If You Were Nilam Abh1

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If you were Nilam Abhy, how would you actually manage the negative attitudes
of confusion, anxiety and fear that the employees were facing?
If I'm Nilam Abhy, It is important to consider that expectations should be met,
and relationships must remain professional, we're as change agents have a
strong impact on the morale of our employees. Consider the following when we
are confronted with emotional reactions in your employees.
A- Identification and explaining our change ( reason , mechanism ,
vision and effects):
It should be clarified that there are many changes that have occurred in the
field of marketing and advertising, the company has to cope with and adapt
to all these changes to survive and continue to live, meant that ABC had to
constantly restructure Its organization
B- Ask them about their concerns, feelings and opinions:
Validate legitimate concerns and negative effects of change that employees
express. Our employees need to know that they are being heard, even if we
do not agree with their perspective, there might be some employees who
are silent and withdrawn, we can often draw them out by reassuring them
that emotional reactions are common and that it is safe to express them, If
emotions are not expressed directly, they sometimes come out in less
constructive ways in the workplace.



concerns with how

torelance of
changes will affect
thier own interests
certain people are
, instead of
very keen on
considering the
security and
effects for the
in thier
success of the
of the


disagreement on
the reasons fpr
the change and on
the advantages
disadvantages of
the change


proplems ,

C- Communicate them openly, honestly, and often:Our employees should know that their organization must adapt to survive;
they must be informed, in an open and honest manner, about any changes
that are taking place. When employees know they will be consistently
informed, they will be less anxious and therefore more productive.
D- Increase visibility and involvement :-

For the manager it will be important to be visible and accessible, fear of the
unknown can be alleviated through a present and transparent management
E- Build collegial relationships:Demonstrate personal knowledge of the individuals roles and
responsibilities. Engage them on a personal level. Employees who feel
others are sincerely interested in them and their wellbeing express higher
levels of job satisfaction.
F- Express appreciation:We should thank our employees to let them know they are working hard and
we appreciate their efforts. Acknowledgment can go a long way to reduce
stress and increase job satisfaction.
2. Explain how the Kurt-Lewin (three-step model) of managing change
was applied in this case?

If we have a large cube of ice, but realize that what we want is a cone of ice,
what do we do? First we must melt the ice to make it amenable to change
(unfreeze) ,Then you must mold the iced water into the shape you want
(change). Finally, you must solidify the new shape (refreeze).
Many changes were taking place in the real estate sector that greatly
affected ABC . Constant change within the marketing and advertising
sector meant that ABC had to constantly change in the company.

(Unfreeze ) This means that we should melt the ice through thawing
regulations and procedures governing the work, job responsibilities,
managerial roles of the company in all sections and departments, also
preparing the ABC's employees to accept that change, this is reflected in
selection of ten of the staff to work as change agents in the first session.
The Key of this stage (unfreeze) is developing a compelling message
showing why the existing way of doing things ABC cannot continue- this
reflected when even though for years the company had adopted a
successful in-house training course to help managers cope with change
but it was not enough of efficiency and effectiveness needed to reduce
resistance to change and, the company needed a more convenient
training program for employees
this is easiest to frame when you can point to declining sales figures, poor
financial results, worrying customer satisfaction surveys, or suchlike:
These show that things have to change in a way that everyone can
The practical steps of( unfreeze) stage here are :
1. Determine what needs to change ?

What we want to change here is the set of regulations and procedures

governing the work within the company as to help the efficiency and
effectiveness of marketing decision-making within the company as to
help recapture our position within the marketing and advertising
That will happen by
A- Survey the organization to understand the current state:
Nilam Abhy must has a deep understanding of environment of the
company and its position in the advertising and marketing market
threats and opportunities , internal configuration of the company .
B- Understand why change has to take place:
Due to declining of company's competitiveness and capabilities in the
field of advertising and marketing using our key that our existing way
of doing things in ABC cannot continue, this occurred through the
message delivered in the first sessions to employees.
2. Ensure there is strong support from upper management:
Ms. Nilam abhy had to make sure that there is a high support from
management Since she has been selected to work as a change
manager for ABC .

3. Create the need for change:

By creating a compelling message to ABC's employees as to why change has
to occur in our company to create a sense of urgency, to explain and repeat
company's need to initiate change.
That means that we have to use and communicate our vision for what ABC
will be after change that we are seeking to restore our pioneer position of
multinational companies in the marketing and advertising world.
Emphasize the "why", why we need to change , we have to explain the
current situation and why we can't continue by the current ways

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