(E-Book) Atlantis and The Earth's Shifting Crust

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The documents discuss evidence from ancient myths around the world that describe a lost island paradise near the North Pole that was destroyed in a flood.

Myths from Japan, India, and the Middle East describe a lost island containing cities and mountains that was flooded and covered with ice, which the authors say supports the idea of a lost polar civilization.

The authors say Plato's description of Atlantis can be explained by translating his words into a perspective that considers the Earth had a single ocean and Antarctica was much larger in the past.

Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

The greatest mass of an

is hidden unseen beneath the
surface of the water.
And likewise, underlying the
search for Atlantis are many
deep unseen prejudices.

Atlantis is a 'where is here' riddle.

To unravel this riddle we need to be willing to challenge
what we have been taught in school. Next

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

Here's a map centered on North America.

Notice how the "north-is-up" perspective
causes the oceans to appear as distinctive
bodies of water.
The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans seem
to be entirely separate bodies of water.
This viewpoint also highlights the
separateness of the continents.

This is a map that we can easily recognise. It conforms to what we all have
learned in school. Now I'd like to show you a south-is-up map of the world.
Suddenly our schooling takes a vacation. Next

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

Here's a "south-isup" projection of

the world with
Antarctica at the
From this
perspective we see
that our planet
really has only one
(view continents one by

Atlantis was in the "Real Ocean."

The Mediterranean Sea is merely a bay of the "Real Ocean".
Plato's ancestor, Solon received the legend of Atlantis from a priest in Egypt. Next

http://www.flem-ath.com/aa3.htm [30-11-02 22:59:01]

Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

In Solon's time
(c.600 B.C.) the
words Libya and
Asia had
meanings from
(The Greek
worldview of 600

Libya = North
Asia = the
Middle East.
Libya + Asia =
Antarctica in
The red dot between Libya and Europe was called the "Pillars of Heracles", what we know
today as "the Strait of Gibraltar". It had a second meaning to the ancient Greeks which
is ignored in almost all theories of Atlantis. It meant 'the limit of the known world'. Let's
now read Plato's legend of Atlantis. Next

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath
- colorcoded.
The ocean
level at
9,600 B.C. when
perished was lower
than today
much of
shelf as
land (e.g.
the UK
was a part
of Europe)
flooded at
the close
the Ice

The island of Atlantis was "... larger than Libya and Asia combined; from it there was
passage for the sea-farers of those times to reach the other islands, and from them the
whole opposite continent which surrounds what can truly be called the ocean. For these
regions that lie within the strait we were talking about seem to be but a bay having a
narrow entrance; but the other ocean is the real ocean and the land which entirely
surrounds it may with fullest truth and fitness be named a continent." Plato Timaeus
Every search for Atlantis must explain these words.
NEXT we render Plato's account into words that we can
understand with our 'north-is-up' preconceptions.

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

Below we
'modern' &
'north is

Atlantis was an island continent larger than North Africa and the Middle East combined.
Before 9,600 B.C. , Atlantean sailors leaving mainland Atlantis would encounter islands (now
under ice) that lay between it and the rest of the world's continents which surround the
World Ocean. The Mediterrean Sea is really just a bay of the World Ocean having a narrow
entrance; but the ocean beyond it is the Real Ocean. The land which surrounds the World
Ocean is a continent in the geographic sense of the word (large continuous land mass).
Plato is not the only source that makes Antarctica the lost continent.
There is an Egyptian map of Atlantis which we view Next.

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

In 1665, the
German Jesuit
a massive book
which included
a reproduction
of an ancient
Egyptian map
of Atlantis.

The label in Latin translates: "Site of Atlantis, now beneath the sea,
according to the beliefs of the Egyptians and the description of Plato."
The compass has North pointing down.
Kircher retained the Egyptian notion that South was 'up'.
To see how he interpreted this map we must turn it up-side-down. Next

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

We have turned
Kircher's map upside-down to arrive
at our familiar
Kircher wrongly
believed Atlantis
was an island in the
North Atlantic
Ocean between
Spain and Africa on
our right and
America on the

In 1665, when this map was first published, Antarctica had not been discovered and it
wasn't until 1818 that Europeans first landed on the frozen island continent.
Today we can compare Kircher's map of Atlantis with
a modern geophysical globe with South "up." Next

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

Here's Kircher's Egyptian map of Atlantis

compared to

a modern geophysical globe showing Antarctica

its ice and with south in the "up" position.
South America is on the right.
Madagascar and South Africa
are on the left.

The present shape of ice-free Antarctica as depicted in this modern view is based upon
the current ocean level, not that of 9,600 B.C.
Atlantis did not actually sink beneath the waves. Instead, as the old ice caps melted, the
ocean level rose, covering parts of the continent.
Further distortions in our modern map, compared to Kircher's, are a result of the weight
of today's Antarctic Ice Sheet. This immense blanket of snow and ice depressed parts of
the continent, causing more and more land to fall below ocean level.

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

We believe that Kircher's Egyptian map of Atlantis represents in size, shape, scale and
position an ice-free Antarctica.
So what happened?
How did Atlantis become Antarctica? Next

Master Index

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

Here is a simplified cross-section of the Earth.

The inner core is extremely heavy like a metal ball.
The outer core is fluid but still very dense.
The mantle is hard like solid rock.
The crust (almost invisible) is a thin layer.
It's where all life exists.

The crust includes the continents and the ocean basins.

It rests upon a mobile layer know as the asthenosphere.

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Atlantis was destroyed when

the entire outer shell of the earth
displaced over the asthenosphere.
This is called an 'earth crust displacement'
a theory endorsed by Albert Einstein. (Einstein-Hapgood Papers)
It plays havoc with our planet's climate. Next

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

Climatic change in
the north:
The former and
current position of
the Arctic Circle are
shown as overlapping
circles in the center
of the map. The
current and former
Tropic of Cancer
latitudes mark off
the large arcs.

The Inter-Polar
zone: this area
contains the most
ice in the
The Paleo-Polar
zone: the Great
Lakes are a
remnant of Ice
Age America.
The Neo-Polar
zone: millions of
temperate zone
animals (including
mammoths, giant
deer, cave hyena,
and cave lions)
died out in
Siberia, Alaska,
The InterTemperate zone:
hunting and
Agriculture when it arrived came from
outside this area.

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

The Neo-Temperate zone: the first five civilisation emerged (Sumer, Egypt, Crete, India
and China).
The Neo-Tropical zone: Olmec civilisation. Maize was domesticated.
The earth crust displacment theory
makes sense of climatic change worldwide.
Let's Next look at the south.

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

The former and current Antarctica

Circle and the Equator mark off
different climatic events following
the last earth crust displacement.

The Inter-Polar zone:

contains the most ice in the
world. It is antipodal
(opposite side of the globe)
to the Greenland Ice Sheet.
The Paleo-Polar zone: melting
ice. It is antipodal to Ice Age
The Neo-Polar zone: Atlantis
perished. Contains shallowest
ice sheet yet receives the
most annual snowfall. It is
antipodal to Alaska, Siberia
and Beringia.
The Inter-tropical zone:
where tropical agriculture
emerged. Tropical
agricultural origins in the
Andes are antipodal to those
in Thailand.

Next let's look at myths of the flood and lost island paradise.
you could:


See how the ice sheets formed

and how the first people of America arrived by clicking here.

Master Index

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

Geologists have failed to

explain the geography of
today's ice sheets.
Today's Arctic Circle is
centered on what is known as
the 'Arctic Ocean'. Notice
that northern Alaska and
Siberia are well within the
polar zone. The bulk of the ice
in the northern hemisphere is
concentrated on Greenland.
This vast ice sheet includes an
mini ice cap that is outside the
Arctic Circle.
Problem # 1 is: How did
Greenland acquire it's ice?

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

Greenland's Ice Sheet is thickest on the center of the island.

The black area is over 3000 meters (almost 2 miles) thick. It
is surrounded by ice between 2500 and 3000 meters. There is
a second, mini ice cap to the south of the main ice sheet that is
of considerable thickness yet is outside the Arctic Circle. The
ice becomes shallower (2000 - 2500 meters) as we approach
the coast where the ice is less than 1000 meters deep.
The fascinating thing is that Greenland's ice sheets cannot at
all be explained by the annual snowfall:
In this smaller map of Greenland we see that there is very
little annual snowfall on the interior of the island. Central
Greenland is a polar desert. In fact, the snow that does fall on
Greenland is concentrated on the eastern and northeastern
coasts where the ice sheet is shallow. Geologists simply have
no explanation for this. Before we explain the ice formation on
Greenland we need to turn to the south because the same
puzzle exists on Antarctica. Next

http://www.flem-ath.com/iceform2.htm [30-11-02 23:01:27]

Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

The first thing we need to

realize about Antarctica is just
how big it is.
Greater is Antarctica is
comparable to the United
States of America.
Lesser Antarctica is about the
size of Western Europe.
Next let's look at the ice on

http://www.flem-ath.com/iceform3.htm [30-11-02 23:01:33]

Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

More than 90% of the world's fresh

water is locked up as ice on Antarctica.
The thickest ice (black = 3000 - 3800 meters)
is on Greater Antarctica. As we move towards
the coast the ice diminishes (2000 - 3000 m)
and diminishes (1000 - 2000 m) until we reach
the shallow coastlines (less than 1000 m).
Next let's look at the snowfall.

http://www.flem-ath.com/iceform4.htm [30-11-02 23:01:41]

Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

Just like central Greenland, central

Antarctica is a polar desert. The snowfall
increases as you move towards the coast
with the greatest amount landing on Lesser
Antarctica's 'tail.'


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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

Ice Sheet


Annual Snowfall

Lesser Antarctica has the least ice but the most annual snowfall.
Greater Antarctica has the most ice but is a polar desert. The
present climatic conditions cannot explain the ice sheet here.
Problem # 2 is: How do we explain the geography ofAntarctica's ice?
Problem # 3 (our final one) takes us to Ice Age America. Next

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

Ice Age
Prior to 9,600 B.C.
there were two ice
sheets on North
America. In the
east the larger ice
sheet centered on
the Hudson Bay
occupied most of
Canada and is the
source of today's
Great Lakes.
In the west there
was a second ice
sheet centered on
British Columbia
but extending to
parts of Alaska.
Parts of the coast
of B.C. & Alaska
were ice-free.
Notice that
Beringia (land now
submerged) is icefree as is
northern Siberia
and most of
An ice-free
corridor is the
supposed entry
point for the
native people of
Problem # 3 is: How do we get this configuration of ice in North America?
To answer all three problems (ice on Greenland, Antarctica and North America) we need
to view the position of the polar zones over three earth crust displacements. Next

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

Problem # 1: How did Greenland receive its ice


Greenland has been in the polar zone

longer than any other area in the north.
When the Arctic Circle was centered at
73N 10E Greenland was within the polar

http://www.flem-ath.com/iceprob1.htm (1 of 2) [30-11-02 23:02:20]

Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

When the Arctic Circle was centered at
60N 83W Greenland again in the polar
Today Greenland is still inside the polar
except for the mini-ice cap in the south
which is a remnant of the two previous
Arctic Circles. Next

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

63S 45E

73S 170W

60S 97E

Problem # 2: How did Antarctica get its ice sheet?

Antarctica is a polar desert yet contains 90% of the world's fresh
water locked up as ice.
Greater Antarctica acquired its massive ice sheet because it was
has been within the polar zone for the last three displacements
and remains so today. Lesser Antarctica' ice sheet is relatively
shallow because it escaped the polar zone until the last earth
crust displacement brought it (Atlantis) into the Antarctic Circle.

Lesser and Greater Antarctica

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

Problem # 3 is: How do we get this configuration

of ice in North America?
The western ice cap was formed when the Arctic
Circle was at 63N 135W. It began to melt when
the crust moved to 73N 10E (origin of European
glaciation) but remained in the higher elevations of
the Rocky Mountains. The melting stopped when

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

the crust moved to 60N 83W.

The larger eastern ice cap centered on the Hudson
Bay (60N 83W) was result of this part of the
earth's crust resting in the polar zone.
The ice-free corridor 'opened' after the last
earth crust displacement when the crust over the
pole moved to the Arctic Ocean.

Ice Age America

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Next we turn to the peopling of America.

Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

The peopling of America has received a

great deal more attention in recent years.
The tradition theory has been the people
made their way into the far northeastern
corner of Siberia and crossed the Beringia
land bridge over to Alaska. Then around
10,000 B.C. the ice-free corridor opened
up between the western and eastern ice
The mythology of the first people of
America tell a different story (as we will
see) but let's first look at North America
before the last earth crust displacement.

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

at what
we now
call the
Coast" of
as it was
years ago
when the
crust was
in a
coast we
see here
then be
that we
are on
the home
of the
From their perspective, what today is east was then north. For the Haida the Hudson Bay was
to the north, Alaska and Beringia lay to the west and California lay to the east. The sun
appeared to rise from California and set in Alaska. Under these conditions a movement from
what we call the "Old World" of Siberia to the "New World" of America is simply a journey
from west to east. And that makes it a lot easier for the people of America to arrive thousands
of years before what archeologists are considering today. And they didn't need the ice-free
corridor to bring them to America. This ice-free corridor simply mirrors the arc of the sun's
former path: the area which received the most sunshine. Its existence is to be expected.
Next we look at the mythology of earth crust displacements and the 'stories' of a lost island
paradise. OR if you've been there then try here.

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

What you have just read is based

upon our book When the Sky Fell:
In Search of Atlantis.
Read Press Reviews
Read Amazon reviews of
When the Sky Fell:
In Search of Atlantis
Master Index
Read about Rose's novel:
Field of Thunder
Home Page

http://www.flem-ath.com/aa22b.htm [30-11-02 23:03:40]

Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

Throughout the world there are
hundreds of myths about a great
flood but here we focus on those
which tell of the events that

In North America the Haida

in British Columbia have a
myth of sky supporter who
sits in a canoe upon the ocean
with a pillar extending to the
heavens. If he should loose
his grip the world will end as
the sky falls bringing a flood.
The Utes of Utah tell of a
time when the Sun's tears
brought a flood.
The Chato of California tell
of a time when the sky fell
bringing a flood.
The A'a'tam (Pima) of
Arizona believed in a giant
grey spider who spun a great
web to keep the sky secure
and to prevent the earth
from trembling.
The Cherokee of the
southern Appalachian
Mountains also believed the
flood was caused by the tears
of the Sun.
In South America the Ipurinas of Brazil believed that the flood was caused when the Sun
tipped over released hot water over the earth.
The Araucanians of Chile feared that an eclipse of the Sun was a warning of a coming
flood that would end the world.

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

In Europe the Celts did not fear earthquakes or floods but they feared the day when the
sky would fall ending the world.
In Germanic lore an inspired seeress spoke a time in the future when the Sun will turn
black, the earth will sink into the sea and the stars will whirl down from the sky. That will
be the end-of-the-world.
In Russia the Mari conceived of the earth as resting on the horns of a bull who in turn
stood on the back of a gigantic submerged crab. They feared a time when the bull's horn
would break plunging the earth through the sky until it fell into the ocean. That would be
the end-of-the-world.
Seen from the ground the sky-sun-stars seem to fall when the earth's crust shifts. The
flood is a combination of tidal waves and rising ocean levels as the old ice sheets melt.
Each myth, in its own way, retells the events of the last earth crust displacement.
And there are tales of a lost island paradise which perished in the flood. Next

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

Lost Paradise Myths:







Because so many researchers

have argued that Atlantis is
merely a figment of Plato's
imagination, we decided to
see if we could reconstruct
the legend by turning Next to
world mythology.

http://www.flem-ath.com/aa14.htm [30-11-02 23:04:13]

Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

The Okanagan people tell of a

time before the Flood when
their ancestors lived on "an
island far off in the middle of
the ocean."
This island was called Samahtumi-whoo-lah
and there came a time when
the people saw "that their
island was about to sink" so
the escaped across the ocean
to their new land (British
Columbia and Washington).
They believed that in the
future the "...lakes will melt
the foundations of the world,
and the rivers will cut the
world loose. Then it will
float as the island did many
suns and snows ago. That will
be the end of the world."


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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

The Cherokee believed that:

"The earth is a great island
floating in a sea of water, and
suspended at each of the
four cardinal points by a cord
hanging down from the sky
vault, which is of solid rock.
When the world grows old and
worn out, the people will die
and the cords will break and
let the earth sink into the
ocean, and all with be water
again." Note: 'again.'
An clue to the location of the
'great island' reads:
"There is another world under
this, and it like ours in
everything - animals, plants,
and people - save the seasons
are different."
Is this a reference to the
southern hemisphere?


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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

The Aztecs of ancient Mexico

tell of a time before the
Flood when their ancestors
lived on the island of Aztlan.
They describe Aztlan as
"located beyond the waters,
or surrounded by waters; and
the first stage of the
migration is said to have been
made by boat."
Aztlan was "a bright land of
shining light and whiteness
which contained seven cities
surrounding a sacred


http://www.flem-ath.com/aa17.htm [30-11-02 23:04:47]

Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

The Aymara of the central

Andes live on the sacred
waters of Lake Titicaca.
They tell of strange events
when builders came from the
south after the flood.
Arthur Posnansky studied the
remains of Tiahuanaco longer
than anyone else and came to
the conclusion that the
abandoned city with its
megalithic constructions was
originally populated by the
people from the lost island
paradise of 'Aztlan'.


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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

None of these native

Americans live on islands
today. Combining these
myths we have a common
Our ancestors came from a
great white moutainous island
in the middle of the ocean.
This island sank at the time
of the Flood destroying its
cities and forcing evacation
from the island by
That - in essence - is Plato's
Atlantis legend retold in
America. We don't need
Plato to be seeking a lost

Next we retell the story

using myths from the Middle

East and Asia.

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

The most ancient civilisation

known to archaeology is in
present-day Iraq and was
known as Sumer. Its origins
are unknown.
In 1899-1900, a team of
American archaeologists
unearthed 35,000 tablets
from the holy Sumerian city
of Nippur. These ancient
records told of a time before
the Flood when the sky-god
conspired with the flood-god
to destroy humanity. The
earth-god sided with the King
by warning him that a Flood
was coming. Prior to the
disaster, the King and his
family lived a life of great
ease on Dilmun, a lost island
that lay across the ocean, and
which had cities and fabulous
mountains. Next

http://www.flem-ath.com/aa19.htm [30-11-02 23:05:05]

Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

In 1897, Bal Gangadhar Tilak

paid a price for his advocacy
of passive resistence
(something Mahatma Gandhi
learned from him) by being
imprisoned for opposing the
British rule of India. While
in prision Tilak studied
ancient Vedic literature.
In the Zend-Avesta Tilak
found a passage about the
flood that had a new twist.
He summarized a key:
"Ahura Mazda warns Yima,
the first king of men, of the
apporach of a dire winter,
which is to destroy every
living creature by covering
the land with a thick sheet of
ice, and advises Yima to build
a Vara, or an enclosure, to
preserve the seeds of every
king of animal and plant."
The conversation was
supposed to have taken place
on an island Paradise that is
now covered with a thick
sheet of ice.


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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

In 681 A.D., the Japanese

Emperor Temnu ordered a scribe
to compile a written record of the
most ancient myths.
Writing in 1885, the American
scholar (and founder of Boston
University) Dr. William Fairfield
Warren summarized the 'Genesis'
passage of The Ko-ji-ki (Record
of Ancient Matters) where a god
and goddess are:
"...standing on the bridge of
heaven, pushed down a spear into
the green plain of sea, and
stirred it round and round. When
they drew it up the drops which
fell from its end consolidated
onto an island. The sun-born pair
descended onto the island, and
planting a spear in the ground,
point downwards, built a palace
round it, taking that for the
central roof-pillar. The spear
became the axis of the earth,
which had been caused to revolve
by stirring round."
Warren concluded that
Onogorojima ('Island of the
Congealed Drop') was an island
near the pole.


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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

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Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust

Rand & Rose Flem-Ath

Combing the myths from Japan, India (and

Iran) along with the Sumerian tablets about
Dilmun we can say that they speak of:
Our ancestors tell of a lost island paradise
containing cities and mountains which was
destroyed in a flood and then covered by a
thick sheet of ice. This first land was near
the pole.
We do not need Plato to be searching for a
lost civilisation that perished when the sky
fell. But having Plato's account just makes
it that much easier to regain our lost
legacy. Next OR
if you skipped how the ice sheets formed
and how the first people of America arrived
you can you there by clicking here.
Order When the Sky Fell

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