Arrogant Queen
Arrogant Queen
Arrogant Queen
One upon a time there was a Queen, named Angelia. She was
very beautiful and she had a beautiful voice. But she was very..very
arrogant. One day she was singing her favourite song. But suddenly.....
what happened ?
Queen : (sing a song)... hek hek ..hek. What hapend with
my voice. I cant sing high sound. What happend ? I have to
consultation to a shaman.... ah ah ah .... Soldier, soldier come
here..... come here !
Then a soldier came and asked her
Souldier : (He gave admiration ) Whats up your majesty ! what
can i do for you ?
Queen : There is a problem with my voice now call a shaman to
come here. Dont take long time !!!! Right Nowww
Souldier : Okayy okay , of course .( He ran quickly )
Then the soldier looked for a shaman. And he brought the shaman to
Queen Angelia.
Soldier : Hey you must be carefull with Queen Angelia she is very
Shaman : Yes... yes
Then Qeen Angelia said to the shaman
Queen : Heyy Mbah dukun come here i have a problem with my
voice (She shouted)
Shaman : Yes.. what can i do for you your majesty.
Queen : Hey you not respect me ?
Shaman : Of course i respect you !
Queen : But why you not give me admiration ? ( said the queen )
The shaman confused
Queen : Oh you dont know just like my soldier. You must put your
hand in front of your chest to give admiration to me and put
down if i say i receive your admiration okay, do it now !
Then the shaman gave his admiration to the arrogant queen
Queen : Okay i receive your admiration , acctually i have a
problem with my voice. I cant sing high sound so what can i do ?
Shaman : That is easy you have to eat an crocodile egg
Queen : Haaaaa, a crocodile egg ! where i can find it ? in the zoo ?
Shaman : No in the middle of big forest near here
Queen : Okay now you or other find it and give to me ?
: Tra la la laa.....
And after he arrived in the forest he found a big river. And he looked
around. Sudennly he found a big crocidile with some egg under the
crocodile. And the rabbit approaching it and said to her.
Rabbit : Excuse me !
Buaya : Emmm whow a rabbit
Rabbit : I m sorry for disturb you , i really sorry about that !
Buaya : No problem,, do you need any help ? Are you lost ?, or a
snake disturb you ?
Rabbit : No , but i have to look for crocodile egg .emm you
know angelia Queen ?
Buaya : Ha who is it ?
Rabbit : She is a queen in a castle she is beautiful adn have a
beatiful voice
Buaya : Ohhhh i see. She is an arrogant queen
Rabbit : Aaaaa... acctually she have a problem with her voice
soo she order me to take crocodile egg to cure her voice. So
can you give me an egg for Angelina Queen please ?
Buaya : Haaaaa.... are you crazy it is my first child and you want
to take it i dont permit you, now go from here
Rabbit : Please slow down , ...just one just one please help me
Buaya : No
Rabbit : if i not brig it for her, Queen angelina will kill me .
Please hep me ? ( he cry )
Then the crocodile thought it seriously , and suddenly she got an idea
Buaya : Oh i have an idea. Actually i have an broken egg . If you
want it you can take it
Buaya : No, but i think it is better for us. You can live again and i
can keep my egg
Rabbit : Okay Deal
Buaya : Here is it !
Rabbit : Thank you
Than the rabbit came to the castle and gave it to Queen Angelina. And
the queen cooked it and ate it gredily . After she ate it she sang her
favourite song
Queen : Lalalalalalalalalla oh my voice very beautiful before
than .....
But sudenly her voice became husky and husky and her face became ugly
. Then other people not identified her, and she was driven from the castle.
And she became poor. Ohhh how poor she is !!