Town Manager Letter
Town Manager Letter
Town Manager Letter
I have heard that a single school will achieve equity for all children. What is equity? I have
been told it means every elementary school child gets a new school, or gets to attend a new
school for part of that childs education. I believe that misses the point. The entire objective
when this grant was undertaken was to provide a new school for Winthrop while reducing
overcrowding at Doyon, creating better spaces for learning for both schools. Two wins. But now,
the most disadvantaged school in the district, which houses the most at-risk population in town,
who are largely struggling with life circumstances too much to have time and energy to attend
meetings and have their voices heard, has become, in my mind, a hostage to personal interests
and educational vision. Busing this population to a distant location at Doyon is to me the most
inequitable of situations, and one I cannot support.
It seems to me that this project has moved beyond rectifying simultaneously an egregious
situation at one school and improving a overcrowding situation at another to school. It has
become a situation where facts are used to defend interests, and the real interests for the
community and the children are lost in the fracas. I am saddened that collectively we cannot
seem to look beyond personal perspectives and do what is right.
Now we have a choice: move forward with a project that is likely to fail because it reaches too
far and costs too much or revisit the problem we set out to solve: overcrowding and
undertaking elementary school replacement - one building at a time. I ask that you support the
option of constructing a new K-5 Winthrop School on the existing Winthrop site. I ask this
knowing that it isnt ideal, that it isnt perfect, that not all children will get a new school, but
that all children will get an improved learning environment, and that it is the option most likely
to win support of the community at large and that under these circumstances, it is the right
thing to do.
Robin Crosbie
Ipswich Town Manager
25 Green Street, Ipswich, MA 01938
[email protected]