Richard Heeks - Introduction Theorizing ICT4D Research
Richard Heeks - Introduction Theorizing ICT4D Research
Richard Heeks - Introduction Theorizing ICT4D Research
The result is that ICT4D researchers looking for guidance on how to apply
theory in their work have only a partial basis for assistance. This problem
became the basis for an ongoing project of the University of Manchester’s
Development Informatics Group: to develop a set of publications that
would draw on a range of theoretical ideas and explain to ICT4D re-
searchers what those ideas were and how they could be applied to devel-
pinning. Although three are called “theory,” as will livelihoods framework is a tool of development
be seen in the papers, this label can be questioned. studies.
In terms of discipline, we decided to select from In addition, our selections ensured that at least
four different disciplines to illustrate the range of two theories were applicable to research at each
theoretical ideas than can be applied to develop- stage of the informatics lifecycle and at each re-
ment informatics research. Competitive advantage search level (see Figure 1).
theory comes from economics (though may be seen What is presented here should be seen as just a
as having strayed into business studies); actor- ªrst tranche of outputs. The Theorizing Develop-
network theory was developed from science/tech- ment Informatics project is ongoing, and we wel-
nology studies (though has arguably backtracked to come general feedback on the aims of the project
become a sociological theory); stakeholder theory is and speciªc contributions of new papers. ■
rooted in organization/management studies; and the