Cave PDF
Cave PDF
Cave PDF
Title: Cave
Blender: Version 2.6X
Level: Beginning
Author; Neal Hirsig ([email protected])
(May 2012)
Open Blender Select the default cube and delete it. Go to Front View. Press NUMPAD5 if you are in Perspective mode to switch to orthographic mode.
Place your 3D cursor at X,Y,Z = 0.
In the creation tool panel on the left set the Cap Fill Type to Nothing. This will
essentially make the cylinder a Tube with open ends.
TAB into Edit mode. Deselect the vertices. In the tool panel on the left press the Loop
Cut and Slide button.
Move your cursor to the center of the cylinder until you see a blue vertical line (loop cut)
in the center of the cylinder. Scroll your scroll wheel until you see 5 loop cuts.
Left-Click to confirm.
Press the AKEY to deselect the vertices. Press the AKEY again to select all of the
vertices. In the tool panel on the left press the Subdivide button TWICE. This will give
us lots of vertices to deform or displace.
Press the AKEY to deselect the vertices. TAB out of Edit Mode. In the Properties Panel
name this object Cave
Press NUMPAD-0 (Camera View). The display should look something like shown
Go to front view. Press SHIFT-A and add a Point Lamp and place it inside the Cave
object as shown below.
This will place your 3C cursor at the origin point of the cave object. Press SHIFT-A and
add a NURBS Curve object.
TAB into edit mode. Select the rightmost NURBS control point as shown below.
Move your cursor to the right of the control point and hold down the CTRL KEY and
left-click. This will add a new control point to the NURBS curve as shown below.
TAB out of edit mode. Select the Cave object. Go to the Modifier Editor.
Press the Add Modifier button and add a Curve Modifier to the Cave object.
In the Object box, select the NURBS Curve object that we have just created.
Not that immediately, the NURBD Curve has an effect on the Cave object.
Select the NURBS Curve object. TAB into Edit mode. Adjust the NURBS curve so that
in top view the cave curves as shown below.
TAB out of edit mode. Select the Cave object AND the NURBS Curve object and move
them so that the Cave object again is aligned with the camera and the point lamp.
Select the Default Blender lamp (not the one we placed inside the cave) and delete it.
Render the scene.
Select the Cave object. Go to the Material Editor. Press the New button and name the
material Cave.
Go to the Texture Editor. Select the first Texture channel. Press the New Button and
name this Texture Cloud Normal Map.
Set the Type to Image or Movie. Press the Open button. Locate the rock.png file on your
computer and select it then press Open Image.
In the Image Sampling panel, checkmark Flip X/Y
In the Image Mapping panel, set the X repeat to 6 and the Y repeat to 6.
Go to front view. Set the Camera and the Point lamp object as shown below.
With the River object selected, go to the Materials editor. Press the New button and name
this material River.
Go to the Texture editor. Press New and name this texture Rippled Water.
Change the Type to Image or Movie. Press the Open button. Locate the ripples.png file
on your computer and select it. Then press Open image.
Go to the Materials editor.
In the Specular panel, lower the Intensity to .105
Render the image.
We will add a mist effect to the scene. Click on the Horizon color swatch (this is the
color of the mist). Set R=.726, G=.716 and B=1
Our cave is a bit too uniform. Switch to top view. Select the Cave object. TAB into edit
mode. Box select a group of vertices as shown below.
Press the SKEY (Scale) and scale down the vertices as shown below.
Make sure the point lamp object is inside of the scaled down section.
Adjusting the camera and lamp and scale of the vertices you should be able to achieve a
rendering similar t0 this.