Christian Agenda - Francisco Xavier, Andre Luiz
Christian Agenda - Francisco Xavier, Andre Luiz
Christian Agenda - Francisco Xavier, Andre Luiz
Published by:
71 The Grove, Ealing Broadway
LONDON – W51 5 LL – Great Britain
Original Portuguese Copyright held by the:
translated by
George C. Hart and Evelyn R. Morales
The Editorial Rights for this 3rd Edition have been kindly conceded to the
The Brazilian Spiritist Federation and
The Christian Spirit Center,
Elon College, USA.
All profits received from this publication will be employed bye the Allan
Kardec Publishing Ltd. In the publication of further Spiritist books in
Learn – humbly. Do not forget that God is the central theme of our destinies.
Teach – practising. Desire the well being of others as much as you desire it for
Administer – by educating. yourself.
Obey – willingly. Come to terms quickly with your adversaries.
Love – edifyingly.
Respect your neighbours’ opinion.
Fear – yourself.
Suffer – benefitingyourself. Avoid disagreeable disputes.
Speak – constructively. Lending without expecting restitution.
Hear – without malice. Give your assistance in good works happily.
Help – by elevating others.
Do not worry about slanderers.
Assist –uplifting others
Pass by – serving. Thank your enemy for the value he ascribes to you.
Pray – serenely. Help children.
Ask – with discernment. Do not abandon the old and the sick.
Wait – working.
Where benefits are concerned, think of yourself last.
Believe – actively.
Trust – watchfully. Apologise sincerely.
Receive – and distribute. Criticise no one.
Attend – graciously. Straighten out your own defects before correcting those of
Cooperate – with detachment. others.
Offer urgent assistance – through improvement. Use faith and good judgment.
Examine circumstances – with criterion.
Learn to sow, that you may reap a good harvest.
Clarify – respectfully.
Sow – without anxiety. Do not expect grapes from the thornbush.
Study – while perfecting. Free yourself from the weight of excessive conventionalism.
Walk – with everyone. Cultivate simplicity.
Advance – offering help.
Act – for the general good. Talk as little as possible about yourself and your problems.
Correct – with kindness. Stimulate the noble qualities of your companions.
Forgive – continuously. Work for the good of all.
Value time. 3
Organise your work knowing that each day has its obligations.
Serve everyone with detachment.
Maintaining supreme faithfulness to God.
Be happy, just and grateful. Forgetting personal desires while attending to Superior Designs.
Never impose your point of view. Humbling oneself so the hand of the Lord may be exalted.
Overcoming oneself.
Remember that the world was not made only for you. Renouncing joyfully for the benefit of others.
* Reaping eternal profit from temporary losses.
Working to build the Divine Kingdom.
Social sciences of today present these principles as being new.
Maintaining hope, while others despair.
However, they are ancient, having come to Earth with Christ
Entering into the temple of silence in the midst of commotion.
almost twenty centuries ago. But we, who are slow to
Maintaining one’s faith above the torment of doubts.
comprehend, are even slower in applying them.
Silencing oneself in time to avoid hurting others.
Speaking constructively.
Listening to the Divine Friend when in solitude.
Serving without compensation.
Enduring one’s own cross with valour.
Learning and profiting from one’s suffering.
Loving, without demanding.
Helping in secret.
Sowing with Christ, detached from the results.
Finding brothers and sisters in all places.
Cultivating the pleasure of being useful.
Discerning the just worth of causes and of things.
Purifying evil.
Assisting those who err with sincerity.
Forgiving as many times as necessary.
Overcoming obstacles.
Preserving joyfulness and sweetness.
Maintaining cheerfulness.
Detaching oneself from the deceits of the world before the world
deceives us.
Persevering on the side of goodness to the end.
4 *
Be useful everywhere, but do not attempt to please everyone; do
IN YOUR OWN FAVOR not undertake that which even Christ has still not attained.
When faced with error, correct it first in yourself, and then in
others, without violence and without hate.
Learn to yield in the favour of many, so that some will intercede *
on your behalf in disagreeable situations. If treachery crosses your path, deny it the honour of indignation;
* examine it with a silent smile, study the process calmly and shortly
Help without demanding, so that others may help you without afterwards, transform it into material worthy of life.
complaining. *
* Help the envious in a fraternal manner; spite is an undisguised
Do not imprison those about you to your way of thinking; give homage to merit, and in paying this tribute, the common man
your companion the opportunity to interpret life as freely as you do. torments himself and suffers.
Be careful of the way you express yourself; gestures often speak
louder than words.
Refer to yourself as little as possible; cooperate fraternally in the
joys of your fellow beings.
Avoid overwhelming verbosity; he who talks without pause tires
the listener.
Leave the authorship of good ideas to others and do not worry if
you are forgotten. Be convinced that any noble initiative does not
really belong to you, since everything good proceeds originally from
Think of your adversary as a bearer of equilibrium; if we have need
of friends to stimulate us, we equally need someone to show us our
Be calm when arguing; your opponent’s rights are the same as
If you pay too much attention to the criticism of the one who is
inferior, then you must endure the constraints of the plane to which
you have descended without feeling hurt.
5 6
Always help. Do not fret over the ignorant person; surely they have not had the
Do not fear. opportunities which illuminated your path.
Never despair. *
Learn incessantly. Avoid trouble with those who are fanatics; they remain imprisoned
Think profoundly. in exclusivism and deserve compassion just as any other prisoner.
Meditate more. *
Speak little. Do not be perturbed with by an ill-bred person; in most cases the
Correct lovingly. one who is unsociable has a liver complaint and bad nerves.
Work happily.
Direct sensibly.
Help the companion who is insecure; perhaps they do not have
Obey contentedly.
enough to supply their needs, while you retain an excess.
Do no complain.
Go forward. *
Observe what is beyond. Do not be angry with an ungrateful person; probably they are
Look well ahead. confused or inexperienced.
Discuss serenely. *
Shed light. Help those who make mistakes; your feet walk on the same
Sow peace. ground, and even if you possess the possibility to correct them, you
Spread blessings. have no right to censure them.
Struggle and elevate. *
Be joyful. Pardon the deserter; he is weak and will return to the lesson later
Live fearlessly. on.
Demonstrate courage. *
Reveal calmness. Aid the sick; thank the Divine Power for the state of equilibrium
Respect everything. you are able to conserve.
Pray confidently. *
Be watchful with benevolence. Forget your accuser; he does not know your case from
Go forth, progressing. itsbeginning.
Serve today.
Await tomorrow.
Forgive the transgressor; life will take care of him.
Habituate yourself to serenity and strength in the circles of human
struggle. Without these conquests it will be difficult for you to free
yourself from the succession of inferior reincarnations.
7 8
Help, with your prayers, all those brothers and sisters… Are those who wish to transform others, from one day to the next, by
the force of mere words.
who never find the time or resources to be useful to
anyone; *
who declare themselves affronted by ingratitude on all Are those who give intelligent opinions and good advice to everybody,
sides; while being heedless of their own problems.
whose eyes are cloaked in darkness and so see evil in all *
situations; Are those who place their minds completely in another world without
attending to the duties of the world in which they live.
who dream of a thousand castles in the clouds, but do not
light one candle on the ground; *
who will only cooperate in the ivory tower of personal Are those who are constantly concerned about defending themselves.
interest, unwilling to descend so as to collaborate with *
others; Are those who plan ten marvelous projects each day without
who believe themselves to have special missions and thus materialising even one of them in ten years.
entitled to exceptional benefits; *
who use up precious time talking exclusively about Are those who recognize the grandeur of the Divine Truths, but never
themselves; find time to cultivate them in favor of their own illumination.
who give up the process of learning from the human *
struggle; Are those who continually postpone till tomorrow the task of
who never cease to find excuses for all their faults; understanding and loving others.
Do not become irritated with the person to whom you are talking if he Be calm. Life, as a state of struggle, can be good; but the state of war is
does not meet your expectations. Perhaps you were not sufficiently never a good life.
clear in expressing yourself. *
* Do not deliberate hurriedly. Circumstances, being the offspring of
When addressing someone and you do not receive a prompt answer Superior Designs, modify our experiences minute by minute.
don’t complain. He is probably a stutterer; if he is not, discourtesy is a *
sadness in itself. Avoid inopportune tears. They can complicate enigmas instead of solving
* them.
When someone does not give you the solicited information as quickly *
as you would like, do not become irritated. Remember that deafness If you have erred disastrously, do not sink into despair. Standing up again
is the best measure for one who falls.
can happen to anyone.
Be patient. If you cannot dominate yourself, then it is useless for you to
Avoid matters which are disturbing to the listener. We all have painful seek understanding from someone who does not as yet comprehend you.
periods in our destiny about which we must be silent. *
* If the question is excessively complex, wait one more day or one more
Refrain from asking thoughtless questions. The person who week in order to resolve it. Time does not pass in vain.
interrogates too much often offends greatly. *
* On the pretext of defending someone, do not enter into a noisy circle.
Cultivate courteousness with the workers of any institutions or There are those who make a great deal of noise as a matter of preference.
establishment you may happen to temporarily visit. Almost always *
your mind is usually unconcerned in such places and ignore the Be moderate in your resolutions and attitudes. In moments of gravity your
problems of those serving you. spiritual realities become more visible.
* *
Be sincere, but avoid uncharitable frankness. On the pretext of being Be moderate in your resolutions and attitudes. Our spiritual reality is
realistic do not try to be more honest than God, from whose Loving more visible in grave moments.
Authority only we receive the revelations and work of each day. *
* Take care in any kind of evaluation alluding to second or third persons.
If someone hurts you with an unkind answer, be calm and wait. Maybe On similar occasions, others will be called upon to evaluate you.
they have already politely answered others ninety-nine times, or *
perhaps they have just suffered some important loss. Never proclaim your individual merits since any excellent quality is very
* problematical within the frame of our spiritual acquisitions. Remind
Be helpful in your conversations. A good word always uplifts. yourself that virtue is not a voice that speaks, but rather a power that
* radiates.
Remember that evil is never worth commenting upon.
11 12
Think well before entering into argument. At times the debater is no When faced by the night, do not reproach its darkness. Learn to
more than a hot-head. disperse it with light.
* *
Use courage sensibly. On many occasions the courageous person is To condemn the swamp is useless. Help it to become purified.
simply imprudent. *
* Along a stony road, do not throw rocks at others. Employ the stones in
Observe your methods of cultivating the truth. Many people who useful works.
presume themselves truthful are actually channels of disturbance and
Do not condemn the clamour of others. Teach them a profitable lesson
by your silence.
Proceed with intelligence in all situations. Do not forget, however,
that many intelligent men are mere scoundrels. *
* When faced by difficult situations, do not be swayed by uncertainty.
Be strong in daily the struggles. Nevertheless, do not forget that many Confront them with a clear conscience.
whom you think to be brave are unconsciously committing suicide. *
* It is useless to blame the thorn bush. Remove it with kindness.
Esteem efficiency. But do not adopt rashness on the pretext of speed. *
* Do not criticise the barren ground. Fertilize it instead.
Do not confront dangers without the resources to annul them. What *
we set apart as bravery is often madness. Do not reproach the desert. Help to dig a well under the burning sand.
* *
Always show valour in your attitudes. Remember, however, that There is no advantage in disapproving when everyone else disapproves.
valour does not consist in winning at any price, but in conquering your Instead uphold your brother or sister with a kind word.
adversary by peaceful means.
It is always easy to observe and identify evil. However, what Christ
Have courage, but be moderate in your undertakings. The distance
expects from us is the discovery and cultivation of goodness so that
from audacity to crime is but a few steps.
Divine Love may be glorified.
Cultivate affability and sweetness along your path. Nevertheless, do
not waste your time in useless conversation.
13 14
A tempest frightens. However, it will strengthen our ability to endure Seek the opportunities of good deeds while you still have time. It is
if we know how to receive it. dangerous to keep a head full of dreams with unoccupied hands.
* *
Pain lacerates. But it will perfect our hearts, if we seek to profit from Kindle your lamp while there is light about your steps. No traveler can
its passage. avoid the surprises of night fall.
* *
Misunderstanding hurts. Nevertheless, it offers us an excellent Help those about you while you have the opportunity of doing so,
opportunity to cultivate serenity. because the moment will come when you will not be able to carry on
* without help from others.
Struggle disturbs. However, it will be the bearer of invaluable benefits *
if we accept its contribution. Use your physical body to gather blessings from the Higher Life while
* it still works together harmoniously. The vase that held sublime
Desperation destroys. In the face of it, however, we find the essences will continue to perfume the air after being abandoned.
opportunity to cultivate serenity. *
* Give your lessons wisely in the school of life while the book of trials
Hate obscures. Still, it can unveil a blessed horizon for the revelation of still rests in your hands. Learning is a blessing, and there are thousands
love. of brothers and sisters nearby awaiting a scholarship in reincarnation.
* *
Misfortune overwhelms. Yet, it prepares us to better console others. Settle your accounts with your neighbour while the time is favourable.
* Tomorrow the entire scene could be changed.
Shock terrifies. However, within it we can find the blessings of *
renewal. No one should be a prophet of death, not try to imitate the ill-omened
* owl. Yet while you await the opportunity to store up higher spiritual
Trials torment us. Nevertheless, without them, learning becomes values, continue to increase your own worth and develop treasures for
impossible. your soul, in the certainty that your journey to another type of
existence is inevitable.
An obstacle displeases. But it is the true producer of elevation and
15 16
Comfort the despairing. You yourself will not escape the temptations A benefactor is one who helps and goes on his way.
of discouragement within the circles of struggle.
* A friend is one who aids in silence.
Lift the fallen. You do not know where your own feet will stumble.
* A companion is one who cooperates without making us feel uneasy.
Extend your hand to those who in need of support. Your day for
receiving cooperation will arrive. A reformer is one who restores himself to the ways of goodness.
A strong person is one who knows how to wait within the task of
Help the sick. Your own soul is not using an invulnerable body.
peaceful work.
Make an effort to understand the less enlightened companion. Know An enlightened person is one who knows himself.
that you do not always have the necessary means for understanding as
could be desired. Brave person is —one who fears nothing in himself.
Be sympathetic towards the unfortunate. The sky will not always be A defender is one who cooperates without causing confusion.
sunny for you.
* An efficient person is one who acts for the benefit of all.
Be tolerant and patiently help the ignorant. Remember that there are
Sublime Spirits that tolerate us and help us with heroic kindness. A winner is one who conquers himself.
Console the downhearted. You cannot foresee the surprises of your
own destiny.
Help the offender with your good thoughts. He teaches us how hostile
and disagreeable we are when we hurt someone else.
Be kind to those dependent upon you. Do not forget that Christ
himself was compelled to obey.
17 18
The saint does not condemn the sinner. He helps him without being Do not continually ask for spiritual guidance. If you already have
presumptuous. tuppence worth of Christian concepts, then you understand enough to
* know what to do.
The wise person does not ridicule one who is ignorant. He instructs *
him in a brotherly manner. Do not waste your energy trying to straighten out others by
* imposition. When we straighten ourselves out we realise that the
The enlightened person does not insult those walking in darkness. He world is administered by Divine Wisdom and that the obligation to
illuminates their path. cooperate continuously toward goodness is our fundamental duty.
* *
The instructor does not blame the stumbling apprentice. It is the Do not blame the discarnate spirits for your failures in life’s struggles.
insecure sheep which most needs the shepherd. Note the rhythm of your own life, examine your income and
* expenditures, your actions and reactions, your manners and attitudes,
The good person does not persecute the one who is bad. They assist your obligations and decisions, and you will recognise that you have the
them to better themselves. situation you sought and that you reap exactly what you sown.
* *
The strong person does not malign the weak. They help them to raise Do not appeal systematically to your spiritual friends with regard to
themselves up. petty everyday tasks. They are equally busy and confront problems
greater than yours and their responsibilities are more grave and
immediate. Within the common struggles on Earth, you would not
The humble person does not avoid one who is proud. They cooperate
have the courage to ask a generous and kind professor to perform the
silently in their favour.
functions of a baby sitter.
* *
The sincere person does not disturb others. They bring harmony to all.
Do not wait for death to solve the problems of life, nor claim sickness
* or old age as an excuse to stop learning, because we are still very far
The unpretentious do not criticise the vain. Whenever necessary they from Heaven. The grave does not bring a miraculous transformation,
help without ostentation,. but opens a wider door to our own conscience.
The Christian does not hate or hurt. He follows Christ, serving the
Otherwise, titles of virtues would only be external coverings which
time would destroy.
19 20
Look for a delinquent and you will find many offenders. It is necessary, The patient person never despairs.
then, for you to possess an immense reserve of love in order to reform The anxious sooner or later complain
them without becoming criminal yourself.
* *
Seek to identify a fault and you will find innumerable ones. Faced with The brave endures difficulties, overcoming them.
that situation, it is essential that you be sufficiently enlightened so as
The reckless confront dangers without ponderation.
not add your error to the errors of others.
* *
Try to locate one thorn and you will encounter various thorn bushes.
In such case, it is necessary that you remain very well balanced in order
The enlightened person stands out.
not to hurt yourself. The theorist talks excessively.
* *
Place too much attention upon a stone in the road and, shortly, the
ground will become very stony to your eyes. After that, you will need The friend studies ways to help.
a great deal of resistance not to succumb to the roughness of the The adversary watches for means to hurt.
Approach goodness, look for it with determination, and kindness will The common man helps according to his inclinations.
illuminate your path. Only then will you be perfectly equipped to win The Christian always help.
the war against evil.
21 22
Your generosity will call the goodness of others to your aid. To have a mouth that is perfumed is not enough. It is imperative that it
be incapable of hurting others.
Your simplicity will solve problems for many people. The cleanliness of your hands is important. However, it is essential to
* verify what they do.
Your complexity will give rise much insincerity in others. Good ears are certainly a treasure. However, Divine Justice, will want
* to know what you are listening to.
Your indifference will produce visible coldness in others. Excellent vision is a laudable quality. Nevertheless, it is of interest to
* note how you look at life.
Your sincere desire for peace will guarantee tranquillity along your
To have physical health is to possess a valuable gift. But it is necessary
to consider what you do with your healthy body.
* *
Your belligerency will bring forth fruits of anxiety. Clear reasoning is a virtue. Still, it is essential to observe in what
mental zone you are reasoning.
* *
A beautiful imagination is like a marvellous castle. It is well to note
Your blunt frankness will provoke rude responses.
with what images you furnish your inner palace.
* *
Strong emotions characterise of internal richness. Nevertheless, it is
Your refinement will inspire correct manners in those who follow you.
necessary to verify how you spend your emotions.
* *
Your superior spirituality will motivate sublime spiritual achievements. The ability to be intensely productive is a precious resource. But it is
essential that you know the substance of that which you produce.
* *
We sow and we reap daily. Life is also a soil which receives and The capacity to proceed joyfully through life is a blessing.
produces eternally. Nevertheless, remember to watch the direction that your feet are
taking along the way.
23 24
Do not be hurt by slander. Live in such a way that no one will believe If you desire to become in effect a Christian, then:
the slanderer.
by losing, you will win in the human battle;
Do not be set back by perturbations. Follow your path attending to the by yielding, you will obtain the resources you need;
superior purposes of life, because the makers of confusion will be
many. by working, you will attain your own happiness;
* by forgiving, you will edify those around you;
Do not be concerned with unwarranted accusations. You can realize
many valuable plans to counteract the unjust accusers. by liberating, you will conquest others;
Physical beauty can bring about unforeseeable tragedies for the soul To be vigilant does not mean distrust. It means enlighten yourself by
that lacks discernment. means of helping those who find themselves in the shadows.
* *
Excessive money is a door to pauperism, if the one who possess it To defend is not a matter of shouting. It is to render more intense
cannot maintain his own balance. service to causes and to people.
* *
Too much comfort is a disadvantage, if one does not learn the art of To help is not to impose. It is to give substantial support, without
detaching oneself from it. craving for personal recognition, so that the beneficiary may grow,
become enlightened and find happiness of his own accord.
Prominence can be the introduction to a spectacular fall, if one does
not mature ones reasoning. To teach is not to hurt others. It is to lovingly guide them towards the
kingdom of understanding and peace.
Too great an authority spoils the joy of living, if the mind does not
cultivate a sense of proportion. To renovate is not to destroy. It is to respect the foundations, and so
restore works for the general good.
Too heavy a responsibility can exterminate the existence of one who
has, as yet, not risen above ordinary understanding. To enlighten is not to argue. It is to assist through the spirit of service
and good-will the understanding of those who lack knowledge.
An enormous amount of knowledge in the midst of many ignorant,
vulgar, or foolish people is a poisonous and bitter fruit, if the spirit still To love is not to desire. It is to always be understanding, give of one’s
has not become resigned to solitude. self, renounce one’s whims, and to sacrifice ourselves so that the
Divine Light of true love may shine forth.
9 30
Patience is not a colorful stained glass window for you to enjoy in Avoid impatience. You have already lived countless centuries and are
leisure hours. It is added help when facing obstacles. now standing before endless millenniums.
* *
Serenity is not a garden to be cultivated only for your cheerful days. It Keep calm. But flee from idleness as one who recognises the decisive
is a provision of peace for the deception along your pathway. value of each minute.
* *
Calmness is not merely harmonious violin to accompany your pleasant Sow love. Think of the devotion of the One Who has loved us from the
conversations. It is a substantial asset against misunderstandings. beginning.
* *
Tolerance is not a delicious wine to be enjoyed in your moments of Keep your balance. Unbridled passions and desires are forces of
fellowship. It is a valuable door through which you may demonstrate destruction within the Divine Creation.
good-will toward less advanced companions. *
* Cultivate confidence. Tomorrow the sun will reappear on the horizon,
Real co-operation is not just the easy process of receiving assistance and the landscape will be different.
from others. It is a means of helping a friend in need. *
* Intensify your own efforts. Your life will be what you make of it.
Confidence is not a nectar to sweeten your moonlit nights. It is a *
secure refuge for the tempestuous hours. Cherish solidarity. You would not be able to live without others,
* although, in the majority of cases others can live without you.
Optimism does not constitute ease for your twilight hours. It is a *
source of power for difficult days. Experience solitude, from time to time. Jesus was alone in the crucial
* moments of his passage on the Earth.
Fortitude is not a rhetorical ornament. It is a reinforcement to faith. *
* Give constructive action to your hours. However, do not convert your
Hope is not the act of kneeling for simple contemplation. It is energy existence into a tower of Babel.
for the lofty realisations that belong to your Spirit. *
* Render your faithful devotion to peace. But remember that you will
Virtue is not a decorative flower. It is the blessed fruit of your own never experience tranquillity without first giving peace to those who
effort which you should use and glorify at the appropriate moment. cross your path.
31 32
In your daily struggles, do not demand politeness from your Your conversation indicates the directions you have chosen in life.
companion. Demonstrate yours.
Referring to good deeds, do not await for collaboration. Before all Your decisions, taken in grave moments, identify the true position of
else, be the first to collaborate. your Spirit.
* *
In trivial tasks, do not demand the effort of others. Show your own
good-will. Your attitudes, within the daily struggles, speak of your inner climate.
* *
In jobs that require understanding, do not ask your neighbour to rise to
your level. Learn to descend to his and help him. Your impulses define the mental zone in which you prefer to operate.
* *
When performing Christian duties, do not wait for outside resources
Your thoughts reveal the kind of spiritual companion you keep.
to fulfill them. The best thing that you can give to good works is your
own heart. *
* Your reading habits define your sentiments.
In the ordinary dealings of life, do not wait for your others to reveal
their excellent qualities. Express the elevated gifts that you already *
possess. Your personal treatment of others demonstrates the point to which you
* have progressed.
In every earthly creature there exists light and shadow. Allow your
nobility to become conspicuous in order that the nobility of others may *
come to your encounter. Your requests shed light upon your objectives.
Your opinions reveal the true place which you occupy in the world.
Your days are marks along the pathway of evolution. Do not forget that
great assemblies of companions, both incarnate and discarnate, know
your personality and follow you along your pathway by the signs you
leave behind.
33 34
Without good manners you will be deprived of the confidence of Balance your sense of justice, subtracting from it any inclination
others. towards vengeance.
* *
Without fortitude, you will succumb to the first obstacles on your Be on guard against your fearlessness, lest it become an act of
path. recklessness.
Without positive faith, you will wander aimlessly. *
* Analyse your firmness, so that it will not be transformed into
Without devoting yourself to goodness, you will experience a terrible petrification.
inner hardening. *
* Illumine your directives, so they will not be converted into tyranny.
Without giving noble examples, you will pass uselessly through the
* Examine your cleverness, so avoiding your internment within villainy.
Without dignified work, tedium will corrode your energies. *
* Take care that suffering does not become revolt.
Without personal effort, you will never reach the doors to Higher *
Control your resentments, to avoid installing them in the sinister house
* of hatred.
Without hope, your earthly nights will be even darker.
* *
Without comprehension, your journey through the shadows will be Keep watch over your frankness, so that your words will not distil
painful. poison
* *
Without a spirit of renunciation, you will not be able to educate Watch over your enthusiasm, so that it will not constitute
anyone. thoughtlessness.
Cultivate your noble zeal, but do not turn it into a dark primer of
35 36
The sun shines from on high, in order to help everyone. The person who feeds hatred pours fire into their own heart.
* *
The stars group themselves in order. The person who upholds vice becomes its prisoner.
* *
The sky has its timetable for hours of light and of darkness. The person who cultivates idleness surrounds himself with a wall of
* ice.
Although it continues to be linked to the soil, the vegetable abandons *
the dark hole in search of light so that it may produce. The person who becomes angry is the inquisitor of his own soul.
* *
The bough that survived the storm yielded to its passage, nevertheless The person who delights in criticism casts stones upon himself.
it continues to maintain its appropriate place. *
* The person who provokes difficult situations increases the number of
The rock guarantees the life of the valley, by resigning itself to obstacles they face.
solitude. *
* The person judges hastily is always analysed with haste.
The river reaches its objectives because it has learned to flow around *
obstacles. The person who specialises in identifying evil will find it difficult to see
* goodness.
The bridge serves the public without making exceptions, by asserting *
itself against extremism. The person who does not desire to endure is incapable of serving.
* *
The vase is useful to the potter, after enduring the heat of the kiln. The person who lives collecting lamentations will walk under a shower
* of tears.
The gem shines, after submitting to the files of the stonecutter.
The canal is able to fulfil its finalities, because it does not lose access to
the reservoir.
The harvest always yields in accordance with the purposes of the
37 38
Do not become attached to the beauty of ephemeral forms. The flower Your irritation will not solve any problems.
lasts but briefly. *
* Your contrarieties will not alter the nature of things.
Do not heap up precious things that weigh in the scale of the world. *
Golden chains can bind as much as bronze handcuffs. Your disappointments will not do the work that only time will achieve.
* *
Do not become a slave to opinions of the frivolous or ignorant. Your bad humor will not modify life.
Incitatus, Caligula’s horse, ate from a bucket adorned with pearls, still *
it did not stop him from being a horse. Your pain will not stop the sun from shining tomorrow over the good
* and the bad.
Do not nourish the greed for possessions. The coin collector’s house is *
full of coins which served millions, but whose owners have Your sadness will not illuminate pathways.
* Your discouragement will not edify anyone.
Do not give up your constructive freedom because of human opinions.
The trap that punishes the ferocious animal is the same that surprises
Your tears will not replace the sweat which you ought to employ for
the negligent canary.
the benefit of your own happiness.
* *
Do not believe in the flattery which lends you imaginary qualities.
Your complaints, even if affectionate construed, will never increase
Cruel wasps frequently hide themselves in the calyx of the lily.
other’s sympathy for you by one ounce.
* *
Do not worry afflicted over acquiring immediate benefits during the
Do not ruin your day. Learn, from Divine Wisdom to forgive
Earth experience. Museums crammed full of the cloaks of kings and of
endlessly, so constructing and reconstructing for the Infinite Good.
other “cadavers of dead advantages.”
39 40
Renunciation will be a privilege for you. You can talk about kindness at every moment, but if you are not kind,
* it will be useless for your own happiness.
Suffering will glorify your life. *
* Your hand can write beautiful pages under spiritual inspirations;
Tests will expand your powers. however, if you do not stamp the beauty of those pages onto your
* spirit, you will not be more than a courier without intelligence.
Work will be as a mark of confidence along your pathway. *
* You can read marvelous books, with emotions and tears; still, if you do
Sacrifice will sublimate your impulses. not apply what you have read, you will only be a bad recorder.
* *
Bodily illness will be a beneficial remedy for your soul. You can cultivate sincere convictions in matters of faith; nevertheless,
if these convictions do not serve to renew you for the good, your mind
will be reduced to a mere hook whereon to hang religious maxims.
Slander will honour your task.
* *
Your capacity to offer guidance can discipline many people, so
Persecution will be a motive for you to bless many.
improving their personalities. Still, if you do not discipline yourself,
* the Law will face you with the same severity with which it is utilised
Anguish will purify your hopes. you so as to perfect others.
* *
Evil will summon your spirit to the practice of goodness. You may know the lessons of the pathway perfectly and may, in the
* mortal eyes, pass to the gallery of heroes and saints; but if you do not
Hate will challenge your heart to manifestations of love. practise the good teachings you know, the Divine Laws will determine
* that you always have to begin your work over again, each time with
The Earth, with all its contrasts and unceasing renewals represents a greater difficulty.
blessed school of individual perfection in whose purifying lessons you *
will leave selfishness crushed forever. You may call Jesus: “Master” and “Lord”…; however, if you do not
want to learn to serve with Him, your words will sound hollow,
without any meaning.
41 42
Living faith is not transferable property. It is a personal conquest. When looking at a block of crude stone, do not dwell on its possible
* weight. Remember the perfect statue that will emerge from it.
Legitimate happiness is not merchandise that can be borrowed. It is an *
inner realisation. When contemplating the difficulties of sowing, do not let the fears of
* torrential storm or blight detain you. Think of the grain that will
Grace does not descend from heaven at random. It has to be earned. overflow in the granary.
* *
The best charity is not that which is done by substitutes. We must When facing a storm, do not lose yourself in lamentations. Meditate
perform it ourselves. upon the benefits that its passage will bring.
* *
Moral strength is not the result of others pleading for us. It comes from When faced with hard work, do not be afraid of the copious sweat it
our own effort to take stand on the side of goodness. will produce. Centralise your expectations on the good that will results
* from it.
Steadfast hope does not dwell firmly in our hearts by mere contagion. *
It is the offspring of higher understanding. Do not be preoccupied with the heat of the forge. Look towards the
* useful articles with which it will furnish your life.
Real love is not born from the shadows of desire. It is a crystalline and *
inexhaustible fountain of the eternal spirit. Do not only picture only the dangers of illness. Reflect upon the joy
* and possibility of being able to cure.
True knowledge is not the achievement of but a few days. It is the *
work of time. If you are governed effectively by the higher ideal, forget the friend
* who deserted, the wife who fled, the ungrateful companion or the
Paradise will never be acquired by astute bargaining. It is attainable difficult relative. All of them are learning and passing by, just as you
through our good will in avoiding the purgatory or hell of our own are…What matters is the intensification of light, the progress of truth,
conscience. and the victory of goodness.
The protection of the Higher Planes is an unquestionable fact for all of
us who still move within the shadows. Woe to us, however, if we do
not seek the blessings of enlightenment!
45 46
Christians are called to serve everywhere. It is not the docile companion who most needs your immediate
* fraternal understanding. But the one who still struggles to subdue the
In a house of suffering, they administer consolation. ferocity of wrath which lies deep inside.
* *
In a den of ignorance, they will offer enlightenment. It is not the person who is full of evangelical understanding that
* requires your most urgent attention. But the one who still has not
In a castle of pleasure, they will teach moderation. succeeded in eliminating the viper of malice from within their heart.
* *
On the brink of criminality, they will impede the falls. It is not the friend marching peacefully along the path of goodness who
will insistently solicit your care. But the one who loses himself in the
thicket of discord and misunderstanding, who is without strength to
In a charabanc of generic abuse, they will exemplify sobriety.
return to the right path.
* *
In dark hideaways, they will kindle the light.
It is not the person who goes about his normal work that requires
* urgent help. But the one who did not have sufficient resources to
In the fog of despondency, they will open the doors of encouragement. conquer the constraining circumstances of human experience, and so
* fell into the dark zones of derangement.
In the inferno of hatred, they will multiply the blessings of love. *
* It is very probable that, for the time being, your co-operation in
In the market-place of malice, they will distribute goodness. paradise s completely dispensable. However, the unquestionable reality
* for the moment is that your place of service, learning, helping and
In the courts of justice, they will put themselves in the place of the loving is right here on Earth.
accused, so that he may examine the errors of others.
At every turn of the path we encounter suggestions from the Lord,
challenging us to serve.
47 48
In prayer you ask for a ray of Light, but almost always you forget that The slanderer wants you to see the same ugliness he sees in the lives of
you have at your disposal the solar focus point to help you to fulfil the others.
Sublime Objectives. *
* The weak and hesitant person expects your strength to be brittle.
Your Spirit supplicates a glimmer of love, while all around you *
Humanity awaits the manifestation of your capacity to love. The contentious person will await your presence to take part in
* disputes against everybody and everything.
You beg for the concession of favours that enable you to collaborate *
with Divine Wisdom, forgetting that millions of beings are waiting for The ungrateful person will not feel happy at seeing you being grateful
your willingness to serve, in the name of the Heavenly Father. towards others.
* *
Your heart demands heavenly signs, and, while in the Wisest of the The egotistical person will not rejoice at seeing your respect for their
Wise colours the flowers and the horizons for your eyes to see, you adversaries.
search for vain diversions and notice nothing. *
* The revolt person will attempt to fix a mask of rebellion to your face.
You demand justice for your personal affairs and daily complicate *
situations and problems, without ever noticing that Supreme Harmony The confused person will try to plunge your mind into the depths of
always rectifies everything around you, through the intermediary of turmoil.
pain and death.
* The neurasthenic will ask you not to smile.
You desire opportunities for growth and ascension to higher
spirituality, but frequently run away from the various degrees of
The foolish will demand your adherence to madness.
laborious and humble work offered to you daily, conceded by the One
who is Infinitely Good, in the name of mercy. *
The person who is as yet imperfectly spiritualized, always seeks to
liken his fellow creatures to himself. Nevertheless, remember,
If you are always entreating eternal happiness, yet refusing the
however, that you are yourself, with an original task and different
resources enabling you to acquire it, what more can you expect?
responsibilities, and if you aim at real happiness, you should never
forget to consult the patterns for goodness, together with Christ, at
every hour of your life.
Covet nothing belonging your neighbour unless it be the excellent
qualities that adorn his spirit.
* That physical life is a blessed school, is unmistakable.
Do not let annoyances govern the helm of your destiny.
But, if you do not take advantage so as to sufficiently learn
the lessons intended for your spiritual growth, then your
Do not deliver the temple of your memory to bad impressions.
* entrance in the human apprenticeship will be worth nothing.
Do not detract the spiritual aspects from your experiences. *
Do not forget that the higher ideal, which is the object of your
That the path of good is laborious and difficult is
admiration, should become manifest on your pathway. undeniable. However, if you are not disposed to follow it,
* then no one will free you from the dangerous influence of
Do not be enslaved by evil; meanwhile, do not shun the obligations of evil.
brotherhood towards those who have been attacked by evil.
Do not put out the torch of faith during days of brightness, so as not to That eternal happiness is a supreme achievement, way
be deprived of light during the dark ones. beyond the transient state in the flesh is indisputable.
* Nevertheless, if you desire to continue in the field of easy
Do not run away from the lessons to be learnt along your evolutionary and inferior pleasures of the lowest levels, then you will
path, however difficult or painful they may be, so that later on life may wander in them indefinitely.
open up the sanctuary of wisdom to you.
* *
Do not neglect to find the time to cultivate what is beautiful, eternal That God is with us in all circumstances is an
and good.
unquestionable truth. Still, if you are not with God, no one
Do not forget that justice establishes universal order, but that it is only can foresee to what depths your Spirit will descend in the
love which expands the work of God. domains of intranquillity and darkness.