Teacher'S Guide: Quarter 2 Week 4 I. Objectives
Teacher'S Guide: Quarter 2 Week 4 I. Objectives
Teacher'S Guide: Quarter 2 Week 4 I. Objectives
Week 4
I. Objectives
A. Expressive Objectives
1. Realize the important of being polite at all times.
2. Express tactfulness when communicating with others.
B. Instructional Objectives
Listening Comprehension
Distinguish fact from opinion.
Oral Language
Respond to ideas and opinions after reflection
Vocabulary Development
Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation)
Reading Comprehension
Distinguish text types according to purpose- To classify or describe
Oral Reading Fluency
Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures (collective nouns and verb agreement)
Writing Composition
Revise writing for clarity-correct spelling
Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers
-Point view
Observe politeness at all times
Show tactfulness
II. Subject Matter
A. Topics
a. Fact and opinion
b. Ideas and opinions after reflection
c. Different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation)
d. Text types according to purpose- To classify or describe
e. Automaticity to grade level frequently occurring content area words
f. Clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures
(collective nouns and verb agreement)
g. Clarity-correct spelling
h. Images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers
B. Materials
Audio video clip
-Point view
C. References
K to 12 Curriculum Guide English Grade 5
III. Procedure
Day 1
I. Objectives
1. Distinguish fact from opinion.
2. Respond to ideas and opinion after reflection.
II. References:
Developing My English Power 5 pp. 97-100
English Expressways Language p.242-244
Code: EN5LC-IId-2.10 and EN5OL-IID-3.4.1
Chart, pictures
III. Procedure
A. Setting the Stage
Game: Pick out a strip (rolled with ribbon) with a statement stating a fact
or an opinion inside a box. Those who picked an opinion should go to the
left side; those who picked a fact should go to the right side. Pupils who
did not get it correctly should recite a poem; render a song or a dance
goldfish swim gaily in ponds. A planetarium stands beside a library rich in magazines
and books for young and old.
_______1. Teodoro Valencia was the park commissioner in charge of Rizal Park.
_______2. Rizal Park is one of the most beautiful parks of its kind in the world.
_______3. Families enjoy having picnics on the clean thick grass.
_______4. In summer people sleep outdoors in the park.
_______5. The sunset looks prettiest in summer when the sun paints the clouds in
gorgeous colors.
V. Assignment
Write five statements describing the Filipinos under the following headings.
Day 2
I. Objectives
1. Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and
connotation) (Science)
2. Distinguish text-types according to purpose-To classify or describe
II. References:
Code: EN5V-IId-20.1.1, EN5V-d-20.2.1 EN5RC-d-3.2.1
Pocket Charts,
III. Procedure
A. Setting the Stage
Shows different pictures in the class (e.g. house Group the class into
two. Let the first class identify the meaning of the word while the other group
must give their own meaning about the pictures.
IV. Evaluation
Refer to LM Do and Learn
Day 3
I. Objectives
1. Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words.
2. Gather relevant information from various resources-Dictionaries
II. References:
English Expressway Reading pp.20-24
Code: EN5V-EN5F-IId-1.8.1, EN5SS-IId-1.4
Ants are found everywhere in the world. They make their home in buildings,
gardens etc. They live in anthills. Ants are very hardworking insects. Throughout the
summers they collect food for the winter season. Whenever they find a sweet lying on
the floor they stick to the sweet and carry it to their home. Thus, in this way, they clean
the floor. Ants are generally red and black in color. They have two eyes and six legs.
They are social insects. They live in groups or colonies. Most ants are scavengers they
collect whatever food they can find. They are usually wingless but they develop wings
when they reproduce. Their bites are quite painful.
V. Assignment
Use a dictionary and copy one entry with three or more meanings. Copy all the
information on that entry, including the given sample sentences. Write your notes in your
Day 4
I. Objectives
1. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures: -collective nouns and verb agreement
2. Revise writing for clarity correct spelling
II. References:
English Language 5 p. 109
Code: EN5G-IId-2.2.6 EN5G-d-3.9, EN5WC-IId-1.8.2
Charts pictures
III. Procedure
A. Setting the Stage
Call 9 students and group them into 3. Give the group each envelops. Inside
on it is a group of words to be arrange to form a sentence.
Group 1 My dogs always growl at the postal carrier.
Group 2 Peter doesnt likes vegetables
Subject verb agreement simply means the subject and verb must agree in
number. This means both need to be singular or both need to be
IV. Evaluation
Draw a
in a blank if the statement is correct and a
if it is wrong.
______1., These scissors cut well.,
______2. Athletic develops good sportsmanship.
______3.The staff have gone their separate ways for the holidays.
______4. The jury have finally reached his decision.
______5. The committee meets every Thursday.
V. Assignment
Write the verb and subject of the following sentence.
1. Jack, along with some of his closest friends, is sharing a limo to the prom.
2. The recent string of burglaries, in addition to poor building maintenance, have
inspired the outspoken resident to call a tenants meeting.
3. The travelling salesman was dismayed to learn that neither his son his
daughter were interested in moving.
4. Pepperoni and cheese are great on a pizza.
5. Nothing has determined as of yet.
Day 5
I. Objectives
1. Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers
-Point view
III. Procedure
A. Setting the Stage
D. Independent Practice
Answer the activity on Do and Learn
E. Closure/ Assessment