Dr G C Werrett
Christchurch Hospital
New Zealand
Self Assessment
1. What are the adverse metabolic consequences of insulin deficiency?
a. Increased glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
b. Ketogenesis and metabolic acidaemia
c. Protein synthesis
d. Dehydration
e. Lipolysis
2. What additional clinical/laboratory tests might you perform in a diabetic patient
presenting for elective major abdominal surgery? Why might the test be useful?
a. Heart rate variability
b. Glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1C)
c. Assessment of interphalangeal joint stiffness
d. Pulmonary function tests
e. Neurological examination
3. Which of the following diseases are associated with diabetes?
a. Pancreatitis
b. Acromegaly
c. Cushings syndrome
d. Hypothyroidism
e. Phaeochromocytoma
Key Points
Diabetics are at increased risk of perioperative complications
Cardiac, renal and neurological manifestations are common
Aim for a stable plasma glucose and avoid hypo/hyperglycaemia
Tight glycaemic control can impove perioperative outcome
Diabetes Mellitus
Fasting or
2hrs post load/ Random
Others -where the cause is known such as gestational diabetes, drug-induced diabetes,
pancreatic diseases, endocrinopathies like acromegaly/Cushings
Diabetes is a multisystem disorder caused by a relative or absolute lack of insulin. The
prevalence of diabetes is approximately 7%. The majority (85%) have type 2 diabetes.
With increasing obesity, reduced exercise and alterations in dietary habits, the prevalence
of diabetes is increasing. For every case of diagnosed type 2 diabetes, there is another
undiagnosed individual.
The cleaving of proinsulin from the beta cells of the pancreas produces the peptide
hormone insulin. Insulin has both excitatory and inhibitory effects. For example, it
simultaneously stimulates lipogenesis from glucose whilst inhibiting lipolysis. It is the
inhibitory actions, such as the tonic inhibition of lipolysis, proteolysis, glyogenolysis,
gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis, that are the physiologically more important. Thus, the
fasting hyperglycaemia of diabetes is due predominantly to overproduction of glucose by
the liver as opposed to the commonly thought, underutilisation of glucose by peripheral
tissues. In effect, insulin keeps the brakes on a number of key metabolic processes and
prevents over-secretion of the anti-insulin hormones -glucagon, cortisol, growth
hormone and catecholamines. These hormones also happen to be released as part of the
stress response to surgery.
In the absence of insulin, the brake is removed and a sort of metabolic mayhem ensues.
The resulting hyperglycaemia leads to an osmotic diuresis and dehydration with
associated sodium and potassium loss. In the absence of insulin (type 1 DM), ketogeneis
also occurs with associated metabolic acidaemia a state of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).
If there is some residual insulin activity (type 2 DM), enough to inhibit lipolysis and
ketogenesis but not gluconeogenesis, then a hyperosmolar non-ketotic (HONK) diabetic
coma can ensue. Both states are medical emergencies with a high mortality; the specific
treatments are beyond this review.
Chronic hyperglycaemia results in microvascular (including proliferative retinopathy and
diabetic nephropathy), neuropathic (autonomic and peripheral neuropathies) and
macrovascular (accelerated atherosclerosis) complications. Improved glycaemic control
has a beneficial effect on the microvascular and neuropathic complications in type 2
diabetes. Blood pressure control is particularly important to help prevent macrovascular
complications. It is the chronic complications that need careful assessment in the
preoperative period.
Preoperative Assessment
A standard assessment is required with specific attention to the following details:
Autonomic Neuropathy
Autonomic dysfunction is detectable in up to 40% of type 1 diabetics. Only a few have
the typical symptoms and signs of postural hypotension, gastroparesis, gustatory
sweating, and nocturnal diarrhoea. It is worth assessing all diabetic patients for
autonomic neuropathy. The easiest way is to assess heart rate variability. The normal
heart rate should increase by over 15 beats/minute in response to deep breathing.
Neuropathy is likely is there is less than 10 beats/minute increase.
Peripheral Neuropathy
The commonest type of peripheral neuropathy is the glove and stocking type. However
diabetics are also prone to mononeuritis multiplex and some particularly painful sensory
Poor patient positioning is more likely to result in pressure sores that are often slow to
heal given poor peripheral blood flow. Documentation of existing neuropathy is prudent,
especially if considering a regional technique.
Diabetics are more prone to ischaemic heart disease (IHD), hypertension, peripheral
vascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, cardiomyopathy and perioperative myocardial
infarction. Ischaemia may be silent as a result of neuropathy. Routine ECG should be
performed and appropriate stress testing if in doubt.
Autonomic neuropathy can result in sudden tachycardia, bradycardia, postural
hypotension and profound hypotension after central neuraxial blockade.
Diabetics, especially the obese and smokers are more prone to respiratory infections and
might also have abnormal spirometry. Chest physiotherapy, humidified oxygen and
bronchodilators should be considered.
Gastroparesis is characterised by a delay in gastric emptying without any gastric outlet
obstruction. Increased gastric contents increase the risk of aspiration. Always ask about
symptoms of reflux and consider a rapid sequence induction with cricoid pressure even in
elective procedures. If available prescribe an H2 antagonist such as ranitidine150mg plus
metoclopramide 10mg, at least 2 hours preoperatively.
Glycosylation of collagen in the cervical and temporo-mandibular joints can cause
difficulty in intubation. To test if a patient is at risk, ask them to bring their hands
together, as if praying, and simultaneously hyperextend to 90 degrees at the wrist joint. If
the little fingers do not oppose, anticipate difficulty in intubation.
Diabetes is one of the commonest causes of end-stage renal failure. Check urea,
creatinine and electrolytes. Specifically check the potassium especially in view of the
possible need for suxamethonium as a result of gastroparesis. If unavailable, proteinuria
is likely to indicate kidney damage. Ensure adequate hydration to reduce postoperative
renal dysfunction.
Immune system
Diabetics are prone to all types of infection. Indeed an infection might actually worsen
diabetic control. Tight glycaemic control will reduce the incidence and severity of
infections and is routine practice in the management of sepsis and diabetic foot
infections. Perform all invasive procedures with full asepsis.
Autonomic neuropathy predisposes to hypothermia under anaesthesia
Diabetics are prone to cataracts and retinopathy. Prevent surges in blood pressure, for
example at induction, as this might cause rupture of the new retinal vessels.
Hypoglycaemic Therapy
Type 1 diabetics always require insulin.
Insulin can be extracted from bovine or porcine pancreas, or more commonly now,
synthesised using recombinant DNA technology.
There are three types of insulin preparation, each classified by its duration of action.
Soluble insulin has a rapid onset and short duration of action. Intermediate and longer
acting insulins are mixed with protamine or zinc to delay absorption, are insoluble and
should only be given S/C.
Type 2 diabetics can be managed with diet alone, diet and oral agents or insulin,
depending on the degree of insulin resistance and residual insulin activity.
Dietary advice and weight loss is the mainstay of therapy
There are four groups of oral hypoglycaemics (see table below).
Oral Agent
of action
insulin release
insulin action
Delays rise in
Add on therapy
glucose conc.
*Risk of acidosis is not as great as was thought. More likely to occur in the elderly, with
associated dehydration and with higher doses. Reduce dose with renal impairment.
Metformin is well tolerated, causes beneficial weight loss, has been unequivocally shown
to reduce mortality and is less likely to cause hypoglycaemia than sulphonylureas. Thus it
is the first choice agent if diet therapy alone fails.
Anaesthetic Management
General Principles
If local guidelines exist, follow those for continuity of practice. Below are some
examples of diabetic protocols
Minor surgery, type 2 diabetes NOT on insulin (diet/tablet controlled), 1st on list
Preoperative blood sugar <10mmol/l Take normal medication inc. evening dose
Preoperative blood sugar >10mmol/l Treat as if Major surgery
Omit oral hypoglycaemic on morning of surgery
Monitor blood glucose 1 hour preop; intraoperatively if over 1 hour; and 4hourly
postop until eating.
Recommence oral hypoglycaemics with first meal
6 (check infusion running)
*If blood potassium level unavailable, add 10mmol KCL per bag
Defined as blood glucose less than 4mmol/l, hypoglycaemia is one of the main dangers to
patients in the perioperative period. In the awake patient, the usual warning symptoms
and signs include profuse sweating, pallor, light-headedness, tachycardia, confusion and
incomprehensible speech progressing to convulsions and coma.
Irreversible brain damage can occur. Alcohol consumption, liver disease, fasting and
sepsis exacerbate hypoglycaemia. Hypoglycaemia may also result inadvertently by poor
blood glucose monitoring or equipment failure.
The best warning sign, that of the conscious patient detecting a forthcoming Hypo, is
lost under general anaesthesia together with most of the other signs.
Frequent monitoring of blood glucose, and appropriate adjustments to therapy is the key
in prevention
Once detected, give 25ml of 50% dextrose intravenously and repeat if blood sugar
measurement doesnt increase. Glucagon 1mg IM or IV is an alternative but slower
strategy. If the patient is awake, try any sugary food/solution to hand
Regional techniques are not contraindicated in the diabetic patient and offer some
potential advantages such as the avoidance of intubation, having an awake patient to warn
of impending hypoglycaemia, and an earlier return to normal eating patterns.
Document any existing motor/sensory neuropathies prior to performing any blocks and
look for evidence of autonomic neuropathy. If present, expect increased hypotension after
neuraxial blocks. The chances of epidural abscess are also increased.
The diabetic patient provides many challenges to the anaesthetist, most of which can be
anticipated with good preoperative assessment, careful monitoring and an understanding
of the relevant pathophysiological features. Regional techniques might reduce some of
the associated risks but require similar vigilance.
McAnulty GR, Robertshaw HJ, Hall GM. Anaesthetic management of patients with
diabetes mellitus. Br J Anaesth 2000, 85: 80-90
French G. Clinical management of diabetes mellitus during anaesthesia and surgery.
Update in Anaesthesia 2000, 11: Article 13