Draft Investigation
Draft Investigation
Draft Investigation
". ::
~ate Completed:
"I ...
Table ofContents
A :Complaint , : . 3
1: P.ersons Interviewed................•..............................:....
c. BackgrmmdlnfonnatiQn
D. . . Areas. of ConcelJl
. Co
. 1. . '. ID.pen.~tOIY time
. ~ . 12
iL Harassing treatment (general). '" '" . 13
~.. H. atl:Issmgtr~~ent
:ttl. . . ax:kin)
g (p'
~ ~ . 13
7. Retaliation ~...................................... 19
A The Complain~
On January 13, 2006, five probation department employees assigned. to th~ West Roxbury
.Division ofthe BMC (445. Arborway, West Roxbury, MA), DIed a complaint alleging race· ~d
. sex di~flminatiofi against ChiefProbation Officer James Rush. The ~mployeeg.are named below:
• racism"
• . . sexism
The 'comtJlainants
- des.cribes CPO Rush's:treatment towar:dthem as. follows:
. .
• . •••ab.tfs.fve.· tindhostile treeittn.ent.--:I8.cKs :respect .•.f~l-s thFeaterted and. intimidated....
.' his behavior Is sexist racist and bias.~.'tJeJ!Yingme union' rights and hindering me from
.' . peifarniing"my job duties when i-t i:nvah'e'S. comnttmity supe-rvision....
"' I
.. .... witnessed Mr. Rush peing... demeaning, rude t.o the ather wf>1!len in the o.ffice... riJde,
sexist, ll1ifair, non-cOoperative, cause chaos...
The' probation d~aitmeitt em,ployees alleges th~t this' typ"e efh~assment from Mr. Rush is
. on-gpiiig: becaus¢,~ey. .f:~ th.at he' is. eo~tantly approaehiitg them ina. manner 'Mrere the¥ feel.
they are bemg threaten.ed by him. They allege· that Mr. Rush is' discriminatory 'towards them
becau~ of raee- (3 BlaCk. fettia1~S') and sex (5. females).
lit accordance with the AdminiStrative Office ofthe' Trial'Contt's A,filrmative Action Plan, this
..in.v:esti~ti61i-W.as promptedhy-the filing of c.onw1aint #20o.Q·-AA-OQ,L·
I '
" .
*(Note: TelephQne:interview.)
Dates ofInterview . .Persons Interviewed
OCP0771 .
2.' DoCuments Reviewed
.: Mary Trac.~y-Walsh'S: A1Iinnative AetionJEEO Compla.int F'oIll\ filed: 1~uary' 1&, 2006;.
- Idiiliz. Santos:'Affumati:ve ActionIBEO Compiaint Fonn" filed JanuarY 1&" 2006;' ".
. .Job
Descripti();n·.and Omllifieatioits
. . ..
for A$si$lant ChiefProbatio».
'. .
. . ' .
~.-assistant. ,oma ptPbauon·ofiiQet, as ~pervis9r, .~der.the supetvision:.ofthe Chiefpro~ati()n'
am~ ~i;hhe: fu'&t assistant:.chief pr.(J.b~~ o:flii~~t~ :w.~1fe.' appli~!> ha~.du~~l r~otisii>iljti~ t.o.
h-elp, tliro-se ·V;J.hom··1idSh~.sup.etvi$eS-t.o carry: out 1heirjobs with itlcreasing oompetenc.e, and to-see'
-that. the: court wotk is' .cariied 9ut . .'
.Pe!f".rtns $Uell ether duti~ as 'n1aY b~.assign:ed·:bY the ju4ge, COmmis"SiOD~,. chief probati.o~
ofiicer:or mst ~. chief ptoh~n officer, in RGCOrd'anc.e·witb,·the standar~· of~e·f·Fo.b.atiOn: .
.Service and .aIly-, s~aliZed needs oftlie CQUIt.
Attlde xvn ~ Hours and Conditions of Employm.ent
(The. Tri6J. Comt of.M;a:ssachusetts (Employer) .and The Service Employees lntemational Uni.on,
Local 256 AF.L-CIO (Union): July 1,2000 - June 30,2003.).
. .
Section 17;..09 Commuil.ity Supervision ·by. Probation Officers. The parties agree to
.. implement: the Community·Super.yision Initiativ.e as .follo:~s: .
'2. The p.~e& mutuidly agree· that v<fl!'uDtarY Participation: ~s the~'t)jrefettedmetho(f: .of. .
'performing community· sup~rvision duties outside:r.egular work hours.
C. . Baekgr01md. Imoi'InatiOl'l
The,IIonurable Katb1. c<irlte.y is. the· First..,usti~:~. Westi~,oxb.ury :DMsipa: of~he, :6M~ •. ' .
.T.he·FirSt Justice has gen.~ra1 supervision.. 'Over all·coun ~mploYees, .
., I
2. Comp~ainants
Assistant ChiefProbation Officer ·Helen·Brown, has been a probation department employee for
the past thirty-~ne·years. She alleges CPO Rush is unfair, racist, disrespectful and his harassment
toward her is. oli-going.
Assistant ChiefProbation Offioor Ma'" Tracey W:tlsh was .promoted.to. her present positio~. in
February 'ZOOS. Since thattinle, she repofl;ed that Mr. Rush has done things to her in th~ .
. workplace. which she. describes' as blatant harassnie1lt S4batage~ :eontrol....tindef?11itle.:..
l'etil/iati~n.~ ..sexist tr:etttmen·L...no·SNpJJOrl...• .yeils. ~
'H-elen BrQwn and Mary Tracey-WaJsh~ Assistapt ·ClJiefPropatton O.flice1;s, reported. that they
resp~d the internal bietarc1,J.y and the '~chain,vJco'litmmur by elev.atlng- their eolnPlaUlts .and
. concerns to· :t1Ieir·sl:lperiQrs. To. date~ they rep.prted thai nothing has .been done. to. feSQlv~ their
nUfilefeus oomplaint.s.agamSt ChiefProob~ti\j}n: Officer Jam.es·J.laish.· .
. HeienRrown and Mary Tracey-Walsh: r.ep.~rted. that they first met witb 1st Assistant CPO Mark
Prisco a'number of .titnes..aboutthe. aliove:aUe~'tkin$:.and he infurmed them.that lte.·¢€jurd- nat d¢·
.:anythlng,a\iout $,e. ·situation. ..' .....: .
.In September" 2005, ACPO's meet wi~R.egi.o~ Admiriist:ta;tor Mark M~~~ CPO Rush ~
.~Mtbem in the Qffi~ se~ely t9 diSCUSs on-going cOrop: ~e '.is~s,be.eau·~ they were·.still-
1.\"";""", ..1·........:.~~·th·
._.. "h"t0.. ~
e OPP0.l'~Uint"'J' .."ty'" •..' . . , At ...1...:....:.,,:-..... ·· ...1:.. n.A·:~~"..t
p~uQm commwn.., t ~$Wn..· "'UHli1- ~ue;. We·l.\n.'wUIUU-.u
.~Sb: tQ allow ~CPQ"s to .perfb~ ~nnnuni~'sup~sion:aspart nftheir job' dtltieS ajid as uniQn
.. oontract states in Section 17JJ9·.
.Oti January 9, 2.006, :five employees info~ed First Justice Kathleen Coffey oftheir concerns and
frustration-sand 'that there had been no resolution to their numerous and shared complaints
·regarding. CPO Rush's daily disrespect, hostile and discrimirtatory treatment against 1;4em and
no resolution via chain ojcommand:.
Otl 1~' 13" 200.6.;. ACPO Br:o~ Tf.aq~y..Waish and·e.thers- ~ed :Mira·;R .Dandridg¢, tire
. A.ffim;iatiye Action Officer, to file ·a dise.rfrnination complaint because '$ey felt that their'isS'l.'J.eS
.w¢r.e:.not being ad4res:~. ~d notbing. was: being done~ A fonn~ in:v~igatioll was. pmnql'ted Via
·fhe Adminis.trati'v~ Office ofthe Trial Court.. .' .
Mark McHale, Regional Supervisor of Suffolk County reported th~t he supervises eleven courts
'and each ChiefProbation. Officer determines their own operanopa1 needs, including the number of
, probation Offi~' needed to covet community supervision. Mr. McHale reported,that' CPO Rush ,
,creates a schedule two weeks in advance to ensure that there is ~equate Coverage for night
, reporting' and conn:nrinity ~p.ervision. h1r. :McI1aJe ,stated, that he: concurs with CPO Rush's
decision to assign the Assistant CliiefProbation OfficerS t~ ,th~ probation,counter:and limit.their
, involvement with :c.ommtmit,Y ,supervisiOh. :Mark MeHale:reported that he 'has, never witnessed
·abuse directed toward the asSlmartt chiefprobation officers or anyone.
,:&sistant Chief,ProbatieR Oflicets SeIeR Br-own and ~ Tracey-Walsh ,r~ported that for the
past,two years ChfefPr~bation: O:fl;iqer James~ush has d~liberat¢1y.'f.estriI~ the- probatioh
departDiertt 'm, a way Whicl1 has.be~ unfair to, them" mainly'becau~ he haS diminished their
snp:erv.isor,y respQnSibilities:'as: ~istant"chief probation pmeer~~ ;Speci&alt.y" he has:, taken ~way,
their community' ~P'eMSOEy. assigmrient5" which is demibed Ott' their, job,descriptioo as· a'majrJr
~~ , .
PItor t9 2004, ACPo. JnOwn>reported,that the fanner CPO (~nS'):~uthonz.ed lau to: PeEfonil
community supervision.at the E-l.3 poli~e Stati~ and attend vMi.ous 'community meetings,
including Heitlth.y·R,Qsliadale~ Yout}1, Violence 'Strik~ Foree,. iInrl" o~r pEO~ams~.
,Pi'ior t-o-:Z065, ACPO, Trac.€W-Walsh. repOl1ed'tnat she was. an~¢d to :attend riomestic VioiclIce· ,
m.eetings.~ was, th@;ooordinatIDf- of the Strmght Ahead P'row,raID.thoogn$e,Reinv.enting Justice
-P.t.cij;¢ct In Deee.mber, 20£)5, she 'waS told..by, 1st'.ACPO PiiScp tluit:She was not to participate in '
the Straight Ahead Program. .l\CPO Tracey-Wa:l~ reported that sbe'~:never t-old Why she, was
being .removed, from the p.r~~ ex:c~p.t that it was CPO'Rtlsh; sdecisioa.
, 'ACP(Ys ;ebsefve~ 'that the ma1e'pa',s '$(l, the '1st As:sistant Chief a,re:,a,llowed to .att'~nd 'fue '
commt1riitY'm~; ~:~y'm:~mal¢S;..' B¢·:tlte.ACPO~:S'," ,~, they',arefemaie, at~.ne.t
to:aU~Q: ',community meetings dpring; work. hours Of .fitter work'
' .' . ' . '
. .
. not convenient for them. The ACPO's. reported that when the PO's.perfarin community service
they a1w~ chose the dates they want and they are also .given the opportwUty to' schedule two
or more per month.
'Th~ ACPO' s- 'reported that they .arenat. given the· same oppo.rtutlities..
. .
The ACPO's r~orted·that when they asked CPO Rush.why they are net allowed to perform
.comniurUty ·supervision,. they reported he said.'''••.. tfre.y would earr.t too much co1J1p time and"
'Would be (JUt ofthe office t(JO much " .
Ms. Walsh reported that Mr. RllSh .deniea her the: oppominity to oontinne'her cqmniunity
:superviSion assigittnents, whereas nmle probation 9ffi~rs ~e·.given special priviI~es regarding'
connnuriity. SUPervisiOll. :M's. WalsJ! reported that if she:attempts to. go to'ai1'assigt!IDent" CPO
Rush says to her "... y.ou·left the buildingwith6.t!t mype.mtission." Ms. Tracey-Wms'h .cannot
attend' the following; .
1'1ie, ACP().' s. reported, that they are aJowe£Ho' attend Re Inventing Justice· tn~"1ings; OIlG£rper
month. However, t,DeYare·.only conipensateq for two~GUrs When ~y .a,ttendthe meeting. 'and
.they· ar:e; not.o'omp~1lS8~e.d.·tot th~'in~ when·.they: S$a.y at the. court (an additional- tv\[C)':ooUts:):'
·'~d work imtii 'the·~~ting be~ at 7:00p.m. - 9.:00 p.m. . ' .
. . . .
:The. ACpg"s'lieportea: thal when the maJ.e..p.robam!'JiI offi,cei;s attend: meetillgs. wbi~h: begin- an-lwur .
'or .tfio~ ~r 'their wOt:k day. they are for
eQJnpensa.tOO the entire .interval and are credited· fer the
hours' they wait. . .
. .
. ·HelenBroWn ~dMa!.Y.Tr$ey·Wa1sh. beli~·that·CPQ-Rnshpm;p0se1y took the:comm~.
'. 'programs ·aw.ay1rom them b~lisetheY'ar¢ female and haS ~ted· the m~e "probatiOll ~fficersih:e
· £ommunity ·assignments.. . . . .
.k :aisp3ta.t~t~cmtm~~'
. .
Conv.ersely., when a mal~.pi.O'batio1l! o:fficer·.(.B1:ad McNiobo1s;) attends the F"~9od. p.~Qgnun
.... '. (6:00pm - 8:00 pm); :he~ve~r.cottlpensatGty time :from 4:3.0 pltl- 8:00 PIn:-
.it Harassing treatment (general) .
a. The ACPO's. reported that CPO Rush told them they are not to have any
conversations· or read the paper at the· counter. However, on a daily basis line po.'s and APO's .
read the newspaper, play games on the computer~ eat ~d "horse aro~4" out·in the open area
while CPO Rush js :Sta:I)ding thete and he .so~:etimes sits down next to them and join th~m in
. .' b. On Jaauary 1('), 2006~ at 2:30 p.in.,. the· ACPO' s t~portetl CPO Ru$h and' I BtACPO
Prisco 'calieda meeting. with the two ACPO's:.and. were told they .aJre.mit allOw.ed to go out until
·the Assigpment Ust waS cl~ed. up .and it ne~ed to:~~ dqn~ _emately..CPO Rush told them
.that a c.aselidaQ· review win be done in Febrt:ta.F.Y. '(!lId the 1IltACPO·wil! amfit·the cases· mid niake
• ...b·· I':'·,"",~O'·"'· on ,1.·_·t 06k~ no' ,_.. . .~ krtno' ..J:...r . ..:..t ,",,,,,,,.,..~k~ .
no"es to
• . ,+.
!:fIe .n-L;r·. :... 'W'1'm u;a:; r ' S i:IllU n.\J.F '. g.·UN· nOt .uQ·
'VVS l".
. , .c. On May ?, 2{)06~ ACP<? Brown reported that ·she was :outSide h~idingihe door
.oPen be¢au5ethe ligh~ went €lut and oom.a.trt~y. :receiVed. i telephone. ~ Q1l h'er cellulm-
telephoiie. She'rept;>rted that'CPO Rushldc'k:cil:the :St()pper out'Gfthe.,door '~d preceded to close
the dQar in her face: while stating that it·was e6ld.. ACIlO'BJQW1l repWiie~l.tlmt. s1),e. h~ld the· d~r
.~a 'aSke,d. CPO ltUSh not roo oIose·$e door and.he proceOOed.to gtab the..door and pull. it. ACPO
'Brown sai~f'thRt this:incident is. amotl:ter'funn' ofm~gn and·e.mrtic,'b;ebaVimdkected:' towatd
:lier ilm± ~. ~il shocked her: ACPO ·Bt~·rep'(')rtedtbat.slre wgs·on the'~IephCme talking to
. the Mlimumv.e. A~0n:Officer whq also heard ·the COJlJ1liIO''Db11' ~a t~lephone, .
~ ';l'Uesday; 1~uaiy. l~ she. reported ti1at·~.lb1sh aaain parked iR ~'sp.aC,¢; .Judge Coffey ..
·noticed: CPO RUsh. in: ACP.O·Brown·s parking space' arid ACP-O'Brown was .p~kl3d.in the judgeS
.s~,..~udg¢: Coffey' asked cPO Rush toplease.lOO¥e.llis:~. :Ms~,:aroW:t1.~epoHed dui;L; sh~j.
afier~ Mr. Rush·gav.e her a threatening i00k and. then he moved his .car from 1i~r space~ 'The next
.day•. Ms_.BtO:~ r.epe~ed ~t ·she inforriled.Re~··stipetvisor Mark MCHale &OOut.~
incid¢m. She alt~ges:that Mr. Rush's. behavior is a blatmit example of what Ms. Brown describes
as·a· "hoStile eniAronment'" for her. . ' .
On Friday, June 1~, at 12:20 p..m. Ms. Brown reported that she needed to· leave early that day
a:p.d noticed that CPO Ru~h was parked behind' her car, because Probation Officer Ad1ta Vazquez
was parked in Mr. Rush's parking space. ACPO'Brown asked CPO Ru~h to:1nove his' car.
ACPO Brown- and Tracey-Walsh r.epOrted that ~he was concerned about being .disciplin~in
front ofthe J.ine PO's, whom they supei-vise,' .
·OOt:JiIter in. a r3;ge:an~ ~~ yelling' and pointing.his. fingers at ACPO Brown Tracey-Walsh
in uo.nt of ~e. clerical staR: other PO's ati)d th~ public,' The·ACPO' s.repO~ed. that he. was: .
liumilia1;ing, .degra~·art(i belittling to them itt ~ch a way t1lat it was' "if.1ti:l!1idating and .
si:ary.. ~... behavior was ve1:J.1' etratic.an4 unpr-ojessional.," .-MS.. BfOwn l'epo1t-e4'·that c~ Rush·
has"displayed this type QfbehavioJ: nwnerous ather tim.es. theY reported that ~:. __ .he constantly
.thrOw$. paper.$.' q{ thr:111' fJ1!f their desk.....he opetiS: their' door iyhen"u is .c1.(J$ed·wit/Jout ~heir
.." ~, .
. . . ' . . .
Ms. T1!aeeY-!V.aIs,h r.eport~ that· QnDecember 1911i 'and Deeember.21 st ,MT_ 'RushsGt€amed at her
and ·q~on.~ het ability. CPO'Rush ·angrilY·repeated the qti:estion w~~et AC,P(} Walsh.::could
get PO Yoongs: cas~sup'to ila;te. 'When:·ACPO llesponcled; CPO R:ush.repli~tt _.... trying is'llFl,t
.g9od, e.1t01tih...¢cin you db it or not?? Ify,Q1I.Can· ~t I wUl get SfJOJt 'One else'who ean.•. .1'1f1.not
going oUt on' my knees;~;~Sh~.statedthat M:ark Pris·co!.was- present:bOth tiIiles.
· J9M Hugatx..· Office. Manage£; a. 2~"year cinp~o.y.ee'7- .rep.0rte4 ~'t (jl1.·Mt)nd~,: .Jat1Uary. 9; ;4Q06"
'~he Witnes~CP.D·~sh:f>~a~e yelling c~.~~~s·ting~·and'int~id3tin~
.. A~o' R!o.Y:.m; $lW Tra~.ey-Wash:~i.:$e. c»:W:it:~~ Ms,. H~..F.1'ted tbt.·.sbe; ~hjuty'¢.g·
· 'at her' ~yIDg" .'~..~':ou.:should:be ·ot the .coiJl#e'r~ •.,-w.heie YOlt?·>1 ·Ms: H~gani:e.p0rt.~'thai "
. then~. were. 2. - 3 employees: at ~~: CD.~ter eontinupusly clUring; tlnlt day $J;~jt was. Deye,f.·witheUf
.a staff pet.8(}i1. ~~ Hogan'reported' that ACPO Helen J;lrowD: and otlier employees wer,e at the
e.ounter when:ACPo. Traooy.-WslSh left.f~" app.F.<»dmate1y. 15: minutes: to ham! delivet'pap~S'tO:
,t4ej~dgeS:lobby. . .
. .
Ms: HQgan I.'ep6rted that when ACro .Traaey-WaIsh returned to, the GOlmter;,. he I;>egan yelling at
'het"jn a: vei:y diSrespectful.waY. (Assistant Chi~Probation: Officers Helen Brown.and ~.
Trileey...Walsh, itikt this· inv.estigator the same·mt'onnanaD 17~ding· :this.:inci.dem. They.' afid~ .
···..that CPO Rush never yells &t the men, bnt .he continueS to ·yell at them because' they are female.)
Ms. Hogan recalled when'CPO Rush accusect her making etTor~ on his timesheet. "She reported'
he often undermines her by saying things like ."...what the Christ are yozt"doing.... you ~e can
it.. ?
.Ms. Hog~ recalled that on Friday~ December 16.2005. First Assistant.CmefMark PrisCo gave
her a memo 'and told her '''no hurry." On. Monday, December 18lh, CPO Rush. ~ to her and
said "...did Prisco giveyau· 2 things to type....ifyau. reuldn '{get it dane you should have· given: .
it to "smneone els.e... " . .
MS.. Hog.an reported that CPO Rush. does..not yen at the: men.
· Felisha Arnold., pr.obation ·Case Speciaiist· reported that she witnessed CPO.Rush badgering,
demeaning: and helittimg. the' A,ssistatlt. Chi~fPro.batiort" Offieers H.elen~Fowu and Mary Tracey.
. waisn ~~ro:u:s·1in:les, specifically during $taffmeetings bec.ausethe door was open and at·the
· PFO~atiatt· .oolBl,ter.. M~_'Afnoid said that she :witae~~.CPO·, Rush yelling.a~ Mary TFaeey WalSh
becaUse sireleft the·counter for ~ppr£ixlniately fifteen rnit1ntes io go to the jndg~s lobby. :Ms.
, ~ld 'said that ~e: witnessed four Olf five -oth,er emp10jee.s present. woo were a~ailable.to
pi:ovide.oov.er~g~·~t:the probation- counter-that day. .
Idaliz Santcs~ Probation. Officer.r.eported;. that .CPO Rush i~, not..fait''1lQ all'employ.ees. For '
·.:e~le.she.:stated thatth~-e :are ~..emploY.ees (fema:l¢.s} on. his "''W.riroh .Jist".... w/W .he·
.lMktl1es; 'ClD'Cks'aNd Jonksfot during the~.. Ms:
Santos.,yePorte'd.that: there ate. «her
.e~loy.. {~s,. Who ate aU~we4' ~ priVileges.. F'or-exaInple, play c.omputer gaII'ies,
eat food at. the: desk in: view of the' pu'blic:and 2.l;raur·lundb:es;
.'. . :MS. 'Santos .reported that sh¢ wi~essed' t~e. cC?unter incident o:n Monday, Jan~ 9111•. Ms. 'Santes
:witnessed Cpo.-Rush ~ ttre.~er as1d.Rg where Mary Tracey' Walsh. She stated that his .
approach waS'demeaning an'd ''ard.~g([11lis.tic. 7'
·Ms. :B~.:an4: Ms. Tra~...W~sh l'ep(Jtted" that {}~ FridaY,.January ff'>"~ere- was a.~ ..at
8:3~ a.m.. ~·fon6Wing.einPtQj.ees W;~pltes~:. ·CPQ"Ja¢e-s,:&usD;;.ACPO Hel~ lkawn~.
J\CrQ:·Mary Ttapey..::Walsh. A.1s9pr~·~e·th.e line p.robati.o.~·.QffiCers Kevin ~1'~
Wi~ lo.yce~ 'fJ:r~ pmpnse of the; ~eeting:was~to infum·tlre ACPOl·S:·tba"t ·t~· mJ;lSt.altemat~
and:WQrk at the front pf.0batioll ooiuiter all day., in~ew proba;tioners and they must ~e' .
·diffeneat luncm houf......'
. 'Ai the .mee.tin&. Ms. Br.ovnl mid·.'l:racey.':'Walsh felttha.t Mr.. Rush was' "~1noFolj.zjng,· :v.ufif4iy.
·and' "enfotioJ1lJlllYa'b1lSiVe'" i1i how: be ·'<.cfjsvipli1i.ed"andrepri"t11fJ1itktf" .theassistant -cfliefprobation
otne:efS', Ms~ Tl1l~-W~sh fqroqedthat. when ymt asketla questio~. he respende(tb.y Sa.yin~
«what don 7t you 'If11(icl'Sff;mr./. "
. .
The Assistant ChiefProbation Officers believe· that his directives' are sexist toward the~ because
it diminisheS their ,ability to supervise line probation officers and manage their caseload. They
reported that being assigned to the front desk "7.5 hoors" is nQt"necessary, beG.auS,e· a ro¥WoJ;l
sheet ha~been in place for 'a nQ111ber ofyears. The ro.tation sheet is'a weekly' schedule which
iderrtifies"line probati0n officers and includes. the perm~ent coun~er probation officers '
{Santos and DiN;irdilwho are assigned t6, <:over front desk duty from 8:30am - 4:30pm.
the: ACPO's explained that this:schedme l;dso. allows far back Up,' ewrtroom coverage
,and coverage during lunch (s~ attacbed)..
, The: Assistant ChiefProbatk>l1 Officers·' state thafthe follOwing ob:siacles binders their
, peifonnance which-nltlniate!y, tak:CS .away.frain other AePO ~tities: ,1) ill-eqnipped' desk;
, 2}·telephone dpe$:not work pri>perly;:it cuts p~le' ~ff;: 1) no typewriter 'OIl desk must shm;e'a'
·typewriter on another deskivith'sap'p'~ stafJ.;4) constantintermptioDs; hinders daij.y,tasks,and '
"makes. it tfi:.mWItttr revrew case'~.
The· ABsiS1JaJrt ChiefProi!8tiop. Officers reported 'that, €?O Rnsh constantly' l~. fOf"them every
, $ ininutes, follows, them. 'aromi~ scapegoats them and,he, does not give. them important,
, ' . during the, day.,
. information. about the operations. of.the court
'n.. On J~ 6" 2QO;6;".Ms. BroWn :repe'rte.d t1lat.~_ :Rush t91d: h~ tnatsh.¢' WQuld no· .
: km.:get participate'in the momingmeetmg held in the 1~4ges Cham~rs. :M$. ~rown reported' that
'Mr. R\ls:h!'&'decisio~ has; put ~er 'at ~ ~ant-ag.~ becau$e: the.: DQnnati.on discuss,e.d. ill the·
mornmg1tl~ls.~~,relat~.~'ner,wot'k and is~¢'th~.d*y (e;g.,probatimt.,~
, ¢.o.v.e.fig~ ,motner"S::~~;·eic~), .' ' .'
'. iii.;' Mtl·~ Btomx anq MS., 'Ir~Walshf.~e.d:that: Mr. Rush Q'ees, :Q.Qrmve; themr
"fufortna:tion. aballt n~g·training. ' Fo~,ex.atnP.~"they.;wci~ent1y~fu.1,Bll'l·out: about a
memoranclmn, dat,ed.:2l24/06' whi~h. was:·dissemina.ted: to: .Cbi~~OOatien,·().ffrc:e.rs all. '
, .~, " tirts.Lnie Til ~' ., . ;, a ~ designed f:o{emplbY~s 't(deBm,howt~ruse the new
iv. Ms., BroWn and Ms. Tracey-Wal~h reported that some probation officers disappear'
and go offto meetings Without telling them despite repeated requ.ests to do S(). This issUe has
also peen bFOught to the. attention of the chain of.C€lllIinand. Th~y believe that tire· line probation
officers should t~ll them where theY go. CoiIv'erselY~ they have observed that CPO Rush
~tly "~'S his r~' in ordei- to monitor their· every·move·and he· does. not reprimand
the probation officers who do not in(orm. them oftheir whereabouts:
PO y o.ui:xg: ~eported that: she'witnessed: that the. AssistaBt p~obatioit·Ofli¢r.~ W'er~ n6··looger
fuvolved With the community'omreacl1 progr3rns~ ". .
·Angela.White;. a funner Int~ who.' WOf~e.d'.with romer Cr<).. OWens frf,lln J:anu~ 20:04 though;
'. _:M1gu~ ·2QQ4. S:h.e.:eane.(l,Cp.o.·-l,Uish.:inm.seprembei;. '2004. th~~gnl~;,. 2005.;. to· ask ifshe
- ... co.iil&··~nfume;woiimig··at. the: e.omt (lfuk ~ pttigram)' 'M$'-' Whiti~;·te..P0rted that'when she. meet
~·CP6·ltusii.~d:-:ael~ Bf~Wi1 r.~\;ttiplo~;iit,··she\~it~~.cp.6-Rtt$hU-~6ng· .. .
Ms.: BtQ;wn·-w.i•.disf~:, ~ Whi:te:, ~aid tlmt: she:felt. soay for Ms. BtQ:wn becau~··gfthe way
'CPO: bsh was keating her. (see ,atta.ehed :AfiicQlvit). .
6. Flexible Work Hours
.In November '2003, Ms. Tracey-Walsh reported that she was authorized to work fiefable
houTs (8:0() am.. 4:00 pm.) because ofher parenting responsibili~es.
· On August '2005, Ms. Tracey-Walsh reported that she went to CPO Rush and verb81ly requested'
to leave wDlkearJy Dti Thursdays becau~e her c1Jild has·'~specia1 ~eeds" and she wanted to be
home for:her son to attend occupatIDJlal therapy.
cPo Rush told her to .put her request in writing and attaCh the doctor's letter. ACPO Tracey\-
W81sh reported.that wllen they met, the. first thing he told her was
the- ACPo-' S' would. have to
work 8:30 am - 4:-3:0 pm.. CP.o-.R.ush·inform~· AePO Tracey-Walsh is' the .best he could do-
.would he-.to· all().w her ta work 8.:00: 2un:- 4iflO, pm on ·Tlmrsdays;.~ arid that. she would. need 10-
take. persOnal.or v~ca1iOD, time if she' needed· to l~ve earlier att~d so~' S to' He ~so th.er-aPi. '$fate
·~h.e· would ·ha.ve. to. work 8::30: $1-4:3-0' pm tine other fow- days a·week. These,lrotlt& w.oold. begjn
.in S.wt~ber 2005.
· 'a tine PO whO; .sh~ sUI"ervised was··the person 'authorized to work llexib)e ·houts..
.JU September '2~" she,·t~fted .that.Jyh:,: Rush denied' her '~le tinle·sehedute~.' '3n4;·insi~¢d,·
··.that sbe~o¢ ~~. b~s hBms;(8.;~O·mn- 4:30:·p?J3.;);.. in.~ept¢;mb.er· '~Oes~'Ms •.Tracey..; .
. Wal$lt·i~ed~:~.in~~tmifw~:·lI~lq. With.M;. CPO _ FAep()·and·itwaSi~id~ i~·s~e
·coUld resume
. the fle:x.t'bie work sChedule.. .(8~{)O ·a:IlL-·4 :@.o 'p.~). . .
" .
.. . .. .
.' On' Dec¢mber:2:1~, ;2Q65~ Ms~ Traooy..Walsh iQPort(d :that CfO
R.n. '. .
t~ld het:that &he: was. going. .
.·~aclc to &:3,0· am . :4 :3.0~ beginiUe.g Degember .27 •. -She reported that ·CPO Rush kept r:eferrmg.to
·t::.-~~1.c· ...t.. "'D.' ,.'. H' iV"ftk.m-A·ha ...1:.._ ft1~.·· ";'~". •..i.. b .
. .' ~Jf1'~a as ~1e. .O,osS> .:e e""p."IiU..lwt:!·· t t uNo· reason...t:'.J.or. not ·~\jfmng 1;,......
..I'lI\i1:tQ W.I1HU1\1.e Wir,li. e.r'
hours wa;s that:a :line PO'was behind: in her wcirk. ' Ms. ,Tracey-WalSh repolted tl,1at another PO .
. was'giVen her'~flex" hours ~f8:00' am - 4:00 pm..
. QCP0783
on December 29, 2005, Ms. Tracey-Walsh. r.eported that CPO J:tush reconsid:ered her
hourS' and.
told h~ $at he never agreed that she shoUld continue working a flexible schedule which was . .
arranged in September as a result ofthe meeting with RA McHale. She beli~ ~pat. it was' clear
that CPO Rush.was upset because :tlie ACPO~ s requested the intervention ofRA McHale.
in JanuMy 2006, ~t the direction ofDeputy Commissioner. Elizabeth Tavares;" CPO Rush was' told :
.to allow ACPO Tracey-Walsh to work a flexible .sChedule.
7•. Retaliation
'the. ACPO"s .stated that this is another e~le afnot being. included. in the decision' making
proceSs. and 'CPO:Rush deh~ely.l,ly-pass.es them
• CPO Rush took away Mary Tracey Walsh's flexible work hours; but the. fJ:~ble work
.schedule was eventually reinstatfX1 (8:30 am - 4:30 pm) because .ofher.famtly obligations.
• CPO Rush·.parked:'in ACPO Brown's designated parking space severahimes~ even though
. CPO Rlish has· his own·assigned parking space.
• ACPO Brown has·been directed not to attend the morning probatio;n: meeting whieh is
held in her chambers.
. . .
e. . ACPO's are re$1:ricted to participate'in probation oommuttity.progI:&nS.
20 .
OCP0785 .
I Kevin· BreD·R·an" Probation Officer H, a white male; ftW0rted that he has net witnessed
racism sexism, thteatening behavior. nor does he believe he is working in a hostile environment.
He- reported that ~. working conditi€;>l1s are fair,. employees are ~t:e. and he'has no complaints.
..He explained tlia~ be 'has BOOh CPO Rush y.ell :and reprimand everyon~; bet he believes that if an
. employee is, reprimanded for not completing assignments.tpen that is part ofthejob.
.Mr. Brennan said that he works ~exible homs 8z00 a.m- 4:00 p.m, .For two years; he worked
7:30 am. - "3dO, pm.: He does tiot r::eceive' ~~nsatoty· time;,·ev.en though he ·arrives at 7:00 a.m..
everyday to' set-up the probation counter. H;e reported that he ~C:)'~ pomrnUriity :supervision once
every two: months and· he is..assign.ed to. provide ooverag~' .at the MB'fA Stop' Watch progratl'l', as·
.needed. .
, '.
supetvisOrs~ because mi.ditionally line probation omCers an~ associate probation officers. supervise .
the eounter. Mr. Ritchie reporteclthat he has Witnessed CPO Rush constantly looking for the
ACPOs. Mr. Ritehie said th~ he is' not surprised that. a complaint'was filed ·alleging. ~ 3nd sex
discriDlination, knowing that all the complainants 'are female:
MS:n.&a:tos reported that she is aware that th~AC~'.s ·are·upset·with the'p~bation counter'
ass~eDt. However.. she feels th~tdeci~ian·W'SS a ·1D.a:nag~eRt .d.ecis.ion.Ms·, Matas $aid: that
, CPO.ltush would .not do anything to hurt -anyene. the department lUtts smoothly.ann 'She loves
i . . coming to work. . . .
E~ .' J~m:eS' Rush.. Chief Probation Otlicerand: person oomplained..ot: reported' that he
. beli~eS ::the co~iaiat fil¢d -agailist liim is.iuir.assment against hhri because of liiS age (age ..
. .o1scmmnation). CPO.R.usll.stated that he-is ·calOr blilllhmfl the. issues· raised' in: ~ complaint
. ·are not oPjective and ~'astretch oftheir im(Jfji.niltien. ~ He des~bes liimSe1f:.as· being ffom
. . ~~the fifd school;" but, he"s .fair: B;e. ~y raise: his: ~~: 00 ~ccasion.:but .~ .,~ ~ot ycl:1. .
rn:::tht:~te'I;l;~~ne. ~~ saW-,p.~ meet$. )1Yith.sta!f Gil~'R m.ooth·to ~$U~g..~'W~d,··r~1ay .
:im~r.tatif·jnf.o~R1Ii~: and to ~~o.tlIef'J)lat:n;trs~.. CPC! ~·statoo·tfu¢. in: Ol'detti:>: ron
.. a probation department :he needs to 'be ~le to ~e ~agem~'decisi(ms~ . .
CPO.Rush said he aSsigrIe~h:heACPO'$ to the counter to supervise the probation.front counter
. .oi'l-a rotation basis. CPO Rush stated that this is it ~ecessmy and important functien ~se they
are interfacing with. the public and available to. answer questions:and ·solve problems' when they
mise, He views their .assignment to the ~unter.as a positive giving them added responsibility.
:CPORush reported' that thet~ ~e· reserved parking spaces. fur soni~ employees,lOcated behind the
:rourthouSe..Both he' and Ms. 'Bro~ ~v~ an ~Signed parking space. Mr..Rush reportoo that one
motitinghe p~ed in Ms. Br&wn"'S: space. because someone else Was park~in.hii· spa~~ Mr.
Rush repo~ed ~ he' parlci::d in her space"oQiy on,e time. .
. CPO: J~es' :Rush.sa.id that ACPO traeey-Waish di;d originally. wor1$:. a :BennIe Sghedute:.~e'gin.nmg
. at 8:00 am - 4:0.0 pm.He.:said~hat he cJ?,angeg ·her hours' back to 8:30' am -4':3~:pni. Because.
. 'ACPO ':fraeey-WafSh'11ad' fahilly· responsibilities, sb he- chang~.her hOlil;s. ba(';k to 8·~Oo-. am.- 4:00.
, .pm.
• . . :witl$6lding informaU:onftem tb~ ~s~j&tant '~~f probatipn officers; he said mOilthly staff
. xneetingS m-e.held· ·t~ disCuss· matt~ts,and up',..e:0~g trainiQg,schedmes Sfepdsted on.the
board for 'everyone to' see. Ifan 'employee Watits ta attend a training. he·:autho.rize.s it with
lrl-$' signa.ture~ .
• kicking the'~ dosed as ACPO ~:rown alleged. He .S&id·that this. is C'a- Sfret.e.h ofher
'. .deliberately p~king itt ACPO Brown's pMking sp~. (He' parked. in her space· DlJ1y
'P~se someo~ else was p~ in his. at the time).
F. Conclusions
There is evidenee'that this ,is' a legitimate comp'lain~ because seven female emp10yees
:[4 Black, 2 White, 1 Hispanic], including the five females who filed this complaint; were
conSistent in their testimony .that ChiefProbation Officef'.J~es- Rush yelled and intimidated th~.
The seven female employees said they were b;eing'targeted and witnessed him' yelliIig at <>ther ,
females. They agreed Vlith the allegation' of raCe· ~d .sex· discrimination and, they: stated t~t they
h,av.e dir¢ctly witries$ed C;pO Rush dis.criminating against ·them..Two females wrote,nanitives of
'I:iWir'iIeg~tivee:q>erienres in: the probation department and one' female submitted an AffidaVit: ',
(see attached).
Based 011 the: aoo~e ~lusio1t. t1rete'is. evideI;f<re that, inapprQPri~~ co:qnnuni:eatioil:may he
nit"ettet{ t<,?watd' the seven ~emale, employee's. ' .
. . .
Seven em.plOyees [~white: tnales, 1 Black male, 1 cape Verdean female} ~eported: that they ·are
. being tr¢ated fajrly and they have·not experienCed disctimiDatory treatment. Six employees· Stated .
that th~y Me· not.ye1'lel:.l'·at and 0ne- emplQyee~ ,~evinJ3rennan;,·R. white mal~;.Fe.po.rted that hejs '
tr~te4,faidy, but he'has'·seen CPO Rush :yell-an4 t.ep~ everyone. Ritchie Logan, a Blaek
it1ale~ said tjlat he' is: treated 'fairly; 'but he ,bas wit:nessed discfimi;natoty trea:tm:em dlFected toward,
'feIbal~ emplo~s~ . .
.: ., "" .
. Reccmmend#joDs'
1. .It is, recommended that CPO James Rush examine his ma.nag~t stYle beCause some
employees at the 'court ~ive. the existing management style as harassing, ~scriminatory,
.disrespeCtful, intimidating, ~using; undermining supervisory duties, '~g. and restricting
. employees' oPpbrtunity for 'CaI'eeT advancem~t. . .
2. It .is :recommended ~t .the Assistant ChiefProbati~. ~Rel~ Brown and Maty :Tracey-
Walsh r~cive fair and equal treatment as compared to other probation officers regarding
:cumm~ supervision assignnients, compensatory tinie and other beilefits. of'employm~nt.
It recommended that-all the'complainants. be treated with· respect.
. ,
5. Probation: dep~ent. mana~r.s. and other ~w1l, p.~so_el sh01:ild attend CIDmfal sensiti'\!ity.
.6. '.All probation 'department "employees should have· a uniform S!gn;out' proeedm:e including
.. 'notifica~on given to ~ supe~sor. "
:8,· It is re.co~e.d. that CPQ.James.. R1lsh'~d oth,er ~as.~ at the. West ~OJfbmy PMsiQJl
-Of the BO.st0~·:Mri.ni~M Court 'do, not rt1t~~t:38_ the ·etnploy~ :Whl;l filed'this complaint.