International Standards Certifications
International Standards Certifications
International Standards Certifications
Exit Meeting:
Department/Sections to be audited:
Quality Control
Stores & Dispatch
AudPln 01
Issue 1 Rev 0
Audit Team:
18th a.m.
18th a.m.
18th a.m.
18th a.m.
18th p.m.
18th p.m.
19th a.m.
19th a.m.
19th a.m.
19th a.m.
19th a.m.
19th a.m.
19th a.m.
19th a.m.
18th a.m.
18th a.m.
18th p.m.
18th p.m.
Management Representative
Ankit Enterprises
Mr. Shekhani,
0141- 332574
N. Bhattacharya
Audit Plan Triennial Audit
13th December2001
Dear Sir,
We wish to confirm the details of the Ankit Enterprises, Company Quality System Triennial Audit
planned for the 18th & 19th December2001. The purpose of the audit is to verify compliance of
your Quality Manual, associated procedures and practices to the requirements of ISO 9002-1994.
Our audit team will comprise of N. Bhattacharya Lead Auditor. The Audit will commence with
an Entry Meeting as per the attached program included for your information.
We would bring to your attention at this time that you have the right to object to any of the
proposed audit team members. Should you have any objections to any of the audit team members
please let us know and we would be pleased to discuss this confidentially in order to resolve the
matter satisfactorily.
It would be appreciated if you could arrange for management personnel to be available to attend
both Entry and Exit Meetings.
It is our intention that the audit should be conducted with the minimum of disruption to your
normal work program, and it would therefore be appreciated if you could arrange for a
knowledgeable person to be available to accompany the auditor during the audit. Easy access to
pertinent manuals and procedures should be made available to the audit team during the audit.
We confirm that during our audit we would require access to an office, telephone and
photocopying facilities.
Should you have any queries with regard to the arrangements for this audit, please do not hesitate
to contact the undersigned.
Yours sincerely,
N. Bhattacharya
Lead QMS Auditor