ME 257 (JAN) 3:0 Finite Element Methods

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ME 257 (JAN) 3:0

Finite Element Methods

ME 237 (AUG/JAN) 3:0

Mechanics of Microsystems

Linear finite elements procedures in solid mechanics, convergence,

isoparametric mapping and numerical Integration. Application of
finite element method to Poisson equation, calculus of variations,
weighted residual methods, introduction of constraint equations by
Lagrange multipliers and penalty method, solution of linear
algebraic equations, application of finite element method to linear
elasto dynamics, solution of eigenvalue problems, mode
superposition and direct time integration algorithms, finite element

An overview of micro-systems and micro-fabrication, mechanics

issues relevant to micro-systems, scaling laws, materials properties
and their role in micro-systems, lumped modeling of micro-systems.
Coupled-simulations of multi-energy domain systems including
electrostatics-mechanical, electro-thermal, thermo-mechanical,
piezoelectric-mechanical, fluidic issues such as squeezed-film
effects. Application of numerical techniques such as finite element
and boundary element methods in solving steady-state and transient
regimes. Case studies of selected micro-systems devices and
systems. Introduction to biomechanics at the small sizes.

Cook R. D., Malkus, D. S., and Plesha, M.E., Concepts and

Applications of Finite Element Analysis, 3rd Edition, 1989.
Bathe, K. J., Finite Element Procedures 1982
Materials and Structure Property Correlations
Atomic structure of materials, atomic bonding, crystal structure
point, line and areal defects in crystal structure, dislocation concepts
of plastic deformation, critical resolved shear stress, interactions
between dislocations and work hardening, fracture-microscopic
descriptions, strengthening. Mechanisms of metals, processing
maps, concepts of bio-materials. Natural and synthetics, fracture and
fatigue of bio-materials.
Raghavan, V., Materials Science and Engineers, Prentice Hall, 1979.
Davidge, R.W., Mechanical Behaviour of Ceramics, 1986.
Reed-Hill, R.E. and Abbaschian, R., Physical Metallurgy Principles,
Ratner B.D., Hoffman ,A.S., Schoen F. J., Lemons, J. E.,
Biomaterials Science- An introduction to Materials in Medicine.

Pre-requisite: Multi-variable calculus and numerical analysis. No

prior background in micro-systems or mechanics is assumed.
Senturia, S.D., Microsystem Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers,

ME 259 (AUG) 3:0

Nonlinear Finite Element Methods
Fundamentals of finite deformation mechanics-kinematics; stress
measures; balance laws, objectivity principle. Newton-Raphson
procedure. Finite element formulation for plasticity and nonlinear
elasticity. Stress update algorithms for plasticity. Finite element
procedures for dynamic analysis; Explicit and implicit time
integration. Finite element modelling of contact problems Slideline methods and penalty approach; Adaptive finite element analysis
automatic mesh generation; error estimation, choice of new mesh,
transfer of state variables. Finite element programming.
Pre-requisite: ME 257 or equivalent

K. J. Bathe, Finite Element Procedures, Prentice Hall of India, New

Delhi 1997
O. C. Zienkiewicz and R. L. Taylor, The Finite Element Methods,
Vols. I and II, McGraw Hill, 1991
T. Belytshko, W.K. Liu and B. Moran, Nonliner Finite Elements for
Continua and Structures, Wiley, 2000.
ME 260 (AUG) 3:0
Topology Optimization
Hierarchy in structural optimization: topology, shape, and size.
Michelle continua and truss/frame topology optimization. Design
parameterization and material interpolation: ground structure
method, homogenization-based method, density distribution, levelset methods, peak function methods, phase-field methods.
Numerical methods for topology optimization: optimality criteria
methods, convex linearization and method of moving asymptotes,
dual algorithms, numerical issues in the implementation of topology
optimization algorithms, applications to multi-physics problems,
compliant mechanisms and material microstructure design.
Manufacturing constraints, other advanced topics.
G K Ananthasuresh

Engineering Mathematics
Vector and tensor algebra: Sets, groups, rings and fields, vector
spaces, basis, inner products, linear transformations, spectral
decomposition, tensor algebra, similarity transformations, singular
value decomposition, QR and LU decomposition of matrices, vector
and tensor calculus, system of linear equations (Krylov solvers,
Gauss-Seidel), curvilinear coordinate transformations.
Ordinary and partial differential equations: Characterization of
ODEs and PDEs, methods of solution, general solutions of linear
ODEs, special ODEs, Euler-Cauchy, Bessels and Legendres
equations, Sturm-Liouville theory, critical points and their stability.
Complex analysis: Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann conditions
and conformal mapping. Special series and transforms: Laplace and
Fourier transforms, Fourier series, FFT algorithms, wavelet
Kryeyzig E, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Ed., Wiley
M.D. Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2nd Ed.,
Pearson, 1998.
F. B. Hildebrand, Methods of Applied
Mathematics, Prentice Hall.
Bender and Orszag, Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists
and Engineers, Springer.

Pre-requisite: ME 256. Background in finite element analysis is


Bendsoe, M.P., and Sigmund, O., Topology Optimization: Theory,

Methods, and Applications, Springer, 2003.

ME 242 (AUG) 3:0

Solid Mechanics

Analysis of stress, Analysis of strain, stress-strain relations, twodimensional elasticity problems, Airy stress functions in rectangular
and polar coordinates, axisymmetric problems, energy methods, St.

ME 261 (AUG) 3:0

Venant torsion, elastic wave propagation, elastic instability and

thermal stresses.
Fung, Y. C. ,Foundations of Solid Mechanics, Prentice Hall.
Srinath. L. S., Advanced Mechanics of Solids, Tata McGraw Hill.
Sokolnikoff, I. S., Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, Prentice Hall.
ME 253 (JAN) 3:0
Vibrations of Plates and Shells

application of Euler-Lagrange equations for the analytical solution

of size optimization problems of bars and beams, topology
optimization of trusses and beams applied to stiff structures and
compliant mechanisms. Material interpolation methods in design
parameterization for topology optimization, optimization
formulations for structures and compliant mechanisms involving
multiple energy domains and performance criteria. Essential
background for Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions for multi-variable
optimization, numerical optimization algorithms and computer
programs for practical implementation of size, shape and topology
optimization problems.

Shell coordinates, infinitesimal distances in curved shells, equations

of motion for general shell structures using Hamiltons principle.
Specialization to commonly occurring geometries, modeshapes and
resonances of flat plates, rings, cylindrical shells and spherical
shells. Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin methods for finding approximate
modeshapes. Forced response: response to various types of loads
(point forces, moments, moving loads), transient and harmonic
loads. Combination of structures using receptance.

Smith, D.R., Variational Methods in Optimization, Dover

Publication, 1998.
Haftka, R.T., and Gurdal, Z., Elements of Structural Optimization,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992.
Bendsoe, M.P., and Sigmund, O., Topology Optimization: Theory,
Methods and Applications, Springer, 2003.

Pre-requisite: a full course in lumped system vibrations

CE 204N (AUG) 3:0

Solid Mechanics
Introduction to tensor algebra and calculus, indicial notation,
matrices of tensor components, change of basis formulae,
eigenvalues, Divergence theorem. Elementary measures of strain.
Lagrangian and Eulerian description of deformation. Deformation
gradient, Polar decomposition theorem, Cauchy-Green and
Lagrangian strain tensors. Deformation of lines, areas and volumes.
Infinitesimal strains. Infinitesimal strain-displacement relations in
cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Compatibility. Tractions, body
forces, stress at a point, Cauchy's theorem. Piola-Kirchhoff stress
tensors. Momentum balance. Symmetry of the Cauchy stress tensor.
St. Venant's Principle. Virtual Work. Green's solids, elastic strain
energy, generalized Hooke's Law, material symmetry, isotropic

Werner Soedel,Vibrations of plates and shells, S.S. Rao Vibrations

of continuous systems,
ME 256 (JAN) 3:0
Variational Methods and Structural Optimization
Calculus of variations: functionals, normed vector spaces, Gateaux
variation, Frechet differential, necessary conditions for an
extremum, Euler-Lagrange multiplier theorem, second variations
and sufficient conditions. Weak form of differential equations,

linear elasticity in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates,

elastic moduli, plane stress, plane strain,. Navier's formulation. Airy
stress functions. Selected problems in elasticity. Kirchhoff's
uniqueness theorem, Betti-Maxwell reciprocal theorem, Principle of
stationary potential energy, Torsion in circular and non-circular
shafts and thin-walled tubes, warping. Pure bending of thin
rectangular and circular plates, small deflection problems in laterally
loaded thin rectangular and circular plates. Outline of Mindlin plate
theory. Introduction to yield and plasticity.
Fung, Y. C. and Pin Tong, Classical and Computational Solid
Mechanics, World Scientific, 2001
Boresi, A.P., and Lynn P.P., Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics,
Prentice Hall 1974.
Theoretical Elasticity, A.E. Green and W. Zerna, 1968, Dover
CE 205N (AUG) 3:0
An Introduction to Finite Elements in Solid Mechanics
Concepts of the stiffness method. Energy principles. Continuum
BVP and their integral formulation. Variational methods: RaleighRitz, weighted residual methods, virtual work and weak
formulations. Finite element formulation of one, two and three
dimensional problems, Isoparametric formulation. Computational
aspects and applications
Zienkiewicz, O.C. and Taylor, R.L., The Finite Element Method:
Vol. 1 (The Basis), Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000.
Cook R.D.. Malkus, D. S., Plesha and Witt, R.J., Concepts and
Applications of Finite Element Analysis, Fourth edition, John Wiley
and Sons.
CE 210N (Jan) 3:0
Linear Structural Dynamics
An overview of continuous dynamical systems; principle of virtual
work; Hamiltons principle; Lagrangian equations of motion;

equations of motion by Reynolds transport theorem; PDEs of motion

for taut strings; Euler-Bernoulli beams and Kirchhoff plates;
solutions of governing PDEs through separation of variables;
orthonormal bases and eigenfunction expansions; Rayleigh-Ritz and
weighted residual methods; finite element semi-discretizations of
continuous dynamical systems; semi-discrete MDOF systems and
eigenvalue problems; modal dynamics and the notion of an SDOF
model; free and forced vibration responses; damped MDOF systems;
structures under support excitations; a brief overview of
eigensolution techniques; direct integration techniques including
Euler and Newmark-beta methods.
D Roy and G V Rao, 2012, Elements of Structural Dynamics: A
New Perspective, John Wiley, New York.
L Meirovitch, 1984, Elements of Vibration Analysis, McGraw-Hill,
New York.
CE 211N (JAN) 3:0
Stability of Structures
Analysis of beam columns. Stability functions. Behavior of ideal
columns. Bifurcation buckling and limit point instability.
Mechanical models of stability. Static and dynamic formulations.
Energy methods. Finite element formulation. Lateral torsional
buckling of beams. Buckling of frames. Imperfection sensitivity and
post critical behavior. Buckling of beams on elastic foundations,
arches and plates. Thermal buckling. Inelastic buckling. Dynamic
analysis of stability. Parametric instabilities and stability under
nonconservative forces. Divergence and flutter.
S P Timoshenko and J M Gere, 1963, Theory of elastic stability,
McGraw Hill, London.
G J Simtses and D H Hodges, 2005, Fundamentals of structural
stability, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
J M T Thompson and G W Hunt, 1973, A general theory of elastic
stability, John Wiley, London
CE 229N (Aug) 3:0


Randomness, uncertainty, modeling uncertainty, engineering
judgment, introduction to probability, measures of variability,
probability theory, random variables, probability mass and density
functions, moments of distribution, Bayes theorem, Stationary
processes, autocovariance functions, functions of random fields,
sampling techniques, concepts of sampling, sampling plans,
decisions based on samplings. levels of reliability, loads and
resistances, reliability methods, first order second moment, (FOSM)
method, Hasofer-Lind approach, comparative discussion, simulation
methods, random number generation, decision making, branching,
use of fault tree and event tree analysis and examples in civil
Ang, A.H.-S. and Tang, W.H. (1975 and 1984). Probability
Concepts in Engineering Planning and Design, Vol. 1 and Vol.2 ,
Basic Principles, John Wiley, New York.
Nathabandu T. Kottegoda and Renzo Rosso (1998) Statistics,
Probability, and Reliability for Civil and Environmental Engineers,
McGraw-Hill International edition.
Baecher, G.B. and Christian, J.T. (2003). Reliability and Statistics in
Geotechnical Engineering,
CE 235N (JAN) 3:0
Optimization Methods
Basic concepts, Kuhn-Tucker conditions, linear and nonlinear
programming, treatment of discrete variables, stochastic
programming,. Genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, Ant Colony
and Particle Swarm Optimization, Evolutionary algorithms,
Applications to various engineering problems.
Arora, J.S. Introduction to Optimization, McGraw-Hill
Rao, S.S., Optimization: Theory and Applications. Wiley Eastern,
CE 237N (JAN) 2:0

Nonlinear FEM in Structural Engineering

Concept of material, geometric, and contact nonlinearities. Review
of continuum mechanics: stress and strain measures; balance laws.
Review of continuum plasticity: rules for yield, flow, and hardening.
Total Lagrangian and updated Lagrangian formulations for
geometrically nonlinear solid continua. FE formulations for inelastic
solids with linear/nonlinear strain-displacement relations. Thermomechanical analysis. Problems of structural dynamics. General
solution techniques
Pre-requisite:: Background in FEM and solid mechanics
T Belytschko, W K Liu, B Moran, and K I Elkhodary, 2014,
Nonlinear finite elements for continua and structures, 2nd Edition,
Wiley, Chichester.
J N Reddy, 2004, An introduction to nonlinear finite element
analysis, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
W F Chen and D J Han, 2008, Plasticity for structural engineers, J
.Ross publishing / Cengage Learning, New Delhi.
J Bonet, and R D Wood, 2008, Non-linear continuum mechanics for
finite element analysis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
AE 224 : Analysis & Design of Composite Structures (3:0)
Introduction to composite materials, concepts of isotropy vs.
anisotropy, composite micromechanics (effective stiffness/strength
predictions, load-transfer mechanisms), Classical Lamination Plate
theory (CLPT), failure criteria, hygrothermal stresses, bending of
composite plates, analysis of sandwich plates, buckling analysis of
laminated composite plates, inter-laminar stresses, First Order Shear
Deformation Theory (FSDT), delamination models, composite
tailoring and design issues, statics and elastic stability of initially
curved and twisted composite beams, design of laminates using
carpet and AML plots, preliminary design of composite structures
for aerospace and automotive applications. Overview of current
research in composites.

Gibson, R.F., Principles of Composite Material Mechanics, CRC

Press, 2nd Edition, 2007.
Jones, R.M., Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2nd Edition,
Taylor & Francis, 2010 (Indian Print).
Daniel, I.M., and Ishai O., Engineering Mechanics of Composite
Materials, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 2005.
Reddy, J.N., Mechanics of Laminated Composite Plates and Shells
Theory and Analysis, CRC Press, 2nd Edition, 2004.
AE 223 : Energy and Finite Element Methods (3:0)
Introduction to energy methods; concept of work and energy,
principle of virtual work, principle of minimum potential energy,
Raleigh Ritz method, Hamilton principle. Introduction to variational
methods, weak form of governing equation, weighted residual
method, introduction to finite elements, Galerkin finite elements,
least square finite elements; finite element method various element
formulations for metallic, and composite and smart composite
structures, isoparametric element formulation, numerical integration,
concept of consistency, completeness and mesh locking problems,
finite element methods for structural dynamics and wave
propagation, mass and damping matrix formulation, response
estimation through modal methods, direct time integration, implicit
and explicit methods. Introducton to super convergent finite element
formulation and spectral finite elements.
Cook R.D, Malkus D.S. and Plesha M.E., Finite Element Analysis,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995. Bathe K.J., Finite Element
Procedures, Prentice Hall, New York, 1996. Varadan V.K., Vinoy
K.J. and Gopalakrishnan S., Smart Material Systems and MEMS,
John Wiley & Sons, UK, 2006. Gopalakrishnan S., Chakraborty A.

and Roy Mahapatra D., Spectral Finite Elements, Springer Verlag,

UK, 2008.
AE 233 : Smart Materials and Structures (3:0)
Sensors and actuators. Piezoelectric, magnetostrictive, and
electrostrictive materials. Shape memory alloys, electrorheological
and magnetorheological fluids. Modeling of smart materials and
structures. Review of composite plate theory, smart laminated
composites, active fiber composites, finite element modeling of
smart structures. Control aspects of smart structures. Structural
health monitoring. Damage modeling. Algorithms for inverse
problems. Vibration and noise control. Shape control. MEMS.
Culshaw B., Smart Structures and Materials, Artech House, 1996.
Srinivasan A.V.V. and McFarl D.M., Smart Structures Analysis and
Design, Cambridge University Press, 2000. Inman D.J. and Farrar
C.R., Damage Prognosis, John Wiley and Sons, 2005.
AE 230 : Aeroelasticity (3:0)
Static aeroelasticity, bending-torsion flutter of a wing, dynamic
response of a wing to gust and atmospheric turbulence, flutter
identification, aeroelastic control.
Wright J.R.and Cooper J.E., Introduction to Aircraft Aeroelasticity
and Loads, John Wiley, 2008.
Hodges D.H. and Alvin Pierce G., Introduction to Structural
Dynamics and Aeroelasticity, Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Fung Y.C., An Introduction to the Theory of Aeroelasticity, Dover
edition, 2002.

Bisplinghoff R.L., Ashley H. and Halfman R.L., Aeroelasticity,

Dover edition, 1996.
AE 234 : Engineering Optimization (3:0)
Constrained and unconstrained minimization of linear and nonlinear
functions of one or more variables, necessary and sufficient
conditions in optimization, KKT conditions, numerical methods in
unconstrained optimization, one dimensional search, steepest
descent and conjugate gradient methods, Newton and quasi-Newton
methods. Finite difference, analytical and automatic differentiation,
linear programming, numerical methods for constrained
optimization, response surface methods in optimization, orthogonal
arrays, stochastic optimization methods.
Engineering Optimization: A Modern Approach, Universities Press,

AE 239 : Applied and Computational Mechanics (3:0)

An overview of the mechanics and physics of solids; topics from
linear algebra and functional analysis, analysis and computation
using ordinary and partial differential equations, analysis of finite
difference schemes; boundary value problem, variational method,
thermodynamic equilibrium, system stability. Mathematical
foundation of finite element method. Concepts of space-time
discretization and decoupling. Numerical error, numerical
convergence and numerical stability, ID, 2D and 3D finite element
formulation, analysis with examples, two and three-dimensional
finite element formulations, analysis with examples. Computer
algorithm and computer code writing practices.

Lebedev L.P. and Vorovich I.I., Functional Analysis in Mechanics,

Springer Monograph in Mathematics, 2003. Reddy J.N., An
Introduction to the Finite Element Method, McGraw Hill, 2005.
Susanne C.Brenner and Ridgway Scott L., The Mathematical
Theory of Finite Element Methods, Springer 2002. James Demmel,
Applied Numerical Linear Algebra, SIAM, 1997.
AE 240 : Modal Analysis: Theory and Applications (3:0)
Introduction to modal testing and applications. Frequency response
function (FRF) measurement. Properties of FRF data for SDOF and
MDOF systems. Signal and System analysis. Modal analysis of
rotating structures. Exciters, sensors application in modal parameter
(Natural frequency, damping and mode shape) estimation. Vibration
standards for human and machines. Calibration and sensitivity
analysis in modal testing. Modal parameter estimation methods.
Global modal analysis methods in time and frequency domain.
Derivation of mathematical models- modal model, response model
and spatial models. Coupled and modified structure analysis.
Application of modal analysis to practical structures and condition
health monitoring.
Ewins D.J., Modal analysis: Theory and Practice, Research Studies
Press Ltd., England, 2000. Clarence W de Silva, Vibration:
Fundamentals and Practice, CRC press, New York, 1999. Kenneth
G. McConnel, Vibration testing: Theory and Practice, John Wiley &
Sons Inc., New York, 1995.

AE 360 : Nonlinear Mechanics of Composite Structures (3:0)

Introduction to classical geometrical and physical non-linearities and

non-classical geometro-physical non-linearities in structural
mechanics. Mechanics of composite lamina and laminates including
response and failure as affected by nonlinearities. Variational
asymptotic methods of constructing nonlinear composite beam, plate
and shell theories. Non-classical effects resulting from nonlinearities. Effects of non-linearities on stability of thin-walled
structures. Introduction to nonlinear finite element analysis
including mixed formulations. Applications to engineering
structures like pipes, springs and rotor blades.

equation, method of characteristics. Non-linear convection equation

(Burgers equation): Discontinuous solutions and expansion waves,
Riemann problem, Hyperbolic Systems of PDEs, Parabolic PDEs,
Elliptic PDEs.
David Logan J., An Introduction to Nonlinear PDEs, 2nd edition,
Wiley Interscience. Courant R.and Hilbert D., Methods of
Mathematical Physics, Wiley-VCH. Gilbert Strang, Introduction to
Applied Mathematics, Wellesley Cambridge Press.

Hodges D.H., Nonlinear Composites Beam Theory, Progress in

Astronautics & Aeronautics, Series 213, AIAA, 2006.
Berdichevsky V.L., Variational Principles of Continuum Mechanics,
I. Fundamentals & II.
Applications Interaction of Mechanics & Mathematics Series,
Springer, 2009.
Current literature (International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics
International Journal of Solids and Structures etc.).
AE 211 : Mathematics for Aerospace Engineers (3:0)
Real Analysis: Series and sequences, limits, continuity and
derivatives of functions, closed and open sets, compactness, metric
spaces, uniform convergence. Convex Analysis: Algebra of convex
sets, convex functions and their properties. Linear Algebra:
Algebraic structures, vector spaces, linear transformations, canonical
forms, solution of linear systems of equations, techniques for
Eigenvalue extraction, iterative solvers. Introduction to variational
calculus: Weighted residual technique, numerical integration,
integral transforms, solution of differential and partial differential
equations using integral transforms. Introduction to Partial
Differential Equations (PDE), linear convection (First order wave)

AE 221 : Flight Vehicle Structures (3:0)

Characteristics of aircraft structures and materials, introduction to
elasticity, torsion, bending and flexural shear, flexural shear flow in
thin-walled sections, elastic bucking, failure theories. Variational
principles and energy methods, analysis of composite laminates,
loads on aircraft, basic aeroelasticity.
Sun, C.T., Mechanics of Aircraft Structures, John Wiley and Sons,
New York, 2006.
Megson, T.H.G., Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students,
Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 1999.
Wallerstein, D.V., Variational Approach to Structural Analysis, John
Wiley and Sons, 2001.
Shames, I.H., and Dym, C.L., Energy and Finite Element Methods
in Structural Mechanics, Taylor and Francis, 1991.

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