DME Configuration
DME Configuration
DME Configuration
Configuration:Step By Step.
Create Payment Medium Formats (OBPM1) Accounts Receivable and
Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Payments
Automatic Outgoing Payments Payment Media Make Settings for
Payment Medium Formats from Payment Medium Workbench Create
Payment Medium Formats
Payment medium without docs.
Mapping using DME engine
Company Code
House Bank
: Select
: 01 File
: IN
: Select
: Select
: Select
Create a new format with the same name as your DMEE format tree.
Choose the format output Payment medium without docs., and type File.
Under Program control, set the Mapping using DME engine indicator. Once
this indicator is set, the DME engine button appears, which allows you to
access the DMEE format tree directly.
Under Format information, specify your country. You can also write
documentation for your PMW format by choosing the field help for the
Documentation module field. From there, choose Proceed, and a
document maintenance screen appears. Select document class General
text, enter a name for the text, and create the documentation. Lastly, enter
the name of this text in the PMW format in the Documentation module
DME Engine: Initial Screen (DMEE):
Click on Change.
Click on DMEE tree:Properties
Here you need to give the format attributes for your DMEE output File.
Please see the screen shot Below.
Header data should appear only once, so a value like the payment run identifier
(FPAYH-LAUFD) is the same for the entire payment run and file created. Next
level is usually the single payment (FPAYH-LFDNR), so the DMEE creates a new
line for every payment. Alternatively and based on the requirements, this could
be done also per vendor. Lowest level is usually the invoice references, as you
can group several vendor invoices in a single payment.
After This Goto File Data where you need to tick on Carriage return and Line
The tick on Carriage return and Line feed is for creatin new line after the finish of
Header Part.
Carriage Return is used for creating new line in word or PDF formart and Line
Feed is used for creating new line in XML format.
Please refer Screen Shot Given Below.
In Header Part you need to define the Level and the type of output you want..
Screen shot is attached for the same.
The tick on Carriage return and Line feed is for creatin new line after the finish of
Header Part.
Carriage Return is used for creating new line in word or PDF formart and Line
Feed is used for creating new line in txt Format.
Add the fields to Header and Details as per the requirement and then save.
Now will show step by step for every Header and payment Details configured
P.S:Requirement may vary according to Client and Bank.
In Header Part I have made it Constant which you need to choose in Attributes
tab of DMEE.
Give name(as I have given Header),Give Length and choose character as shown
in Screen Shot Below.
Go to Source Tab and write what you want to get in the output as shown in
screen shot below.
Now click on the Source Tab and one need to provide structure and Field
name(though we are using Exit Module but we need to provide Structure and
Field name so that the data can be populated in the Structure and field given and
system populates the data in DMEE file through this Structure and Field)
I have Used FPAYH-FORMZ,.
Please refer the screen shot Below.
Now click on Payee IFSC Code and Configure as given in the screen shot below.
PS:Please maintain the IFSC code of Payee bank in Control Data Tab in SWIFT
column in House bank .
Click on Receivers IFSC Code and configure as shown in Screen Shot Below.
I have used Exit Module here as well and the coding is as follows:
Here also I have used Exit Module and the Coding is as follows:
WHEN 'N_9785488450'.
" Vendor Email IDCLEAR:
l_lifnr,l_adrnr,l_emailid.l_lifnr = l_item-fpayp-gpa2r.
SELECT SINGLE adrnr FROM lfa1 INTO l_adrnr WHERE lifnr
= l_lifnr .IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.SELECT SINGLE smtp_addr
FROM adr6 INTO l_emailid WHERE ADDRNUMBER = l_adrnr.
ENDIF.l_item-fpayh-INTAD = l_emailid.o_value = l_itemfpayh-INTAD.c_value = l_item-fpayh-INTAD.WHEN OTHERS.
Click on User Mobile No(Vendor) and Configure as shown in Screen Shot.
Then Save.
Reservation for Cross-Payment Run Payment Media (OBPM5)
ID should End with 'E' and there should at least one space left.