Richard Heeks - Introduction Theorizing ICT4D Research

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Theorizing ICT4D Research HEEKS

Theorizing ICT4D Research

The aim of this special issue is to show how theoretical ideas from the so-
cial sciences can be applied to researching ICTs and socioeconomic devel-
Richard Heeks Why should this be needed? Because the explosion of work on ICTs for
[email protected].
development (ICT4D) has (unconsciously) followed Marx’s dictum: “The
philosophers have only interpreted the world differently; the point is, to
Development Informatics
Group change it.” There has been a bias to action, not a bias to knowledge. We
Institute for Development are changing the world without interpreting or understanding it. Most of
Policy and Management the ICT4D research being produced is therefore descriptive not analytical.
School of Environment and It might make some interesting points but it lacks sufªcient rigor to make
Development its ªndings credible and it can often be repetitive of earlier work. It has a
University of Manchester close-to-zero shelf life. The pictorial analogy of such work is that of stones
Manchester, United Kingdom being thrown into a pond, each one making a ripple but then sinking
without trace.
Instead, it would be better if each “stone” was placed on a cairn,
building on what has come before and acting as a foundation for future
work. Such a contribution is generally possible only where the research
draws on some preexisting conceptual framework.
Of course, there are existing and ongoing research foundations for
ICT4D work, which we can ªnd particularly in various factions of
• The I of ICT4D—work drawing from library and information
• The C of ICT4D—work drawing from communication studies.
• The T of ICT4D—work drawing from information systems.
Very little work to date has drawn from the D of ICT4D—linking concepts
in development studies to this research domain.
However, the base created from these foundations has some limita-
tions. First, much of the research undertaken has based itself on models
or on schema of categorization but has not generally provided the solidity
of a true theoretical foundation. Second, where work has been based on
theory, it mainly emerges in academic journal articles. In such articles, the
explanation of the theory used tends to be relatively brief, because the
main focus of the article is the case application of the theory rather than
the theory itself. Similarly, any reºections within such articles tend to be
on the object of study not on the theory.

The result is that ICT4D researchers looking for guidance on how to apply
theory in their work have only a partial basis for assistance. This problem
became the basis for an ongoing project of the University of Manchester’s
Development Informatics Group: to develop a set of publications that
would draw on a range of theoretical ideas and explain to ICT4D re-
searchers what those ideas were and how they could be applied to devel-

© 2007 The Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Information Technologies and International Development
Volume 3, Number 3, Spring 2006, 1–4 1

opment informatics research. (We

prefer the term “development in-
formatics” to “ICT4D” because
the former is less technocentric
and allows an equal focus on in-
formation, knowledge, and infor-
mation systems as well as on ICTs.
Recognizing the widespread us-
age of the latter, though, we will
use both terms interchangeably.) Figure 1. Applying theory in development informatics research.
All papers developed within
the “Theorizing Development In-
formatics” project follow a consistent four-part for- tions in developing countries (which would in-
mat that we believe will be of particular assistance clude issues of ICT policy) and/or research on
to those undertaking ICT4D research, ranging from issues related to the use of ICTs and/or research
academic and graduate/postgraduate researchers on the impact of ICTs, including their relation
through to consultants, donor staff, and other to development goals. Second, the ªgure
“reºective practitioners” seeking to add greater identiªes what level of analysis the theory best
rigor, validity, and longevity to their work: applies to: from research at the meta level of a
global perspective down to the level of re-
• following a brief overview introduction,
search on individuals. This is intended to help
the paper describes an issue of current interest
researchers with a particular issue in mind iden-
in development informatics and identiªes a
tify whether a given theory might be appropri-
particular focal topic that will be addressed.
ate to their needs.
• a description is provided of a theory
Overall, then, we try to provide a “one-stop shop”
that could be helpful in addressing the focal
guide for development informatics researchers con-
ICT4D issue. This description aims to be as full
sidering use of a particular theory: not just an appli-
as possible and to avoid any assumptions of
cation of that theory, but also an explanation of it
preknowledge or prereading: a “theory 101,”
and pointers to the issues that arise in its use for re-
of sorts.
search into ICT4D topics.
• an illustration of how to apply the
theory to the issue, usually through analysis of
a speciªc ªeld project or country. Brief ªndings
are presented.
What theories can be used in ICT4D research? We
• reºection on what the
categorized in two ways: ªrst in terms of depth; sec-
case application and other literature tells us
ond in terms of discipline.
about using the theory. Alongside highlighting
Relating to depth, what counts as “theory”? To
positive values of the theory, this might also
avoid many hours of unproductive, introspective
identify shortcomings or modiªcations to the
navel-gazing on that question, we adopted a fairly
theory required to make it more appropriately
rough-and-ready continuum of the frameworks of
applicable. Finally, in this section, we aim to
knowledge used in development informatics
provide some broader guidance on other
ICT4D issues to which the theory might be
applied and summarize its likely research app- • Theory-based work: this makes clear use of an
licability according to two models, shown in identiªed theory, either applying or testing that
Figure 1. This ªrst identiªes which parts of the theory and referring to “theory.” An example
informatics lifecycle the theory might best be might be structuration theory.
applied to: research on the initial development/ • Framework-based work: this makes use of a
invention of ICT innovations and/or research on framework that explicitly derives itself from a
the diffusion and adoption of those innova- body of theoretical work. For example, a

2 Information Technologies and International Development


a rough map from which our the-

ories were likely to be drawn (see
Figure 2). This shows not just the
range of disciplines that can be
drawn on, but also the typical dif-
fusion paths that conceptual
ideas have taken to date. It in-
cludes, in the dashed lines, paths
that have generally not yet been
taken such as the lack of use of
development studies theories
within development informatics
research. In drawing from the
whole pool of indicated disci-
plines, we were therefore making
a deliberate attempt to move be-
yond the information science,
communication studies, and in-
Figure 2. Disciplinary foundations for development informatics research formation systems concentrations
theories. that have dominated ICT4D re-
search to date.
framework of different perspectives on ICT reg-
ulation, based on ideas from theories in politi-
cal science. For this particular special issue, we have selected
four papers:
• Model-based work: this makes use of a model
that is presented without reference to any • My own paper looks at competitive advantage
deeper framework of knowledge. An example theory, based on Porter’s work and the well-
would be some variant on the four-part “Web known “diamond of determinants,” applied
stage” model (e.g., information–interaction– to study of the IT sector in developing coun-
transaction–transformation). tries.
• Schema-based work: this uses a schema of • Carolyne Stanforth makes use of actor-network
techniques or a technical architecture for theory, drawing particularly from material by
ICT4D, such as a data architecture. Callon and Law, applying it to the trajectories
of e-government-for-development projects.
• Concept-based work: this uses a particular con-
cept, such as “sustainable development.” • Savita Bailur presents stakeholder theory and
the technique of stakeholder analysis, review-
• Category-based work: this presents a set of
ing their application to telecenters.
categories, or a list of factors, such as success
factors in telecenter projects. • Richard Duncombe discusses the livelihoods
framework, which is widely used in develop-
• Nonframework-based work: this makes no use
ment circles, and investigates its use for the
of any discernible framework of knowledge; it
analysis of microenterprise and poverty reduc-
merely provides a set of data and ideas.
We decided that only the ªrst two would be admis-
Our selection was based on two main criteria. In
sible, recognizing that the distinction between a
terms of depth, we drew concepts that are arguably
theory and a framework is probably quite murky but
around the interface of theory and framework: not
that we were looking for foundations around which
so deep (as, say, structuration theory) that practical
a body of conceptual work already existed.
lessons may be hard to ªnd; not so shallow that
What, then, about discipline? We set the whole
they are really just models without a deeper under-
of social sciences as our boundary and then created

Volume 3, Number 3, Spring 2006 3


pinning. Although three are called “theory,” as will livelihoods framework is a tool of development
be seen in the papers, this label can be questioned. studies.
In terms of discipline, we decided to select from In addition, our selections ensured that at least
four different disciplines to illustrate the range of two theories were applicable to research at each
theoretical ideas than can be applied to develop- stage of the informatics lifecycle and at each re-
ment informatics research. Competitive advantage search level (see Figure 1).
theory comes from economics (though may be seen What is presented here should be seen as just a
as having strayed into business studies); actor- ªrst tranche of outputs. The Theorizing Develop-
network theory was developed from science/tech- ment Informatics project is ongoing, and we wel-
nology studies (though has arguably backtracked to come general feedback on the aims of the project
become a sociological theory); stakeholder theory is and speciªc contributions of new papers. ■
rooted in organization/management studies; and the

4 Information Technologies and International Development

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