Auditting Basics
Auditting Basics
Auditting Basics
PD Portfolio-A
Auditing basics
A guide to new Auditors
Prepared by :
Vaithiyanathan Balan,PDTQ12
Audit is a systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining
objective evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to
which the audit criteria are fulfilled-ISO 9000-2015
Don’t Do’s
• Put your assumption into the • Ask questions politely
questions or the auditee • Progressively note down the
process, all requirements shall observation during audit.
be based on a • Discuss about your findings at the
procedure/specification. end of audit with each auditee.
• interfere while other auditor is
interviewing an auditee during
joint audits
• Issue nonconformance without
discussing with auditee.
• Terms of Reference-ToR
• ISO 19011-2018 - Guidelines for auditing
management system
• PR-1866 ver.4 - Quality Audit procedure