The idea that causation can be reduced to transmission of an
amount of some conserved quantity between events is spelled out
and defended against important objections. Transmission is
understood as a symmetrical relation of copresence in two distinct
events. The actual asymmetry of causality has its origin in the
asymmetrical character of certain irreversible physical processes
and then spreads through the causal net. This conception is
compatible with the possibility of backwards causation and with a
causal theory of time. Genidentity, the persistence of concrete
objects, can be given an explanation in causal terms. The
transmission theory is shown to escape difficulties faced by two
important alternative theories of causation: Salmon's (1984) Mark
Transmission Theory and Dowe's (1992a) Conserved Quantities
process). In this case the direction of the flow is only from the
surrounding water to the ice cube. This means that the only causal
judgment which correctly mirrors the objective asymmetry of that
causal relation is: the water surrounding the ice cube warms it
up. Our theory thus imposes a certain regimentation of the truth
of common sense judgments regarding the direction of causal
relations. Taken as a judgment of the objective direction of
causation, the judgment that the ice cube cools the surrounding
water, is wrong. Saying that the ice cube cools the water
nevertheless remains a valid explanation, though one in which,
contrary to what happens in causal explanations, the explanans
doesn't designate the cause and the explanandum doesn't designate
the effect17.
Fair chooses to avoid such a regimentation and to justify the
literal truth of the common sense judgment according to which the
ice cube causes the cooling. He achieves this by making the
hypothesis that the direction of the causal relation between a and
b grounded on the transmission of energy from a to b is
objectively undetermined (Cf. Fair 1979, pp. 242/3). Whether a or
b is the cause, depends on the perspective one adopts with respect
to that causal relation. As a result both causal judgments appear
as compatible: the one which says that a is a cause of b, and the
one which says of the same particular causal relation that b is a
cause of a. However, Fair's thesis that the difference between
cause and effect is in principle never objective is inacceptable
within a realist theory of causation. Furthermore, Fair's account
has the drawback of ruling out the possibility of symmetrical or
backwards causation as objectively different from standard
then they may cast non-uniform shadows. Are such shadows pseudoprocesses or not? We leave this question to the advocate of the
process ontology. It simply has no unique answer, independently of
the epistemic attitude of a particular observer.
An example will show that shadows of non-uniform causal
processes are only the tip of an iceberg of world-lines falling in
neither of Salmon's fundamental categories. We can construct it as
a variant of the example Salmon (1984, pp. 145/6) uses to
illustrate the distinction between causal processes and pseudoprocesses. In the centre of an astrodome, a rotating beacon
illuminates a spot on the surrounding wall. The movement of the
spot along the wall has become the paradigm of a pseudo-process
while, e.g., the spread of light radiation from the central source
to the wall provides a clear example of a causal process. Now,
consider the world-line which is constituted by a series of spots
on the wall which are located at some fixed distance from the
illuminated spots but not themselves illuminated. Having the same
temporal evolution as the world-line of the illuminated spot, it
differs from the latter by a fixed spatial shift. The so defined
series of events32 is a world-line because it is spatio-temporally
continuous, and it is not a (causal) process because nothing is
transmitted between its constitutive events. Yet the question
whether it is a pseudo-process or not has no unique answer, for it
depends on the observer and his attitude: to qualify as a pseudoprocess, a world-line must have the (deceptive) appearance of a
process. Does the series of spots neighboring the illuminated ones
share some phenomenally salient property which gives the
impression of causality to an observer? It depends on whether the
observer directs his attention to the relational property by which
5. Conclusion
causally isolated from ours. In the former case the net bestows
indirect asymmetry on all intrinsically symmetrical causal
relations it contains. In the latter case, the whole net might be
perfectly symmetrical with respect to both causality and time.
The persistence of a concrete object through time, i.e.
genidentity, can be explained as resulting from transmission of
amounts of conserved quantities - in the first place, energy-mass
- from one time-slice of the object to its adjacent time-slices.
But in order to avoid circularity, the diachronic identity of
those amounts themselves must be taken to be primitive and
directly grounded on the validity of the relevant conservation
laws. If we conceive of those particular amounts as tropes whose
diachronic identity is that of a flow, the theory seems able to
cope with certain difficulties raised by quantum phenomena. Both
the diachronic identity of particular amounts of conserved
quantities and the genidentity of concrete objects fall short of
the strong identity of an Aristotelian substance. What is crucial
is that the former's diachronic identity is sufficiently strong to
allow them to be transmitted from one event to another. The
epistemic difficulty to tell genuine transmission of particular
amounts of conserved quantities apart from the mere appearance of
such transmission doesn't show that this difference is
ontologically ill-grounded unless we accept radical
Process theories, as Salmon's (1984) and Dowe's
(1992a;b;c;1995a), are among the major rival realist theories of
causation. But taking processes to be the most fundamental
entities in the ontology of causation is a weakness for it makes
it impossible to explain why causal processes can transmit marks
Armstrong, D. M.: 1980, Identity through Time. In: Time and Cause,
ed. Peter van Inwagen, Reidel, Dordrecht.
Aronson, J. J.: 1971a, On the Grammar of 'Cause', Synthese 22,
6, 123-128.
Dowe, P.: 1995a, Causality and Conserved Quantities: A Reply to
Salmon, Phil. of Science 62, 321-333.
Dowe, P.: 1995b, What's Right and What's Wrong With Transference
Theories, Erkenntnis 42,
LaSalle, Ill.
Quine, W. v. O.: 1976, The Ways of Paradox, Revised and enlarged
edition, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Quine, W. v. O.: 1985, Events and Reification. In: Actions and
Events: Perspectives on the
York, 1957.
edition, 1966.
Phil. of
Vol., 215-236.
The fact that it takes events rather than objects as the fundamental relata of
causation, distinguishes my version of the transference theory from those
defended by Aronson (1971a;b) and Fair (1979). In virtue of this difference the
theory defended here doesn't fall prey to Dowe's (1995b, pp. 366-8) objection
that transference theories are incapable of conceiving the persistence of an
object through time as a causal process. In section 3.1. below, I say more on
how this can be done.
Quine (1985) holds that both objects and events can be identified with the
content of a space-time zone. For Quine, the difference between an object and an
event is one of degree, depending on the length of the time interval defining
the zone. Quine's conception has the counterintuitive consequence that shortlived objects and long-lasting events are inconceivable.
Salmon (1994, p. 308) says of his own most recent definition of a causal
process in terms of transmission: "This definition introduces the term
'transmits', which is clearly a causal notion."
The conception of transmission as a symmetrical relation of presence of some
particular amount of a conserved quantity in two different events entails
restrictions on the maximal spatio-temporal distance by which two events can be
separated so that a causal relation between them is still possible. It excludes
pairs of events which are separated by a space-like (or as the limiting case, a
light-like) distance, in the sense of the special theory of relativity, from the
domain of potential cause-effect pairs.
Cf. Ehring (1986), Dieks (1986), Dowe (1992a; 1995b) and Sosa and Tooley
The concept of a symmetrical causal relation has been introduced by Grnbaum
(1973, p. 188ff.).
I use the terms "causal relation" and "causal process" interchangeably. This
usage is justified by the thesis defended here that causal relations are
grounded on a process of transmission.
These processes can also be used to explain the origin of the asymmetry of time
(cf. Reichenbach 1956, Grnbaum 1973). A relatively rare phenomenon which shows
violation of time invariance (i.e. invariance with respect to reversal of the
direction of the time axis in a spatio-temporal representation) and thus
constitutes a further basis of the asymmetry of time and causation, is kaon
decay (Cf. Dowe 1992b).
Such events exist for a theory like ours which identifies events with the
contents of space-time zones. Cf. note 32 below.
The concept of a causal net has been introduced by Reichenbach (1956). Dowe
(1992b) has recently put it to work within his "Conserved Quantity Theory" of
causality. The fundamental difference between his theory and mine is that in
Dowe's account, the basic notion is that of a process, where a process is
defined by its manifesting (or possessing, as he now prefers to say - cf. Dowe
1995a) a conserved quantity, while I take events and a transmission relation
between them to be fundamental. Other differences concern the issues of
backwards causation and symmetrical causation. Cf. note 16 below.
While examining Tooley's (1990) objections below I shall examine where
abandoning these assumptions leads.
According to this conception, one should rigorously speak only of the direction
of the processes going on in time, and not of the direction of time itself.
However, it seems unnecessary to try to eliminate the usual way of talking, as
far as one is aware that it should not be taken literally. Cf. Horwich (1987).
This condition puts heavy restrictions on the possibility of the existence of
such a region (which would make premiss P3 false): nothing screens off
gravitation, and the gravitational influence has spread from our part of the
universe in all directions with the speed of light, since this part of the
universe came into existence. A causally isolated part of the world would have
to be outside the reach of the spreading gravitational field.
An adequate theory of causation should be capable of accounting for cases of
backwards causation if there are any (cf. Dowe 1996).
This account of backwards causation is immune to Dowe's (1996, p. 16)
objections against Reichenbach's (1956) explanation of the direction of
causation. Reichenbach gives all processes in the net the same direction, namely
that of the (majority of) entropy-increasing processes. My account differs from
his in that the net imposes its global direction only on intrinsically
symmetrical processes, thus leaving open the possibility of intrinsically
asymmetrical processes pointing to the direction opposite to that of the
majority. Dowe (1996, p. 17) arrives at a similar account in this respect,
except that it is formulated in terms of "open forks", instead of "intrinsical
Dowe (1992b; 1996) also explains the possibility of backwards causation with
the help of the concept of a causal net. Yet, Dowe links backwards causation to
a "conservation anomaly" - of the type allowed for by quantum physics as far as
it confined to a small space-time region surrounding an annihilation/production
event. Dowe (1992b) discusses neither the possibility of macroscopic backwards
causation, nor the question of whether there are, or could be, intrinsically
symmetrical causal relations, nor the possibility of the existence of regions
with either symmetrical causation or causation directed in the opposite
direction with respect to our region of the world. With respect to the latter
issue, he only says that this could be possible in an "'uncoupled' portion of
the universe" (Dowe 1992b, p.188). Yet, the argument against Tooley in the text
shows that coupling to the same network is precisely required to be able to
assess the direction of one (portion of the) net with respect to another. If two
regions were causally uncoupled, it would make no sense to ask whether their
directions are the same or different.
It is possible to reformulate the distinction between an explanation whose
truth only depends on the existence of a causal link between the facts
designated respectively by the explanans and the explanandum (or, for that
matter, on the existence of a nomic link between them) and a genuine causal
judgment whose truth requires in addition that the explanans designates the
cause and the explanandum designates the effect, in terms of the distinction
between (causal relations between) facts and (causal relations between) events.
Cf. Davidson (1980), Vendler (1967), Zucchi (1993).
Dowe (1992a) has insisted on the crucial role that conserved quantities play
for causation although his own "Conserved Quantity Theory" doesn't allow amounts
of these quantities to persist or to be transmitted.
This account of causation has the following interesting consequence: If we
assume that the validity of conservation laws is only a matter of natural law
but not of metaphysical necessity, so that some possible worlds lack conserved
quantities, then those worlds might also lack causality and in particular, their
objects might neither all nor always persist through time. But that consequence
seems plausible: if mass-energy weren't conserved, it would be possible that
material objects appear from nothing or disappear into nothing. Similarly, if
energy and momentum were allowed to get lost or created, objects could sometimes
spontaneously start or stop moving without any cause.
This is a reason to reject both Aronson's proposals that the transmission of
force (Aronson 1971b, p. 145) or heat (Aronson 1985, p. 249) counts as a basis
for causation and Krajewski's (1982, p. 225) and Salmon's (1984, p. 156; 1994,
p. 303) suggestion that transmission of information does. Heat can't be said to
be transmitted because, being just one particular form of energy, it isn't
conserved but can be transformed in different forms of energy. Force and
information are not transmitted in the physical sense required for causality
because they are not conserved quantities. In particular, the sense in which
information can be transmitted doesn't fit the requirements for causation.
Firstly, the transmission of information is relative to a frame which previously
fixes the set of all possible events, and their a priori chances of occurrence.
Subjects with different epistemic backgrounds get different information by the
same physical signals. Thus, the transmission of information is observerrelative and cannot ground an objective, absolute notion of causality. Secondly,
the transmission of information only requires a reliable statistical dependence
between two series of events. Nomic dependence between effects of a common cause
which could not possibly be causally linked as cause and effect creates such a
dependence, and so do purely accidental correlations.
This doesn't preclude the application of the concept of a substance to
macroscopic objects.
An object is concrete if it fills some determinate position of space. No
properties other than the object's own can be exemplified at that place without
modifying the concrete object itself.
Russell doesn't use the expression "genidentity". He has later (Russell 1948,
pp. 333f.) introduced the notion of a "causal line" and used it to explain the
identity of physical objects over time. However, Russell's notion radically
differs from the one used here in being epistemic, rather than ontological. "A
'causal line', as I wish to define the term, is a temporal series of events so
related that, given some of them, something can be inferred about the others
whatever may be happening elsewhere" (Russell 1948, p. 477). Other passages of
Russell's work (1948, pp. 476f., 500, 510) make it clear that a causal line is
defined in terms of our ability to recognize the same object at different times,
not in terms of its being the same object independently of any observers.
No such attempt is made by Carnap in his analysis of the notion of genidentity.
The idea that the identity of an object through time could be explained in
causal terms, has been defended by Grnbaum (1973) and Armstrong (1980). Russell
(1914, pp. 108ff.; 1948, pp. 333f., 476f.) has made clear that the concept of
substance isn't adequate within a theory which considers the persistence of
physical objects as a causal process.
Cf. Quine (1973, p. 6); Ehring (1986, p. 256); Dowe (1992a, p. 203).
Salmon (1994) has now abandoned this theory. Below, I shall give additional
arguments against the mark transmission theory, beside Kitcher's (1989) and
Dowe's (1992a;c) which Salmon recognizes as defeating his earlier theory.
Cf. Aronson (1982; 1985) for a similar line of defense.
The arguments I shall give presently have not been among the reasons for which
Salmon (1994) himself has abandonded that theory. Given the importance and
widespread echo Salmon's (1984) theory has encountered, it still deserves
critical examination nonwithstanding the change of mind of its author.
This choice is common to Fair (1979), Salmon (1984; 1994) and Dowe
(1992a;c;1995a) who differ only in their answer to the question of which
property of a process is decisive for its being causal.
On this notion, cf. Cummins (1983).
Compare Kitcher's remark that "we could succeed in Salmon's project without
distinguishing the pseudoprocesses from the spatio-temporal junk. It will be
enough if we can separate the genuine causal processes from the rest." (Kitcher
1989, p. 462).
The conception of an event as the content of a space-time zone enables us to
conceive of this world-line easily. Such theoretical fecundity is what
ultimately justifies the chosen ontology of events. According to conceptions of
events which are closer to common sense, there wouldn't be any events at all in
this world-line for "nothing happens" in it whereas for common sense only
changes count as events. Note that if we tried to follow common-sense in this
respect, we couldn't hope to explain the persistence of objects through time in
causal terms, for objects can persist without changing.
The expression "to be wholly present" is mainly being used to characterize the
relation between a universal and an individual object instantiating it. It is
part of the definition of what it is to be a universal that it is "wholly
present" in each of its instances, and therefore at each time at which some
object exemplifies it. However, in order to apply meaningfully this locution to
particulars instead of universals it is necessary to spell out which sense it
has to be given in this quite different context.
Dowe repeatedly says that "the precise characterization of 'object' is
unimportant" (1992c, p. 126), or that "what counts as an object is unimportant;
any old gerrymandered thing qualifies" (1995b, p. 371). These statements are
contradicted by his own efforts (1995a, pp. 326-331) to exclude "time-wise
gerrymanders" from the range of genuine objects (as I argue in the text, so far
without success). Apart from the suggestion discussed in the text that an object
must be "wholly present at a time", Dowe cites with approval Quine's (1976)
conception according to which a physical object is "an intrinsically determinate
portion of the space-time continuum" (Dowe 1992c, p. 126). Now, this is
definitely too weak to exclude either the spot or the continuous series of timeslices of wall-patches (illuminated or not) from the domain of objects.
Curiously, Dowe says about the spot on the wall that the reason why it doesn't
qualify as a causal process is that "no energy is [...] carried off by the spot"
and that "it cannot transmit a conserved quantity" (1992c, p. 127). I take this
indeed to be the correct answer, but it is an answer that only a transference
theory is capable of giving: As long as Dowe contests that energy can be
transmitted at all, he cannot at the same time characterize the spot by its not
carrying any energy. Carrying is, after all, a way of transmitting.
I am grateful to Wolfgang Balzer, Bernd Buldt, Phil Dowe, Dan Hausman, Kevin
Mulligan, Jolle Proust, Elliott Sober and Wolfgang Spohn, and to my auditors in
Leipzig and Konstanz where I presented parts of an earlier version of this
paper, for helpful suggestions and critique, and to Marcel Lieberman and Joan
Cullen for linguistic advice.