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Chapter 8 - Volcanoes

Engagement: Ask students why its important to understand how
volcanoes work. Guide students to answer that 1. the effects of volcanoes
on earth and life and 2. how to predict them, is important to humans.
Review what we know:
1. Discuss what the students remember about tectonic plate boundaries and
what occurs during these boundaries. You may choose to re-utilize this site from
the Pangaea and Beyond activity to discuss where and why volcanoes occur.
2. Sections 1 and 2 (pages 266-277) also review similar topics and students
will benefit from front-loading the vocabulary before beginning the activity.

Part I: Understanding Volcanoes
1. Before beginning the media-based activities, divide the class into small groups (2-3
students each) and distribute a copy of the World Map Without Volcanoes PDF Image to
each group. Mention that Hawai'i is one place that is well known for its volcanoes. Now
ask the groups to list as many other states and countries as they can that have
volcanoes. You may want to suggest that they think about major eruptions that have
appeared in the news recently, or famous ones that have happened in history (e.g.,
Vesuvius and Krakatau). Next, have them mark the locations of the volcanoes on their
maps. Before moving on, ask the students the following:
a. Do you see any patterns?
b. Can you think of any possible explanations for the patterns you see?

2. Now hand out table copies of the World Map With Volcanoes PDF Image marked and
have the groups look at both maps. Ask about the distribution of volcanoes, and have

students hypothesize why they are where they are and why certain areas are more
active than others. If there is time, have the groups share their lists and other findings
with the class.
3. Ask students to explore the Volcanism HTML Interactive allowing students to explore
the website independently for about 10 minutes. Next, assign partners to record in their
notebooks answers to the questions below. Students will use the recorded information
in the case study activity that concludes the lesson plan. Early finishers may go to the
Mountain Maker, Earth Shaker Flash Interactive to review the basics of plate tectonics.
a. How do volcanoes form?
b. What are the four primary types of volcanoes? Name and describe each
type in detail. Sketch the shape of each type and note its plate tectonic setting
(i.e., over hot spots, spreading centers, or subduction zones).
c. Where do volcanoes form?
d. Rocks are classified by what they are made of and how they form.
Igneous rocks always begin as magma. What are the two main types of igneous
rocks, and what is the main difference between them? How does each type form
into solid rock?
e. Be sure to review notes when students are finished.

1. Front-load section 3 (pages 278-281) discussing eruption effects.
2. Ask students to check out the Volcanic Eruptions and Hazards HTML
Interactive and record in their notebooks answers to the following questions:

a. Will an effusive eruption have more gas and be more dense (viscous) than
an explosive flow, or will it be less gaseous and less viscous? How does each
type of eruption cause damage?
b. Which type of eruption appears to be the more hazardous to humans?
Explain your answer.
c. Of the numerous hazards caused by volcanic eruptions, list and describe
at least three that cause damage on a local level, and at least one that has global

1. Ask the students to look at the dynamic landforms and features in the
Anatomy of a Volcano Flash Interactive and Volcanic Features HTML Interactive .
Have them write down the following vocabulary list of features and describe each
one: lava, tephra, lava lake, vent, fissure, dike, magma, caldera, crater, geyser,
spring, `a`a flow, pahoehoe flow, and lava tubes.
2. Ask students to explore the Virtual Lava Tube Flash Interactive and
address the following questions using the resource:
a. How do lava tubes form, and where are they most likely to be found?
b. What is the difference between how two common cave features -stalactites and stalagmites -- form in limestone caves and how they form in lava
c. Besides stalactites and stalagmites, choose three lava tube features that
interest you, and explain how they form.

Part II: What Can We Learn from Magma and Lava?
1. Volcanoes vary greatly in terms of the composition and temperature of the magma
they produce, and these characteristics affect how they will erupt. Scientists
study lava, fresh from Earth's mantle, to learn more about the inner workings of

volcanoes. The Lava Sampling on Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii QuickTime Video

demonstrates the simple, yet risky, technique one researcher uses to access lava
just as it reaches Earth's surface. Show this video to the class, or have them
watch it on their own computers, and with a partner, ask them to answer the
following questions in their notebooks:
a. Why does scientist Michael Garcia refer to the basalt he is walking on as
"the youngest real estate on Earth"?
b. What does viscous mean?
c. For what scientific reason does Dr. Garcia quickly quench the hot lava with
d. What has careful study of the composition of the lavas from Kilauea and
Mauna Loa revealed about their origins and relationship?
e. Review answers with students.
2. Early finishers can continue this line of volcanic study by showing the Dating Lava
Flows on Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawaii QuickTime Video , which provides further insight
into the Hawaiian volcanoes and describes the effective method one scientist has found
of dating prehistoric lava flows.

DAY 6-7
Part III: Case Studies Applying Your Knowledge
1. Mount Pinatubo
Ask the students to view the Mount Pinatubo: Predicting a Volcanic Eruption
QuickTime Video and the Mount Pinatubo: The Aftermath of a Volcanic Eruption
QuickTime Video . With a partner and using the notes they have taken during the
lesson, have them answer the following questions in their notebooks. Engage
them in a class discussion before proceeding to the next case study.
a. Was the Mount Pinatubo eruption an effusive or explosive eruption?

b. Based on your observations, what type of volcano is Mount Pinatubo? On

what evidence do you base your answer?
c. Over what type of plate boundary is this volcano located? Is this tectonic
setting consistent with your answer to the first question?
d. Because vulcanologists were able to accurately predict the timing of this
eruption, the lives of hundreds of people who evacuated the nearby area were
probably saved. What evidence did the scientists observe that prompted them to
call for an evacuation?
2. Tungurahua
Ask the students to think about what might make predicting a volcanic
eruption difficult and what problems might result from inaccurate (falsepositive or false-negative) predictions. Have them record their ideas in their
notebooks and then explore the Forecasting Volcanic Eruptions HTML
Interactive . When they're finished, have them consider their previous
notebook entries and ask them to record their answers to the following
questions. Engage them in a class discussion before proceeding to the next
case study.
a. What problems did the inaccurate eruption forecast of the
Tungurahua volcano cause for the people of Ecuador and what difficulties
might this cause for community officials in the future?
b. What three variables do scientists monitor when attempting
to forecast volcanic eruptions?
c. What are some of the hurdles that vulcanologists face when
trying to make accurate eruption forecasts?
3. Kilauea

Next, have students view the Plate Tectonics: The Hawaiian Archipelago QuickTime
Video and respond to the following questions. Again, engage them in a class
discussion before proceeding to the next case study.
a. Based on your observations of this video and previous videos you have
seen, what type of volcanoes are Kilauea and the other Hawaiian volcanoes? On
what evidence do you base your answer?
b. Does Hawai'i experience effusive or explosive eruptions?
c. Explain Hawai'i's setting in terms of plate boundaries. What makes it so
4. Mount St. Helens
Finally, have students view the Mount St. Helens: Before and After Flash Interactive and
respond to the following questions. Discuss their responses.
a. Describe what is happening throughout the eruption. What kind of material
is being ejected by the volcano? Do you see lava? What happens to all of the
a. Based on your observations, what type of volcano produced this eruption?
On what evidence do you base your answer?
b. Based on the before and after images, identify ways in which both the
volcano and surrounding area were changed by the 1980 eruption.
c. Based on the satellite images, how has the affected area changed in the
time since the eruption?
d. What are some similarities and differences in the destruction caused by
effusive and explosive eruptions? What, if anything, was surprising to you about
the blowdown, lahar, and pyroclastic flow images?
e. What factors play a part in the recovery of vegetation (and wildlife) in
areas affected by volcanic eruptions?

Final Assessment

Have students summarize the following questions:

1. What are the differences between the four types of volcanoes? Is there
one distinguishing characteristic, or more than one?
2. Which types of volcanoes form on divergent plate boundaries? On
convergent plate boundaries? What is a hot spot?
3. Is it possible for scientists to predict when a volcano will erupt so they can
call for the evacuation of the area around it? If so, what kind of evidence do the
scientists need to make such a prediction?
4. Describe the hazards that volcanoes present for humans who live near

Assessment: Predicting a volcano with USGS site:


STEM activity:
http://www.alaskamuseum.org/education/volcano Shield volcano: the more silica, the more explosive

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