Basic Module - New

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conversation SECTION

conversation SECTION

Meeting 1 giving directions

A. Listen to the audio carefully, and try to listen what the speakers explaining!


The speaker gives directions to the _______________

The speaker gives directions to the _______________
The speaker gives directions to the _______________
The speaker gives directions to the _______________

B. Check your understanding by matching the gaps with the appropirate words!





1. Go _______________ on.
2. _______________ past the traffic lights.
3. Its the building next to the library _______________ the left.

4. _______________ the roundabout turn left.

5. Then _______________ the first left on to Green Street.
6. Go _______________ the traffic lights and take the _______________ right on to
Kings Road.

C. Discussion Questions, which directions?

1. Tell me how can we reach Pulogadung Bus Station?
2. How can we go to the MKG?
3. What would you do if you got lost?
4. Do you like using GPS? Or do you prefer to ask people? Why?
5. What is the disadvantages of using GPS?


Meeting 2 common mistakes

A. Listen to the audio carefully, and try to find the missing words!
Hello internet! Im Ellen a.k.a icklenellierose. In all my years of
searching the web I have seen countless _____________ on my
native language but instead of punching people in the face every
time they get it wrong I thought I would make an
__________________ video instead! So Im here with Ellens English
Teachin you to rite proper like wot I do! This particular video will
cover the most common mistakes that I see on the internet and this
is an actual _____________ so sit down, shut up and listen!
this is the worst one; seriously, Ive moaned about this one before
and it drives me up the wall. Theres so many people that still dont know it and it is one of
the ____________ things in the English language. Your Y-O-U-R equals belonging. Your cat.
Your dog. Your computer.
Youre Y-O-U apostrophe R-E equals you are. You are ____________ or you are sad. For
some reason ninety per cent of people on the internet just put the Y-O-U-R version. This pees
me off so much. People write comments on my videos saying 'Your ______' to which I say 'My
fat what?' And if you are one of those people that go 'oh, but it's shorter and Im just writing
it to save time'. Are you that lazy that you cant press two extra _______________? We are
the internet generation, we need all the exercise we can get!
Their. T-H-E-I-R is belonging. Their cat. Their dog. Their computer. Theyre. T-H-E-Y
apostrophe R-E is they are. They are ___________. They are sad. There. T-H-E-R-E is usually
a place in space or time. Lets go over there or shes over there. There are loads of fiddly
different uses for this version of there but they usually all relate to a ___________ or
something like that. But basically if it doesnt match the previous two uses of theyre/their
then just put T-H-E-R-E.
Its I-T-S equals belonging. Its cat. Its dog. Its computer. Its I-T apostrophe S equals it is. It is
happy. It is sad. This one is more sneaky because usually apostrophes denote that something
belongs to ___________________, i.e. This is Ellens video. You put an apostrophe but not
when it comes to 'its'. No, instead the creators of the English language have done something
weird here so it fits in with the same rule as youre and theyre, where the apostrophe denotes
that a _____________ has been taken out and two words have been squished ____________
and then so we didnt get confused between the two they took the apostrophe out of the
belonging version of its so that we would know it was a different type of thing so when we
would __________ something we knew what they were talking about. Either that or they
were just screwing with us. But anyway thats all for today's lesson. If you see any other
language rules constantly broken online and would like me to explain them to people, please
do let me know in the _______________ section, on Twitter, on Facebook just write it on
there but do be aware that I will be marking you on grammar, spelling and punctuation. See
ya, ________________ on that one. Bye.

B. Text Understanding: Circle the best answer to these questions!

1. Ellens video covers the ______________.
a. most embarrassing mistakes she has seen on the internet.
b. most common mistakes she has seen on the internet.
c. most confusing mistakes she has seen on the internet.
2. According to Ellen, which is the simplest mistake in the English language?
a. Your / Youre
b. Their / Theyre / There
c. Its / Its
3. On the internet, ninety per cent of people write the
a. Y-O-U--R-E version.
b. Y-O-U-R version.
c. Y-O-U version.
4. Why does Ellen think some people are lazy?
a. Because they dont press two extra buttons.
b. Because they sit down too much.
c. Because they dont think about spelling.
5. Some of the people write comments on her videos saying Your fat, to which she
a. Yes, I am.
b. No, you are.
c. My fat what?
6. Their means
a. they are.
b. belonging to them.
c. it is usually a place in space or time.
7. There normally relates to
a. a person.
b. a place.
c. an animal.
8. The apostrophe in its shows that

a. something belongs to someone.

b. it is a different rule to theyre and youre.
c. a letter has been taken out.

C. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences from the interviews.





youre 2x


1. How good is _______________ grammar?

2. The neighbours have asked me to feed _______________ cat while
_______________ away.
3. Scotland is famous for _______________ beautiful rivers, lochs and forests.
4. Mum says _______________ time to go.
5. Thanks, Dad! Do you know _______________ the best dad in the world?
6. Do you know where my notebook is? I thought I left it _______________.
7. Mum and the girls phoned. _______________ going to be late.
8. Do you know what _______________ doing in the summer?

D. Discussion Questions
1. Do you often make mistakes when you speak English?
2. What are the most difficult words that you remember?
3. Do you write email in English? How?
4. What does the word lets mean?
5. What is the difference between his and hes?

Meeting 3 - Player Interviews

A. Listen to the audio carefully, and try to find the missing words!

Why is it important to learn English?

Serge Gnabry

: English is the ______________ language of the world so I think its

very important. Everywhere you go you can communicate with
people so you should learn English.

Jos Fonte

: Its very important because everywhere in the world someone will

speak English to you so you need to know ___________________ of
English so you can communicate with everyone and it must be one of
the most talked languages in the world.

Alex Kacaniklic

: First of all, it's the most ________________ language there is, and for
me it's important to know it.

Vincent Kompany

: Not English in particular, but its a way of ... It is the most spoken
language in the world. It does give you a chance to communicate with
so many people from other cultures and Im not speaking just about
the English but _________________ and my advice to the English
kids would be to learn other languages, too.

Do you speak English with your teammates?

Vincent Kompany

: I speak __________ language.

Alex Kacaniklic

: Yeah, yeah, every day and growing up in ___________ you start

learning it at seven, eight years old.

Jos Fonte

: Yes, I do.

Vincent Kompany

: I literally _____________ any language.

Serge Gnabry

: Yeah, we have a lot of foreign players so you have to communicate

in English.

What's your favourite word in English?

Jos Fonte

: Er, that's __________________ ...

Alex Kacaniklic

: Favourite English saying ... I don't know ... __________________.

Serge Gnabry

: I dont have any.

Alex Kacaniklic

: There's a couple but like you said ... suitable for ...

Jos Fonte

: 'Decent', ___________________. Yes.

Vincent Kompany

: I like the Its probably northern but when they say right 'were off'
its just I dont know I like that Say were off. Means
______________ when you think of it, innit: were off ...

What word would you teach on Premier Skills English?

Serge Gnabry

: 'Nutmeg' or 'one-twos'.

Jos Fonte

: Thats a ______________ one, yeah, 'nutmeg'. That's quite good.

Alex Kacaniklic

: I like ___________________', what it means. So to teach that ...

Vincent Kompany

: I would just say look around ... just look around ... always be aware
of where you are. A lot of kids just get their head down and start
running with the _____________. And they just dont have a clue
any more whether theyre still on the pitch or outside of the pitch
and just dont make the right decision, so just look ______________
and take your time.

B. Collocations: Choose the correct words to complete each phrase. Beware of one
sentence that has no missing words!





7. communicate ______________ people

8. learn __________ English
9. everywhere ___________ the world
10. first ____________ all
11. give you ___________ chance
12. my advice ___________ the English kids
13. communicate _____ English
14. never give _____

15. be aware _____ where you are

C. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences from the interviews.

spoken there It's language the is. Most


communicate You other people can with from cultures.


important know It's to it.


speak I any literally language.


like give I 'never up'.


where you Look... be Always of are. around aware


D. Discussion Questions
6. Do you think English is important? Why?
7. What are the advantages of being able to speak English?
8. Mention one difficulty in learning English?
9. What are other languages that you understand?
10. Mention one tips to learn English!


Meeting 4 BAD HABITS

A. Listen to the audio carefully, and try to find the missing words!

What are your bad habits? I think

_____________ has bad habits. Not
everyone agrees on what bad habits
are. Some ___________ dont think
smoking is a bad habit. Young people
dont think listening to loud
__________ on the train is a bad habit.
In Japan, slurping your noodles is a
sign that you enjoy your food, but making a __________ while eating in England is not good.
Have you ever tried to break your bad habits? I have quit smoking and have stopped leaving
things laying around the __________. I wish other people would stop their bad habits. I get
annoyed when people are late for _____________ or talk loudly on their phones in public. I
also think many motorists need to think about their driving habits. Perhaps I should
______________ their bad habits.
B. List of bad habits


C. Make five questions related to bad habits!

1) ______________________________________________________________________
2) ______________________________________________________________________
3) ______________________________________________________________________
4) ______________________________________________________________________
5) ______________________________________________________________________




Meeting 5 - THE FUTURE

The future is what will happen in
the time after the present. The
future has been a major subject
of philosophy, religion, and
science for thousands of years.
Future studies or futurology is
the science and practice of
discussing the likelihood of
future events and trends.
Futures studies seeks to
understand what is likely to
continue and what is likely to
change. A key part of this
process is understanding the
potential future impact of decisions made by individuals, organisations and governments.
Leaders use results of such work to assist in decision-making.
A. Video
What do you think about some of the inventions that are planned for the future?
Do you think they are all positive developments?
B. Vocabulary

C. Idioms
Its on the horizon something that will happen soon
Its on the cards something that is planned for the future
A taste of things to come a preview of something that will happen in the future
Ahead of ones time - having ideas that are more advanced than those in the
Just around the corner something that is going to happen soon


D. Conversation Questions
What do you hope for your own future?
What are you afraid of about the future?
What will you become in twenty years from now?
Would you like to live 100 years in the future? Why?
Would you like to live 100 years in the past? Why?
What do you think about the future of your country?
Do you want to have the ability to know the future? Why?
Do you believe that fortune tellers can predict the future?
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future? Why?
What would you plan for your children's future?
Do you think humans will ever meet aliens?



Meeting 6 - STRESS
Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or
emotional pressure and makes us feel unable to cope with
something. Many things can cause stress, particularly
work, relationships and financial problems. Stress can
affect how we think, feel, and behave, and can even affect
our health. Common signs of stress include sleeping
problems, loss of appetite and having difficulty
concentrating. Luckily, there are many things we can do to
help relieve stress, such as getting exercise, talking with
friends, starting a new hobby, or owning a pet.
A. Video
What do you think about the statistic that 75% of visits to the doctor are the result
of stress?
Do you agree that technology keeps us in a state of stress?
B. Vocabulary




Calm down

C. Idioms
To reach your limits to reach a point where you cannot cope with anything more
To be up to your neck in something to be overwhelmed by something (usually
Snowed under to have so much work that it is difficult to manage
To have too much on your plate to be overburdened with work
To be burnt out to be exhausted from doing too much
D. Conversation Questions
What do you think causes stress?
What are some things that make you feel stressed?
What do you do to relieve your stress?


Is learning English stressful?

Is life becoming more or less stressful for people?
Do you have trouble sleeping when you are stressed?
What situations do you find stressful?
Do you get nervous if you have to make a speech?
Do you suffer from stress when you have too much work to do?
What are some positive ways people deal with stress?
What are some negative ways people deal with stress?
What is the most stressful job you can think of?
Which would you choose: A stressful job with very high pay or a relaxing job with
considerably low pay? Why?




A. Video
How important are hands in non-verbal
Have you ever experienced a misunderstanding
related to body language?

B. Vocabulary
Non-verbal communication
Body language
Eye contact




Shake hands

C. Idioms
To make the first move to be the first to try to start a romantic relationship with
To keep ones fingers crossed - to wish for luck for someone or something,
sometimes by actually crossing one's fingers.
Actions speak louder than words - What you do is more significant than what you
D. Phrasal Verbs
Wave off - When you wave somebody off, you wave to them as they leave
Wave down - When you wave a vehicle down, you wave your hands to make it stop.
Bow down To bend one's knee or body, or lower one's head as a sign of
submission or respect.

Conversation Questions
Do you think body language is important?
How does body language help communication?


Are you aware of your own body language?

Do you notice other peoples body language?
What are some typical hand gestures in your culture?
Can you think of any gestures that are common across all cultures?
Can you understand something about a persons personality by looking at their body
What do you think it means when a person fidgets?
What does it say about a person when they cross their arms?
What do you think it means when a person stands with their hands on their hips?
Some people say you can know a person by their handshake. Do you agree?
What type of eye contact do you think is good?
Does your eye contact change according to the situation?
How do you feel if someone doesnt give you eye contact?
How do you feel if someone stares at you?
What body language does a person who is bored show?
What body language does a person who is nervous show?
Is body language different between men and women?
Do you try to use body language when you communicate in English?
Do you agree that actions speak louder than words?






A. Reading
Read the conversation below and try to grab the
Worker 1: Hey, could you please help me with
the work?
Worker 2: Id be glad to help out. What seems
to be a problem?
Worker 1: I dont get the calculation. Would
you mind explaining to me?
Worker 2: No problem. Its difficult!
Worker 1: Yeah, I know. Thanks a lot.
Worker 2: Dont worry about it.
B. Structure - Asking
Could/Would you do me a favor?
- Would you do me a favor? I need some help.
- Could you do me a favor? I'm late for work ...
Could you please + verb
- Could you please take me to work?
- Could you please lend me a hand?
Could you possibly + verb
- Could you possibly take some time off to help?
- Could you possibly work overtime today?
Could I ask / bother / trouble you + infinitive
- Could I ask you to help my brother?
- Could I bother you to give a ride to work?
- Could I trouble you to open the door for me?
Would you mind + verb + ing
- Would you mind closing the window?
- Would you mind cooking dinner tonight?
Would it be too much trouble for you + infinitive
- Would it be too much trouble for you to let me come in late tomorrow?
- Would it be too much trouble for you to take a look at this letter?
C. Structure Granting / Refusing


If you would like to say "yes" to someone who asks you for a favor, you can grant the
favor using these phrases:
No problem.
I'd be happy to help you.
It would be my pleasure.
I'd be glad to help out.
If you are unable to help out and need to say "no", you can refuse a favor with these
I'm afraid I can't.
Sorry, but I'm unable + infinitive
Unfortunately, I'm not able + infinitive.

D. Practice
Make a short conversation based on the conditions below!
1. Ask your partner to loan you IDR 200,000 for the weekend.
2. Ask your partner to help you with his/her computer virus.
3. Ask your partner to assist you in filling tax form
4. Ask your partner to give you a ride
5. Ask your partner to cook a meal
6. Ask your boss to let you take a day off work
7. Ask your boss to raise your pay
8. Ask your subordinate to come to the office on the weekend.



Meeting 9 Open and closed questions

A. Video
Listen and watch the video carefully, and try to
grab the meaning!
: Did you have a fun
: Ya, it was great.
: Describe for me your
________________ thing that you did.
: We went to the magic kingdom, and
I got to meet ________________. He was funny
and started to flirt with my ______, even though
my Dad and Manny were right there. Manny
waved her ____________ at him. She wasnt too
happy about that, Dad just left and stole Mom
: Did you go on any _______?
: Yes.
: Tell me about the ride you went on.
: We went on Peterpan. That one was fun because we were in a __________
car and got to go over ____________ like we were on our way to Neverland. We also
went on Pirates. It was a little __________. Some of the building were on fire. We also
went on Splash Mountain and got a little ________.
B. Closed-ended questions
If you can answer a question with only a "yes" or "no" response, then you are
answering a close-ended type of question.
Examples of close-ended questions are:

Are you feeling better today?

May I use the bathroom?
Is the prime rib a special tonight?
Should I date him?
Will you please do me a favor?
Have you already completed your homework?
Is that your final answer?
Were you planning on becoming a fireman?
Should I call her and sort things out?
Is it wrong to want to live on my own at this age?
Shall we make dinner together tonight?
Could I possibly be a messier house guest?


Might I be of service to you ladies this evening?

Did that man walk by the house before?
Can I help you with that?
May I please have a bite of that pie?
Would you like to go to the movies tonight?
Is math your favorite subject?
Does four plus four equal eight?
Is that haunted house really scary?
Will you be going to Grandmother's house for Christmas?
Did Dad make the cake today?
Is there a Mass being held at noon?
Are you pregnant?
Are you happy?
Is he dead?

C. Open-ended questions
Open-ended questions are ones that require more than one word answers. The answers
could come in the form of a list, a few sentences or something longer such as a speech,
paragraph or essay.
Here are some examples of open-ended questions:

What were the most important wars fought in the history of the United States?
What are you planning to buy today at the supermarket?
How exactly did the fight between the two of you start?
What is your favorite memory from childhood?
How will you help the company if you are hired to work for us?
What do you plan to do immediately following graduation from college?
What types of decorations do you plan to have for your friend's birthday party?
What was your high school experience like?
How did you and your best friend meet?
What sites do you expect to see on your vacation?
How do you go about booking tickets for a flight?
What were the major effects of World War II for the United States?
How do you go about purchasing a home?
What is it like to live in the capital of Morocco?
What is the quickest way to get to the pet store in town?
Why is it that every time I talk with you, you seem irritated?
In what way do you feel I should present myself?
How do you manage to raise those children alone?
What is the matter with the people in that class?
Where are you going to find the time to write all those letters?
Why can't I come along with you?
What makes the leaves change color?
How exactly does one replace the screen to a cellular phone?


D. Practice
Please make your own open and close questions! (5 questions for each type)
Closed questions:
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________
Open questions:
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________



A. Reading
Read the email below and then do the task!

Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Delete

From: Samir
To: Sales Team
CC: Hatem Trabelsi; Patricia Bartlett
Subject: RE: Meeting next week
Attachments: New proposal.rtf (376KB)
Hello Sales Team,
Ive got an idea for next week see the attached file. Id like to hear what you think about
my suggestion.
I think Hatem and Patricia may be interested, so Ive copied them in too. Lets talk more at
the meeting next week.
Regards, Samir

Who wrote the email?


What was the email about?


Who got the CC of the email?



B. Complete the sentence with the correct words!

You can ________________ an email to one or more people.
When you get an email, you must ______________________ it before you can read
With your email, you can include an _________________ (like a photo or
If you do not want to keep an old email, you can ________________ it.
You can include a ______________ to a website in your email.
If you are sending someone an email, and you want your manager to see it as well,
you can _____________________ your manager.

Complete the sentence with the correct words!




Hello Sanjay,
Could you please send the schedule to Mr Aziz at Bisco Ltd when it is ready?
Please ____________________________ me, so that I have the document as well.

With thanks,
Abdul Qadir
Managing Director

Dear Mr Prabang,

As we agreed, I am sending the contract as an ___________________________. It is

a PDF file.
Please let me know if you have any queries.
Andrew Mortimer


Hi Mustafa,
Heres a ___________________________________ to something I saw today:
Watch it if you can its really funny!!!!!!!!

Dear Mrs Piano,

I am interested in applying for the post as Account Manager (ref. 23JS56).
Could you please _____________________________ me further details?
With thanks,
Zara Hussein

Hello everybody,
I must apologise. I gave you the wrong dates for this years conference in my email
this morning. So please _________________________________ that email as soon
as you can. I will send you the correct dates soon.
Sorry again for the problem.

Hello Andy,
My computer is very slow this morning. Im going through my inbox, but its taking
about one minute just to ________________________ every email. And
attachments are even slower. What can I do?


D. Try to write a simple email on your own!



Conversation Questions
What does the letter e in the word email mean?
What does cc mean?
How often do you use email everyday?
What do you use email for?
How do you think your work would be if there was no email at all?
What is the positive impact of email?





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