Ingles Resuelto 2010 Junio

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Examen de ingls de selectividad (Bachillerato LOE), universidades de Castilla y Len, curso 2009-2010. Examen realizado el 14 de junio de 2010. TEXTO PROPUESTO: Why do teenagers drink alcohol? REDACCIN PROPUESTA:
4. How can drinking alcohol affect young people?

1. a. a.1. Answer the following questions according to the instructions. Answer the following question using your own words (10 to 20 words). According to the text, what circumstances lead teenagers to take refuge in drinking? Teenagers often take refuge in drinking to escape from emotionally difficult situations at home. NOTA: esta respuesta a la pregunta 1.a.1. es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles. Aade la tuya como comentario a esta entrada y la comentar. b. b.1. b.2. Say if the following statements are true or false. Indicate the line(s) in the text supporting your choice. Teenagers often drink alcohol because of peer pressure. TRUE: ... teenagers want to impress their friends. They want to be cool in front of them. Some teens drink because their parents don't get on with each other very well. TRUE: ... one of the main things which leads teenagers to drink is their parents getting divorced. Choose a, b or c in each question below. Only one choice is correct. Many teens start drinking because: a) their families drink; b) they feel angry; c) they can't handle their problems. One way to help avoid alcohol and drug addiction in teenagers is: a) to maintain a positive environment; b) to be very critical about friends; c) to get them to try everything.

c. c.1. c.2.

2. a)

Complete the following tasks according to the instructions. Complete: The younger a person is when they begin drinking, the... The younger a person is when they begin drinking, the greater the risk of becoming an alcoholic. Join the following sentences into one: I used to drink to make me feel more confident around my mates. I started getting into fights. I used to drink to make me feel more confident around my mates and I started getting into fights. I used to drink to make me feel more confident around my mates, so I started getting into fights. I used to drink to make me feel more confident around my mates and, as a result, I started getting into fights. NOTA: las preguntas 2.a. y 2.b. son muy abiertas, y las respuestas que doy yo son simplemente unas propuestas ms entre otras posibles. Aade las tuyas como comentario a esta entrada y las comentar.



Join the following two sentences by means of a relative pronoun: Some teenagers consume alcohol and drugs. They have problems with their parents. Some teenagers who have problems with their parents consume alcohol and drugs. Some teenagers that have problems with their parents consume alcohol and drugs.


Rephrasing: A boy is upset because he had a car accident after having taken drugs. Begin with: "He wishes..." He wishes he hadn't taken drugs.


Find words in the text with the following meaning (a and b) and synonyms for each of the words below (c, d and e). intense desire to know: curiosity a physical or mental dependence: addiction animate: encourage mistreating: abusing accuse: blame

a) b) c) d) e)


Write about the following topic using between 90-120 words. How can drinking alcohol affect young people?

SELECTIVIDAD CASTILLA Y LEON JUNIO OPICION A Examen de ingls de selectividad (Bachillerato LOE), universidades de Castilla y Len, curso 2009-2010. Examen realizado el 14 de junio de 2010. TEXTO PROPUESTO: Defining the Obama Doctrine. REDACCIN PROPUESTA:
4. Can politicians solve our problems (e.g. climate change, terrorism, etc.)?

1. a. a.1. Answer the following questions according to the instructions. Answer the following question using your own words (10 to 20 words). According to the text, what did Barack Obama promise in the 2008 campaign? Barack Obama promised to reduce the abusive policies of the previous president and protect the nation without compromising citizens' liberty. NOTA: esta respuesta a la pregunta 1.a.1. es simplemente una propuesta entre otras posibles. Aade la tuya como comentario a esta entrada y la comentar.

b. b.1.

Say if the following statements are true or false. Indicate the line(s) in the text supporting your choice. Soon after being sworn Barack Obama made important decisions for the U.S. TRUE: A few days after being sworn in, he elated progressives by banning torture, beginning the process of closing Guantnamo, and putting military commissions on ice. Barack Obama is in favour of torture. FALSE: he elated progressives by banning torture...Dismantling the CIA's enhancedinterrogation program... Choose a, b or c in each question below. Only one choice is correct. Put someone or something on ice means: a) to fail to convince; b) to postpone acting; c) to get something started. Shuttering Guantnamo: a) was the biggest mistake; b) gave U.S. a better image; c) dismantled the CIA's interrogation program. Complete the following tasks according to the instructions. Write a question for which the underlined words are the answer: "During the 2008 campaign Barack Obama travelled all over America. When did Barack Obama travel all over America? Put into the passive: "Critics on the left call Obama 'Bush lite'." Obama is called 'Bush lite' by critics on the left. Transform into reported speech: "Dick Cheney hammers him for aiding and comforting the enemy." Begin with: "A High Commissioner stated that..." A High Commissioner stated that Dick Cheney hammers him for aiding and comforting the enemy. A High Commissioner stated that Dick Cheney hammered him for aiding and comforting the enemy. A High Commissioner stated that Dick Cheney hammered him for having aided and comforted the enemy. Complete: "If Obama hadn't shut Guantnamo..." If Obama hadn't shut Guantnamo, the United States' global image would not have been improved. Find words in the text with the following meaning (a and b) and synonyms for each of the words below (c, d and e). a series of coordinated activities: campaign prohibiting by legal means: banning


c. c.1. c.2.

2. a)

b) c)


3. a) b)

c) d) e) 4.

whole: intact change: shift fight: combat Write about the following topic using between 90-120 words. Can politicians solve our problems (e.g. climate change, terrorism, etc.)?

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