A Thermal Bubble Actuated
A Thermal Bubble Actuated
A Thermal Bubble Actuated
6, DECEMBER 2002
A Thermal-Bubble-Actuated
Micronozzle-Diffuser Pump
Jr-Hung Tsai and Liwei Lin, Member, IEEE
AbstractA thermal-bubble-actuated micropump by the principles of liquid/vapor phase transition and nozzle-diffuser flow regulation is successfully demonstrated. The micropump consists of
a resistive heater, a pair of nozzle-diffuser flow controller and a
1 mm in diameter, 50 m in depth pumping chamber. The actuation mechanism comes from periodically nucleating and collapsing
thermal bubbles. A net flow is generated from the nozzle to the
diffuser by the nozzle-diffuser flow controller. Two heater designs,
single-bubble and dual-bubble actuation mode, have been investigated. In the single-bubble pumping mode, a maximum flow rate
of 5 l/min is measured when the driving pulse is 250 Hz at 10%
duty cycle under an average power consumption of 1 W. A similar flow rate of 4.5 l/min is achieved in the dual-bubble pumping
mode, at the driving pulse of 5% duty cycle at 400 Hz with lower
average power consumption, 0.5 W. The static pumping pressure is
measured at a maximum value of 377 Pascal when the net volume
flow rate is zero. As an application example in a microfluidic device, this valve-less micropump is used in a microfluidic system to
enhance the fluid mixing by agitating the flows.
Index TermsBubble, microfluidics, mixing, phase change,
ICROPUMPS have wide applications in MEMS devices, such as handling small and precise volume of
fluids for chemical, biological or medical systems. Many design
concepts and prototype micropumps have been demonstrated
over the past decade and they can be classified into following
types by means of actuation mechanisms: mechanical displacement [1][3], bubble [4], electrohydrodynamic [5], and
electrocapillary [6]. Among these actuation methods, bubble
actuation can be easily generated by resistive heaters and can
be applied to nonspecific liquids, thus is an attractive actuation
source in the micro scale. Existing device examples include
bubble-jet printers [7] and bubble powered micro mechanical
actuators [8].
On the other hand, micro valves are indispensable components in microfluidic systems for flow rate and flow direction
control such that they are usually integrated with micropumps
[3], [9][11]. Unfortunately, micro valves generally increase the
complexity of the fabrication process and the possibility of parManuscript received August 21, 2001; revised February 8, 2002. This work
was supported in part by an NSF CAREER AWARD (ECS-0096098) and a
DARPA/MTO/BioFlips grant. Subject Editor G. Stemme.
J.-H. Tsai was with Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI USA. He is now with the Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1740 USA (e-mail:
[email protected]).
L. Lin is with the Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1740 USA.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JMEMS.2002.802909
Fig. 1. Pumping principle illustrated from the top view of the pumping
A. Design
Fig. 1 illustrates the fundamental design concept of the micropump. Micro bubble is generated by thermal bubble nucleation in the micro chamber to create a pumping pressure source.
As the pumping bubble expands, the volume flow rate at the dif, is larger than the one at the nozzle,
. When the
is smaller than
. Therefore,
pumping bubble collapses,
there is a net flow generated from the nozzle to diffuser each
cycle as shown. The boundary of the bubble works as a membrane that sweeps across the chamber to minimize the pumping
dead volume. Furthermore, because of the nozzle-diffuser design, no conventional mechanical valve is used in the operation
such that the fabrication process is simplified.
Fig. 3. Two types of heater patterns, (a) single-bubble mode and (b) dualbubble mode.
The fabrication process is illustrated in Fig. 4. On the silicon substrate, a two-step DRIE process is used. The silicon
wafer is deposited with a 1- m-thick thermal oxide that is later
patterned and etched as the oxide mask to define the pumping
chamber, nozzle-diffuser pair and microchannels. A 9- m-thick
photoresist is spun on, patterned as the photoresist mask to define through holes for the liquid inlet/outlet ports and electrical
interconnections as shown. After these steps, Fig. 4(a) applies.
The first DRIE process is conducted afterwards to etch through
the whole silicon wafer and the photoresist mask is removed as
shown in Fig. 4(b). The second DRIE process is carried out with
the oxide mask and about 50 m deep of silicon is etched away.
Afterwards, the silicon wafer is dipped into hydrofluoric acid
(HF) to remove silicon dioxide and the silicon wafer is ready for
assembly as shown in Fig. 4(c). On the Pyrex glass substrate, recesses of about 1 m in depth for embedding aluminum heaters
are formed to prevent liquid leakage around the electrodes and
to ensure good anodic bonding result. Photoresist is used to define the patterns and buffered HF is used as the etchant to form
the recesses as shown in Fig. 4(d). Aluminum is then evaporated and patterned as resistive heaters by the lift-off process as
shown in Fig. 4(e) and (f), respectively. Finally, The silicon and
Pyrex wafers of 500 m in thickness are aligned and anodically
bonded at 380 C in Fig. 4(g).
C. Experimental Setup
In the proof-of-concept experiments, ceramic particles with
size of 315 m in diameter are mixed with isopropyl alcohol
(IPA) as the pumping liquid. IPA is chosen as the test liquid
for its easy access and low boiling temperature. By tracing the
Fig. 5. Schematic drawing of the experimental setups. (a) Flow rate measure
under zero back pressure. (b) Pumping pressure under zero flow rate.
Fig. 7. Volume flow rate of single-bubble pumping mode under pulse voltage
of 20 V.
nonuniform velocity profile across the microchannel. An averaged velocity of 6.9 m/s that corresponds to a volume flow rate
of 3.7 nl/min is estimated by tracing the circled particles in a period of 8 s.
When the driving frequency is increased, Fig. 7 shows the
measured flow rates in the single-bubble pumping mode actuated by three different square pulse duties, 5%, 10%, and 15%
over a frequency spectrum up to 500 Hz. The applied pulse
voltage is 20 V and current is 0.5 A. The maximum pumping
Fig. 9. Volume flow rate versus pulse width by single-bubble (SB) and
dual-bubble (DB) pumping mode under various average input power.
rate is found as 5 l/min when the pulse duty is 10% and the
pulse frequency is 250 Hz. According the model developed by
of nozzle-diffuser
Olsson et al. [15], the volume flow rate
pumps can be modeled as
Fig. 10. Pumping pressure at zero flow rate and volume flow rate at zero back
pressure under dual-bubble pumping mode, 5% pulse duty and 0.5 W averaged
input power.
Fig. 11.
Schematic drawing of the exemplary integrated system of a micropump and a mixing channel.
Fig. 12.
Wavy liquid interface and interlacing injection effect caused by the micropump agitation at 5 Hz driven frequency.
Fig. 13. Mixing of IPA and blue dye near the initial encountering point under
various micropump driving frequencies, 5, 50, 100, 150, and 200 Hz from left
to right.
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Jr-Hung Tsai received the M.S. degree in power mechanical engineering from
the National Tsing Hua University at Taiwan in 1996 and the Ph.D. degree in
mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2001.
He is currently with Kumetrix, Inc., CA, as a a research staff member. His
major research interests are in design, modeling, and fabrication of microfluidic
components, microbiosensors, and microactuators in microfluidic systems.