Process Panel Hardware and Installation
Process Panel Hardware and Installation
Process Panel Hardware and Installation
Process Panel
Version 2.1
Process Panel
Version 2.1
ABB, MA00566E
The terminal is an operator panel in a family of terminals, developed to satisfy
the demands of human-machine communication. Built-in functions such as
displaying and controlling text, dynamic indication, time channels, alarm and
recipe handling are included.
The terminals work, for the most part, in an object-oriented way, making them
easy to understand and use. The programming of the terminals is made in a
personal computer using the programming tool Process Panel Builder. The
project is then transferred and stored in the terminal. Some terminal settings can
also be made directly in the terminal.
For further information we refer to the programming manual for the terminal.
The release history of the Process Panel-series is presented below:
New hardware version R2 including improved lifetime of display and new voltage requirements.
ABB, MA00566E
1 Safety precautions..................................................................................... 7
Safety precautions: English........................................................... 7
Sikkerhedsforskrifter: Dansk ........................................................ 9
Sicherheitsvorschriften: Deutsch ................................................ 11
Reglas de seguridad: Espaol...................................................... 13
Consignes de scurit: Franais .................................................. 15
Norme di sicurezza: Italiano....................................................... 17
Veiligheidsvoorschriften: Nederlands ......................................... 19
Sikkerhetsforskrifter: Norsk ....................................................... 21
Instrues de segurana: Portugus ............................................ 23
Turvamrykset: Soumen kielinen............................................ 25
Skerhetsfreskrifter: Svenska..................................................... 27
2 Voltage requirements.............................................................................. 29
3 Technical data ........................................................................................ 31
4 Drawings ................................................................................................ 51
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Safety precautions
Safety precautions: English
Read the safety precautions carefully.
Check the delivery for transportation damage. If damage is found, notify the
supplier as soon as possible.
The terminal fulfills the requirements of article 4 of EMC directive
Do not use the terminal in an environment with high explosive hazards.
The supplier is not responsible for modified, altered or reconstructed
Use only parts and accessories manufactured according to specifications of
the supplier.
Read the installation and operating instructions carefully before installing,
using or repairing the terminal.
Replacing the battery incorrectly may result in explosion. Only use batteries
recommended by the supplier.
Never pour fluids into any openings in the terminal. This may cause fire or
electrical shock.
Only qualified personnel may operate the terminal.
During installation
The terminal is designed for stationary installation on a plane surface.
Put the terminal on a stable surface during installation. Dropping it or letting
it fall may cause damage.
Install the terminal according to the accompanying installation instructions.
Ground the terminal according to the accompanying installation
Only qualified personnel may install the terminal.
Separate the high voltage, signal and supply cables.
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Make sure that the voltage and polarity of the power source is correct before
connecting the terminal to the power outlet.
The openings on the enclosure are for air convection. Do not cover these openings.
Do not place the terminal where it might be exposed to strong magnetic
Do not install the terminal in direct sunlight.
Peripheral equipment must be appropriate for the application.
Some terminal models have a laminated film over the display to reduce the
risk of scratches. To avoid static electricity that might damage the terminal,
carefully remove the film.
UL installation
Power, input and output (I/O) wiring must be in accordance with Class I,
Division 2 wiring methods (Article 501-4 (b) of the National Electrical Code,
NFPA 70) and in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.
During use
Keep the terminal clean.
Emergency stop and other safety functions may not be controlled from the
Do not touch the keys, displays, etc. with sharp objects.
In case of backlight failure, the terminal is still operable and registers button
presses and input via the touch screen.
Service and maintenance
The agreed warranty applies.
Clean the display and face with a soft cloth and mild detergent.
Only qualified personnel should carry out repairs.
Dismantling and scrapping
The terminal or parts thereof shall be recycled according to local regulations.
The following components contain substances that might be hazardous to
health and the environment: lithium battery, electrolytic capacitor and
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Sikkerhedsforskrifter: Dansk
Ls sikkerhedsforskrifterne grundigt igennem.
Kontrollr leverancen for eventuelle transportskader. Giv straks leverandren
besked i tilflde af skader.
Terminalen opfylder kravene efter artikel 4 i EMC-direktivet 89/336/EF.
Anvend ikke terminalen i et milj med stor eksplosionsfare.
Leverandren ptager sig ikke noget ansvar for modificeret, ndret eller
ombygget udstyr.
Anvend kun reservedele og tilbehr, der er fremstillet i overensstemmelse
med leverandrens specifikationer.
Ls installations- og betjeningsvejledningen grundigt igennem, inden du
installerer, anvender eller reparerer terminalen.
Ved forkert montering af batteriet kan der opst eksplosionsfare. Anvend kun
batterier, der er anbefalet af leverandren.
Undg, at der kommer vske i terminalens huller eller andre bninger. I
modsat fald kan udstyret blive strmfrende, og der kan opst brand.
Srg for, at terminalen kun hndteres af personer med relevant uddannelse.
Ved installation
Terminalen er konstrueret med henblik p fast installation p en plan
Anbring terminalen p et stabilt underlag under installationen. Hvis
terminalen tabes eller falder p gulvet, kan der opst skader.
Installr terminalen i overensstemmelse med den medflgende installationsvejledning.
Forbind terminalen til et stik med jordforbindelse i overensstemmelse med
den medflgende installationsvejledning.
Srg for, at terminalen installeres af personer med relevant uddannelse.
Hold hjspndings-, signal- og spndingskabler adskilt.
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Srg for, at spnding og polaritet fra strmkilden er korrekt, inden
terminalen kobles til.
Dk ikke bningerne i kassen til, da de er beregnet til luftcirkulation.
Placr ikke terminalen p steder, hvor den kan udsttes for strke magnetfelter.
Undg at udstte terminalen for direkte sollys.
Kontrollr, at de perifere enheder er tilstrkkelige til terminalens
P visse terminalmodeller er displayet bekldt med en lamineret film for at
minimere risikoen for ridser. Trk filmen af forsigtigt for at forhindre statisk
elektricitet, der kan beskadige skrmen.
UL installation
Power, input and output (I/O) wiring must be in accordance with Class I,
Division 2 wiring methods (Article 501-4 (b) of the National Electrical Code,
NFPA 70) and in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.
Ved anvendelse
Hold terminalen ren.
Styr ikke ndstopsfunktioner eller andre sikkerhedsfunktioner fra
Undg at berre taster, display etc. med skarpe genstande.
Service og vedligeholdelse
Der ydes garanti i henhold til aftalen.
Anvend et mildt rengringsmiddel og en bld klud til rengring af display og
Srg for, at terminalen repareres af personer med relevant uddannelse.
Ved afmontering og skrotning
Genvinding af terminalen eller dele af terminalen skal ske i overensstemmelse
med de gldende regler i de enkelte lande.
Bemrk, at flgende komponenter indeholder dele, der kan vre skadelige
for helbred og milj: lithiumbatteri, elektrolytkondensatorer samt display.
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Sicherheitsvorschriften: Deutsch
Sicherheitsvorschriften sorgfltig durchlesen.
berprfen Sie die Lieferung beim Empfang auf etwaige Transportschden.
Informieren Sie den Lieferanten umgehend, wenn Schden entdeckt werden.
Das Terminal erfllt die Anforderungen gem Artikel 4 der EMCRichtlinie 89/336/EEC.
Setzen Sie das Terminal nicht in Umgebungen ein, in denen Explosionsgefahr besteht.
Der Lieferant bernimmt keine Verantwortung fr modifizierte, genderte
oder umgebaute Ausrstung.
Es drfen nur Ersatzteile und Zubehr verwendet werden, die im Einklang
mit den Spezifikationen des Lieferanten hergestellt wurden.
Die Installations- und Benutzeranweisungen sorgfltig lesen, bevor das
Terminal installiert, in Betrieb genommen oder repariert wird.
Es besteht Explosionsgefahr, wenn die Batterie falsch montiert wird.
Ausschlielich Batterien verwenden, die vom Lieferanten empfohlen werden.
In die Schlitze oder Lcher des Terminals darf unter keinen Umstnden
Flssigkeit eindringen. Dies kann einen Brand verursachen oder dazu fhren,
dass die Ausrstung stromfhrend wird.
Die Installation muss von speziell ausgebildetem Fachpersonal vorgenommen
Hinweise zur Installation
Dieses Terminal ist fr den Betrieb an einem festen Standort und an einem
ebenen Gebiet ausgelegt.
Das Terminal whrend der Installation auf einer festen Unterlage platzieren.
Wenn das Terminal herunter fllt, kann es zu Beschdigungen kommen.
Installieren Sie das Terminal gem der beiliegenden Installationsanleitung.
Erden Sie das Gert gem den Vorgaben in der beiliegenden Installationsanleitung.
Die Installation muss von speziell ausgebildetem Fachpersonal vorgenommen
Hochspannungs-, Signal- und Versorgungsleitungen mssen getrennt verlegt
Bevor das Terminal an die Stromversorgung angeschlossen wird, sicherstellen, dass Spannung und Polaritt von der Stromquelle korrekt sind.
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Die ffnungen im Gehuse sind fr die Luftzirkulation bestimmt und
drfen nicht berdeckt werden.
Das Terminal nicht an Stellen platzieren, an denen es einem starken Magnetfeld ausgesetzt wird.
Das Terminal darf nicht in direkter Sonneneinstrahlung montiert werden.
Die Peripherieausrstung muss dem Verwendungszweck entsprechen.
Bei bestimmten Terminalmodellen ist das Displayglas mit einem laminierten
Film versehen, um Kratzern vorzubeugen. Um zu verhindern, dass es
aufgrund von statischer Elektrizitt zu Schden am Terminal kommt, den
Film vorsichtig abziehen.
UL installation
Power, input and output (I/O) wiring must be in accordance with Class I,
Division 2 wiring methods (Article 501-4 (b) of the National Electrical Code,
NFPA 70) and in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.
Hinweise zum Betrieb
Halten Sie das Terminal stets sauber.
Nothalt- und andere Sicherheitsfunktion drfen nicht vom Terminal aus
gesteuert werden.
Achten Sie darauf, dass Tasten, Bildschirm usw. nicht mit scharfkantigen
Gegenstnden in Berhrung kommen.
Bei einem Ausfall der Hintergrundbeleuchtung ist das Bedienterminal
weiterhin einsatzbereit und registriert Tastenbettigungen sowie Eingaben
per Berhrungsbildschirm.
Service und Wartung
Garantieansprche sind per Vertrag geregelt.
Subern Sie Bildschirm und Gertevorderseite mit einem milden Reinigungsmittel und einem weichen Tuch.
Reparaturen mssen von speziell ausgebildetem Fachpersonal vorgenommen
Hinweise zu Demontage und Entsorgung
Eine vollstndige oder teilweise Wiederverwertung des Terminals ist
entsprechend den jeweils geltenden Bestimmungen vorzunehmen.
Beachten, dass folgende Komponenten Stoffe enthalten, die eine Gefahr fr
Gesundheit und Umwelt darstellen knnen. Lithiumbatterie, Elektrolytkondensatoren und Bildschirm.
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Lea atentamente las reglas de seguridad.
Controle el suministro para ver si se han producido daos de transporte. Si
hay daos de transporte, notifquelo inmediatamente al transportista.
La terminal cumple con los requisitos del artculo 4 en la Directiva
EMC 89/336/CEE.
No use la terminal en un ambiente con alto riesgo de explosiones.
El proveedor no asume la responsabilidad por un equipo modificado, alterado
o reconstruido.
Se deben utilizar nicamente repuestos y accesorios fabricados segn la
especificacin del proveedor.
Lea detenidamente las instrucciones de instalacin y operacin antes de
instalar, usar o reparar la terminal.
Si la batera es montada incorrectamente, puede surgir el riesgo de explosin.
Use exclusivamente las bateras recomendadas por el proveedor.
Nunca vierta lquidos en grietas u orificios de la terminal. Esto puede
provocar incendios o la conductividad elctrica del equipo.
La terminal debe ser manipulada por personas que han recibido una
formacin adecuada.
La terminal est destinada a una instalacin permanente sobre una superficie
Coloque la terminal sobre una base firme durante la instalacin. La terminal
puede daarse si se cae o se deja caer.
Instale la terminal conforme a las instrucciones de instalacin que se incluyen
en el suministro.
La puesta a tierra se debe realizar conforme a las instrucciones de instalacin
que se incluyen en el suministro.
La instalacin debe ser realizada por personas que han recibido una formacin
Los cables de alta tensin, de seales y de tensin deben separarse.
Cercirese de que la tensin y la polaridad de la fuente de energa sean
correctas antes de conectar la tensin a la terminal.
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Las aberturas de la cubierta estn destinadas a la circulacin del aire y no
deben cubrirse.
No coloque la terminal en un lugar que pueda estar expuesto a campos
magnticos fuertes.
La terminal no se debe montar a plena luz solar.
Los equipos perifricos deben ser adecuados en el lugar de uso.
Algunos modelos de terminal tienen una pelcula laminada sobre el cristal del
display para reducir el riesgo de rasguos. Para evitar la electricidad esttica
que puede ocasionar daos en la terminal, despegue la pelcula con cuidado.
UL installation
Power, input and output (I/O) wiring must be in accordance with Class I,
Division 2 wiring methods (Article 501-4 (b) of the National Electrical Code,
NFPA 70) and in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.
Mantenga limpia la terminal.
Las funciones de parada de emergencia y otras funciones de seguridad no
deben ser controladas desde la terminal.
Las teclas, el cristal del display, etc. no deben ser activados con objetos
Si la iluminacin de fondo se avera, el terminal sigue funcionando y registra
los botones presionados y la informacin ingresada a travs de la pantalla tctil.
Servicio y mantenimiento
La garanta rige segn el convenio.
Para limpiar el cristal del display y el frente, use un detergente suave y un pao
Las reparaciones deben ser realizadas por personas que han recibido una
formacin adecuada.
Desmontaje y desguace
El reciclaje de la terminal o piezas de la terminal debe cumplir con las reglas
vigentes en cada pas.
Observe que los siguientes componentes contienen sustancias que pueden ser
nocivas para la salud y el entorno: batera de litio, condensadores electrolticos
y display.
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Lire attentivement les consignes de scurit.
Contrler la livraison afin de dtecter les ventuels dommages dus au transport. Contacter le fournisseur au plus vite en cas de dcouverte de dommages.
Le terminal remplit les exigences de l'article 4 de la directive sur la compatibilit lectromagntique 89/336/CEE.
Ne pas utiliser le terminal dans un environnement prsentant un risque lev
Le fournisseur dcline toute responsabilit en cas de modification ou de
reconstruction de l'quipement.
Utiliser uniquement des pices de rechange et des accessoires fabriqus
conformment aux spcifications du fournisseur.
Lire attentivement les instructions d'installation et d'utilisation avant de
monter, d'utiliser ou de rparer le terminal.
Un montage incorrect de la batterie peut entraner un danger d'explosion.
Utiliser uniquement des batteries recommandes par le fournisseur.
Ne jamais verser de liquide dans les fentes et trous du terminal. Cela risque
de dclencher un incendie ou l'quipement risque de devenir conducteur de
Le terminal doit tre manipul par des personnes ayant reu une formation
Lors de l'installation
Le terminal est conu pour une installation fixe sur une surface plane.
Placer le terminal sur une surface solide pendant l'installation. Lcher ou faire
tomber le terminal risque de l'endommager.
Installer le terminal conformment aux instructions d'installation fournies.
La mise la terre doit tre effectue conformment aux instructions
d'installation fournies.
L'installation doit tre effectue par des personnes ayant reu une formation
Les cbles de haute tension, de signaux et de tension doivent tre spars.
S'assurer que la tension et la polarit de la source d'alimentation sont
correctes avant de mettre le terminal sous tension.
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Les ouvertures du botier sont destines permettre la circulation de l'air et
ne doivent pas tre recouvertes.
Ne pas placer le terminal un endroit o il risque d'tre expos de forts
champs magntiques.
Ne pas monter le terminal un endroit o il est expos la lumire directe
du soleil.
Le cas chant, les quipements priphriques utiliss doivent tre appropris.
Certains modles de terminaux sont quips d'un film lamin sur l'cran
d'affichage afin de minimiser le risque de rayures. Retirer prudemment le film
afin d'viter toute lectricit statique risquant d'endommager le terminal.
UL installation
Power, input and output (I/O) wiring must be in accordance with Class I,
Division 2 wiring methods (Article 501-4 (b) of the National Electrical Code,
NFPA 70) and in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.
Lors de l'utilisation
Maintenir le terminal propre.
Les fonctions d'arrt d'urgence et autres fonctions de scurit ne doivent pas
tre commandes depuis le terminal.
Les touches, l'cran d'affichage, etc., ne doivent pas entrer en contact avec des
objets pointus.
En cas de panne de l'clairage arrire, le terminal est encore utilisable ; il
enregistre les pressions de bouton et les saisies via l'cran tactile.
Maintenance et entretien
La validit de la garantie est conforme l'accord.
Utiliser un dtergent neutre et un chiffon doux pour nettoyer l'cran
d'affichage et l'avant.
Les rparations doivent tre effectues par des personnes ayant reu une
formation adquate.
Lors du dmontage et de la mise au rebut
Le recyclage du terminal ou de ses pices doit tre effectu conformment aux
rglementations en vigueur dans le pays concern.
Noter que les composants suivants contiennent des substances pouvant tre
nuisibles la sant et l'environnement : batterie au lithium, condensateur
lectrolytes et affichage.
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Leggere attentamente le norme di sicurezza.
Controllare che la merce consegnata non abbia subito danni durante il
trasporto; in caso contrario comunicare al pi presto i danni rilevati al
Il terminale soddisfa i requisiti stabiliti dall'art. 4 della direttiva
EMC 89/336/CEE.
Non utilizzare il terminale in un ambiente in cui sussiste un forte rischio di
Il fornitore non si assume la responsabilit per attrezzature modificate,
manomesse o ricostruite.
Utilizzare esclusivamente ricambi ed accessori prodotti secondo le specifiche
del fornitore.
Leggere attentamente le istruzioni per l'installazione e l'uso prima di
installare, utilizzare o riparare il terminale.
In caso di montaggio errato della batteria, sussiste il pericolo di esplosione.
Utilizzare esclusivamente le batterie raccomandate dal fornitore.
Non versare mai liquidi nelle aperture o nei fori del terminale, poich
potrebbero provocare incendi o trasformare l'attrezzatura in elemento elettroconduttore.
Il terminale deve essere utilizzato da personale addestrato.
Durante l'installazione
Il terminale costruito per installazioni fisse su superfici piane.
Durante l'installazione, posizionare il terminale su un piano stabile. In caso
di caduta, il terminale potrebbe danneggiarsi.
Installare il terminale secondo le istruzioni per l'installazione allegate.
Effettuare la messa a terra secondo le istruzioni per l'installazione allegate.
L'installazione deve essere effettuata da personale addestrato.
Tenere separati i cavi di alta tensione, segnale e tensione.
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Prima di dare tensione al terminale, assicurarsi che la tensione e la polarit di
rete siano corrette.
Le aperture presenti nell'involucro sono destinate alla circolazione dell'aria e
non devono essere coperte.
Non posizionare il terminale in luoghi in cui sussiste il rischio di forti campi
Non installare il terminale in modo che sia esposto a luce solare diretta.
L'attrezzatura complementare deve essere adatta all'ambiente in cui
Il display di alcuni modelli di terminali protetto da una pellicola antigraffio.
Per evitare la formazione di elettricit statica che potrebbe danneggiare il
terminale, rimuovere con cura la pellicola.
UL installation
Power, input and output (I/O) wiring must be in accordance with Class I,
Division 2 wiring methods (Article 501-4 (b) of the National Electrical Code,
NFPA 70) and in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.
Durante l'uso
Tenere il terminale pulito.
Non attivare le funzioni di arresto di emergenza o altre funzioni di sicurezza
dal terminale.
Non utilizzare oggetti affilati su tasti, display ecc.
In caso di errore di illuminazione dello sfondo, il terminale ancora operativo
e registra le pressione dei pulsanti ed i dati inseriti per mezzo del touch screen.
Assistenza e manutenzione
La garanzia segue le clausole del contratto.
Per pulire il display e il frontalino, utilizzare detergente neutro ed un panno
Le riparazioni devono essere effettuate da personale addestrato.
In sede di smontaggio e rottamazione
Il riciclaggio del terminale o di parti di esso deve avvenire in base alla vigente
legislazione nazionale.
Ricordare che i seguenti componenti contengono sostanze nocive per la salute
e l'ambiente: batterie al litio, condensatori ad elettrolito e display.
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Veiligheidsvoorschriften: Nederlands
Lees de veiligheidsvoorschriften nauwkeurig door.
Controleer de geleverde goederen op eventuele transportschade. Breng bij
schade de leverancier zo snel mogelijk op de hoogte.
De terminal voldoet aan de eisen als gesteld in artikel 4 in de EMC-richtlijn
Gebruik de terminal niet in een explosieve omgeving.
De leverancier kan niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor aangepaste,
gewijzigde of omgebouwde uitrusting.
Alleen reserveonderdelen en accessoires die conform de specificaties van de
leverancier zijn gefabriceerd, mogen worden gebruikt.
Lees de installatie- en gebruikshandleiding nauwkeurig door, voordat de
terminal wordt genstalleerd, bediend of gerepareerd.
Bij verkeerde plaatsing van de batterij bestaat de kans op ontploffing. Gebruik
alleen batterijen die door de leverancier worden aanbevolen.
Er mag nooit vloeistof via spleten of openingen in de terminal komen. Dit
kan brand of kortsluiting veroorzaken.
De terminal moet door deskundig personeel worden bediend.
De terminal is geconstrueerd voor vaste installaties op een vlakke ondergrond.
Plaats de terminal tijdens de installatie op een vaste ondergrond. Als de
terminal kantelt of valt, kan er schade ontstaan.
Installeer de terminal volgens de bijgeleverde installatiehandleiding.
De aarding dient volgens de bijgeleverde installatiehandleiding te geschieden.
De installatie dient door deskundig personeel te worden uitgevoerd.
Scheid hoogspannings-, signaal- en spanningskabels.
Ga na of de spanning en polariteit van de krachtbron juist zijn, voordat de
terminal van spanning wordt voorzien.
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
De openingen in de behuizing zijn bedoeld voor de luchtcirculatie en mogen
niet worden afgedekt.
Plaats de terminal niet op plaatsen waar de kans bestaat op sterke magnetische
Monteer de terminal niet in direct zonlicht.
De randappatuur moet geschikt zijn voor de gebruikte plaats.
Bij bepaalde modellen van de terminal is gelamineerd folie aangebracht op
het display om de kans op krassen te minimaliseren. Ter voorkoming van
statische elektriciteit wat schade aan de terminal kan veroorzaken, moet het
folie voorzichtig worden verwijderd.
UL installation
Power, input and output (I/O) wiring must be in accordance with Class I,
Division 2 wiring methods (Article 501-4 (b) of the National Electrical Code,
NFPA 70) and in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.
Houd de terminal schoon.
Bedien de noodstopfuncties of andere veiligheidsfuncties niet vanaf de
Bewerk toetsen, display, e.d. niet met scherpe voorwerpen.
Indien zich een storing in het achtergrondlicht voordoet, kan de terminal nog
steeds gebruikt worden. Via het touchscreen worden het drukken op de
knoppen en andere vormen van invoer geregistreerd.
Service en onderhoud
De garantie geldt zoals overeengekomen.
Gebruik een mild schoonmaakmiddel en een zachte doek voor het reinigen
van display en front.
Reparaties mogen alleen door deskundig personeel worden uitgevoerd.
Demontage en verschroten
Recycling van (delen van) de terminal dient in overeenstemming te zijn met
de geldende regelgeving in het betreffende land.
Let op dat de volgende onderdelen stoffen bevatten die schadelijk kunnen zijn
voor gezondheid en milieu: lithiumbatterij, elektrolysecondensatoren en
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Sikkerhetsforskrifter: Norsk
Les nye gjennom sikkerhetsforskriftene.
Kontroller leveransen for oppdage eventuelle transportskader. Underrett
leverandren snarest dersom det oppdages skader.
Terminalen oppfyller kravene iflge artikkel 4 i EMC-direktivet
Ikke bruk terminalen i et milj der det er stor risiko for eksplosjoner.
Leverandren tar ikke ansvar for modifisert, endret eller ombygd utstyr.
Det m kun brukes reservedeler og tilbehr lagd iflge leverandrens
Les installerings- og brukerbeskrivelsen nye fr terminalen installeres,
brukes eller repareres.
Det kan oppst fare for eksplosjon dersom batteriet monteres feil. Bruk kun
batterier som anbefales av leverandren.
Det m aldri helles vske i sprekker eller hull i terminalen. Dette kan
forrsake brann eller at utstyret blir strmfrende.
Terminalen skal hndteres av personer med adekvat opplring.
Ved installering
Terminalen er konstruert for faste installasjoner p en plan flate.
Plasser terminalen p et stabilt underlag under installeringen. Hvis
terminalen mistes eller faller ned, kan det oppst skader.
Installer terminalen iflge vedlagte installeringsbeskrivelse.
Jording skal skje iflge vedlagte installeringsbeskrivelse.
Installering skal utfres av personer med adekvat opplring.
Hyspennings-, signal- og spenningskabler m separeres.
Sl fast at spenning og polaritet fra kraftkilden er korrekt fr terminalen settes
under spenning.
pningene i dekselet er ment til luftsirkulasjon og m ikke tildekkes.
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Ikke plasser terminalen der det er risiko for at den utsettes for kraftige
Terminalen br ikke monteres i direkte sollys.
Periferutstyr m vre egnet der det brukes.
Enkelte terminalmodeller har en laminert film over displayglasset for
redusere risikoen for riper. Trekk filmen forsiktig av for unng statisk
elektrisitet som kan forrsake skader p terminalen.
UL installation
Power, input and output (I/O) wiring must be in accordance with Class I,
Division 2 wiring methods (Article 501-4 (b) of the National Electrical Code,
NFPA 70) and in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.
Ved bruk
Hold terminalen ren.
Ndstoppfunksjoner eller andre sikkerhetsfunksjoner m ikke styres fra
Taster, displayglass osv. m ikke pvirkes med spisse gjenstander.
Ved feil p bakgrunnsbelysningen kan terminalen fortsatt brukes, og
knappetrykk og innmating registreres via berringsskjermen.
Service og vedlikehold
Garanti gjelder iflge avtale.
Bruk mildt rengjringsmiddel og myk klut for rengjre displayglass og
Reparasjoner skal utfres av personer med adekvat opplring.
Ved demontering og kassering
Gjenvinning av terminalen eller deler av terminalen skal skje iflge gjeldende
regler i respektive land.
Legg merke til at flgende komponenter inneholder stoffer som kan vre
skadelige for helse og milj: litiumbatteri, elektrolyttkondensatorer samt
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Leia minuciosamente estas instrues de segurana.
Verifique o contedo no acto da entrega quanto a eventuais danos de
transporte. Comunique imediatamente ao fornecedor caso tenha encontrado
algum dano.
O terminal satisfaz as exigncias contidas no artigo 4 da directiva
CEM 89/336/CEE.
No utilize o terminal em ambientes com alto risco de exploses.
O fornecedor no assume quaisquer responsabilidades por modificaes,
transformaes ou converses no equipamento.
S permitida a utilizao de peas sobresselentes e acessrios fabricados em
conformidade com as especificaes do fornecedor.
Antes de instalar, utilizar ou efectuar reparaes no terminal, leia atentamente
as instrues de instalao e do utilizador.
Podero ocorrer situaes de perigo de exploso se a bateria for montada
incorrectamente. Utilize apenas as baterias recomendadas pelo fornecedor.
Substncias lquidas nunca podero ser introduzidas em fendas ou aberturas
do terminal. Tal prtica poder causar incndios ou transformar o
equipamento em condutor de electricidade.
O terminal dever ser manuseado por pessoas devidamente qualificadas.
Ao instalar
O terminal projectado para utilizao em instalaes fixas, sobre superfcie
Durante a instalao, posicione o terminal sobre uma base estvel. Se o deixar
cair ou se este sofrer uma queda, podero ocorrer danos.
Instale o terminal em conformidade com as instrues de instalao que
acompanham o mesmo.
A ligao terra dever ser efectuada conforme as instalaes de instalao que
acompanham o produto.
A instalao dever ser realizada por pessoal devidamente qualificado.
Os cabos de alta tenso, de sinal e de tenso devero ser separados.
Certifique-se de que a tenso e polaridade da fonte de corrente elctrica esto
correctas antes de ligar a tenso.
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
As aberturas na tampa destinam-se circulao de ar e no podero ser
No posicione o terminal em lugares sob risco de exposio a fortes campos
O terminal no dever ser montado em local directamente exposto luz solar.
O equipamento perifrico dever adequar-se ao local em que utilizado.
Alguns modelos de terminal possuem uma pelcula laminada, aplicada sobre
o vidro do visor para reduzir o risco de arranhes. Para evitar electricidade
esttica que possa ocasionar danos ao terminal, remova com cuidado esta
UL installation
Power, input and output (I/O) wiring must be in accordance with Class I,
Division 2 wiring methods (Article 501-4 (b) of the National Electrical Code,
NFPA 70) and in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.
Ao utilizar
Conserve o terminal limpo.
As funes de parada de emergncia no podem ser comandadas a partir do
Teclas, vidro do visor, etc., no podero ser submetidos aco de objectos
Em caso de falha da luz posterior, o terminal continua a ser opervel e regista
premir de botes e entradas atravs do cran sensvel ao toque.
Assistncia e manuteno
A garantia tem validade conforme os termos constantes no documento de
Utilize um agente de limpeza leve e um pano macio para limpar o vidro do
visor e a parte frontal.
As reparaes devero ser executadas por pessoal devidamente qualificado.
Desmontagem e recolha sucata
A reciclagem do terminal ou suas partes devero ser executadas em
conformidade com as regras vigentes no pas respectivo.
Convm observar que os seguintes componentes contm substncias que
podem ser prejudiciais sade e ao meio ambiente: baterias de ltio,
condensadores electrolticos e o visor.
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
l sijoita ptett paikkaan, jossa se on alttiina voimakkaille
Ptett ei saa asentaa suoraan auringonvaloon.
Oheislaitteiden on sovelluttava kyttkohteisiinsa.
Joidenkin ptemallien nytiss on laminoitu kalvo naarmuuntumisvaaran
vhentmiseksi. Ved kalvo irti varovasti, ettei se synnyt staattista shk,
joka voi vaurioittaa ptett.
UL installation
Power, input and output (I/O) wiring must be in accordance with Class I,
Division 2 wiring methods (Article 501-4 (b) of the National Electrical Code,
NFPA 70) and in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.
Pid pte puhtaana.
Htpysytystoimintoja tai muita turvatoimintoja ei saa ohjata ptteest.
Nppimi, nyttruutua jne. ei saa ksitell tervill esineill.
Jos taustavalo rikkoutuu, pte pysyy toiminnassa ja rekisteri painikkeiden
painallukset ja sytteet kosketusnytlt.
Huolto ja kunnossapito
Takuu on voimassa sopimuksen mukaisesti.
Kyt mietoa puhdistusainetta ja pehme liinaa nyttruudun ja etuosan
Korjaukset saa tehd vain tarvittavan koulutuksen omaavat henkilt.
Purkaminen ja romutus
Pte tai sen osat on kierrtettv kyttmaassa voimassa olevien mrysten
Huomaa, ett seuraavat komponentit sisltvt aineita, jotka voivat olla
haitallisia terveydelle ja ympristlle: litiumakku, elektrolyyttikondensaattorit sek nytt.
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
ABB, MA00566E
Safety precautions
Placera ej terminalen dr det finns risk att den utstts fr starka magnetflt.
Terminalen br ej monteras i direkt solljus.
Kringutrustning mste vara lmplig dr den anvnds.
Vissa terminalmodeller har en laminerad film ver displayglaset fr att
minska risken fr repor. Fr att frhindra statisk elektricitet som kan orsaka
skador p terminalen, dra frsiktigt av filmen.
UL installation
Power, input and output (I/O) wiring must be in accordance with Class I,
Division 2 wiring methods (Article 501-4 (b) of the National Electrical Code,
NFPA 70) and in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction.
Vid anvndning
Hll terminalen ren.
Ndstoppsfunktioner eller andra skerhetsfunktioner fr ej styras frn
Tangenter, displayglas etc fr ej pverkas med vassa freml.
ven om bakgrundsbelysningen skulle sluta fungera r terminalen manvrerbar och registrerar knapptryckningar samt inmatning via pekskrmen.
Service och underhll
Garanti gller enligt avtal.
Anvnd milt rengringsmedel och mjuk trasa fr att rengra displayglas och
Reparationer ska utfras av personer med adekvat utbildning.
Vid nedmontering och skrotning
tervinning av terminalen eller delar av terminalen skall ske enligt gllande
regler i respektive land.
Beakta att fljande komponenter innehller mnen som kan vara skadliga fr
hlsa och milj: litiumbatteri, elektrolytkondensatorer samt display.
ABB, MA00566E
Voltage requirements
Voltage requirements
For terminals of hardware version rev. R1, the 24 V DC cable length must be less
than 10 meters to fulfil the requirements of the CE directive. For terminals of
hardware version rev. R2 there are no maximum length requirements for the
24 V DC cable. See the panel label for the hardware version number.
+24 V
+24 V
100 - 240 V AC
ABB, MA00566E
Voltage requirements
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
Technical data
IP 20
Keyboard material
0.7 kg
64 KB
Real-time clock
10 PPM + error indication resulting from ambient temperature and power supply. Total max error indication:
1 min./month = 12 min./year. Battery life for real-time
clock: 10 years.
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
Adjust potentiometer on the back of the terminal using an appropriate tool, such as a plastic screw driver, in order to limit the risk
of short-circuiting or other injury.
Power supply
800 mAT, 5 x 20 mm
-20 to +70 C
Relative humidity
UL approval
DNV approval
Certification in progress
124,864 h
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
IP 20
Keyboard material
1.5 kg
Expansion slots
400 KB
Real-time clock
10 PPM + error indication resulting from ambient temperature and power supply. Total max error indication:
1 min./month = 12 min./year. Battery life for real-time
clock: 10 years.
Power supply
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
1 AT, Littelfuse R452 001 (Nano2 SMF Slo-Blo) or 800 mAT,
5 x 20 mm.
-20 to +70 C
Relative humidity
UL approval
DNV approval
104,322 h
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
IP 20
Keyboard material
1.4 kg
Expansion slots
400 KB
Real-time clock
10 PPM + error indication resulting from ambient temperature and power supply. Total max error indication:
1 min./month = 12 min./year. Battery life for real-time
clock: 10 years.
Contrast setting
Power supply
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
1 AT, Littelfuse R452 001 (Nano2 SMF Slo-Blo) or 800 mAT,
5 x 20 mm.
-20 to +70 C
Relative humidity
UL approval
DNV approval
61,368 h
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
IP 20
Material in front panel Touch screen: Polyester on glass*. Frame: Autotex F207 *.
Touch screen: 1 million finger touch operations.
Reverse side material
1.5 kg
Expansion slots
400 KB
Real-time clock
10 PPM + error indication resulting from ambient temperature and power supply. Total max error indication:
1 min./month = 12 min./year. Battery life for real-time
clock: 10 years.
Power consumption at
rated voltage
STN-LCD display, 320 x 240 pixels, 16 grey scales, graphics and text. CCFL backlight lifetime 25,000 h at ambient
temperature of +25 C. Touch screen.
Active area of
display, W x H
Contrast setting
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
Power supply
Ambient temperature
+0 to +50 C
Storage temperature
-20 to +70 C
Relative humidity
UL approval
DNV approval
92,578 h
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
IP 20
Material in front
1.5 kg
Expansion slots
400 KB
Real-time clock
10 PPM + error indication resulting from ambient temperature and power supply. Total max error indication:
1 min./month = 12 min./year. Battery life for real-time
clock: 10 years.
Power consumption at
rated voltage
Contrast setting
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
Power supply
Ambient temperature
+0 to +50 C
Storage temperature
-20 to +70 C
Relative humidity
UL approval
DNV approval
73,458 h
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
Front panel, W x H x
Mounting depth
IP 20
Keyboard material
1.7 kg
Expansion slots
400 KB
Real-time clock
10 PPM + error indication resulting from ambient temperature and power supply. Total max error indication:
1 min./month = 12 min./year. Battery life for real-time
clock: 10 years.
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
Power supply
-20 to +70 C
Relative humidity
UL approval
DNV approval
84,496 h
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
IP 20
Keyboard material
3,5 kg for Process Panel 245 and 3.2 kg for Process Panel
Expansion slots
1600 KB
Real-time clock
10 PPM + error indication resulting from ambient temperature and power supply. Total max error indication:
1 min./month = 12 min./year. Battery life for real-time
clock: 10 years.
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
Power supply
Process Panel 245 :100-240 V AC.
Process Panel 245B: +24 V DC (20-30 V DC), 3-pin jack connection block. CE: The power supply must conform with
the requirements for SELV or PELV according to IEC 950 or
IEC 742. UL: Power supply must conform with requirements for class 2 power supplies.
-20 to +70 C
Relative humidity
EN 60950
UL approval
DNV approval
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
Front panel, W x H x
290 x 247 x 5 mm
Mounting depth
IP 20
3.3 kg for Process Panel 345 and 3.0 kg for Process Panel
Expansion slots
1600 KB
Real-time clock
10 PPM + error indication resulting from ambient temperature and supply voltage. Total max error indication:
1 min./month = 12 min./year. Battery life for real-time
clock: 10 years.
Power consumption at Process Panel 345: Max: 0.17 0.35 A (240 100 V AC)
rated voltage
Process Panel 345B: 1 A (24 V)
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
Power supply
Process Panel 345:100-240 V AC.
Process Panel 345B: +24 V DC (20-30 V DC), 3-pin jack connection block. CE: The power supply must conform with
the requirements for SELV or PELV according to IEC 950 or
IEC 742. UL: Power supply must conform with requirements
for class 2 power supplies.
-20 to +70 C
Relative humidity
EN 60950
UL approval
DNV approval
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
1.1.1. Trichloroethane
Diacetone alcohol
Aliphatic hydrocarbons
Diethyl ether
N-Butyl acetate
White spirit
Dowanol DRM/PM
Cutting oil
Potassium carbonate
Washing powders
Fabric conditioner
Ferric chloride
Formaldehyde 37 % - 42 %
Ferrous chloride
Dibutyl Phthalate
Ammonia <40 %
Linseed oil
Dioctyl Phthalate
Paraffin oil
Sodium carbonate
Silicone oil
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
Turpentine substitute
Diesel oil
Sea water
Sodium bisulphate
Aviation fuel
Autotex withstands DIN 42 115 Part 2 exposure of <1 hour duration to glacial
acetic acid without visible change.
Autotex is not resistant to high pressure steam at over 100 C or the following
Concentrated mineral acids
Benzyl alcohol
Mehylene chloride
Autotex withstands 24 hours exposure to the following reagents at 50 C without visible staining:
Top Job
Grape Juice
Jet Dry
Formula 409
Very slight discoloration was noted under critical viewing conditions with the
following materials:
Tomato juice
Tomato ketchup
Lemon juice
Outdoor use
In common with all polyester based films Autotex F207 is not suitable for use in
conditions of long term exposure to direct sunlight.
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
Display surface
The display surface on Process Panel 114, Process Panel 220, Process Panel 235,
Process Panel 245 withstands exposure of more than 24 hours duration to the
following chemicals without visible change:
Acetic acid <5 %
Nitric acid
(specific gravity 1.42)
Ethyl acetate
Oleic acid
Di-methyl hormamide
Olive oil
Aqueous ammonia
(specific gravity 0.9)
Pure water
Carbon tetrachloride
Isopropyl alcohol
Sulfuric acid
(specific gravity 1.84)
Citric acid
Methy alcohol
ABB, MA00566E
Technical data
30 minutes
29 % Ammonia
12 hours
5 % Caustic-Soda
5 hours
24 hours
Autoflex EB
It is recommended to use the Autoflex EB touch display protection film,
supplied with the operator terminals with touch display (Process Panel 320,
Process Panel 325 and Process Panel 345).
ABB, MA00566E
ABB, MA00566E
Process Panel RS485 connection
ABB, MA00566E
Process Panel installation, 24 V DC
ABB, MA00566E
Process Panel installation, 230 V AC
ABB, MA00566E
Process Panel 114 outline
ABB, MA00566E
Process Panel 210 outline
ABB, MA00566E
Process Panel 220 outline
ABB, MA00566E
Process Panel 320/325 outline
ABB, MA00566E
Process Panel 235 outline
ABB, MA00566E
Process Panel 245 outline
ABB, MA00566E
Process Panel 245B outline
ABB, MA00566E
Process Panel 345 outline
ABB, MA00566E
Process Panel 345B outline
ABB, MA00566E
Process Panel programming cable RS232C
ABB, MA00566E
Process Panel programming cable RS422
ABB, MA00566E
Process Panel - AC800C
ABB, MA00566E
ABB, MA00566E
ABB, MA00566E