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Executive Summary
The constitution and other laws and policies restrict religious freedom and, in
practice, the government enforced these restrictions. The government
demonstrated a trend toward deterioration in respect for and protection of the right
to religious freedom. The constitution establishes Islam as the state religion, and it
requires that laws be consistent with Islam. The constitution states that subject to
law, public order, and morality, every citizen shall have the right to profess,
practice, and propagate his religion. Some government practices, however,
limited freedom of religion, particularly for religious minorities. Freedom of
speech is constitutionally subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in
the interest of the glory of Islam. Abuses under the blasphemy law and other
discriminatory laws continued; the government did not take adequate measures to
prevent these incidents or reform the laws to prevent abuse. Since the government
rarely investigated or prosecuted the perpetrators of increased extremist attacks on
religious minorities and members of the Muslim majority promoting tolerance, the
climate of impunity continued. There were instances in which law enforcement
personnel reportedly abused religious minorities in custody. The government took
some steps to improve religious freedom and promote tolerance, such as the
creation of a Ministry of National Harmony after devolution of the Ministry of
Minorities and the appointment of a special advisor for minority affairs following
the assassination of Minister of Minority Affairs Shahbaz Bhatti.
There were reports of societal abuses or discrimination based on religious
affiliation, belief, or practice. Societal intolerance and violence against minorities
and Muslims promoting tolerance increased. There were increased reports of
human rights and religious freedom activists and members of minorities hesitating
to speak in favor of religious tolerance due to a climate of intolerance and fear,
especially after the killings of Governor of Punjab Salman Taseer and Minister
Bhatti as a result of their opposition to the blasphemy laws. A rise in acts of
violence and intimidation against religious minorities by extremists exacerbated
existing sectarian tensions. Extremists in some parts of the country demanded that
all citizens follow their authoritarian interpretation of Islam and threatened brutal
consequences if they did not abide by it. Extremists also targeted Muslims
advocating for tolerance and pluralism, including followers of Sufism and other
forms of Islam. Several attacks were directed at Ahmadi, Hindu, Sufi, and Shia
gatherings and religious sites, resulting in numerous deaths and extensive damage.

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor


Extremists protested against public debate about potential amendments to the

blasphemy laws or against alleged acts of blasphemy.
During the year, the U.S. government closely monitored the treatment of religious
minorities. The U.S. embassy encouraged the government to address concerns of
religious freedom and advocated for the repeal of the blasphemy laws in meetings
with government officials. Embassy and other U.S. government officials met with
senior Pakistani officials to discuss religious freedom and minority issues. The
embassy held events honoring minority leaders and others working on religious
freedom. Among interfaith events sponsored by the embassy was a November
interfaith dialogue that included Muslim, Christian, Hindu, and Sikh leaders.
Section I. Religious Demography
Ninety-five percent of the population is Muslim (75 percent Sunni and 25 percent
Shia). Groups composing 5 percent of the population or less include Hindus,
Christians, Parsis/Zoroastrians, Bahais, Sikhs, Buddhists, and others. Ahmadis,
who are legally prohibited from identifying themselves as Muslims, generally
choose not to identify themselves as non-Muslims. Other religious groups include
Kalasha, Kihals, and Jains. Less than 0.5 percent of the population, as recorded in
the 1998 census, was silent on religious affiliation or claimed not to adhere to a
particular religious group. Social pressure was such that few persons claimed no
religious affiliation. No data were available on active participation in formal
religious services or rituals; however, religious beliefs play an important part in
daily life.
Section II. Status of Government Respect for Religious Freedom
Legal/Policy Framework
The constitution and other laws and policies restrict religious freedom. The
constitution establishes Islam as the state religion. Although it also declares that
adequate provisions shall be made for minorities to profess and practice their
religious beliefs freely, other provisions of the constitution and laws impose limits
on this right.
A 1974 constitutional amendment declared that Ahmadis are non-Muslims.
Sections 298(b) and 298(c) of the penal code, commonly referred to as the antiAhmadi laws, prohibit Ahmadis from calling themselves Muslims, referring to
their religious beliefs as Islam, preaching or propagating their religious beliefs,

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor


inviting others to accept Ahmadi teachings, or insulting the religious feelings of

Muslims. The punishment for violation of these provisions is imprisonment for up
to three years and a fine. Religious parties oppose any amendments to the
constitution affecting its Islamic clauses, especially the ones relating to Ahmadis.
Freedom of speech is subject to reasonable restrictions in the interest of the glory
of Islam, as stipulated in sections 295(a), (b), and (c) of the penal code. The
consequences for contravening the countrys blasphemy laws are death for
defiling Prophet Muhammad; life imprisonment for defiling, damaging, or
desecrating the Quran; and 10 years imprisonment for insulting anothers
religious feelings. Under the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA), any action, including
speech, intended to incite religious hatred is punishable by up to seven years
imprisonment. In cases in which a minority group claimed its religious feelings
were insulted, the blasphemy laws are rarely enforced, and cases are rarely brought
to the legal system. A 2005 law requires that a senior police official investigate
any blasphemy charge before a complaint is filed.
The penal code incorporates a number of Islamic legal provisions. The judicial
system encompasses several different court systems with overlapping and
sometimes competing jurisdictions that reflect differences in civil, criminal, and
Islamic jurisprudence. The Federal Shariat Court and the Sharia bench of the
Supreme Court serve as appellate courts for certain convictions in criminal courts
under the Hudood Ordinance, including those for rape, extramarital sex, alcohol,
and gambling. Judges and attorneys in these courts must be Muslim. The
Supreme Court may bypass the Sharia bench and assume jurisdiction in such
appellate cases in its own right and prohibit the Federal Shariat Court from
reviewing decisions of the provincial high courts. The Federal Shariat Court may
overturn legislation it judges inconsistent with Islamic tenets, but such cases can be
appealed to the Sharia bench of the Supreme Court and ultimately may be heard by
the full Supreme Court. The Federal Shariat Court applies to Muslims and nonMuslims, such as in cases relating to Hudood laws. Non-Muslims are allowed to
consult the Federal Shariat Court in matters that affect them or violate their rights.
The countrys interpretation of Islamic law allows offenders to offer monetary
restitution to victims and allows victims to carry out physical retribution rather
than seeking punishment through the court system. The qisaas and diyat law calls
for either providing qisaas (retribution for murder and other violent crimes) or
diyat (compensation money to the victim of the crime).

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor


The government designates religious affiliation on passports and requests religious

information in national identity card applications. A citizen must have a national
identity card to vote. Those wishing to be listed as Muslims must swear their
belief that the Prophet Muhammad is the final prophet, and denounce the
Ahmadiyya movements founder as a false prophet and his followers as nonMuslim. This provision prevents Ahmadis from obtaining legal documents and
puts pressure on members of the community to deny their beliefs in order to enjoy
citizenship rights, including the right to vote. Many Ahmadis are thus effectively
excluded from taking part in elections.
The constitution provides for freedom to manage religious institutions. In
principle the government does not restrict organized religious groups from
establishing places of worship and training members of the clergy. There is no
official restriction on the construction of Ahmadiyya places of worship; however,
Ahmadis are forbidden to call them mosques. The government also has shut down
Ahmadi gatherings if neighbors report hearing the recitation of Quranic verses.
The government provides funding for construction and maintenance of mosques
and for Islamic clergy. The provincial and federal governments have legal
responsibility for certain minority religious properties that were abandoned during
the 1947 partition of the country. The government collects a 2.5 percent zakat
(tax) on all Sunni Muslims and distributes the funds to Sunni mosques,
madrassahs, and charities. The government does not impose similar requirements
on other religious groups.
Government policies do not afford equal protection to members of majority and
minority religious groups.
The 2008 establishment of the Ministry for Minorities removed responsibility for
protection of religious minorities from the Ministry of Religious Affairs. In June
the government dissolved the Federal Ministry for Minorities as part of the
national devolution plan under the 18th Amendment to the constitution.
Responsibilities are now under the purview of the provinces. In August the
government created the Ministry of National Harmony, a stand-alone, cabinet-level
body responsible for the oversight of policy and legislation regarding interfaith
harmony, international agreements relating to religious freedom and interfaith
harmony, and commitments with respect to all religious communities. The budget
of the ministry covers assistance to indigent minorities, the repair of minority
places of worship, the establishment of minority-run small development projects,
and the celebration of minority religious festivals.

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor


The Ministry of Religious Affairs is primarily responsible for organizing

participation in the Hajj and other Islamic religious pilgrimages. The federal
government, however, also consults the ministry on matters such as blasphemy and
educational reforms.
The constitution safeguards educational institutions with respect to religion. No
student can be forced to receive religious instruction or participate in religious
worship other than his or her own religion. The denial of religious instruction for
students of any religious community or denomination also is prohibited.
Islamiyyat (Islamic studies) is compulsory for all Muslim students in state-run
schools. Although students of other religious groups are not legally required to
study Islam, they generally are not offered parallel studies in their own religious
beliefs and are required to take the Islamic studies class. In some schools, nonMuslim students may study akhlaqiyyat, or ethics. Parents may send children to
religious schools, at the familys expense, and private schools are generally free to
teach or not to teach religious studies as they choose.
The constitution specifically prohibits discriminatory admission to any
governmental educational institution solely based on religious affiliation.
Government officials have stated that the only factors affecting admission to
government educational institutions are students grades and home provinces;
however, students must declare their religious affiliation on application forms.
This declaration also is required for private educational institutions, including
universities. Students who identify themselves as Muslim must declare in writing
that they believe that Prophet Muhammad is the final prophet, another measure that
singles out Ahmadis. Non-Muslims are required to have their religious affiliation
verified by the head of their local religious communities.
Private schools run by Islamic clerics, or madrassahs, vary greatly in their
curriculum and character. They may offer after-school non-degree Islamic
religious instruction, a full degree course in Islamic religious studies based on
degree parameters set by one of the countrys five madrassah boards, a full degree
course in regular studies based either on the governments matriculation standards
or the British A level curriculum, certificate courses in vocational training, or some
combination thereof. Madrassahs may have students on a part-time, full-time day,
full boarding basis, or some combination thereof. In some rural communities,
madrassahs are the only form of education available.

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor


Madrassahs are prohibited from teaching sectarian or religious hatred or

encouraging sectarian or religious violence. However, in recent years a small yet
influential number of madrassahs have taught extremist doctrine in support of
terrorism in violation of the law. In an attempt to curb the spread of extremism,
the 2002 Madrassah Registration Ordinance requires all madrassahs to register
with one of the five independent boards (wafaqs) or directly with the government,
cease accepting foreign financing, and accept foreign students only with the
consent of their governments. According to the Ministry of Religious Affairs, as
of December 31, 2010, 19,421 madrassahs had been registered. Of these, 770
madrassahs were registered in 2009 alone; however, many civil society
organizations and education experts disputed the number of madrassahs operating
across the country. According to the Ittehad Tanzeem ul Madaris Pakistan
(IMTP), a council consisting of the heads of the five major wafaqs, there are
approximately 25,000-30,000 registered madrassahs. Of these, the Deobandis
claim to have 13,000-14,000 madrassahs, the Barelvis claim around 9,000, and
Shias 3,000- 4,000 madrassahs. On October 7, 2010, the Ministry of the Interior
signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the IMTP. The agreement
requires the madrassahs to teach secular subjects, to refrain from teaching or
publishing literature promoting militancy or extremism, and to establish an
independent board to monitor madrassah education. In return, the government
would recognize madrassah graduation certificates. The agreement was to be
followed by legislation at the federal level. Following the devolution of the
Federal Ministry of Education to the provinces in May, the legislation stalled and
the provinces were tasked with preparing recommendations for reforming the
madrassah system.
The Balochistan Assembly requires all madrassahs to be registered in the province
and submit annual reports of their educational activities to the registrar of societies,
but no information was available by years end.
In an effort to end Taliban violence in the Swat Valley, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
(KP, formerly the Northwest Frontier Province) government concluded a peace
deal in February 2009 with the extremist organization Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-eMohammadi (TNSM). The agreement included a commitment to implement the
Nizam-e-Adl Regulation (NAR), establishing Sharia in the Malakand Division of
KP. The NAR establishes time limits for deciding civil and criminal cases,
recreates qazis (religious judges) chosen by the state, and establishes a local
appeals court whose judges are selected by the Peshawar High Court.

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor


NAR implementation has been delayed due to military operations against militants,
however. In January KP Chief Minister Ameer Haider Hoti inaugurated Darul
Qaza (an appellate or revision court) in Swat as a step towards full implementation
of the NAR. According to Hoti, 27,000 civil and 39,811 criminal cases were
decided in 2009-10 under this law.
The government does not restrict religious publishing in general; however, the sale
of Ahmadi religious literature is banned. The law prohibits publishing any
criticism of Islam or its prophets and insults to anothers religious beliefs.
The government does not prohibit, restrict, or punish parents for raising children in
accordance with religious teachings and practices of their choice and does not
prohibit religious instruction in the home.
There is no legal requirement for individuals to practice or affiliate nominally with
a religious group; however, the constitution requires that the president and prime
minister be Muslims. All senior officials, including members of parliament, must
swear an oath to protect the countrys Islamic identity. Government employees,
both Muslims and non-Muslims, are not prohibited from displaying or practicing
any elements of their religious beliefs.
Missionaries (except Ahmadis) are permitted and can proselytize as long as there is
no preaching against Islam and the missionaries acknowledge that they are not
Muslim. Missionaries are required to have specific visas valid from two to five
years and are allowed one entry into the country per year. Only replacement
visas for those taking the place of departing missionaries are available, and long
delays and bureaucratic problems are common.
In accordance with the Anti-Terrorism Act, the government bans the activities of
and membership in several groups it judges to be religious extremist or terrorist.
The act allows the government to use special streamlined courts to try cases
involving violent crimes, terrorist activities, acts or speech designed to foment
religious hatred (including blasphemy cases), and crimes against the state;
however, many banned groups remained active.
The government does not recognize either civil or common law marriage.
Marriages generally are performed and registered according to ones religious
group; however, there is no legal mechanism for the government to register
marriages of Hindus and Sikhs. The marriages of non-Muslim men remain legal
upon conversion to Islam. If a non-Muslim female converts to Islam and her
marriage was performed according to her previous religious beliefs, the marriage is

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor


considered dissolved. Children born to Hindu or Christian women who convert to

Islam after marriage are considered illegitimate. The only way to legitimize the
marriage and render the children legitimate and eligible for inheritance is for the
husband to convert to Islam. The children of a Muslim man and a Muslim woman
who both convert to another religious group are considered illegitimate, and the
government can take custody of the children.
There are reserved seats for religious minority members in both the national and
provincial assemblies. The seats are allocated to political parties on a proportional
basis determined by their overall representation in the assembly. The 342-seat
national assembly has 13 members of minority religious groups, 10 of whom held
reserved seats for minorities and three of whom held reserved seats for women. As
part of the 18th Amendment, the 104-seat senate has four reserved seats for
religious minorities, one from each province. Reserved seats for religious
minorities also existed in the provincial assemblies: three in KP, eight in Punjab,
nine in Sindh, and three in Balochistan. Minorities were represented in the local
government system with a minimum of one seat per zila, tehsil (a zila is equivalent
to a district and a tehsil is an administrative unit within a zila), and union council,
as stipulated under the provincial Local Government Ordinances. In Balochistan
Province, religious minority representation is based on population, with a
minimum of two seats per zila.
The government observed all Islamic holy days as national holidays.
Government Practices
There were reports of abuses of religious freedom, including religious prisoners
and detainees. The government generally enforced existing legal and policy
restrictions on religious freedom, particularly on Ahmadis. Government policies
did not afford equal protection to members of majority and minority religious
groups, and due to discriminatory legislation, minorities often were afraid to freely
profess their religious beliefs.
Abuses under the blasphemy and other discriminatory laws, such as the antiAhmadi laws, continued. The government did not take adequate measures to
prevent these incidents or undertake reform measures to prevent the abuse of the
laws. The killing of those accused of blasphemy or those publicly criticizing the
blasphemy laws and calling for their reform continued throughout the year.

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor


Leading human rights organizations, both domestic and international, stated that
blasphemy laws and the governments failure or delay in addressing religious
hostility by societal actors fostered intolerance, acts of violence and intimidation,
and a sense of impunity. According to a Human Rights First report, blasphemy
laws have sparked outbreaks of violence against innocent individuals in violation
of their rights to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, as well as lawyers,
judges, and others defending the rights of those accused under the laws. The most
recent Human Rights Watch annual report stated that Pakistans elected
government notably failed to provide protection to those threatened by extremists,
or to hold extremists accountable. The Jinnah Institute noted that there have
been several cases of individuals or mobs taking the law into their own hands and
murdering not just those accused of blaspheming, but even those who defended the
accused, including public officers and legislators. The report also alleged police
complicity and a failure to maintain law and order.
Human rights organizations alleged that the January 4 killing of then Punjab
Governor Salman Taseer and the March 2 killing of then Federal M inister for
Minorities Shahbaz Bhatti, both of whom spoke against blasphemy laws, stemmed
from a climate of impunity and a failure of the government to provide adequate
protection for officials known to be targets of extremists. After the assassination
of Minister Bhatti, an aide to President Asif Ali Zardari stated in a local
newspaper: This is a concerted campaign to slaughter every liberal, progressive
and humanist voice in Pakistan. The time has come for the federal government and
provincial governments to speak out and to take a strong stand against these
murderers to save the very essence of Pakistan.
The killing of Ahmadis for their religious beliefs continued during the year.
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have alleged that the anti-Ahmadi
sections of the penal code and other government policies fostered intolerance
against this community and, together with the lack of police action, created a
culture of impunity. According to a spokesman for the Ahmadiyya community,
since the promulgation of anti-Ahmadi laws in 1984, 207 Ahmadis have been
killed on religious grounds. During the year, according to Ahmadiyya leaders, five
Ahmadis were murdered in targeted killings because of their faith. Authorities did
not arrest anyone for the murders by years end.
On May 28, 2010, unknown terrorists attacked two separate Ahmadi congregations
in Lahore during Friday prayers. The attackers used explosive devices, grenades,
and automatic weapons. More than 86 persons were killed and 124 persons were
injured. Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, President Zardari, and Prime

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor



Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani criticized the attack and ordered an immediate
inquiry. The Punjab government established an inquiry commission, but the
Ahmadiyya community had not been contacted by any commission representatives
by years end. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) issued a
statement on May 28 condemning the attack and criticizing the government for
failing to increase security at Ahmadi places of worship in light of terrorist threats
against the Ahmadiyya community. The HRCP called on the government to
provide security for the Ahmadiyya community. Punjab authorities did not
provide updates regarding the status of the investigation by years end.
Religious minorities generally faced serious difficulties in getting police
assistance, especially in rural areas. There were also reports of abuses against
minorities committed by the police and security forces. For example, according to
Compass Direct News, on January 9, police officers raped, killed, and threw into a
sewer the body of Waqas Gill, a Christian, in Akhter Colony, Karachi. Local
Christians protested an alleged police cover-up by placing the corpse in the middle
of a street and chanting slogans against officers of Mehmoodabad police station.
Police reportedly tortured and mistreated persons in custody on religious charges
and were accused of at least one extrajudicial killing in a blasphemy case during
the year. On March 15, Qamar David, a Christian serving a life sentence in two
blasphemy cases, died in police custody in Karachi. His family accused police
officials of torturing him to death, but jailers said it was a heart attack. During his
time in custody David complained of threats by other inmates and prison guards.
According to the National Commission on Justice and Peace, an investigation of
the case was not completed by years end.
The government did not subject individuals to forced labor or enslavement based
on religious beliefs; however, minority community leaders charged that the
government failed to take adequate action to prevent minorities from bonded labor
in the brick-making and agricultural sectors, and that Christians and Hindus were
disproportionately victims of this illegal practice.
Laws prohibiting blasphemy continued to be used against Christians, Ahmadis, and
members of other religious groups, including Muslims. Some individuals brought
charges under these laws to settle personal scores or to intimidate vulnerable
individuals, including Muslims, members of religious minorities, and sectarian
opponents. Lower courts often did not require adequate evidence in blasphemy
cases, which led to some accused and convicted persons spending years in jail
before higher courts eventually overturned their convictions and ordered them

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor



freed. Original trial courts usually denied bail in blasphemy cases, claiming that
because defendants could face the death penalty, they were likely to flee; however,
the state has never executed anyone under the blasphemy laws. Judges and
magistrates, seeking to avoid confrontation with or violence from extremists, often
continued trials indefinitely. Lower courts conducted proceedings in an
atmosphere of intimidation by extremists and refused bail due to fear of reprisal
from extremist elements. A 2005 law required that a senior police official
investigate any blasphemy charge before a complaint was filed. This law was not
uniformly enforced.
According to data provided by the National Commission for Justice and Peace
(NCJP), during the year a total of 49 cases were registered under the blasphemy
laws. Of these, eight were against Christians, two were against Ahmadis, and 39
were against Muslims. A total of 1,117 persons were charged under the blasphemy
laws between 1987 and 2011.
According to the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), a Muslim group
attacked a Hindu community in Mir Wah Gorchani, Mirpurkhas, Sindh on August
23, after a Muslim cleric announced through the loudspeakers that Hindus had put
up a blasphemous wall chalking. A Muslim man was killed in the attack. At the
demand of the villages Muslim leaders, seven Hindus were arrested on charges of
blasphemy, while other Hindus abandoned the area.
On January 8, The Daily Times reported that police registered a blasphemy case
against a mentally handicapped Muslim man, Muhammad Amjad, in Kot Addu,
Punjab, at the request of a local mosques cleric, allegedly due to a family rivalry.
The complainant also accused Amjads father, Muhammad Nazir, and a relative,
Muhammad Iqbal, of conspiring to desecrate the Quran. According to the
National Commission on Justice and Peace, the three men were arrested. At years
end, the case was pending at a local court in Muzaffargarh.
On November 8, 2010, a district court in Nankana Sahib, Punjab, sentenced a
Christian woman, Aasia Bibi, to death for blasphemy, the first such sentence for
blasphemy handed down against a woman. Bibi was accused of committing
blasphemy in June 2009 when she reportedly was fetching water while working in
the fields. The verdict in the case touched off a massive debate within the country
about the blasphemy laws, with extremists calling for her execution and more
moderate voices calling for her pardon or an appeal of the guilty verdict. At years
end Bibi was waiting for her appeal to be heard at the Lahore High Court; she
remained in custody.

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor



In March 2010, according to Assist News Service, Munir Masih and Ruqqiya Bibi,
a Christian couple, were sentenced to 25 years each in prison for defiling the
Quran after touching it with unwashed hands. On November 27, the Lahore High
Court released Masih on bail. Bibis bail application was pending at years end.
Non-Muslim prisoners generally were accorded poorer facilities than Muslim
inmates. According to an October study by the NGO Life for All, prisoners
accused of violating the blasphemy laws often were treated differently than those
accused of other crimes. Many of them were kept in solitary confinement due to
threats from other inmates and, in some instances, prison guards.
In March 2010, according to Compass Direct News, police filed false charges of
alcohol possession under the Hudood Ordinance against 47 Christians, including
two children and eight women, in an attempt to intimidate and extort money from
them. The district and session court granted bail to all the accused, but the case
was still pending at years end.
Ahmadiyya leaders stated that for religious reasons, the government used sections
of the penal code against their members. They alleged that the government used
anti-Ahmadi laws to target and harass Ahmadis, frequently accusing converts to
the Ahmadiyya community of blasphemy, violations of anti-Ahmadi laws, or other
crimes. The vague wording of the provision that forbids Ahmadis from directly or
indirectly identifying themselves as Muslims enabled officials to bring charges
against Ahmadis for using the standard Muslim greeting and for naming their
children Muhammad. According to Ahmadiyya leaders, during the year 36
Ahmadis were implicated in eight different cases. By years end, two Ahmadis
were in prison, one for allegedly defiling the Quran, and the other for alleged
murder. The Ahmadiyya community claimed that most of the arrests were
groundless and based on the detainees religious beliefs.
Religious minorities claimed that government actions addressing forced and
coerced conversions of religious minorities to Islam by societal actors were
inadequate. According to the HRCP and the Pakistan Hindu Council, as many as
20 to 25 women and girls from the Hindu community were abducted every month
and forced to convert to Islam.
According to Assist News Service, Farah Hatim, a Christian, was abducted on May
8 by Zeehan Ilyas and his two brothers and forced to convert to Islam and marry
her kidnapper in Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab. Her family registered a case against

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor



Ilyas and his brothers for kidnapping and forced conversion. On July 20, the
Lahore High Courts Bahawalpur bench ruled that Hatim had to stay with her
The constitution provides for the right to establish places of worship and train
clergy, but in practice religious minorities, especially Ahmadis, suffered from
restrictions of this right. District-level authorities consistently refused to grant
permission to construct non-Muslim places of worship, especially for the
Ahmadiyya and Bahai communities, citing the need to maintain public order.
There were instances when informally organized groups seized minority places of
worship using threats, intimidation, and other unlawful means to force the religious
authorities in charge to abandon their properties or force a sale by government
authorities. Minority religious groups accused the government of inaction in cases
where extremist groups attacked places of worship belonging to them. Ahmadis
reported that their mosques and community lands were routinely confiscated by
local governments and given to the majority Muslim community. Ahmadis also
reported incidents in which authorities tried to block construction or renovation of
their places of worship. As Ahmadis were not allowed to recite or relate to the
kalima (Islamic testimony of faith), authorities forcibly removed the kalima from
Ahmadi places of worship in some instances. District governments often refused
to grant Ahmadis permission to hold events publicly; they instead held meetings in
members homes.
Minority communities stated that the government did not spend adequate funds on
the protection and upkeep of minority religious properties that were abandoned
during the 1947 partition of British India prior to independence. They also claimed
that the government was complicit in seizures of their property by Muslims, and
that the policy of dismantling illegal slum settlements disproportionately targeted
minority communities.
Representatives of the Sikh communities in Punjab and Sindh reported the illegal
sale of gurdwara (Sikh temple) lands by the Evacuee Trust Property Board
(ETPB). In April 2010, it was disclosed that the ETPB transferred approximately
72 acres of gurdwara land in Lahore to the Defence Housing Authority. Despite
protests by the Sikh community, the ETPB continued its plan to sell gurdwara land,
which is not allowed under the 1925 Sikh Act. Similarly, Christian leaders in
Sindh opposed a proposed sale of Saint Andrews Church in Karachi, which
recently marked its 150th anniversary.

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor



Officials sometimes used bureaucratic demands and requested or took bribes to

delay minority religious groups attempting to build houses of worship or obtain
land. On the other hand, Sunni Muslim groups sometimes built mosques and
shrines without government permission, at times in violation of zoning ordinances
and on government-owned lands, without repercussions.
Although criminal law allowed offenders to offer monetary restitution to victims,
religious minorities stated that the amounts of monetary restitution allowed under
the qisaas and diyat law were far higher for religious minority offenders and far
lower for religious minority victims.
Religious belief or specific adherence to a religious group was not required for
membership in the ruling party or the moderate opposition parties. All political
parties, including religious parties, had a separate minority wing, and some of the
religious parties provided seats to religious minorities in provincial assemblies
after the 2008 general elections. The government did not restrict the formation of
political parties based on a particular religious group, religious belief, or
interpretation of religious doctrine. The government monitored the activities of
various Islamist parties and affiliated clergy due to alleged links to terrorist and
extremist organizations.
Although the constitution provides for freedom of assembly, Ahmadis have been
prohibited from holding conferences or gatherings since 1983. They are also
banned from preaching. The government has banned Ahmadiyya publications
from public sale, but the umbrella Ahmadiyya organization published religious
literature that circulated only within Ahmadi communities.
There were no reports of district governments restricting the distribution and
display of certain religious images, such as the Christian cross and Jesus. Such
images were displayed openly and sold in Christian communities. Foreign books
must pass government censors before being reprinted. Books and magazines were
imported freely but were subject to censorship for sexual or religious content
considered objectionable. Generally, sacred books for religious minorities, except
Ahmadis, were imported freely. Hindus also faced some difficulty in importing
books from India. Other groups did not face hardship in obtaining religious
materials, although availability sometimes was limited to some specific bookstores
or religious centers.
The government funded and facilitated Hajj travel, but had no similar program for
pilgrimages by religious minorities. Due to the passport requirements to list

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor



religious affiliation and denounce the Ahmadi prophet, Ahmadis were restricted
from going on the Hajj because they were prohibited from declaring themselves
Muslims. Because the government does not recognize Israel, religious believers
regardless of religious affiliation were unable to travel to Israel for pilgrimages.
This especially affected Bahais, since the Bahai World Center, the spiritual and
administrative heart of the community, is located in northern Israel.
Discrimination against Hindus, Sikhs, and Ahmadis in admission to higher
education institutions persisted. Sikh leaders reported they faced restrictions in
securing admissions into colleges and universities, as they were required to obtain
a certificate of permission from the ETPB, which they said was a lengthy process
that discouraged Sikhs from pursuing higher education. There were no reports of
discrimination against Christians when they applied for entry to universities and
medical schools.
Most religious minority groups generally complained of discrimination in hiring.
While there is a 5 percent quota for hiring religious minorities at the federal and
provincial levels, it had not been fully implemented by years end. Shia leaders
did not report that they were subjected to discrimination in hiring for the civil
service or admission to government institutions of higher learning.
Promotions for all minority groups appeared limited within the civil service. These
problems were particularly acute for Ahmadis, who contended that a glass
ceiling prevented their promotion to senior positions, and certain government
departments refused to hire or retain qualified Ahmadis. The government
discriminated against some groups, such as Ahl-e-Hadith, a Sunni Muslim
reformist movement consisting of 4 percent of the countrys Muslims, in hiring
clergy for government mosques and the military and faculty members for Islamic
studies positions in government colleges.
Members of minority religious groups volunteered for military service in small
numbers, and there were no official obstacles to their advancement; however, in
practice non-Muslims rarely rose above the rank of colonel and were not assigned
to politically sensitive positions. A chaplaincy corps provided services for Muslim
soldiers, but no similar services were available for religious minorities.
The public school curriculum included derogatory remarks in textbooks about
minority religious groups, particularly Ahmadis, Hindus, and Jews, and the
teaching of religious intolerance was widespread. The government continued to
revise the curriculum to eliminate such teachings and remove Islamic content from

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor



secular subjects. One local NGO reported that the education minister in KP
Province, with federal input, was developing new textbooks that remove
inflammatory material.
The registration of Hindu and Sikh marriages by the government has been a longstanding demand of these communities. The Scheduled Caste Rights Movement
and other minority rights organizations demanded legislation for minority marriage
registration. The minorities representatives asserted that in the absence of Hindu
and Sikh marriage registration, women faced difficulties in getting a share of their
parents and husbands property, accessing health services, voting, obtaining a
passport, and buying or selling property. The parliament was considering
legislation that would legalize Hindu marriages.
Abuses by Rebel or Foreign Forces or Terrorist Organizations
There were several incidents involving the abuse of religious groups by individuals
or organizations designated as terrorist organizations by the U.S. secretary of state
under Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, and by armed sectarian
extremist groups with strong links to such organizations.
Attacks on houses of worship, religious gatherings, and religious leaders linked to
sectarian, extremist, and terrorist groups resulted in hundreds of deaths during the
Attacks against Hazara Shias in Balochistan increased during the year. On October
4, 14 Shias were killed and six others injured when gunmen ambushed a local bus
in Quetta. On September 20, 29 Shia pilgrims were killed and six others injured in
Mastung, Balochistan, when a group of armed men attacked a passenger bus
carrying Shia pilgrims from Quetta to Iran. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claimed
responsibility for both attacks. Between May 5 and May 18, more than 20 Shias
were killed in different incidents of targeted killings in the province.
Attacks on Sufi shrines continued during the year. In August the Tehrik-i-Taliban
Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for a suicide attack on a mosque in the
Khyber tribal agency that killed more than 50 persons, stating that it was retaliation
for local resistance against the militants.
On April 3, two suicide blasts outside the shrine of Syed Ahmad Sakhi Sarwar in
D.G. Khan, Punjab, claimed 49 lives and left over 100 persons injured, among
them women and children. The TTP claimed responsibility for the attack.

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor



The government implemented some measures to protect the population at large

against militants and terrorist groups. For example, police apprehended TTP
commanders who provided logistical support to militants in the tribal areas and
arrested would-be suicide bombers in major cities of the country, confiscating
arms, suicide vests, and attack planning materials.
Improvements and Positive Developments in Respect for Religious Freedom
The government took some steps to bolster religious freedom during the year.
The government at senior levels continued to call for interfaith dialogue and
sectarian harmony to promote moderation, tolerance, and minority rights. On
August 11, President Zardari, in honor of National Minorities Day, acknowledged
the challenges that minorities faced and pledged his commitment to finding
The government devolved the Ministry of Minorities in June to the provinces,
along with several other ministries, as part of the devolution exercise mandated by
the 18th Amendment. After minority groups and parliamentarians expressed
concern about the elimination of a central body to safeguard their rights, in August
the government created a new ministry at the federal level, the Ministry of
National Harmony, to protect the rights of minorities, including religious
minorities. The ministry organized events aimed at promoting peace and religious
However, religious minorities claimed that the ministry was underfunded and that
localities and villages that were home to minority citizens went without basic civic
amenities. On May 1, the Express Tribune reported that police in Gujranwala
averted an attack on a Christian community in a blasphemy-related case. On April
15, police took Father Mushtaq Gill Masih and his son Farrukh Gill Masih into
protective custody following accusations of blasphemy that the police believed to
be unfounded. When the accused were released, protesters marched towards the
local Christian community. The head of the Gujranwala police, Ghulam
Muhammad Doger, warned the protesters that he would not allow them to harass
the Christian community and would take strict action against them. The newspaper
claimed it was the first such incident in which the police did not bow to intense
pressure from religious and political parties, despite the accusation of blasphemy.
Following the March 2 assassination of then federal minister for minorities Bhatti,
on March 23, the government appointed his brother, Paul Bhatti, as National

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor



Adviser to the Prime Minister on Minority Affairs. The government strongly

condemned Bhattis killing, declaring it a conspiracy against democracy and
religious harmony in the country.
On February 9, the government granted a plot free of charge to the Full Gospel
Assembly Church for the construction of a new church and a community center in
Islamabad. This would be the fourth church building in the federal capital. In
January the KP provincial government inaugurated a new shamshan ghat
(cremation ground) in Khaiarabad, Nowshera District, for the Sikh community.
Section III. Status of Societal Respect for Religious Freedom
There were reports of societal abuses or discrimination based on religious
affiliation, belief, or practice. Citizens continuously used blasphemy laws to
harass religious minorities and vulnerable Muslims and to settle personal scores or
business rivalries. Societal elements also used anti-Ahmadi provisions of the penal
code to justify abuse and discrimination against Ahmadis.
Relations among religious communities remained tense. Violence against religious
minorities and between Muslim sects continued. While a small number of persons
were involved in violent attacks, discriminatory laws and lack of reform of these
laws, the teaching of religious intolerance, and the lack of police protection of
minorities and prosecution of perpetrators created a permissive environment for
such attacks.
Persons accused of blasphemy and persons publicly criticizing the blasphemy laws
and calling for their reform continued to be killed during the year, including two
high-level government officials. On March 2, Federal Minister for Minorities
Shahbaz Bhatti was shot and killed in Islamabad. According to press reports, at
least two unidentified attackers were involved. The gunmen left pamphlets,
reportedly from the terrorist groups Tanzeem Al-Qaeda and TTP, accusing Bhatti
of blasphemy. The assailants fled the scene and were not captured. The
investigation was still underway at years end.
On January 4, Punjab Governor Salman Taseer was killed by his bodyguard for
publicly criticizing the blasphemy laws and calling for reforms. There were
increased reports of human rights and religious freedom activists and members of
minorities hesitating to speak in favor of religious tolerance due to a climate of
intolerance and fear, especially following these assassinations.

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor



On October 1, the Rawalpindi Anti-Terrorism Court sentenced Taseers killer,

Malik Mumtaz Qadri, to death. The judge who handed down Qadri's verdict
received threats, had his offices ransacked, and fled the country. Qadri filed an
appeal of the sentence on October 6. The appeal was pending in the Islamabad
High Court at years end.
Societal reaction to Taseers killing was widespread and included public
demonstrations and numerous references in social media in support of the accused
killer. Some commentary in the print and electronic media was also supportive of
the killing. According to a report by the Jinnah Insitute noting Taseers criticism
of the blasphemy laws, in the days leading up to Taseers assassination, when the
debate had reached a boiling point, editorials in some newspapers called for his
death. In the aftermath of Taseers assassination, popular TV anchors suggested
that his murder was justified and aired views from religious experts and guests in
favor of his murder. A January 5 article in the newspaper Dawn reported: In a
sign of mainstream media opposition, Pakistans leading Urdu-language
newspaper, Jang, ran a front-page story declaring that there should be no funeral
for Salman Taseer and no condemnation of his death. Court appearances by the
accused killer attracted large crowds of supporters and he was showered with rose
On March 5, a local newspaper, Dawn, reported that Mohammad Imran, who was
released for lack of evidence in a blasphemy case in February 2010, was shot and
killed in Danda village, Punjab.
In April an antiterrorism court in Faisalabad found Maqsood Ahmad guilty of the
July 2010 killing of Christian brothers Rashid and Sajad Emmanuel and sentenced
him to death on four counts. The brothers had been accused of distributing
blasphemous material, but the judge had found them not guilty.
Conversion to minority religious beliefs generally took place in secret to avoid
societal backlash. Forced and coerced conversions of religious minorities to Islam
occurred at the hands of societal actors.
Media, particularly the vernacular press, published derogatory reports of
minorities, especially of Ahmadis.
There were numerous reports of attacks by societal actors on holy places and
symbols of religious minorities.

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor



According to Assist News Service, on March 28, 18 unidentified persons attacked

St. Thomas Catholic Church in Wah Cantonment, Rawalpindi, Punjab. The
attackers entered the church compound and hurled stones at the statue of Mary and
at lights in the compound, while some attackers remained outside and pelted the
church gate with stones.
On April 9, the Express Tribune reported that a Muslim youngster tore a copy of
the Bible at the entrance of Saint Josephs Church in Lahore and tried to burn it
before being caught. His actions were in apparent retaliation for the burning of a
Quran outside of the country in March. The police arrested him under the section
of the Pakistan Penal Code for deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage
religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs.
Some attacks against minority groups were in protest of interfaith marriages or
On November 9, four Hindu doctors were shot and killed in Chak town of
Shikarpur District, Sindh. According to reports, about 10 armed men attacked the
house of Dr. Satia Pal in Chak town and started firing, killing Dr. Ajeet, Dr.
Ashok, Dr. Satyapal, and Dr. Naresh. The attackers escaped from the scene.
According to reports the attack was in reaction to an alleged relationship between a
Hindu man and a Muslim woman. The investigation was pending at years end.
Ahmadi individuals and institutions were victims of religious violence, much of it
organized by religious extremists.
Tehrik-e-Khatme Nabuwwat, a Deobandi group that actively opposed Ahmadiyya
beliefs and individuals, issued a 2011 calendar with hate propaganda characterizing
Ahmadis as infidels, cursed, and apostates, and urged persons to cleanse their
streets of Ahmadis. (Deobandis, who run 65 percent of the madrassahs in
Pakistan, are an anti-Western Sunni Muslim sect that seeks to restore Islam to its
pure form. They regard Shias as non-Muslims.) In June the Aalami Majlis
Tahaffuz Khatme Nabuwwat and the All Pakistan Students Khatme Nabuwwat
Federation, Faisalabad, issued a pamphlet that urged Muslims to kill Ahmadis,
which would give the killers a status comparable to a martyr. The pamphlet
provided a list of approximately 50 prominent Ahmadis and places of business
with their addresses. The pamphlet provided the names of the issuing
organizations, their cell phone numbers, and e-mail address, but no action was
taken against the instigators. According to Jammat-e-Ahmadiyya, an Ahmadiya
group, on September 4 Naseem Butt was shot and killed in Faislamabad by four

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor



persons who called him wajibul qatal (bound to be murdered). The Jammat-eAhmadiyya claim the killing was a result of the pamphlet.
Ahmadi leaders accused the vernacular press of publishing anti-Ahmadi
statements. In one instance, a March 7 newspaper published an opinion piece
entitled, Qadianis promote apostasy in Muzaffarbad and the government is a silent
spectator. According to Jamaate-e-Ahmadiyya, during the year, 1,468 news
reports specifically discriminating against Ahmadis were published in major Urdu
dailies in Lahore.
Anti-Semitic articles were commonly found in the vernacular press, although there
were no known Jewish communities in the country.
Some Sunni Muslim groups published literature calling for violence against
Ahmadis, Shia Muslims, other Sunni sects, and Hindus. Some Urdu newspapers
frequently published articles that contained derogatory references to religious
minorities, especially Ahmadis, Hindus, and Jews.
The Hindu communities in Sindh and Balochistan reported that they were
increasingly the target of kidnappings for ransom. Hindus claimed they were
forced to pay ransoms because police did little to recover kidnapping victims. In
December 2010, the kidnapping of a Hindu spiritual leader triggered protest
demonstrations across Balochistan. Maharaja Luckmi Chand Garji, 82, had been
kidnapped along with four companions, near the Surab area of Kalat. He was
released in March along with three companions while another individual remained
in captivity.
Discrimination against Christians in employment was widespread. Christians had
difficulty finding jobs other than those involving menial labor, although Christian
activists stated that the situation had improved somewhat in the private sector in
recent years.
All wafaqs continued to mandate the elimination of teaching that promoted
religious or sectarian intolerance and terrorist or extremist recruitment at
madrassahs. Inspectors from the education boards mandated that affiliated
madrassahs with full-time students supplement religious studies with secular
subjects. Wafaqs also restricted foreign private funding of madrassahs. A
comparatively small, yet influential, number of unregistered and Deobandicontrolled madrassahs continued to teach extremism and/or allow recruitment of
their students by terrorist organizations. Similarly the Dawa schools, run by

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor



Jamaat-ud-Dawa, a charitable front for the banned Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, continued

extremist teaching and recruitment for Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, a designated foreign
terrorist organization. Following the November 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai,
India, attributed to Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, the Punjab provincial government took over
management of several Jamaat-ud-Dawa institutions.
Sectarian violence between Sunni and Shia extremists continued, and several
religious minority individuals and communities were the targets of religious
violence across the country. Attacks on the Shia minority, particularly in Dera
Ismail Khan, Quetta, Hangu, Kohat, Tank, DG Khan, Gilgit, and in Kurram and
Orakzai Agencies continued.
Section IV. U.S. Government Policy
U.S. embassy and consulate officers maintained a dialogue with government,
parliament, and civil society, including religious and minority community
representatives, to encourage religious freedom and tolerance, and to discuss
specific issues. These included blasphemy laws; curriculum reform in public
education and madrassah education systems; treatment of the Ahmadiyya,
Christian, Hindu, and other minority communities; and sectarian violence as well
as ways to improve the regular protection of and outreach to minority groups.
Embassy and consulate officials met regularly with ministers and other highranking officials to discuss government plans to promote religious freedom and
interfaith harmony.
The U.S. embassy sponsored two interfaith events that were widely reported on in
the media, one at Al-Qabeer Mosque in Faisalabad and the second at Faisal
Mosque in Islamabad.
Embassy officials, including the ambassador and visiting State Department
officials, attended and hosted meetings with government officials, as well as
leaders from communities of all religious groups and NGOs working on religious
freedom issues. Issues of interfaith dialogue, religious tolerance, and religious
freedom were discussed in these meetings. Embassy officials also explored with
these groups the development of programs and projects to promote religious
Embassy officers investigated and monitored human rights cases involving
religious minorities and continued their dialogue with the government, urging a
swift and effective response to these incidents.

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor



Embassy officials raised with parliamentarians the treatment of religious minorities

and blasphemy laws.

International Religious Freedom Report for 2011

United States Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor

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