The Types of Architecture: Form Construction Building Materials Architecture

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The types of Architecture

Good morning, I am going to talk about the types of architecture, I decided to talk
about this because there are different types of architecture that I find very
interesting, most of tarps architecture were invented in Europe and Asia, these
types of tarps are often not applied in our continent for several reasons: either east
by the weather or the economy of each country. For this and many other reasons
I'll mention in the course of the trial seemed a very important issue for our country.

An architectural style is characterized by the features that make a building or other

structure notable and historically identifiable. A style may include such elements
as form, method of construction, building materials, and regional character.
Most architecture can be classified as a chronology of styles which changes over
time reflecting changing fashions, beliefs and religions, or the emergence of new
ideas, technology, or materials which make new styles possible.

Styles therefore emerge from the history of a society and are documented in the
subject of architectural history. At any time several styles may be fashionable, and
when a style changes it usually does so gradually, as architects learn and adapt to
new ideas. The new style is sometimes only a rebellion against an existing style,
such as post-modernism which has in recent years found its own language and
split into a number of styles with other names.

Residential Architecture
Residential architects focus most of their efforts on constructing beautiful private
dwellings for homeowners. While a lot of the houses we see in neighborhoods
around the world are designed identically or close to it, many neighborhoods allow
for customized homes with unique styles.

As a residential architect, you would be working with private clients to help them to
design the home of their dreams. You would need to be cognizant of all local
building codes as well as relevant neighborhood covenants. The home you design
will have to conform to all of these local regulations but also fulfill the form and
function of a beautiful and inviting home environment for your client. While you
probably have not seen nearly as many examples of custom homes as you have of
cookie-cutter houses, odds are you have seen at least a few. Inside and out, they
beautify the world and the lives of their inhabitants and neighbors.

Commercial or Public Architecture

If you focus on this role, you may specialize in larger ventures for businesses or
government entities, erecting public buildings such as shopping malls, libraries,
government facilities, and more. There are also many famous examples of famous
public structures, all the more so since so many people are able to experience
them. Think back over your life, and you will probably remember examples of
impressive train stations, airports, and other public facilities you walked through.

Maybe you only spent a few hours in some of these locations, but the memories
can stick with you for years to come.
Elegant public buildings help to not only beautify facilities and make experiences
more pleasant and enjoyable, but also to fulfill a practical purpose. A well designed
shopping mall makes it easier for buyers to find what they are searching for. A well
designed airport makes it easy and intuitive to find the right gates and to locate
shops and restaurants in the meantime.
Public building architecture also helps to define society. Throughout history,
different types of architecture have come to symbolize different ideas. For example,
in America, many public buildings, particularly government buildings, are built in the
neoclassical style, which in turn imitates the buildings found in ancient Greece.
Industrial Architecture
If you are interested in working on industrial projects, I suggest you check into civil
engineering as a major instead of architecture. It is true that there is an
architectural element to industrial projects. In fact, architecture can be a major
component of these structures, but they are far more elaborate to design than
other types of public or private buildings.
Because of this, civil engineering is a more appropriate major for industrial projects
like hydroelectric dams, bridges, and other technical projects. These projects
encompass advanced knowledge of science and engineering. Without that
knowledge, you cannot create structures which are safe and which are able to fulfill

technical functions as well as be aesthetically pleasing to the eye. There is also the
issue of qualifying for the appropriate certifications to be allowed to work on these
projects, without which you cannot hope to proceed.
A civil engineering degree is overkill for non-technical projects, and will present you
with a great many challenges along the way in terms of coursework and
certifications. You will also spend less time on artistic design principles when you
are studying how to build dams and bridges.
Landscape Architecture
This type of architecture focuses on outdoor areas. If you go into this specialized
field, you might design parklands, gardens, and lawns surrounding college campus
buildings and other public destinations. Landscape architects may also work with
homeowners and other private parties to design compelling outdoor areas. You
might even be involved with the development of golf courses or similar recreational
Building structures can be a part of this job, even though you are working with
outdoor areas. For example, many landscaping jobs entail erecting gazebos and
other outdoor structures such as follies. Unlike residential architects and public and
industrial architects, however, you will be doing a lot of work directly with trees,
plants, and other living materials. As such, your body of knowledge will have to go
beyond simple construction. You will have to understand aspects of horticulture,
and know how you can integrate living growth into your settings. A well designed

landscape will incorporate plants in a system that is beneficial to them and allows
them to thrive.
Interior Designing
Although interior design is not actually a type of architecture, you should consider
looking into it all the same, because it is so closely connected to architecture.
Some building designers are also interior designers, while others do not work on
furnishing and other aspects of interior design. Frank Lloyd Wright, discussed
earlier in the section on residential architecture, also was an interior designer. He
saw his buildings as a single integrated whole, and strived to create furniture that
evoked the same elements as his buildings. He worked on creating seamless living
spaces which flowed throughout the interiors of his buildings. Because he had
knowledge of both interior design and architecture, he was able to unite them
fluidly to bring his entire vision to life.
For this reason, it may be worthwhile for you also to cultivate study in both fields,
and learn interior design along with architecture. In fact, some architects also learn
to tie in landscaping with the rest of their design skills. By doing this, you can
create spaces which flow both indoors and outdoors for the best possible effect. It
is often the effect of the whole that leaves such an impact on visitors. How many
different specializations you want to integrate into your work is really up to you.
Some architects do best if they are extremely specialized and focused on one
aspect of design, while others excel by learning how to integrate different aspects
of design. You may work well controlling all elements that go into a building or you

may work better in an environment where you are sharing the responsibility of
design with a number of other architects.
Green Designing
One aspect of design you may want to pay particular note to at this point in time is
green architecture. Green architecture, as you probably imagine, is exactly what it
sounds like building structures friendly to the environment. Green buildings are
built with solar panels, underground rooms and other innovative features that
reduce energy costs and allow for sustainable living. They may also have a more
organic design which is consistent with the natural environment and which fits in
seamlessly with the surroundings in a nonintrusive way.
Green design is a really big deal nowadays as more people are becoming aware of
the consequences of the industrial lifestyles we have been leading for more than a
century. A lot of residential clients are looking to implement green features into their
buildings. Some public building commissioners may also be looking to make a
green statement, particularly with government buildings. Corporations that want to
present an eco-friendly image may be looking to hire architects who can help them
reduce their footprint.
For this reason I decided to choose this topic as it seems to me that the
architecture is already very important it is considered as one of the six arts,
architecture-free world would be a world full of accidents since the planes wouldnt
be accurate, for this and other reasons I think that the types of architecture are
very important. There are different types of architecture but I think the most

important is the Green Designing architecture it is that takes care of safe without
neglecting the environment constructions. I think many constructions companies
should adopt this type of architecture.


2014 - 2015

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