Time Line
Time Line
Time Line
Danny Hurtado is shot and killed. Hurtado was walking down the street with, friend , Mondo Ortiz.
Eyewitnesses see 3 male Hispanics in a red Hyundai approach Danny Hurtado and Mondo Ortiz. The
Hyundai slowed down and opened fire.
Witness Steve Yberra was stopped at a stop light facing this drive-by shooting. Yberra sees his fiend
gunned down and begins to follow the red Hyandai. After a few blocks Yberra turns around to check on his
Mondo Ortiz escaped injury while diving behind a truck. He witnesses 3 male Hispanics in the red Hyandai
It was reported later that Mondo Ortiz said it was “Angel “ from Chenyville (gang).
Beatrice and Maria Vargas, sisters, witnessed the same three Hispanics shoot their friend Danny Hurtado.
While waiting to be interviewd by police, Beatrice overheard a member of 12 th Street (gang) whisper that
the killer was “Angel” from Cherryville.
Gladys Troxell witnesses 3 male “cholo type” Hispanics ( height 5’-1” to 5’-4” tall) dumping the red
Hyandai outside her house. Ttoxell lived across town. She noticed the time; 5: 12 p.m. Troxell also noticed
the passenger taking off gloves. She didn’t see a gun
The Pomona Police Department recover one set of fingerprints from the red Hyandai...They belong to 18
year old, Colin Anditon. The Pomona Police Dept. searched Colin Anditon’s (mother’s ) house. There was
no evidence recovered of any kind.
Colin is arrested in Banning, for driving a stolen truck. Colin Anditon was booked at a height of S-10”. His
hair was wavy and brown in color. He had blue eyes, he appeared Caucasian. Detective Moore and Det.
John Holtzgerger, go to banning City jail to interview Colin about the theft of red Hyandai, Excel, used in
the shooting.
Colin is transferred from banning to Riverside County Jail. Colin is charged with the theft of the Hyandai.
Det. Moore Goes to Riverside County Jail to interview Colin. Det. Moore shows Colin a photograph of the
sidewalk outside Colins house. The name “Weasle” and the letters C.V.P.(Chenyville) were spray painted.
Det. iMoore tells Colin that his family is in danger. Moore says he believes Colin is innocent and wants colins
November ‘90
A Frightened Colin calls his mother Patricia Burgess. Mrs. Burgess arranges an interview with Colin, his
lawyer (Michelle Dille; public defender), Det. Moore Det. sgt. Ron Windell and herself. The interview was
held to’determine if what Colin knew about the shooting could help the Pomona Police Dept. and whether or
not they needed Colin. At the end of the interview Det. Sgt. Windell at%rmed that Colin could help and he
was needed to prosecute the killers of Danny Hurtsdo.
Colin and his mother asked for two things in exchange for help:
1) Colin had an older brother serving time in the California Youth Authority in Chino, Ca.
There were many liiends and gang members associated with Chenyville at California Youth
2) Cohn’s mother had a section 8 low income housing certificate for the city of Pomona.
The section 8 certificate was to be transferred Tom Pomona to Northern Ca. (San Joaquin
Patritia Burgess signs a housing application for preference of status, which she received from Sacramento
The application immediately goes to Det. Sgt. Ron Windell and Det. Moore, for them to sign.
Det. Moore and Det. Holtzgerger go to Chino mens prison(CIM) to interview Micheal Standon. He was in
Riverside County Jail with Cohn. Standon tells the detectives how Calm told him of crimes he had
committed. Mike Standon tells Det. Moore among other crimes and murders colin admitted to the Drive-by
killing of Danny Hurtado.
April 4 1991
Patricia Burgess Calls Der. Windell insisting on the urgency of the preference of status application, so she
could move the family A.S.A.P. Det. Sgt. Windell signed the form that day and Ms. Burgess mailed it the
next day.
The same day Det. Moore interviews Mike Standon for the second time, recalling the first interview march
20th. Moore asked Standon to wear a wire and get Colin to talk again. Standon agreed. This interview was
April ‘91
Patricia Burgess informed that her Section 8 low income housing certificate could not be transferred.
May ‘91
Up to this point the only thing the Police had done for Cohn’s family was move the eldest brother, Kevin,
to another institution. A housing application was signed but nothing else was done.
Colin and his mother decide to back out of the deal with the Pomona P.D.
Det. Moore and District Attorney Thomas Falls both fabricate and sign a prisoner removal order and
declaration stating that they needed the informant ( Mike Standon) to testify in a probation violation case
#KAO5812. Standon was to testify in Dept. F. at 8;30 a.m. on May 21st 1991
note : There was no such court date or probation violation hearing in that court on that date or
any date.
Cohn is immediately placed under surveillance. The police were waiting for Cohn to commit a crime, so they
could take him to Pomona City Jail where Standon was wired and waiting.
January-June 1992
Det. Moore and Holtzberger interview Richard Segura (in custody for unrelated charge).These interviews
are taped. On the tapes Moore insinuates that Segura’s fingerprints are found on the red Hyandai. Segura
tells the detectives how his fingerprints may have gotten in the car..
Segura also tells the detectives that Danny Hurtado was killed in retaliation for “: Sherlock”. Cohn said the
same thing to Det. Moore.
Note: The Standon , informant tapes were allowed in the trial. The Segura tapes were not allowed.
February 1993
Patricia Burgess is arrested and charged for selling stolen leather jackets in work. She pleads guilty. She lost
her job and received Probation.
Colin is charged with murder and attempted murder. He is transferred to L.A.County Jail.
March 1993
Mr. Alan Abajian was appointed to represent Colin from the Public Defenders Office. He takes colin through
Richard Segura lived a block away from where the red Hyandai was dumped. He lived on Murchison Ave.
next to the field behind Eiwood Street, The car was dumped on Elwood.
Larry Cabrerra and Richard Segura invoke their 5th Amendment Right not to testify..
Cohn’s alibi is not even brought up in trial. Louie ortiz’ mother and sister were in the house connected to the
garage where Colin and Louie were at the time of the Shooting.
Phone records were never checked to find three girls who stopped by the garage at the time of the shooting.
They stayed with Colin and Louie for about an hour..
Det. Cole the Pomona Police Dept. gang expert testified at the preliminary trial that colin was no affiliated
with gangs. He testifies that he had absolutely no information that Cohn had anything to do with the murder
of hurtado.
Det. Cole changed his testimony later in the trial. He stated that Cohn was an associate of Cherryville gang.
Is Cohn An associate of CherryviUe or not.
Witnesses for the Prosecution: AU test@ Cohn wasn’t one of the killers of hurtado.
Armondo Ortiz.
Maria vargas
Steve Yberra
Gladys Troxell
Other witnesses for the prosecution: All testifies that Cohn was a thief and a really bad person.
Dee Dee Bell
Ihn Ennanav
Jerry Lee Barker
John Huddleston
Mike Standon and his informant tapes
Admittance of the Extremely damaging informant tapes which were obtained in violation of Cohn’s 5th and
6th Amendment Rights to Council and Due Process
The court admitted in evidence other “bad acts” which had nothing to do with the murder OD Danny
There was insufficient evidence that Cohn committed the Murder in association with a street gang.
The court would? admit the Segura tapes . This is evidence of Cohn’s innocence.
June 2 nd 1994
Court appointed appellate lawyer, Charles Johnson, Files Colin’s appeal in the California Court of Appeal.