Theta Newsletter Spring 2010

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Alumnae News May 2010

Volume 2, Issue 2

Kappa Alpha Theta—Iota Chapter—Cornell University

Greetings from Iota! Lauren Pignataro

With 41 new members, the advisor—Diane Miller—this President
Iota chapter is enjoying a semester, we were lucky enough
semester of over 160 women! We to add Christine Wais to our listhear your
most recent
certainly have a lot going on. of advisors. Chrissie has been
updates and
This year, we’ve made many extremely helpful in the areas of
changes to our chapter in development and education, and past memories!
attempts to come closer to a with the extra help, making Our chapter looks forward to
Golden Kite Award. We’ve changes to the chapter has been asharing future news with you and
revamped our new member lot smoother. hopefully hearing from each and
education, big-little week, ritual every one of you.
education, and philanthropy We hope that you will be able …………………………………..
events—just to name a few. to join us this summer for the Lauren Pignataro can be reached
annual alumnae event on June 12 at [email protected].
While, in the past, Iota has during reunion weekend at
only had the help of one Cornell. We would also love to

Meet Our Executive Board

From left to right: Caroline Gross, VP Administration; Anne Gottwalt, VP Finance; Courtney Hayward, VP
Membership; Courtney Osborn, VP Panhellenic; Emily Ruzbarsky, VP Development; Jen Davis, VP Public
Relations; Taylor Daugherty, VP Education

able to raise $2,800 for CASA at As our Philanthropy Chair Liz

Rock the CASA the event through the sale of food, Wolfsthal ’11 noted, “Kappa Alpha
On Saturday, May 1st, the raffle tickets, and donations. Theta needed a new and different
sisters of Kappa Alpha Theta spring philanthropy event.
hosted members of the Cornell Rock the CASA was so
community for a fun-filled successful, we are planning on makin
outdoor fundraiser for our g it an annual event.” We look
philanthropy, Court Appointed forward to continuing to raise funds
Special Advocates (CASA). for CASA in the future and making
CASA is a nonprofit network our philanthropic events an integral
supporting and promoting part of Theta’s presence on campus.
court appointed volunteer
advocacy for abused and
neglected children.
The sisters were extremely
The event lasted from 4:00-
grateful to the many members of
7:00pm on a beautiful sunny
the Greek community and the
day, with three student bands
Cornell community who attended
performing: Hype City Kings,
the event and helped make it a
Friend of Mine, and Debbie's
Granola. The Iota chapter was

Thetas Recognized in
The Iota chapter is full of Additionally, Thetas won
intelligent, accomplished a variety of awards at the 23rd the Cornell Community
women and it is wonderful to Annual Cornell Greek Award for Integrity of
see our members recognized Awards Ceremony. Catie Character; and Kappa Alpha
by the Cornell community for DeStio ‘11 and Danielle Jung Theta received the Greeks
their achievements. We are ‘11 were named Outstanding Going Green Honorable
proud to announce that three Greek Women; Rohini Mention Award for
of our seniors were inducted Gokhale '08, Law '11, and Sustainable Dining. The Iota
into the prestigious Phi Beta Iota Facility Director (House chapter is proud of our
Kappa academic honor Mother) was recognized for members and would like to
society: Liz Curran, Ilana Distinguished Alumni congratulate these women on
LeBlang, and Emily Service; Liz Curran was being honored by the Cornell
Winograd. awarded the Order of Omega community.

Welcome Pledge Class 2010!

Rebekah Alexander Becca Lesser Kristen Steves

Akunna Anyanwu Carolyn Levitan Elisabeth Steyn
Stephanie Bernardi Levina Li Gabby Vega
Christina Blanco Melissa Lin
Katie Brent Theo Matthai ………………………………
Weronika Bukowski Allison McQueeney Want to recommend a
Christine Chang Erica Meritt Potential New Member?
Meg Crowell Julia Murphy Please visit
Hannah Geiser Lizzie Nolan ,
Casey Glassman Anne D. Pennington click on the Alumnae tab,
Arin Grant Andrea Pimienta print and fill out the online
Debbie Gu Belinda Platt reference form and send it to:
Sammy Heleba Alissa Poloumieva Kappa Alpha Theta
Elizabeth Henry Abby Robinson c/o Reference Chairman Jill
Maxi Hepfer Lindsay Rosenblum
Jamie Hu Talie Schwager
519 Stewart Ave.
Kristen Jenkins Sam Schwalje
Becca Kaufman Lindsay Slaven Ithaca, NY 14850
Kristen Kraemer Marion Smith

Ritual Retreat names. Ashten Waks ‘10 spoke

to us about the importance of 1
campus, learned some fun
Theta trivia, and even looked
During our Chapter Corinthians and the values of through old scrapbooks from
Development Day on February faith, hope, and love. Alex past pledge classes.
7, many members expressed an Hildreth ‘11 and Taylor To close a lovely day, the
interest in learning more about Daugherty ’12 led the chapter entire chapter linked arms to
Kappa Alpha Theta ritual and in practicing the ritual we sing the Theta chain song. New
tradition. The Iota chapter was observe during each chapter and older members alike agreed
extremely pleased to host our meeting on Sunday. the day was a great way to
first annual Ritual Retreat on We also learned about remind Iota women of the
April 24 at the Hilton Garden Kappa Alpha Theta’s common bonds of ritual we
Inn. The event was planned Headquarters and Foundation, share as members of Kappa
and facilitated by our Ritualist, Iota’s history on Cornell’s Alpha Theta.
Alexandra Hildreth ’11.
At the retreat, members
enjoyed a delicious brunch and
then rotated to different stations
in the company of our lineages
to learn more about what makes
Theta so special. Kerrie Lopez
’11 taught us about the meaning
of our Greek letters and Greek

Iota Spotlight
Arin Grant

Major: Policy Analysis and Management

Hometown: Seattle, WA

Activities: Cornell Ambassadors, AIESEC

Future goals: I hope to go to law school after graduation, then land a job
with the UN or World Health Organization travelling around the world and
solving conflicts in developing nations.

Sarah Hermes

Major: Landscape Architecture

Theta Positions: Steward and Environmental Chair

Activities: Treasurer for the Cornell Chapter of the American Society

of Landscape Architects, Team Leader and University Marketing Chair
for DesignConnect, Greeks Go Green Committee Member, Public Service
Center Scholar

Future Goals: I am planning on spending the next 6 months in India, with

hopes that my experiences there will influence and shape my goals for the
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Lauren Rosenblum

Major: Applied Economics and Management

Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana

Theta positions: Risk Management Chairman and Alumni Relations Chair

Activities: Student Assembly Finance Commission (Co-Chairman for the

upcoming ‘10-’11 year), tour guide, Cornell Design League

Future goals: My aspirations for the future are constantly changing; right now, I
think I might want to become a lawyer and/or get involved with politics a few years
after graduation. In the short term, I'm interested in marketing and consulting.

Alma Aldrich

Major: Government and French

Hometown: Carlisle, PA

Theta positions: Membership Development Committee since Spring 07

Activities: Student Manager for Campus Information and Visitor Relations; former
Director of Service Learning for Cover Africa; founder of Active Civically Engaged
Students (ACES); Editorial Board Member Cornell Daily Sun; Cornell Tradition
Future goals: I am currently in the application process for the Peace Corps. I'm hoping
to spend two years in sub-Saharan Africa working with women on health issues. After
that, I hope to return to the states and work in the government or non-profit sector.

Harriet Reisen Alumnae Spotlight Kimberly Nolan

Class of 1967 Class of 2003
She is the author of a new She received her Masters in
biography, Louisa May Alcott: School Counseling from Long
The Woman Behind Little Island University and is looking at
Women and the producer/writer PhD programs in Consumer
of the American Masters PBS Psychology.
documentary of the same name Currently, she works as the
currently being aired nationally. Director of Community Service at
The documentary was named Fountain Valley School in
Top Video of the Year by Colorado. Kimberly says of her
Booklist and the biography was time in Theta: “My favorite
named to the Top Ten Standout memory at Theta involved all of
Books of the Year by the Wall the preparations needed for RUSH
Street Journal. Please visit week. Creating a skit that showed to off our class’ personalities was
read excerpts from the book and the best bonding experience-we
see clips from the film. couldn’t stop laughing.”
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Senior Sendoff
This spring, Iota says a bittersweet goodbye to an outstanding Senior
class. Each and every one of these women has been incredibly valuable
to our chapter. They will be deeply missed, but we wish them the best of
luck in their future endeavors!

Blast from the Past

Want to see you and your Theta friends featured in Blast from
the Past? Email your pictures to Peggy Ramin at
[email protected] or mail them to 519 Stewart Ave.
To Our Alumnae
On behalf of every member of Iota, I would like to offer our deepest thanks and appreciation to our
alumnae. Each one of you provides collegiate members with a foundation from which our chapter
can learn and grow. We sincerely appreciate your support of the Iota chapter and value your
membership and contribution. If you would like to become more involved with the Iota chapter,
we urge you to send us your pictures, memories, advice, favorite Theta traditions, and any general
feedback or questions.
Additionally, please don’t forget to mark your calendars for our Reunion event at the Theta
house on June 12 from 3:30-5:30 pm.
And remember, you are always welcome at the Iota chapter of
Kappa Alpha Theta!

Peggy Ramin
Alumnae & Foundation Liaison
[email protected]

Summer/fall Dates An Iota Alumna’s

To Do list:
12 Cornell • Make sure contact info is up-
to-date. Submit info at
Alumnae event a/Membership.htm.

• Check Iota’s website at

25 homecoming /theta.

• Submit Recruitment
Recommendation letters to
[email protected].

• Send pictures, memories,

questions, and comments to
[email protected].


519 Stewart Avenue
Ithaca, NY 14850

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