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Vegetarianism: A Guide To A Perfect Body, Mind, and Soul

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he precise definition of vegetarianism is a practice of a diet als found in high amounts in meat-based diets are also found at el-
that is non-animal flesh-based. When G-d created Adam and evated amounts in a vegetarian diet. For instance, wheat, rice oats,
Eve, he told them, “behold I have given to you every herb barley, nuts, and seeds, contain high levels of protein. Curry pow-
yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and der, cashew nuts, and cinnamon are good sources of iron. Brown
every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed, to you it shall rice, potato, beans, and spinach all have high levels of zinc. Vitamin
be for food” (Genesis 1:29). G-d created a perfect world with the in- B12 is found in seaweed and algae. Finally, calcium is abundant in
tent for humans to be vegetarians. To satisfy human desire and to raisins, broccoli, spinach, mango and many types of beans. This gives
prevent moral degeneracy, G-d allowed the consumption of meat
many generations after the creation of the world. A vegetarian diet
completely satisfies the nutritional needs for all stages of life, and
large-scale studies have proven vegetarianism to increase longevity, Eating a vegetarian diet
improve health, and significantly lower the risks of cancer and other
fatal diseases.
can arguably be linked to
Studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals continu- the fundamental value
ously show that animal-based diets promote the development of
chronic diseases and decrease longevity. In contrast, vegetarian diets in Judaism of preserving life.
reduce many of the chronic health problems brought about from eat-
ing animal-based diets. For example, Sabate found that a vegetarian-
based diet reduced the incidence of diabetes and heart disease [1]. even vegans an opportunity to maintain a balanced diet since, cal-
De Biase et al. found that those on vegetarian diets had decreased cium, an essential element found in high amounts in dairy products,
levels of triglycerides, of low density lipoproteins (LDL) and of total can be derived from alternative non-dairy sources [6]. Therefore,
cholesterol than those who consumed animal-based foods [2]. Ac- when converting from a meat- to a vegetable-based diet, no essential
cumulation of cholesterol-containing plaques causes the hardening nutrients need to be lost in the transition process.
of the arterial walls and the narrowing of the inner channel (lumen) Eating a vegetarian diet can arguably be linked to the funda-
of arteries leading to the heart, thereby inducing heart attacks. A mental value in Judaism of preserving life. In Deuteronomy 4:15,
study completed by Barnard et al. determined that a low-fat vegan “V’nishmartem meod l’nafshotechem,” is explicitly commanded by G-
diet improved glycemic and lipid control in type 2 diabetic patients d. According to this commandment, one must take care of her
[3]. Other research revealed a startling relationship between diet health, making sure not to be in a position that may weaken or that
and cancer. Animal-based diets increased cancer rates, while vege- may be detrimental to survival. According to Rabbi Samson Raphael
tarian-based diets lowered the risk of breast, colon-rectal, prostate, Hirsch, “every smallest weakening is partial murder,” and “therefore
and many other kinds of cancers [4]. It is estimated that about 30- even the smallest unnecessary deprivation of strength is accountable
40% of cancers can be prevented with a change in dietary habits. Fi- to G-d” [7]. One cannot follow the ways of G-d and perform His
nally, there is a link between the development of osteoporosis and commandments, if she is physically or emotionally incapacitated.
meat-based diets. High animal protein levels prevent the absorption One may even transgress the Sabbath, eat forbidden foods, and eat
of calcium by the body, increasing the risk of bone fractures [5]. on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, for the sake of pikuah ne-
Based on these studies a conclusion can therefore be made that an- fesh, the duty to save a human life. This is plausible since the trans-
imal-based diets weaken one’s health and may lead to untimely gressing of a few of G-d’s laws to save a life, thereafter allows for the
deaths. saved person to continue following in the ways of G-d [8]. Since veg-
A vegetarian diet contains all of the essential nutrients; even etarian diets do not lack in essential vitamins and minerals, and stud-
those nutrients that many believe are exclusively found in animal- ies indicate that meat-based diets decrease longevity, one may
based diets. Proteins, iron, calcium, vitamin B12, zinc, and miner- conclude that according to Torah values and G-d’s commandments,

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a vegetarian diet should be highly considered. believed that the permission to eat meat was accompanied with
Initially, G-d created a perfect world in which animals would many shechita regulations and that the aim of ritual slaughter is to
not be consumed and for humans to be vegetarians. Historically, eventually lead people away from their meat eating habits [12]. The
Adam and Eve were vegetarians. According to Rambam, G-d’s origi- Torah also stresses the importance of having compassion towards an-
nal plan was for the beast to only serve and help humans and was not imals. For instance, tsa’ar ba’alei chayim, causing pain or suffering
created to be part of the human food chain [9]. Strengthening this to animals, is prohibited (Exodus 23:5). G-d goes so far as to com-
viewpoint is the fact that scientists generally agree that the human mand us to also grant animals a day of rest on Shabbat (Exodus
body is not naturally suited for consumption of animal-based prod- 20:10). According to Rashi, this meant that animals should be free
ucts. For instance, our saliva is alkaline and contains ptyalin to di- to roam on the Sabbath day and graze freely (Exodus 23:12, lema’an
gest carbohydrates; on the contrary, the saliva of carnivores is acidic. yanuach). Furthermore, our sages disapproved of hunting animals
Also unlike humans, carnivorous animals have proportionally larger for sport and noted that our behavior towards animals reveals our
kidneys and livers that are needed to handle the nitrogenous wastes true character [8]. Nimrod and Esav were hunters and considered
of a meat-based diet. Humans, lacking such enlarged organs, are great reshaim. Our forefathers or righteous leaders were not hunters;
thus better suited to a vegetarian diet [8]. As compared to animals, most usually were shepherds or they had other non-violent occupa-
our digestive system is not well equipped to digest meat. Our small tions. Jewish law clearly protects the rights and ethical treatment of
and large intestines measure four times our height. In contrast, a animals, and G-d views as an abomination violent treatment towards
carnivore’s digestive system is the same height as its body. It takes His creations.
longer for meat to pass through the larger human digestive system, G-d granted humans the right to consume animal-based foods,
therefore allowing for the meat to decay. Vegetables pass through the but according to the Talmud (Pesachim 59b) it is only morally justi-
intestines in much less time than do meat-containing products [10]. fied to eat animals when we are involved in holy spiritual pursuits.
The physiology of the human body is better constructed for a vege- The treatment of animals today does not reflect the high spiritual
tarian diet, further strengthening the idea that G-d’s original plan level that humans should be on and the manner in which they should
was for humans not to consume meat. behave. In reality, they are violating G-d’s commandment to be com-
Although G-d created a perfect world for humans, the original passionate towards animals. An example of a current cruel animal
plan was modified due to human corruption and desires. G-d per- practice is the way in which chickens are raised for slaughter. They
mitted the consumption of meat to Noah and his descendents only are put into long, windowless, crowded sheds, where they never view
after the flood (Genesis 9:3). The consumption of meat may corre- the outside world or breath fresh air. Over half a million male chicks
late to the resultant great reduction in human life expectancy in the are stuffed into bags daily and crushed to death, because they have
generations after the great flood. For example, Adam lived for 930 no value to the egg industry. The procedures employed for veal pro-
years and his son Seth lived until the age of 912. Long life contin- duction are also barbaric. To produce tender veal, the calf is removed
ued until Methuselah, who lived a generation before Noah, and died from its mother after just a few days with no consideration of its
after 969 years. In comparison, Abraham, a few generations after the need for affection and nourishment. The calf is then locked in a
flood, lived only for a 175 years [8]. According to Joseph Albo, G-d small dark room, where it cannot move around. To stay pale and ten-
only allowed humans to eat meat, because by Noah’s generation, hu- der, the calf is made to become anemic by providing a special high
mans had fallen to such a low spiritual level that G-d finally con- calorie, iron-free diet. Furthermore, the calf ’s head is tied to the stall
sented to their desire to consume meat in order to prevent corruption to prevent it from drinking its own urine to satisfy its need for iron
[11]. Rav Kook further claimed that the permission to eat meat was [8]. According to Rabbi David Rosen, former chief rabbi of Ireland,
only temporary and that the ideal state is for people, as well as for “the current treatment of animals in the livestock trade definitely
animals, to eat a diet common to herbivores. He postulated that be- renders the consumption of meat as halachically unacceptable as the
cause humans deteriorated to such a low spiritual level, G-d allowed product of illegitimate means” [13]. If the G-d-granted permission to
them to eat meat to elevate their image as compared to animals and consume meat is strongly linked with the commandment to treat an-
so they would focus on improving relationships between fellow hu- imals with compassion, then the non-humane procedures employed
mans. Based on the passage in Isaiah which states that during the for raising fowl and calves for slaughter may negate the permission
Messianic period, “the wolf shall dwell with the lamb…and the lion to consume meat.
shall eat straw like the ox” (11: 6-9), Rav Kook believed that in the Although, G-d only gave us permission to consume animal-
time of the Messiah the world will revert back to an ideal vegetarian based foods to satisfy our uncontrollable desires, it is generally un-
state [8]. healthy to eat meat. Yet, animal sacrifice was practiced daily during
G-d granted humans the right to eat meat, but placed many reg- the Temple period, with Jews atoning for their sins by sacrificing an-
ulations, which if not kept, would dissolve this concession. Rav Kook imal offerings to G-d. How can G-d ask for animal offerings when

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He originally desired a vegetarian world? The answer is that animal a vegetarian diet, which does not lack in any essential vitamins or
sacrifice was not of Jewish origin. During the period of Moses, most minerals, prevents chronic diseases and reduces the rates of various
people worshiped idols through offering sacrifices [8]. According to cancers. In G-d’s original plan, humans were to be vegetarians. Later,
Rambam, when G-d gave the Torah to the Jewish nation, He did not however, the consumption of meat was permitted. With the con-
command the Jews to give up all of their practices, especially those sumption of meat, came many regulations and laws, mandated to
that were common for that period in history. Instead, G-d transferred maintain a sense of reverence towards the life of His creatures.
this practice so that Jews would give sacrifices to G-d instead of to Slaughter practices today do not adhere to G-d’s laws. Therefore,
the idols. In that sense, all elements of idolatry were removed [14]. one may possibly conclude that this permission to eat meat may have
Rav Kook believed that in the Messianic time, animal sacrifices will reversed. Furthermore, contradictory to G-d’s original plan, animals
not be reinstated. Rather, humans will reach such a high spiritual were used as sacrifices in the Temple, to allow for an easier transi-
level that animal sacrifices will not be needed to atone for human tion from a polytheistic to a monotheistic religion. Nevertheless, dur-
sins. Instead, non-animal sacrifices will be given to praise G-d [15]. ing the Messianic era the world will revert back to a vegetarian state
Based on studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, in which only vegetarian-based sacrifices will be offered to G-d. ■

I would like to dedicate this paper to my brother, David Yifrach Yamnik A”H, who was always so proud of my accomplishments. He touched many lives
and is greatly missed by all. I hope this article will give people a better understanding into the Torah’s view of living a healthier life, and may the world
be rid of cancer and debilitating diseases. I would like to thank Dr. Babich for encouraging me to write for Derech Hatevah and for always giving me
confidence and guidance in the pursuit of my dreams. I would like to thank Rabbi Berman for reviewing the Torah content of my article.

[1] Sabate, J. (2003). The Contribution of Vegetarian Diets to Human Health. Forum Nutr. 56:218-220.
[2] De Biase, S.G., Fernandes, S.F., Gianini, R.J., and Duarte, J.L. (2007). Vegetarian Diet and Cholesteral and Triglycerides Levels. Arq. Bras. Car-
diol. 88:35-39.
[3] Barnard, N.D., Cohen, J., Jenkins, D.J., Turner-McGrievy, G., Gloede, L., Jaster, B., Seidl, K., Green, A.A., and Talpers, S. (2006). A Low-fat Vegan
Diet Improves Glycemic Control and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in a Randomized Clinical Trial in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes. Diabet. Care.
[4] Divisi, D., Di Tommaso, S., Salvemini, S., Garramone, M., and Crisci, R. (2006). Diet and Cancer. Acta Biomed. 77:118-123.
[5] Thorpe, D.L., Knutsen, SF., Lawrence Beeson, W., Rajaram, S., and Fraser, GE. (2007). Effects of Meat Consumption and Vegetarian Diet on Risk
of Wrist Fracture Over 25 Years in a Cohort of Peri- and Postmenopausal Women. Public Health Nutr. 9:1-9.
[6] Vegetarian Society. Health and Nutrition. www.vegsoc.org/health (retrieved January 11, 2008).
[7] Hirsch, Rabbi S. R. (1962). Horeb, Dayan Dr. I. Grunfeld, translation. Soncino Press, London, England.
[8] Schwartz, R. H. (1982). Judaism and Vegetarianism. Exposition Press, Smithtown, NY.
[9] Cohen, A. (1981). Vegetarianism From a Jewish Perspective. J. Halacha Contemp. Sci. 1:38-63.
[10] Parham, B. (1979). What’s Wrong with Eating Meat? Amanda Marga Publications, Denver, Colorado.
[11] Groner, A. (1976). The Greening of Kashrut-Can Vegetarianism Become the Ultimate Dietary Law? National Jewish Monthly. April:13.
[12] Kook, Rabbi A. I. (1978). Fragments of Light, Bokser, B. Z. (Ed.). Paulist Press, New York, NY.
[13] Rosen, Rabbi D. (1995). Rabbis and Vegetarianism, Kalechtsky, R. (Ed.). Micah Publication, Marblehead, Mass.
[14] Cohen, A. (1927). The Teaching of Maimonides. Block Publishing Co., New York, NY.
[15] Hertz, J. H. (1958). The Pentateuch and Haftorahs. Soncino Press, London, England.

58 Derech HaTeva

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