11 DP Physics Topic 6 Program

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The document discusses topics related to circular motion and gravitation including centripetal force, Newton's law of gravitation, and examples such as planetary motion.

Examples of circular motion discussed include cases of vertical and horizontal circular motion, motion of planets, satellites, moons and galaxies.

Newton's law of gravitation describes the gravitational force acting between two spherical bodies as directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Unit Name

Topic 6: Circular Motion and


Total Number of Lessons

8 ( 5 teaching hours)


Topic 6.1 Circular motion

Number of Lessons

Essential Idea
A force applied perpendicular to its displacement can result in circular motion.
Nature of Science
Observable universe: Observations and subsequent deductions led to the realization that the force must act radially inwards in
all cases of circular motion. (1.1)
Learning Objective
(Skills, Content and

Teaching Methodology and Resources


Period, frequency, angular

displacement and angular
Centripetal force
Centripetal acceleration

Applications and skills:

Identifying the forces

providing the centripetal
forces such as tension,
friction, gravitational,
electrical, or magnetic
Solving problems involving
centripetal force, centripetal
acceleration, period,
frequency, angular
displacement, linear speed


Banking will be considered qualitatively only

Only comparatively recently has

the magnetic compass been
superseded by different
technologies after hundreds of
years of our dependence on it
Modern medical scanners rely
heavily on the strong, uniform
magnetic fields produced by
devices that utilize
Particle accelerators such as the
Large Hadron Collider at CERN rely
on a variety of precise magnets for
aligning the particle beams

Aims 2 and 9: visualizations

and angular velocity

Qualitatively and
quantitatively describing
examples of circular motion
including cases of vertical
and horizontal circular

frequently provide us with insights

into the action of magnetic fields;
however, the visualizations
themselves have their own limitations
Aim 7: computer-based simulations
enable the visualization of
electromagnetic fields in threedimensional space
Lesson 1 Angular Measurements
Powerpoint Angular measurement
Guided Exploration PhET Ladybug Revolution
Completion of Skeleton Notes on Circular Motion


Lesson 2 Centripetal Acceleration &

Centripetal Force
Eduweblabs simulation: Centripetal Acceleration


Lesson 3 & 4 Centripetal Force & Centripetal

Acceleration Practice I.A. Task
Students plan, gather & process data and write a
report on a practical investigation into centripetal
force or centripetal acceleration.


6.1.1 Angular Measurement
6.1 Circular Motion
Online Simulations:
Online Simulations:
Task Sheets:

Force sensors & Go-Links, Metre rules,
strong tape, string, glass or plastic
smooth tubes, rubber stoppers of
different sizes, plastic cable ties.

Links to Theory of Knowledge

Foucaults pendulum gives a simple observable proof of the rotation of the earth, which is largely unobservable. How can we
have knowledge of things that are unobservable?
International Mindedness (Reference to Local, National and World Issues)
. International collaboration is needed in establishing effective rocket launch sites to benefit space programs


Topic 6.2: Newtons law of


Number of Lessons

Essential Idea
The Newtonian idea of gravitational force acting between two spherical bodies and the laws of mechanics create a model that
can be used to calculate the motion of planets.
Nature of Science
Laws: Newtons law of gravitation and the laws of mechanics are the foundation for deterministic classical physics. These can be
used to make predictions but do not explain why the observed phenomena exist. (2.4)
Learning Objective
(Skills, Content and

Teaching Methodology and Resources



Newtons law of gravitation

Gravitational field strength
Applications and skills:

Describing the relationship

between gravitational force
and centripetal force
Applying Newtons law of
gravitation to the motion of
an object in circular orbit
around a point mass
Solving problems involving
gravitational force,
gravitational field strength,
orbital speed and orbital
Determining the resultant
gravitational field strength
due to two bodies

The law of gravitation is essential

in describing the motion of
satellites, planets, moons and
entire galaxies
Comparison to Coulombs law (see
Physics sub-topic 5.1)


Newtons law of gravitation should be extended to

spherical masses of uniform density by assuming
that their mass is concentrated at their centre
Gravitational field strength at a point is the force
per unit mass experienced by a small point mass
at that point
Calculations of the resultant gravitational field
strength due to two bodies will be restricted to
points along the straight line joining the bodies

Aim 4: the theory of gravitation when

combined and synthesized with the
rest of the laws of mechanics allows
detailed predictions about the future
position and motion of planets

Lesson 1 - Newtons Law of Gravitational Force

Starter: Foucaults Pendululm video & discussion
Simulation Investigation Modelling Gravity using
PhET Gravity Force Lab simulation & Logger Pros
Graphical Analysis module.


Lesson 2 Gravitational Force & Orbits

Simulation Investigation Gravity & Orbits
Powerpoint Gravity & Circular Motion
Notes Skeleton Gravity & Circular Motion


Lesson 3
Eduweblabs: Swing simulation task
Data Analysis Task Roller Coaster 2
Powerpoint- Concept Test : Gravity & Circular


Lesson 4 Practice Questions on Gravity

Students complete practice questions on Circular
Motion and Gravitation.


YouTube video: Foucaults Pendulum

Online simulation:

Online Simulations:
Task Sheets:
Gravity & Orbits - available @ PhET
(UTeach Middle School PhET Team version)

Online Simulations:
Swing Simulation Task Sheet
Swing Simulation Data Sheet
Roller Coaster 2 Data Sheet
Topic 6 Student Workbook

Links to Theory of Knowledge

The laws of mechanics along with the law of gravitation create the deterministic nature of classical physics. Are classical physics
and modern physics compatible? Do other areas of knowledge also have a similar division between classical and modern in their
historical development?

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