ISE I - Conversation Task (Travel Experiences)
ISE I - Conversation Task (Travel Experiences)
ISE I - Conversation Task (Travel Experiences)
In class
1. Tell the students that they are going to practise the Conversation task for the ISE I Speaking & Listening exam. In this task,
the candidate has to talk to the examiner about a specific topic for approximately two minutes. In this lesson they will be
discussing travel, which is one of the subject areas for the level. For other subject areas see the ISE I Guide for Teachers.
2. Write the words Travel experiences in the centre of the board. Elicit from the students the types of travel experiences
this could include. Give them an example, such as camping. Accept all answers and write them on the board.
3. Tell the students that in this lesson they will practise giving information about their travel experiences, asking others
for information and then speaking about the experiences of others. Give each student a copy of the student worksheet.
4. Ask the students to read questions 13 in task A on the worksheet and check that they understand the differences
between the types of holidays (question 3). Encourage them to use the correct phrases to ask for explanation if they
do not understand a specific word or phrase. For example, Can you explain what this means?, What does this word mean
exactly?, What is the difference between a city break and a weekend away?. Write these phrases on the board while
students are doing the task. Next, put the students in pairs and give them five minutes to interview each other. Monitor
the interviews. Give feedback to the whole class at the end of task A.
5. Tell the students that they are now going to find out about their partners experiences and future travel plans. They must
interview each other using the questions in task B and write a few words in the appropriate box. Tell them not to write
whole sentences. Encourage them to ask for reasons when their partner gives their answers. For example, Whats the
reason for that?, Why do you prefer to travel with your cousin and not your parents?. Allow them 10 minutes to exchange
information and write notes in the boxes. Give students some feedback on how well they have completed the task.
6. Put the students with a different partner and tell them to look at task C. They must recount the information they have
learnt from their previous discussion using the words they wrote in the boxes. For example, Juan has been to Disneyland
in Florida. He prefers to travel with his cousin. Give the students five minutes to complete this task.
7. Tell the students to look at task D. In pairs, they must plan a few questions for each of the students they interviewed,
based on the information they found out. For example, What exactly did you eat when you were in Florida?. Allow them
10 minutes to write down their questions. Go around the class helping with their questions.
8. When the students have planned their questions, tell them to ask their question to that student in front of the class.
The student who has to answer the question should answer so the whole class can hear. Tell the class they need to listen
carefully, as you will ask them questions about what they have heard.
9. Ask the class the following questions (or write your own). Tell the students to put their hands up if they know an answer:
Who had an unusual holiday when they were a child?
Who did an exciting activity when they were a child?
What is a strange experience someone has had on holiday?
Do most people prefer to go on holiday with their friends or with relatives?
Extension activity
Students who have finished can write their own questions to ask their partner about their travel experiences.
Task B
In pairs, use the questions below. Find out about your partners travel experiences and complete the boxes in the diagram
with key words.
As a child
Where did you go on holiday when you were a young child?
What did you like doing on holiday at this time?
The present
Who do you like travelling with the most?
What kind of activities do you prefer doing when you go on holiday?
Life experience
Where is the most interesting place you have ever been?
What is the strangest or most interesting thing you have done or seen on holiday?
My partners name
As a child
The present
Life experience
Task C
Find another student and use your notes in the boxes to tell them what have you learnt about your previous
partners travel experiences.
Task D
In the same pairs, write some questions to ask about the previous students travel experiences. Ask those students
to tell their answers to the whole class.
1. Our questions to
2. Our questions to
Task E
Your teacher will act as a candidate in the Conversation task. How well does your teacher (the candidate) interact with the
examiner? Make notes on what he or she does right and wrong.