MGN 137 (M+F) : Look-Out During Periods of Darkness and Restricted Visibility
MGN 137 (M+F) : Look-Out During Periods of Darkness and Restricted Visibility
MGN 137 (M+F) : Look-Out During Periods of Darkness and Restricted Visibility
This Note is a reminder to all UK ships wherever they may be and other ships operating in UK
territorial waters, of the legal requirements for keeping a proper look-out, especially during the hours
of darkness.
time being responsible for the conduct of the
ship, is liable to prosecution in the event of a
of the navigational watch acting as sole lookout during periods of darkness and restricted
visibility. Depending on the circumstances,
such operation may run a serious risk of
rendering the owner and master liable to
prosecution under the 1997 Regulations.
MC 34/30/010