Education and Out of The Box Thinking - Linearization of Graham's Scan Algorithm Complexity As Fruit of Education Policy

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Special Issue of ICIT 2011 Conference

Education and out of the box thinking linearization of Grahams scan

algorithm complexity as fruit of education policy
Veljko B. Petrovi, Dragan Iveti
Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
[email protected], [email protected]

The question of educational policy is considered with reference to its effect on
student creativity. An example of this effect is presented the linearization of
Grahams scan algorithm. The linearzation is described in detail with reference to
how varying aspects of it originate with the original educational environment.The
Grahams Scan approach to two-dimensional convex hull calculation is considered.
The performance bottleneck is found in the sorting step that precedes the Grahams
Scan scanning operation. Methods are considered to eliminate this bottleneck. The
method chosen is replacing the O(n lg n) sorting algorithm normally used with a
radix sort. To operate within Grahams scan, the radix sort algorithm must be
modified. The main modification is getting it to operate on real numbers. This is
achieved by using the fact that digital computers only operate on a countable and
finite subset of real numbers, and using this fact to reduce the problem of sorting
by real number to sorting by integer. The ramifications of this modification are
taken into consideration in the light of previous theoretical work in this area.
Performance as compared to other algorithms is considered. Further, the
consequences of a proof that the lower bound for the temporal complexity of twodimensional convex hull algorithms is (n lg n) are considered.
Keywords: education, convex hull, Grahams scan, algorithms, complexity


The convex hull problem in two-dimensional

space can be summarized as the search for a convex
polygon that contains all the points in a certain set Q
while being minimal in size. This is, to an extent, a
simplification. In the general case finding the convex
hull of a set of points Q in Rn is the search for a
boundary of the least convex set which contains all
those points. In the two-dimensional case this
boundary is clearly a polygon which brings us to the
initial definition [1].
The convex hull is an important concept in
computer graphics and geometric modeling
university courses. Convex combinations are the
basis for a great number of crucial algorithms. The
solution to the convex hull problem is also an
excellent example of a computer graphics algorithm.
It is simple enough that the problem can be
understood by anyone, but complex enough for the
solution to pose an actual challenge. Another
positive aspect of convex hull algorithms is that they
demonstrate quite clearly the nature of global
approaches in algorithmic thinking, such as divide
and conquer.
It is not a question of if the convex hull
problem should be studied. It is just a matter of how

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it should be studied. The way a topic is presented to

students can impact how they learn, but also how
they view this topic in the future. Our teaching
process focuses on the following aspects: approach
the topic as a problem, independent work, out of the
box thinking and synergy between disparate fields of
study. Approaching the topic as a problem means
that instead of focusing on one solution, the topic is
presented as a problem with many possible solutions.
Independent work is another key facet of the
educational policy employed. The structured
environment of the classroom is not always the best
place to foster inquiry and independent thought. This
is why a great deal of our coursework is
accomplished through independently pursued
projects. The result presented in this paper was the
result of preparatory research for a masters thesis
preformed during work on the GIMMobile project.
Out of the box thinking is not a skill that can be
taught reliably. However, it can be encouraged. The
educational policy that was found to be best for this
is an openly questioning approach to all subject
matter. Another facet of out of the box thinking is the
exploration of synergies between disparate fields of
study, in itself another cornerstone of computer
science education at the Faculty of Technical
Sciences. These synergies can be found between

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wide ranging fields, but in the case of the result

reported here, were mostly focused on the obvious
connection between complexity theory, algorithm
design and computer graphics. However, less
expectedly, knowledge of computer architecture was
also crucial to formulating a solution.
The educational policy so described led to the
discovery of a new modification to an existing
algorithm for convex hull calculation by students.
The rest of the paper describes the modification in
detail and illustrates how certain aspects of this
modification depend on the education policy.
An example of an algorithm capable of finding
the convex hull of a set of points in two dimensions
is Grahams Scan. Grahams scan is a simple
rotational sweep algorithm with good performance
characteristics. It is O(n lg n) in the worst case. The
algorithm exists in multiple variants, but the original
works in three distinct phases: [2] [3]

Preparing the input point set.

Computing the initial hull.
Sweeping around the points removing ones
which would not fit into the hull.

The input set is prepared by first picking a pivot

point for the algorithm. This pivot point is usually
the lowest, leftmost point in the set and is, as an
extreme, always a part of the convex hull [4]. All
other points are sorted by their polar angle around
the pivot point. Those points which had identical
polar angles are eliminated in such a manner that the
only point with a given angle remaining is the one
farthest from the pivot point [2].
The initial hull is computed by simply
starting with the pivot point and the first two points
in the sorted input points. This initial hull becomes
the current hull which is updated throughout the
algorithm. The sweeping phase considers points in
the sorted input set one by one. For each of those
points it is determined if its addition to the current
hull causes a non-left turn. If it does, the latest point
in the current hull is removed and the direction of the
turn is tested again. This continues until a left turn is
obtained, at which point the considered point is
added to the current hull [2].
representation of the unmodified algorithm. Several
external operations are used in this algorithm. They
init(S), push(S, E), pop(S) and length(S) are
standard stack and/or list operations. The init(S)
operation initializes the stack to its correct initial
state. The push(S, E) operation places the
element E at the top of the stack S, while
moving all other elements of E one step down.
Conversely, pop(S) removes the top element of
S and returns it, while moving all other elements

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01. if(length(Q) <= 3) return Q
02. p0 := lowest(Q)
03. (t_p1...t_pn) := hsort(Q, p0)
04. ( := eliminate((t_p1...t_pn), p0)
05. init(S)
06. push(p0, S)
07. push(p1, S)
08. push(p2, S)
09. for i := 3 to m do
10. while(nonleft(peek(S), top(S), pi) do
12. push(pi, S)
13. return S
Listing 1: Unmodified Grahams Scan

of S one step upwards. Finally, length(S) returns

the number of elements in S.
lowest(Q) returns the point in Q whose y
coordinate is minimal. In the case that there are
many such points it returns the point from this
subset which is such that its x coordinate is
minimal. In short it returns the leftmost
lowermost point.
eliminate(Q, p0) takes a list Q, sorted by the
polar angle around p0 and returns a list where
there are no points with the same angle. In case
of conflict, only the point farthest away from p0
is kept. This can be made an O(n) operation. The
way to do this is to iterate trough Q. In each
iteration the point from Q is copied into a new
set provided the polar angle of that point is
different from its predecessor. If the angle is the
same as its predecessor it is copied in the
position of the predecessor if and only if its
distance from the polar point is greater than the
distance of the point already copied into the
output set. It should be noted that this only
works if the input set is sorted beforehand.
nonleft(a, b, c) determines if the angle formed
by the three indicated points turns to the left or
not. Easily determined by calculating the dot
product of the relevant vectors.

It has previously been stated that Grahams scan

has O(n lg n) complexity. It is possible, given the
pseudocode representation, to see why. Lines 1, 5, 6,
7 and 8 are O(1), and need not be further discussed.
The calculation of the lowest, leftmost point in line 2
is a (n) operation. This can be safely claimed
because it must, by necessity, iterate trough all of the
points in the input set. Line 3 is a simple heap sort
and has the complexity class of O(n lg n). Line 4 has
the complexity of O(n).
The two nested loops give the impression of

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great complexity but, in fact, pose little complication.

The outer loop can execute, at the most n 3 times.
Discounting the inner loop, each execution of the
outer loop is an O(1) push operation. The inner loop
is less predictable. However, given that it contains
only a pop operation, and that it is impossible to pop
something from the stack which is not there in the
first place, it is clear that the while loop can only
execute, in toto, m 2 times.
Since the nonleft test is O(1), and so is the pop
operation, and since m 2 n 1 the total
complexity of the while loop is O(n). Thus, the total
complexity of the algorithm is O(1) + (n) + O(n lg
n) + O(n) + O(1) + O(1) + O(1) + O(n) + O(n) = O(n
lg n).[2].
It is interesting to note that the complexity of the
algorithm does not depend on the part of the
algorithm that does the calculation of the hull itself,
but instead on the sorting step which is clearly the
dominant member, complexity-wise. This poses the
question if it is possible to decrease the complexity
by trying for a more efficient sort. It is commonly
known that there exists a lower bound of (n lg n)
for any sorting algorithms based on arbitrary key
comparisons [5]. However, there exist more
performance in certain cases.
This paper is divided into four separate sections.
The first is the introduction, which introduces the
concepts used in the paper, chiefly, Grahams Scan
algorithm and the educational policy that lead to its
modification. The second section outlines radix sort
and how it may be modified and incorporated into
Grahams Scan. The third section deals with the
implication of this modification and the linearization
of Grahams Scan temporal complexity. It deals with
the existing proof of a lower bound for twodimensional convex hull calculation, and compares
the modified Grahams Scan to other algorithms. The
fourth section contains the results of performance
testing of the algorithm modification on real
hardware. The fifth section concludes the paper,
briefly describes what has been accomplished and
outlines potential avenues for further research.

keys. Briefly, it operates by sorting a given list of

integers by sorting them sequentially by their digits
in a certain radix. The specific version used here
starts with the least significant digit (LSD) and uses
iterated counting sort applied to bytes. This means
that it will sort a, say, four-byte value in four passes.
The total performance of a radix sort is O(kn) [5].
01. len := length(L)
02. for i := 0 to len-1 do
03. input[i] := raw(L[i])
04. mIndices[i] := i
05. mIndices2[i] := i
06. h0 := 0; h1 := 256; h2 := 512; h3 := 768;
h4 := 1024; h5 := 1280;
h6 := 1536; h7 := 1792
09. for i := 0 to len-1 do
10. counters[h0 + getbyte(input[i], 0)]++
11. counters[h1 + getbyte(input[i], 1)]++
12. counters[h2 + getbyte(input[i], 2)]++
13. counters[h3 + getbyte(input[i], 3)]++
14. counters[h4 + getbyte(input[i], 4)]++
15. counters[h5 + getbyte(input[i], 5)]++
16. counters[h6 + getbyte(input[i], 6)]++
17. counters[h7 + getbyte(input[i], 7)]++
18. for pass := 0 to 7 do
19. offsetTable[0] := 0
20. for i := 1 to 255 do
offsetTable[i] := offsetTable[i - 1]
+ counters[pass * 256 + i 1]
22. for i := 0 to len 1 do
id := mIndices[i]
byt := getbyte(input[id], pass)
mIndices2[offsetTable[byt]] := id
27. tmp := mIndices
28. mIndices := mIndices2
29. mIndices2 := tmp
30. return mIndices


The core concept of this paper is to adapt the

radix sort algorithm to Grahams scan in order to
reduce the complexity class of the resulting
algorithm to O(kn). Radix sort is a variant of noncomparison based sorting generally meant for integer

Listing 2: Modified and adapted radix sort

As described, radix sort will only work with

integers. Further, it will only work on integers that

Figure 1: Double precision floating point number

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can be expressed in a certain, fixed, number of

radices, though this number can be arbitrarily large.
To be used in Grahams scan, radix sort will need to
sort by polar angle. This requires sorting points by
real keys, which is quite different than sorting a
single list of integers. The problems which need to
be solved are:
Sorting real numbers with radix sort.

Sorting points by key, and not only the keys

Maintaining the performance gain.
Assuring unchanged precision.

It should be stated immediately that radix sort

cannot sort true real numbers. However, since no
digital computer works with true real numbers, but
an approximation thereof, this should not pose any
problem. The numbers that radix sort needs to sort in
this instance are limited to the range [0, 2]. Any
implemented approximation used on an actual
computer will have limited precision. Given the
limited precision, and the limited range of possible
values it is clear that it is possible to construct an
O(1) function such that equation 1 holds.

f : [0,2 ] RF N 0

interpreted as an integer and still compared with

same results [6]. Since polar angles are in the
interval [0, 2], double precision floating point
values can be treated as integers for the purposes of
sorting. Radix sort is normally an in-place sort stable
sort [5], but for the purposes of this paper it was
necessary to maintain association between the sorted
polar angle values and the points they referred to.
There is no immediatelly convenient way of doing so.
It is possible to use a hashtable, but this would lead
to performance issues and greater memory
consumption. Thus, the radix sort used was modified
to create a permutation which, when applied to the
input list of points would create the sorted version, as
can be seen in listing 2. The input to the RADIXSORT algorithm is a list of floats which corresponds
to the calculated polar angles of the input list of
01. if(length(Q) <= 3) return Q
02. p0 := lowest(Q)
03. for i := 0 to len 1 do
04. slist[i] := getPolarAngle(p0, Q[i])
05. perm := radix-sort(slist)
06. ( := eliminate(Q, perm, p0)
07. init(S)
08. push(p0, S)
09. push(p1, S)
10. push(p2, S)
11. for i := 3 to m do
12. while(nonleft(peek(S),top(S),pi) do
14. push(pi, S)
15. return S


a b f (a ) f (b) a, b [0,2 ] RF
In Eq. (1) RF is the set of real numbers which
can be represented in the system of approximation in
question. Given that a fixed-size system of
representation can only represent a fixed number of
distinct numbers, it is possible to construct f by
ordering all possible real representations using the
index of a given input parameter in the resulting list
as the result of f. With this in mind, it is clear that
radix sort can be used to sort by polar angle,
provided an appropriate f is used.
Most modern computers represent real numbers
using floating point, specifically, the IEEE 754
standard. The implementation used in this paper is
based on the double precision IEEE 754 standard as
seen on Figure 1. Double precision floating point
values in this standard can be, provided they are
positive, compared as integers [6].

V = (1) S 2 E EB 1.M


In equation 2, V is the value of the number, S is

the signum, E is the exponent, EB is the exponent
bias, which is equal to 1023 and M is the mantissa.
The exponent bias makes sure that the value actually
encoded in the bit representation is not negative.
Because the implicit 53 bit of the mantissa being
always considered one, as long as the signum bit is
always 0 the double precision representation can be

UbiCC Journal

Listing 3: Grahams Scan modified to include RADIX-SORT

The precision of this approach is not in question,

as long as computers unable to handle true reals are
used. The imprecision of the described approach is
exactly equal to the imprecision of the method of
depicting real numbers in fixed space. As a result of
this, the precision of the modified algorithm is no
better, and no worse, than any other comparable
algorithm. RADIX-SORT uses several external
operations. The raw(x) operation turns a double
precision IEEE float into an integer based on their
binary representation. This does not require any
substantial operations, and does not influence
performance. The getbyte(x, i) operation extracts the
i-th byte from x. This can be accomplished with a
couple of bitwise operations.
Grahams scan is relatively easy to adapt to
include RADIX-SORT. The modification is localised
to lines 3-6 of listing 3. First, slist is created as a

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separate list of polar angles around p0. To do this,

the getPolarAngle(p1, p2) external operation is
employed. Slist is then sorted creating a permutation
perm. The external operation eliminate(L, p, p0)
works as before, but generates a new list and, instead
of expecting a sorted L, it uses the permutation p to
sort L.
As far as performance is concerned, the only
substantive difference between this implementation
and the original is in the complexity of the sorting
step which is O(kn). The copying of the polar angle
is an O(n) operation. Thus the temporal complexity
of the entire algorithm is
O(1) + (n) + O(n) + O(kn) + O(n) + O(1) + O(1) +
O(1) + O(n) + O(n) = O(kn).
It should be clear that this modification could
never have been invented by students had they not
been encouraged to approach the problem
unconventionally. Of particular importance is how
the design of the modification is influenced by the
synergies between computer graphics and basic
algorithm theory and even more by realizations
gleaned from a study of computer architecture.

Table 1: Performances of Various Algorithms for Calculating

Two-Dimensional Convex hulls



There exists a proof which states that the lower

bound for convex hull algorithms in two dimensions
is (n lg n). Given n real numbers x1...n, a set P is
constructed as in Eq. (3).

P = { pi | 1 i n}
pi = ( xi , xi2 )


Then, the convex hull of P is computed. The

order in which the points p1...n appear on the lower
half-hull of convP is the order in which x1...n should
be sorted. Thus, if the convex hull can be computed
in (n lg n) time, points can be sorted in (n lg n)
time [7]. This conflicts with the known lower bound
for general sorts [5]. Despite appearances, the
described modification to Grahams Scan does not
conflict with this proof. The proof rests on the
theoretical framework of algebraic trees and assumes
the coordinates of the points are actual real values.
The modified Grahams scan does not work on
actual real values, and as such the proof does not
It is of some considerable interest to compare
this modification against other algorithms for twodimensional convex hulls. Table 1 shows the names
of the more common algorithms and their expected
performance characteristics in an average case and in
the worst-possible case.


worse case







O(n lg n)

O(n lg n)



O(n lg n)




O(n lg n)

O(n lg n)



O(n lg n)

O(n lg n)



O(n lg h)

O(n lg h)





Some convex hull algorithms belong to a class of

algorithms known as output-sensitive. That means
that they express their complexity as a function of
not only n, but also the size of the output set h. To
compare algorithms easily, it is necessary to estimate
a value for h. This is a non-trivial problem of
stochastic geometry, but there exist certain solutions
in the literature as seen in Table II.
For purposes of easy and intuitive comparison,
for an average case the circular/square uniform
distribution used which means that h = n. In the
worst case, the input set of points is on the border of
a circle, which means that h = n. The only remaining
parameter is a value for k. An illustrative estimate
for k is 3. Of course this is only good for simple
Table 2: Stochastic Estimations for Hull Size



Circular uniform


Square uniform



(lg n)


convex polygon

lg n


The estimate of k used is chosen to illustrate the

behavior of the complexity as n increases. A true
value for k is best determined via experiment.

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Figure 2: Average case complexity graph

Figure 3: Worse case complexity graph

A graphical representation of the comparison of

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Figure 4: Measured performance with uniform point distribution inside a circle.

these algorithms can be seen on Figure 2 and Figure

3. Figure 2 is the comparison between algorithms in
an average case, and figure 3 is the comparison
between algorithms in the worst possible case. As
can easily be seen, the modified Grahams scan is the
fastest algorithm in the long run. This is to be
expected as a constant multiplier, no matter how
large, can always be surpassed by a function of n, as
n increases.
However, the weakness of modified Grahams
scan is that it takes a relatively large input set before
its superiority sets in. How practical this is, can only
be determined by experimenting.
characteristics is another example of how study in
one area naturally leads to study in other, seemingly
unrelated areas. Research in this direction
encouraged students to acquire a deep understanding
of performance on a theoretical as well as practical


The question raised in section 3 remains: how

practical is the modified algorithm? The theoretical
performance is demonstrably greater, but the
overhead of the radix sort, not to mention the
memory operations may serve to make the value of n
at which the performance gain is noticeable
unacceptably large.
The only way to determine the value of n is to
experiment. To this end, a series of tests was
conducted with the aim to compare the unmodified
Grahams Scan with the version employing modified
radix sort. Both algorithms were implemented
naively, to avoid differences caused by differing
degrees of optimization. The only optimization
preformed was on the unmodified Grahams Scan
where the results of polar angle calculations were
cached. This was considered acceptable because the

Figure 5: Measured performance with uniform point distribution on the boundary a circle.

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Figure 6: Measured performance with uniform point distribution inside a square.

equivalent of the caching is part of the core modified

Tests were performed with varying input set
sizes, which range from 100000 points to 700000
points, increasing by 100000 each step. The test sets
are randomly generated. All tests were performed ten
times, and the results averaged together in an attempt
to eliminate the influence of random events on the
computer used for testing. Another element of tests is
to see if there is variation of performance depending
on the way the input sets were generated: in a circle,
on a circle or in a square. As a matter of convention
the circles used have a radius of 128 units and the
square is 128 by 128.
The first test measures performance in the case
of points uniformly distributed in a circle. The results
can be seen on Figure 4. First, it is clear that the
modified algorithm has linear performance, to within
the accuracy of the measurements. Second, it is clear
that the original algorithm does not yet deal with
values of n large enough so that it is clear that it is
not linear from visual data. However, it can be
noticed that the general trend of the difference
between the two is to increase meaning that the
modified algorithm has a lower complexity class
than the unmodified one.
An unexpected element of the data is that the
difference between the algorithms is visible much
sooner than the theoretical estimate would suggest.
This is largely due to the fact that the unmodified
algorithm deals with floating point data, while the
modified one does not to such a great extent. Further
those elements of floating point data that the
modified algorithm does deal with, it caches.
Caching is of great importance, as its introduction to
the unmodified algorithm served to increase
performance six fold, starting, as specified, from a
nave implementation.
Figure 5 demonstrates the behavior of the
algorithms in the event of the points being
distributed on the boundary of a circle. The only

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major differences are that the difference between O(n

lg n) is more pronounced than before.
Figure 6 confirms the expected. Baring minor
variations caused by the measuring process, the
behavior of the algorithm is consistent across all
considered categories. It can then be concluded that
the linearization of performance has been achieved
and that the algorithm is practical for use.


This paper has outlined how the temporal complexity

of Grahams Scan can be linearized provided it
operates on a finite, countable subset of reals that can
be represented on some digital computer. It provides
the framework to create such an algorithm
independantly of the system a given computer uses
to represent real numbers.
This principle is illustrated on the example of the
floating point representation of reals, specifically one
described in IEEEs 754 standard. A concrete
implementation of the idea, in pseudocode, allows
for discussion of implementation detail and a more
nuanced analysis of expected performance.
The paper also demonstrated the potential of
educational policy to spark innovation. Adherence to
a policy resembling the one described cannot
guarantee innovation, but it can certainly help it
develop should it appear.
Further possible avenues of research include an
analysis of potential applications and an
experimental comparison between this algorithm and
reference implementations of already well known
In the context of education, the chief unexplored
avenue of research is to determine if this approach
helps with other fields of computer science education.
Another interesting question is if an approach such
as this could be devised for other areas of study,
perhaps focusing strongly on experiment.

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This work is financial supported by Ministry of
Science and Technological Development, Republic
of Serbia; under the project number III47003.
Infrastructure for e-learning in Serbia ", 2011-2014.


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