Virtualizing Business Critical Applications

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Virtualizing Business-Critical Applications

Most IT organizations are already using virtualization to consolidate their infrastructure, reduce costs and improve
service levels through live migration and automated failover of virtual machines. Many have already extended
these benefits to their most demanding applications, including enterprise databases and high-volume business,
middleware and productivity applications (Figure 1 on the next page). Others are interested in virtualizing their
business-critical applications but want to be absolutely certain they can deliver the same or better performance,
scalability and availability in a virtualized environment.
In the vast majority of cases, they can. VMware® vSphere™ 4 and the latest Intel® Xeon® processor-based servers
deliver up to 275 percent better virtualization performance1 than previous generations, with lower overhead and
improved scalability. With VMware® Enhanced VMotion,™ the combined solution also supports production-quality
virtual machine migration for enterprise-class availability and disaster recovery. With these advancements, most
enterprise applications, including 95 percent of production databases,2 can be supported as well or better in a
virtualized environment than on dedicated physical servers, and at much lower cost.

The Foundation of Virtualization


Near-Native Performance in a Virtual Environment Scalability for Heavy Workloads

Business-critical applications typically need to process a high Intel Xeon processor-based servers provide the high-end scalability
volume of complex business transactions with low latency per needed to consolidate demanding, business-critical enterprise work-
transaction. As a result, they tend to place heavy demands on loads. Four-socket servers based on the Intel® Xeon® processor 7500∆
server CPU, memory or I/O resources, so a low-overhead virtuali- series provide up to 32 cores, 64 execution threads and a full tera-
zation solution is critical for achieving desired performance levels. byte of memory, and eight-socket and larger systems are in devel-
Intel® Virtualization Technology¹ (Intel® VT) provides hardware opment by leading server vendors. For IT organizations that prefer
assists for key virtualization processes across the entire server plat- scale-out server solutions, two-socket Intel® Xeon® processor 5600
form, including Intel® processors, chipsets and networking devices. series-based servers provide even better per-core performance
In conjunction with software optimizations in VMware vSphere 4, and energy efficiency and provide up to 12 cores and 24 execution
this enhanced hardware support: threads per server.
• Reduces round-trip virtualization latencies by up to 40 percent3 VMware vSphere 4 lets you take full advantage of these powerful
hardware platforms. With every new product generation, VMware
• Reduces performance overhead to as low as 2 percent (typically
has delivered significant gains in virtual machine scalability (Figure
2 percent to 10 percent)4
2). A single virtual machine can now support up to eight virtual
• Enables near-native I/O performance through direct assignment CPUs, 255 GB of memory, 30 GB/s of network bandwidth and more
of I/O devices to meet the demanding networking requirements than 300,000 I/O operations per second (Figure 2). With this capacity,
of large databases and transactional applications more than 95 percent of production databases can now be consid-
These benefits are magnified by the industry-leading performance ered great candidates for virtualization.6
and energy efficiency of the latest Intel Xeon processor-based VMware vSphere 4 is not only scalable enough to handle enterprise
servers. Applications tend to run much faster in virtual machines workloads, it is also increasingly necessary to fully utilize today’s
on these new systems than they do on dedicated older servers,5 multi-core server processors. For example, a single instance of
so integrating virtualization in tandem with a server upgrade will Microsoft Exchange* 2007 does not scale well past eight cores.
typically deliver significant performance gains. It can also reduce VMware vSphere 4 enables IT organizations to bypass this con-
server counts by 5 to 10 times and reduce energy costs even straint by hosting multiple software instances per physical server.
more by replacing power-hungry older servers with more
energy-efficient systems.
Application Performance Requirements

Percentage of Customers Running Business-Critical

Number of Applications

Applications in Production on VMwarea

53% 50%
36% 34%
24% 27%

ESX 2 ESX 3 ESX 3.5 ESX 4

MS MS MS Oracle Oracle IBM IBM SAP
Exchange SQL SharePoint Middleware DB WebSphere DB2 ESX 2 ESX 3 ESX 3.5 ESX 4
Source: VMware customer survey, Sept 2008, sample size 1,038. Data: Within subset of VMware customers running a specific

application, percentages that have at least one instance of that application running in production in a VM. Overhead 30%–60% 20%–30% < 10%–20% < 2%–10%
CPU 1 vCPU 2 vCPU 4 vCPU 8 vCPU
Figure 1. Significant percentages of VMware customers are already running
business-critical production applications in a virtual environment. Memory < 4 GB 16 GB 64 GB 255 GB
Network 380 Mb/s 800 Mb/s 9 Gb/s 30 Gb/s
IOPS < 10,000 20,000 100,000 > 300,000

Figure 2. VMware has increased virtual machine scalability with every new product
generation, and virtual machines in VMware® ESX® 4 (a component of VMware®
vSphere™ 4) now provide sufficient resources to support more than 95 percent
of production databases.

As demonstrated by VMware and EMC in a study validating the

DB Mirroring/RAC
building-block guidelines for Virtualizing Exchange 2007 mailboxes, Continuous

Hardware Failure Tolerance

this strategy doubles the number of mailboxes that can be hosted VMware FT VMotion
(Planned Downtime)
on a standard four-socket Intel Xeon processor-based server.7 Automated
Restart Microsoft
Clustering/Data Guard
Guaranteed Service Levels at Lower Cost VMware HA
Instant Scaling of Server Resources
IT organizations tend to massively overprovision their business- 0% 10% 100%
critical applications to ensure headroom for growth and unexpected Application Coverage
workload spikes. This is an extremely costly strategy. With vSphere
on Intel Xeon processor-based servers, processor, memory, I/O and Figure 3. VMware® vSphere™ 4 on Intel® Xeon® processor-based servers supports
storage resources can be added to a running virtual machine on enterprise-class high availability (HA) and fault tolerance (FT) to minimize or
even eliminate both planned and unplanned downtime.
demand. This helps to ensure consistent performance without
instantaneous failover to another physical server. Data and trans-
Enterprise-Class Workload Balancing,
actions are fully preserved and there is no disruption to IT services.
High Availability and Disaster Recovery
The Intel Xeon processor 7500 series delivers more than 20 new • Disaster Recovery. VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM)
reliability, availability and serviceability (RAS) features, enabling automates failover for an entire data center without the need for
levels of data integrity and system resiliency never before seen duplicate hardware or elaborate, error-prone manual processes.
on industry-standard servers. These new RAS features provide or Unlike traditional DR solutions, the recovery plan can be easily
enable advanced error detection, correction and containment. changed and fully tested without disrupting production systems.
They also support hard partitioning and the ability to add or VMware Enhanced VMotion and Intel VT FlexMigration not only
replace components in running systems to scale resources and enable these solutions today, but also protect your investment in
avoid downtime. With these new capabilities, Intel Xeon processor years to come, by ensuring full live-migration compatibility when
7500 series-based servers provide the robust hardware foundation you add future Intel Xeon processor-based servers to your existing
businesses need to safely consolidate multiple business-critical HA, FT and DR solutions.
workloads per system.
Reduced Risk and Faster Development
VMware Enhanced VMotion complements these inherently resilient
servers by enabling live migration of virtual machines for work- The advantages of VMware vSphere 4 on Intel Xeon processor-
load balancing and failover. In tandem with Intel® Virtualization based servers extend beyond the hardware infrastructure.
Technology FlexMigration (Intel® VT FlexMigration), it provides a VMware Snapshots can be used to capture a complete virtual
proven enterprise-ready solution that ensures migration compat- machine environment, including memory, OS, application and
ibility among current and future Intel Xeon processor-based data states. Snapshots can be taken and stored automatically
servers. The combined solution has been extensively tested with to enable simple rollback to a known good state in the event of
diverse systems and demanding workloads, both in the lab and problems. Entire production environments can also be cloned for
in thousands of live customer environments. It provides the foun- test and development, including complex three-tier application
dation for enterprise-class high availability, fault tolerance architectures. With this capability, new applications, upgrades,
and disaster recovery (Figure 3). patches and other changes can be fully integrated and tested
without putting production systems at risk. Changes can then
• High Availability. VMware High Availability (HA) eliminates the
be pushed to production in minutes, with simple and near-
need for dedicated, standby hardware by automatically restarting
instant rollback if needed.
virtual machines on servers that have spare capacity. It can be
implemented with a mouse click, making it both easy and These capabilities will be even more important as IT organizations
cost-effective to protect a much wider range of applications. continue to move away from large, monolithic business applications
toward loosely coupled software components based on service-
• Fault Tolerance. VMware Fault Tolerance (FT) takes high avail-
oriented architecture (SOA) and Web 2.0 technologies. Duplicating
ability to the next level by providing mirrored operation with

hardware infrastructure for realistic testing can be almost impossible

in these distributed environments, while cloning the virtual environ- Additional Resources
ment remains a practical and cost-effective strategy.
• VMware business-critical application Web site: Get
Broad ISV Support best practices, reference architectures and case studies
The overwhelming majority of independent software vendors focused on specific applications, including Microsoft
(ISVs) provide full technical support for applications running (Exchange, SQL Server,* and SharePoint*), Oracle and SAP.
on VMware vSphere and Intel Xeon processor-based servers,
including HP, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Fujitsu and many others.
For a complete listing of the thousands of supported software • VMware and Intel Web site: Access extensive
applications, visit the VMware Web site at resources for understanding, evaluating and
solutions/business-critical-apps/isv-support.html. deploying VMware on Intel Xeon processor-
based servers.
Moving Forward with Confidence
Virtualization on Intel Xeon processor-based servers can bring
• VMTN user communities: Learn directly from others
enormous value to your business-critical computing environment who are deploying and using VMware solutions.
through cost savings, improved service levels and enhanced
business agility. Virtualizing business-critical applications does not
have to disrupt your operations or introduce excessive cost or risk.
Introducing virtualization during planned hardware or software
upgrades can reduce cost and effort for the upgrade by enabling
quick, low-cost provisioning of test environments. With the time
saved, you can test and validate new capabilities, such as VMware
Enhanced VMotion, VMware HA and VMware FT. Once tested, the
new solution can be deployed to production in minutes.
Intel and VMware offer industry-leading solutions today. The two
companies are also synchronizing future developments to deliver
next-generation capabilities that will help you further streamline
and automate your data center, so you can continue to support
your business more effectively and at lower cost.

The Foundation of Virtualization

Intel processor numbers are not a measure of performance. Processor numbers differentiate features within each processor family, not across different processor families. See
for details.
Intel® Virtualization Technology requires a computer system with an enabled Intel® processor, BIOS, virtual machine monitor (VMM) and, for some uses, certain platform software enabled for it. Functionality, performance
or other benefits will vary depending on hardware and software configurations and may require a BIOS update. Software applications may not be compatible with all operating systems. Please check with your application
vendor and software configurations. Consult with your system vendor for more information.
Based on published VMware VMmark results. For information, visit
Source: Survey of 1,038 VMware customers, September 2008.
Source: Intel internal measurements. Intel® Xeon® processor 5500 series (Nehalem) vs. Intel® Xeon® processor 5400 series.
Source: VMware Capacity Planner assessments.
For example, SAP ERP running in VMware vSphere 4 on the Intel Xeon processor 5500 series performed up to 2.03 times better than running in a native environment on the older Intel Xeon processor 5400 series.
Source: VMware Capacity Planner analysis of more than 700,000 servers in customer production environments.
See the VMware and EMC white paper, “Secure and Consolidated 16,000 Exchange Users Solution on a VMware/EMC Environment,” May 2008,
Copyright © 2010 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, and Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
Copyright © 2010 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. VMware, the VMware logo and design, vSphere, VMotion, and ESX are registered trademarks or trademarks of VMware, Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
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