and the prophet agreed.
Aishah the wife of the prophet (mAbpwh) has herself narrated no less than 2210 hadiths.
She has also guided all the four caliphs. She has taught no less than 88 scholars. In
present day example, she was not only a professor but she was the professor of the
professors! She was also an expert in the field of medicine and mathematics.
There are several other examples in Islam where women held high positions in society as
far as knowledge was concern. Safiya was an expert in the field of fiqh i.e. Islamic
Jurisprudence. Umm Salma has taught no less than 32 scholars. Saeeda Nafisa the
grand daughter of Hassan was also been said to have taught Imam Shafie.

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Legal Rights
Islamic law protects the life and property of both male and female. The Quran says in
5:30 As to the thief, whether he be man or woman, cut of his or her hand as a
punishment for the crime, an example from Allah.
In 24:2 If any commits fornications, be it man or woman, flog them with 100 stripes.
Imagine Islam gave both male and female equal legal rights 1400 years ago when it was
common for a man who committed a murder, he can put his wife to replace him for the
death penalty.
In 24:4 If any of you put a charge against the chastity of a woman, produce four
witnesses, and if they falter flog them with 80 stripes. For small crimes in Islam you require
2 witnesses while for a big crime 4 witnesses are required. Accusing a woman falsely in
Islam is considered as a big crime, therefore you require 4 witnesses. See how much Islam
protects the good name of women!
Political Rights
Islam gave women the rights to vote some 1400 years ago. They too can take part in the
process of law making. In Quran 60:12 O prophet when the believing women come to
thee with an oath of fealty. The Arabic word used here is Bayan where the women
came to the prophet and they agreed with him being the head of the state.
According to a famous hadith: Caliph Omar was having discussion with several
companions and was considering of putting an upper limit for the dowry since young
men were discourage from getting married. A lady from the back seat objected and
quoted the Quran 4:20 You can even give a heap of treasure, a heap of gold in
dowry. She said when the Quran doesnt put any upper limit on dowry then who is
Omar to put a limit? Immediately Caliph Omar said: Omar was wrong and the lady is
We would like to end this topic by narrating two hadiths that clearly shows how high has
Islam elevated the status of women.
According to a hadith related by Ahmad in Ibn Majah Paradise lies at the feet of the
mother. This does not mean that every step that my mother takes in the street, the rocks
and soil becomes paradise.
In Sahih Bukhari: 8:2:2 A man approached and asked prophet Muhammad (pbuh):
Who deserves most my love, attention and companionship? The prophet replied your
mother. The man asked after that who? The prophet said your mother. The man
asked after that who? Again the prophet replied Your mother. The man asked again
after that who and the prophet replied Your father. In short the gold medal, silver
medal and the bronze medal goes to the mother and the father has to be satisfied with
the consolation prize!

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Science and the Quran

Compiled by Shah Kirit
Today many people are of the opinion that science and religion cannot get along. They
believe one would only progress if they were to follow science and would stay
backwards if they were to follow religion. Is this true? The famous physicist and Nobel
Prize winner, Albert Einstein once said; Science without Religion is misguided and
Religion without Science is blind.
The Holy Scripture in Islam is the Quran. Muslims believe that the Quran is of completely
divine origin, being the verbatim words of God sent as guidance for all humankind. The
Muslims believe that the Quran is the last and final revelation of God sent through the
last and final prophet of God, Muhammad pbuh 1400 years ago.
The Quran is not the book of science but it is the book of signs. The Quran contains
more than 6000 signs or ayats of which no less than 1000 of it touches on scientific facts.
We all know that science sometime takes a u-turn. Therefore I would only be speaking on
established scientific facts and not on theories or hypothesis, as they are not based on
proofs but assumptions.
Let us analyze how the universe was created. We all know about the Big Bang, where
the universe was once joined together as one big primary nebula. Then there was a big
bang or explosion that resulted the formation of galaxies. These then divided to form the
stars, planets, moons, satellites and the earth we live in. Scientist estimates that there are
about 250 billion galaxies in the universe and each galaxy contains 300 billion stars!
The Quran speaks about the Big Bang in 21:30 Do not the unbelievers see that the
heavens and earth was once joined together (as one unit of creation) before We clove
them asunder.
In 1929, Edwin Hubble with the aid of a giant telescope discovered that the galaxies
were moving further and further from the earth. Later some other scientists discovered
that the galaxies were also moving further from one another. This proved that the
universe is not stable but it is steadily expanding.
Stephen Hawkins in his book A brief history of time mentioned: The discovery that the
universe was expanding was one of the greatest intellectual revolutions of the 20th
1400 years ago, before man even learnt how to build a telescope, the Quran mentions
in 51:47 For it is We who created the universe, which is steadily expanding. If the
universe is expanding with time then it means if we go back in time, the universe would
be shrinking to a point of zero matter.
Thus the universe must have been created from nothing; no matter, no time and no
space! This also proofs that the universe didnt exist by itself but was created by a
Creator God. The Quran also mentions this fact in 6:101 Allah is the originator of
heavens and earth.
Science does not reject the existence of God the Creator of the universe but it rejects
the models of gods (demigods). Translated in Arabic, it will read La ilaha Ilallah which
means, There is no god but Allah!

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For a long time European philosophers and scientist believed in the Geocentric concept,
i.e.: the earth is in the centre of the universe and every thing in the universe including our
sun moved around it. In 1512, Nicholas Copernicus put forward his Heliocentric Theory of
Planetary Movement, i.e.; the sun is motionless in the centre of our solar system and the
planets moved around it.
Today we know as a fact that the sun is not motionless but it also moves in its orbit around
the centre of our Milky Way galaxy at the speed of 150 miles per second (720 000 Km per
hour). It takes about 200 million years for the sun to complete one orbit.
The Quran mentions in 36:40 It is not permitted for the sun to catch up with moon, nor
can the night outstrip the day, each (just) swims along in its own orbit (according to
It was only a few decades ago that we discovered the sun too rotates around its axes,
which takes about 25 days to complete one rotation.
Even this fact is also mentioned in the Qur'
an in 21:33 It is He who created the night and
the day, and the sun and the moon, all swims along its rounded course. The Arabic
word used for swim is yasbahun which is derived from the word sabaha, which
means motion from a moving body.
Previously mankind thought the earth was flat. They were afraid to sail too far lest they will
reach the edge and fall. The first person to sail around the world was Sir Francis Drake in
1597. Only then people knew that the world was spherical.
1400 years ago, when the whole world thought that the earth was flat, the Quran gave
the spherical description of the earth in several verses. In 31:29 Allah merges night into
day and He merges day into night. Merging means that the night slowly and gradually
changes into day and vice versa.
This is only possible if the earth was spherical because if the earth was flat, there will be a
sudden change from night to day.
Furthermore in 39:5 He makes the night overlap the day and the day overlap the night.
The Arabic word used here is kawara meaning to overlap or to coil, i.e. to coil a turban
indicating the earth is spherical.
The exact shape of earth is mentioned in 79:30 and He had made the earth egg
shaped. The Arabic word used here is dahaha which comes from the root word
duhiya meaning ostrich egg. The earth is not perfectly spherical like a ball but it is little
flat on the poles and slightly bulging in the centre. It is geospherical just like the shape of
an ostrich egg.
Geologists tell us today that the radius of the earth is 3750 miles and the outer solid crust is
very thin, ranging between 1 to 30 miles. The deeper layers are hot and fluid. The earth is
just like an egg, which has a thin layer of solid shell on outside and inside is fluid. The earth
spins around it axes at a speed of more than 1000 miles/hour. Imagine if we spin the egg
at the speed of only 100 miles/hour, what will happen? The egg could not survive the
pressure and it will explode. The earth too could not have survived if not for the fact that
the mountains have been stabilizing the earth as well as acting as pegs which holds the
earth crust together.
The Qur'
an mentions about the mountains giving stability to earth in 21:31 and We have
set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with them. The Quran also

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mentions about the function of mountains as pegs in 78:6-7 have We not made the
earth as a wide expanse, and the mountains as pegs?
The Quran says in 21:30 We made from water every living thing. Today with the help of
advanced science equipments we come to know that cytoplasm, the basic substance
in cell is made of 80% water. Research also has shown that most organisms contain 50% 90% water. Every living thing needs water for its existence. Who could have known this
fact 1400 years ago and that too in the desert of Arabia?
A group of Arab students collected all the verses in the Quran related to embryology,
translated them into English and presented to Prof. (Dr) Keith Moore, who was the
Professor of embryology and the Chairman of the Department of Anatomy in University
of Toronto, Canada. Presently he is one of the highest authorities in the field of
After carefully examining those verses, he said most of the verses from the Quran on
embryology were in perfect conformity with modern discoveries in the field of
However there were few verses that he could not comment as science has not reach to
that level. One such verse was from 96:1-2 Proclaim! In the name of thy Lord and
Cherisher, who created man out of alaq.
The Arabic word alaq means clot of congealed blood or something that clings or leech
like substance. Prof Keith Moore at that time didnt know whether the embryo at initial
stage looks like a leech. He took a diagram of leech and studied the embryo under a
very powerful microscope. He was astonished at the striking resemblance between the
In 1981 during the 7th Medical Conference in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, Dr Moore said it is
clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God or Allah,
because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later. This
proves that Muhammad must have been a Messenger of God.
The embryonic stages is accurately mentioned in the Quran in 23:14 Then We made
the sperm into alaqah (a clot of congealed blood), then We made into mudghah
(foetus lump), this mudghah is transformed into izam (bones) and cloth it with lahm
In this verse Allah states that the sperm is made into alaqah (clot of congealed blood or
something that clings or leech like substance). It is scientifically accepted that the
embryo in initial stage looks like a leech, also looks like a clot of congealed blood and it
also clings to the wall of uterus. Then it is made into mudghah (foetus lump) and
transformed into izam (bones) and clothed with lahm (flesh or muscles). These stages
are in perfect agreement with modern scientific discoveries!
The Quran says in 4:82 Do they not consider the Quran (with care)? Had it been from
other than God, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy. For a
scripture to claim that it is from a divine source there could not have been even a single
discrepancy or contradiction in it. There are more than 1000 verses in the Quran that
touches on science. About 80% of them have been proven to be correct and are in
perfect agreement with modern science. The balance 20% cannot be proven to be
correct or incorrect because modern science has not reached the level of the Quran!

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There is not even a single verse of the Quran that goes against established scientific
facts. On the contrary the Quran, which was revealed 1400 years ago contains
profound scientific facts, that were yet to be discovered by humankind centuries later.
Any person who claims that he / she is logical, rational, scientific and honest will have no
other choice but to admit that the Quran is the word of Almighty God! If the Quran is
not the word of God, then you tell me who else could have written it 1400 years ago.
Some allege that Prophet Muhammad must have written the Quran with the help of
other people. To disprove this allegation it is enough to say that it was impossible for any
single human being at that time to have their own knowledge on all the scientific facts
mentioned above.
Others may allege that the Quran have been copied from earlier scriptures. The point to
note here is that there is not a single scripture of the past that mentions these scientific
facts with such accuracy. On the contrary you will find many errors and contradictions in
There have also been claims that the Quran was written by Satan. Then why the Quran
says in 4:119 Whoever, forsaking God, takes Satan for a friend, has of a surety suffered a
loss that is manifest. In 24:21 follow not Satans footsteps, if any will follow the footsteps
of Satan, he will (but) command what is shameful and wrong. If Satan were the author
of Quran, why would the Satan condemn itself?
Who else could be the author of the Quran if it was not Almighty God? The Quran says
in 2:256 truth stands out clear from falsehood and in 17:81 truth has arrived and
falsehood perished; for falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish.

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Challenges for Daei

Collaborative Effort

Use Logic
Comparing Beliefs:
- Start with Similarities
- Differences Later
Catch Phrase like:
"What do you like about Islam" would
cause non-Muslims to think about Islam
Use their Scriptures
Clarify Misunderstanding of Islam
- Women'
s Rights
- Others
Islam and Science:
- Big Bang & Expanding Universe
- Shape of Earth
- All Life Made of Water
- Geology
- Embryology
- Others
Islam stand on Current Issues
- Jihad
- Polygamy
Beauty of Islam
- Universality
- Judged by deeds, not wealth or
- Others

Catholics Protestant



Words of

Reaching out to non-Muslims is not an easy task and though we like to be successful in
bringing non-Muslims to Islam, despite our efforts, tools, techniques and knowledge, it is
Allah who decides whether or not the person receives His hidayah for only He knows
what is in the heart of the non-Muslims, his or her sincerity etc.
In dialogues with non-Muslims, we must not fall into the trap of becoming an apologist for
Islam. Islam is perfect but Muslims are far from perfect, some going into excesses. It is this
misrepresentation that must be tackled. In addition, do not fall backward trying to
accommodate them, answer truthfully. If one does not know the answer, say so and add
Ill come back to you with the answer, inshaallah and get the answer from own
research or ask other Muslim brothers or sisters more knowledgeable on the issue, but be
sure to come back to them with the answer, else, ones credibility will be lost.
At the same time, one must be wary in answering emotive issues, for example polygamy.
Women would not like their husbands to have another wife, and this is understandable
and is acceptable as even the wives of Rasulullah SAW, the Ummul Muminins were
jealous of each other. It would be acceptable to question the husbands ability to be fair
and have the financial means to support all of his households. It is not acceptable to
question his rights to take another wife or reject polygamy.

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Similarly on Islamic laws, based on Quran and Sunnah, whether Laws on Family, Criminal,
Inheritance, etc., opposing any part of the laws tantamount to rejecting Islam; however,
just like in the case of polygamy, one may question on how it is being implemented, the
impartiality of the people who execute the law etc., as they are human, prone to error.
On the question of Jihad, theres a tendency nowadays to exclude the taking up of arm
for the cause of Islam as Jihad. We should not capitulate to these external pressures but
should clearly explain what Jihad means using wisdom. After all, taking up of arm is only
when all other avenues have been exhausted.
On behavioral issues, a non Muslim may give an excuse for not reverting to Islams
prohibition on taking say intoxicating beverage, e.g., alcohol. One must also not fall over
backward in trying to accommodate them, pointing to the fact that some Muslims drinks
but one should point to the scientific evidence why it is prohibited.
Sometimes it is a pretext by insincere non-Muslim for not accepting Islam. One should ask
him or her to put things into perspective by asking, Which is important, salvation or
alcohol? If the person is sincere, one should encourage him or her to revert and for him
or her make the continuous and concerted effort as Allah has said in the Quran 13:11:

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For each (such person) there are (angels) in succession, before and behind him: They
guard him by command of Allah. Verily never will Allah change the condition of a
people until they change it themselves (with their own souls). But when (once) Allah
willeth a people'
s punishment, there can be no turning it back, nor will they find, besides
Him, any to protect.
Also to remind him or her not to despair for Allah is aware of our weaknesses and most
forgiving. In the Quran 8:38

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Say to the Unbelievers, if (now) they desist (from Unbelief), their past would be forgiven
them; but if they persist, the punishment of those before them is already (a matter of
warning for them).

109:1 Say : O ye that reject Faith!

109:2 I worship not that which ye worship,
109:3 Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
109:4 And I will not worship that which ye have
been wont to worship,
109:5 Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
109:6 To you be your Way, and to me mine.

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Challenges for Reverts

Collaborative Effort

Spouse, if only
one Party
were to Revert

Muslim Friends

Muslim in


Pre Reversion
At Reversion
Grudging Acceptance

Post Reversion
Grudging Acceptance
May Lose Ties
Marital Status
Marital Status
Children Religion
Children Custody
Grudging Acceptance
Grudging Acceptance
May Lose Ties
Grudging Acceptance
Grudging Acceptance
May be Ostracised
May Lose Friends
Needs Muslim
Needs Muslim
Expected to be "Malay"
Support & Counseling
Unwelcomed by some
Needs Role Model
Needs Muslim Support &
Needs Role Model
Needs Spiritual
Needs Spiritual
Expected to be "Malay"
Support & Counseling Support & Counseling
Needs Spiritual &
Needs Role Model
Needs Role Model
Emotional Support &
Needs Information
Needs Role Model
Sensitive to Reverts Needs
Needs Information
Sincerity of Reverts
Expected to be "Malay"
Name Change
Needs Spiritual &
Circumcision (Male)
Emotional Support &
Need to Make it Easy
Sensitive to Reverts
Needs Information
Needs Role Model
Sensitive to Reverts Needs

Above is tabulation of society reaction and revert needs (in italic).

There are also other factors to consider: age and financial. In Malaysia, the legal age of
consent is 18 years old and reversion prior to that age requires parental or guardians
assent. In addition, there are some groups who are dependent on parental financial
support, especially those still studying at higher education institute.
Another factor to consider is employer, especially if the revert works for non-Muslim
private companies (exclude government sectors, public listed companies, multinational).
While Muslim support groups do exist, most reverts or would be reverts do not know
where, how or whom to approach. They may be embarrassed to do so, especially when
their initial motive for embracing Islam is for marriage. While we would like to know the
reason for reversion, we must be sensitive and couch our phrase such as What attract
you to Islam?.

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