Hot Isostatic Pressing Titanium Alloys

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The Effectiveness of Hot Isostatic

Pressing for Closing Porosity in
Titanium Parts Manufactured by
Selective Electron Beam Melting
Ti-6Al-4V parts, produced by selective electron beam
melting additive manufacturing, have been studied by
X-ray computed tomography (XCT) to track pore
closure during a standard hot isostatic pressing (HIPing)
cycle. Comparison of repeated XCT scans before and
after HIPing, on worst-case samples with dierent
geometries, conrmed that all internal porosity was
shrunk to below the resolution limit of the equipment
used (~5 lm) following the HIPing cycle, apart from
defects with surface connected ligaments.
DOI: 10.1007/s11661-016-3429-3
 The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with
open access at

Additive manufacturing (AM) processes allow components to be directly produced from CAD models by
dividing them into thin 2D slices, which are built
sequentially on top of one another. In powder bed
processes, such as selective electron beam melting
(SEBM), material is added by spreading a thin layer of
powder across the build area. A rapidly moving focused
electron beam is then used to selectively melt each
powder layer, to densify the required cross-section
prole, and fuse it to the previously deposited layer.[1,2]
A distinguishing feature of the SEBM process is that the
whole build takes place at an elevated controlled
temperature that is maintained by pre-heating through
rapid scanning of the defocused electron beam across

SAMUEL TAMMAS-WILLIAMS, formerly Ph.D. Student with

the School of Materials, University of Manchester, Manchester M13
9PL, UK, and also Visiting Student with the Department of Materials
Science and Engineering, University of Sheeld, Sheeld S1 3JD,
UK, is now Postdoctoral Research Associate with the Department of
Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheeld. Contact
e-mail: [email protected] IAIN TODD, Professor, is
with the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University
Professors, are with the School of Materials, University of Manchester.
Manuscript submitted July 9, 2015.
Article published online March 16, 2016

the powder bed prior to melting each layer, which

reduces the build-up of residual stresses in the part.[1]
The static mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V components produced by SEBM have been shown to be
comparable to those of conventional wrought material,
but the high-cycle fatigue life can exhibit considerable
scatter even when testing polished samples.[1,2] This
scatter is primarily caused by the presence of pores in
the consolidated material, which acts as fatigue crack
initiation sites, due to the stress concentration they
generate in the surrounding material.[3]
Three types of defect with separate origins and appearance have been previously identied in Ti-6Al-4V material
produced by the Arcam SEBM process.[410] Most commonly observed are gas pores, which are caused by small
bubbles of argon trapped inside the feedstock that arises as
an artifact of the atomization process used to produce the
powder. If the argon is unable to escape the melt pool
during the SEBM process, this results in small (5 to
100 lm) near spherical voids in the solid material.[47]
More irregular lack of fusion defects are caused by the
electron beam failing to fully melt and consolidate the
powder layer.[4,79] Thirdly, and more rarely, in samples
built with older generation machines and control software,[4] or with a non-optimum-reduced energy density,[10]
tunnel defects that span multiple deposited layers have
been observed. The origin of such defects has been
elegantly simulated using lattice Boltzmann modeling by
Bauerei et al.[10] who demonstrated that they develop in a
layer-wise deposition process when capillary and wetting
eects overcome gravitational forces. This leads to the
melted powder tracks separating by beading up of the
liquid, rather than it lling in large voids present in the
preceding layer.[10] This work has shown that tunnel
defects are produced under conditions where insucient
beam line energy is applied.
Hot isostatic pressing (HIPing) is a well-established
method for healing internal porosity in titanium castings
and has been widely used to signicantly increase fatigue
life in critical components.[11] HIPing involves the
simultaneous application of high temperatures and
pressures, via an inert gas, to a component. At the
reduced yield stress and higher diusion rates associated
with high temperatures, the applied pressure leads to
pore collapse by small scale plastic ow and material
transport that under ideal conditions also bonds the
pore interface.[12] Recently, X-ray computed tomography (XCT) has been used to analyze cast Ti-6Al-4V
samples, before and after HIPing, and it was found that
even the largest internal porosity was closed to below
the resolution limit of the equipment used (20 lm).[13]
Some pores were found to persist following the HIP
cycle, but these were located close to the sample surfaces
and it was suggested that micro-cracks, too small to be
detected by XCT, connected them to the exterior.
HIPing is also now being widely implemented by
industry to remove porosity from components produced
VOLUME 47A, MAY 20161939

by SEBM before putting them into service. Metallographic examination of HIPed SEBM samples has
revealed remnants of pores that have signicantly
reduced in size but where the contacting interface area
generated by their collapse has not always fully
bonded.[4] Despite the presence of remnant porosity,
mechanical testing has conrmed an improvement in the
high-cycle fatigue life following HIPing.[14,15] However,
to date, there have been no studies reported that have
quantied the eciency of pore closure in HIPed SEBM
parts with statistically signicant data.
In this work, XCT has been used to characterize the
porosity seen in SEBM Ti-6Al-4V samples before and
after the application of a standard HIP cycle. The
non-destructive nature of XCT has allowed the eectiveness of post-build HIPing to be studied by directly
comparing the behavior of a large number of individual
pores and by quantifying their net change in volume and
size. In order to conrm that HIPing is capable of
removing even worst-case scenario largest defects, the
samples used in this study were produced using an early
variant of the SEBM process and control software.
Specically, they were manufactured using an Arcam
S12 machine and a now superseded control system,
which prior experience has shown produced samples
containing signicantly more porosity than when manufacturing using up-to-date procedures. In particular,
with this now obsolete setup, the build conditions were
known to produce large tunnel defects near sample
surfaces. A range of sample build geometries were also
chosen to provide dierent levels of tunnel defects, as
well as the more typical gas pores and lack of fusion
defects seen in samples produced with the most
up-to-date procedures.
In common with the current methodology, in the
Arcam machine, the melting stage takes place in two
steps. First, a contour strategy is used to melt the outline
of each 2D section, before a hatching strategy lls in the
section area with continuous linear beam rastering in a
forwards and backwards snaking pattern. To avoid
overheating the already hot region where a hatching track
turns back on itself, a turning function increases the beam
speed, while keeping the energy constant. The hatching
speed is also increased when melting any overhanging
section to compensate for the insulating eect of the
powder bed. More details on the melting strategies
employed are available in References 4 through 7 and 16.
Each of the seven sample geometries investigated (as
shown in Figure 1) was manufactured in a single build
cycle with gas-atomized Ti-6Al-4V powder as the
feedstock. These small samples were designed to have
the same maximum X-ray beam path in a single plane
(15 mm), which allowed the same XCT settings (voltage,
power, beam lter, etc.) to be used when rst scanning
the entire volume of each sample at a lower resolution.
To enable higher resolution scanning, a second cuboid,
with identical geometry to S1, was built and machined
into a smaller cylinder (~1.7 mm diameter in xy plane,
10 mm length in z direction) taken from near the sample
edge. XCT scanning was carried out at the Henry
Moseley X-ray Imaging Facility at the University of
Manchester. The full samples were scanned using a
1940VOLUME 47A, MAY 2016

Nikon Metrology 225/320 kV Custom Bay system,

while the machined cylinder was scanned using a Zeiss
Xradia Versa 500 machine. The experimental conditions
were identical to those described in Reference 7 and
resulted in a voxel size of 9.9 lm for the full samples and
2.0 lm for the machined cylinder. Standard HIPing
conditions were subsequently applied to all the samples,
involving a temperature of 1193 K (920 C) combined
with a pressure of 100 MPa (applied via argon gas) for
2 hours, followed by cooling to room temperature at a
rate of 6 2 K/min. After HIPing, the samples were
subjected to a second XCT scan with identical settings
and position indexing was employed so that individual
defects could be re-imaged.
The XCT data were reconstructed into 3D volumes
using a ltered back projection algorithm and imported
into Avizo Fire 8 for analysis. After HIPing, the image
registration tool in the Avizo software was used to
exactly re-align the datasets, using a least squares
method to match their gray levels, allowing direct
comparison of the same sample slices. It should be
noted that although in XCT the voxel size is xed by the
experimental setup, the resolution (the smallest feature
perceptible from the reconstructed 3D voxel data) is still
inuenced by the ability to dierentiate features from
their absorption dierence, while avoiding false-positive
identication of noise in the data. Noise can be
introduced in a number of ways, including scatter of
X-ray photons within the sample, beam hardening,
incorrect determination of the center of rotation during
reconstruction, mechanical errors from stage movement,
and blurring from a nite rather than point X-ray
source. A more thorough discussion of these factors and
their eect on resolution is available elsewhere.[17,18]
Quantication of the data from both the as-built and
HIPed condition was conducted by rst segmenting it
into solid and void using the Otsu method to calculate
the optimum global threshold.[19] To account for any
noise in the segmented data, islands of less than 23 (8)
voxels were not included in any quantication of overall
pore volume fractions or individual pore sizes. This
method allowed pores with an equivalent diameter
greater than 24.6 and 5.2 lm to be identied, without
any subjective choice of threshold, using automatic
segmentation of the full sample and machined cylinder
datasets, respectively.
Example 3D visualizations of the pores (shown in red)
detected in the full-sample scans of geometries C1 and
T3, in the as-built condition and following HIPing, are
shown in Figure 2. The most striking features in the
pre-HIP visualizations of these samples are the large
tunnel defects seen in sample T3. These tunnel defects
were observed in all the samples except C1. They tended
to be located approximately 1 mm in from the samples
surfaces, which is at the edge of the hatching area, and
consisted of branched tunnels with a typical diameter
between 200 and 600 lm that grew vertically through
many deposited layers. Their presence at the edge of the
hatching region is indicative of too low a line energy
being applied in this region by the old control software
during beam turning.[10] Prior work[6] has shown that a
greater density of defects occurs at the edge of the

15 mm
15 m m




15 m m




15 m m






Fig. 1Geometries and designations of the samples used to investigate the eect of HIPing on defect populations. The reference system denotes
the orientation of the two orthogonal hatching directions (x and y) and the build direction (z).

hatching region because it receives too low an energy

density, due to the turning function increasing the beam
traverse speed too much when the beam turns back on
itself. The maximum decrease in line energy caused by
this eect occurs at the very edge of the hatching region,
where the tunnels defects were observed. In samples with
overhanging features (such as T3 in Figure 2) the
thickness function, which is designed to reduce energy
density where melting is required directly above the
lower conductivity powder bed, will further increase the
beam speed, exacerbating the generation of edgeof-hatch tunnel defects.
More conventional defects, such as smaller gas pores
and lack of fusion defects, were also visible in all
samples, examples of which are shown in the views from
the high-resolution scan in Figure 2. With sample C1, it
can be seen by comparison of the images in Figure 2 and
the net pore volume fraction data presented in Table I
that all the detectable internal porosity present after AM
was removed by the HIPing treatment. In contrast,
while all the smaller gas porosity in sample T3 was
removed by HIPing, some tunnel defects still persisted in
the HIPed samples.
Prior to analysis of the post-HIP XCT results, the
datasets were exactly aligned with the data collected
from the samples in the as-built condition, with respect
to the sample dimensions. Thus, the example slices
compared in Figure 4, from geometries C2 and T3,
show the same internal slice of each sample before and
after HIPing. In Figure 3(a), it can be seen that even the
coarse tunnel defects have all been removed from the
cylindrical sample, whereas in Figure 3(b), which had an
inverted prism geometry, some remain. Detailed examination of individual slices revealed that all the tunnel
defects remaining after HIPing in sample T3 were

connected by ligaments to the surface. Somewhat

surprisingly, the measured volume of the tunnel defects
that remained following HIPing had actually increased
by approximately 4 to 7 pct. In contrast, porosity
completely enclosed by solid material was healed below
the XCT detection limit following HIPing; i.e., it had
shrunk in size to below the resolution of the equipment.
The average volume fraction of porosity detected by
automatic segmentation of the as-built and HIPed
samples is shown in Table I. In all cases, the detected
pore volume fractions had reduced following the HIP
cycle. In sample geometries S2, C1, C2, and T2, this was
to below the detectable limit of the coarse scan. The only
detectable pores that persisted after the HIP cycle were
the large tunnel defects that were found to have
breached the top surface of the samples. Only the
samples with a top surface melted by the hatching
strategy had this open porosity present after HIPing
(i.e., S1, T1, and T3). In contrast, tunnel defects present
in samples built where the upper surface had been
melted with the contour strategy (such as S2, C2, and
T2) were not connected to the surface and were closed
by the HIPing process, despite the similar coarse nature
of the original aws. All of these samples showed no
detectable porosity following HIPing at the 24.6-lm
resolution limit of the full-sample scan.
To see if the aws in these samples were fully healed,
high-resolution XCT examination of the small cylindrical specimen machined from the edge of a cuboid sample
was carried out. This again revealed no internal pores
that could be detected following HIPing, either by
automatic segmentation or manual examination of the
data. High-resolution example slices from the machined
cylinder are provided in Figure 4, again showing the
same regions before and after HIPing. It can be seen
VOLUME 47A, MAY 20161941

Fig. 2Isometric 3D visualization of defects (red) in samples C1 and T3, and in the high-resolution scan of the edge of a cuboid sample (labeled
MC): (a) as-built; and (b) after HIPing. All internal porosity was removed in samples C1 and MC, following HIPing, whereas in sample T3, tunnel defects connected to the surface persisted. The build direction for all samples is vertical.

Table I. Pore Volume Fractions Measured by XCT of the Full SEBM Ti-6Al-4V Samples with the Dierent Geometries Shown in
Fig. 1, S1-T3 and from the Higher Resolution Scans of the Small Cylinder Edge (MC) of a Cuboid Sample, As-Built and After a
HIP Cycle
Pore Volume Fraction (%)

Voxel Size (lm)



Percentage Reduction in
Pore Volume Fraction







that the two conventional pores types initially present, a

spherical gas pore (Figure 4(a)) and a lack of fusion
defect (Figure 4(b)), are both undetectable in the XCT
data acquired following HIPing.
The results presented have thus shown HIPing to be
very eective in closing porosity contained within
Ti-6Al-4V components, manufactured by SEBM-AM.
This in itself is unsurprising, given the success HIPing
has enjoyed when applied to Ti-6Al-4V castings.[11,13]
However, the large tunnel defects, which could appear
1942VOLUME 47A, MAY 2016

as separated segments in the 3D visualizations of the

XCT data due to the small size of the ligaments
connecting them, were found to persist in some samples
following the HIPing process. When this occurred, more
careful manual analysis (e.g., Figure 3) revealed that in
all cases these aws were connected to the top surface of
the build and this would allow the inltration of the
pressurized argon gas into the tunnel cavity during
HIPing, preventing it closing. In fact, HIPIng appears to
have led to a slight expansion in the volume measured

Fig. 3Examples of aligned vertical internal (xz) slices from XCT data collected as-built (left) and after HIPing (right) in samples: (a) C2 and
(b) T3. In (b) note the tunnel defects that breach the surface (arrowed) that are still present after HIPing. The build direction for both samples is
vertical in the plane of the page.

for these large defects. This could be because inltration

of argon under high pressure may have led to an
expansion of these defects at the expensive of internal
porosity that was present in close proximity, or it may
be caused by a measurement eect, in that if the tunnel
defects surfaces became smoother during the HIPing
heat treatment, this could increase the volume that is
segmented in the XCT data. The potential of these large,
high-aspect ratio defects to have a detrimental eect on
the mechanical properties of SEBM samples is thus
aggravated by the failure of HIPing to close those that
were open to the surface. However, surface connected
pores in traditionally manufactured components can be
removed by the application of a coating prior to HIPing,
which eectively makes the porosity internal.[12]
It is important to note that, because of its large atomic
diameter, argon cannot diuse readily through titanium.
Indeed, argon is the gas used to exert pressure during
HIPing.[12] Hence, if the gas pores in SEBM components
are caused by argon bubbles, it would be expected that
they could persist in the sample after HIPing, all be it at
a signicantly smaller size and a much higher internal
pressure. In contrast, when HIPing gas porosity in

castings, which is typically caused by hydrogen contamination, it is assumed that the gas is soluble and can thus
diuse out of the casting.[12] It is therefore interesting to
estimate the increase in pressure that would be expected
within the gas pores as they shrink to below the
detection limit in XCT after HIPing. To estimate the
initial pressure within the gas pores, following SEBM,
rst, the hydrostatic pressure (Ph) in a liquid can be
calculated from
Ph Patm q  g  h;


where Patm, q, g, and h are the atmospheric pressure

(0.1 Pa in the vacuum chamber), the density of the liquid (4123 kg m3 for the Ti-6Al-4V melt), gravitational
acceleration (9.81 m s2), and depth, respectively. Using
the depth of the melt pool (150 lm)[2] as a reasonable
estimate of the maximum depth possible below the melt
pool surface, the hydrostatic pressure will be 6.2 Pa,
which is negligible in comparison to the HIPing pressure
of 100 MPa. Within a bubble, the pressure is further
increased by the surface energy of the interface between
the gas and liquid (c = 1.52 J m2 for liquid titanium).[20]
VOLUME 47A, MAY 20161943

Fig. 4Examples of aligned slices of high-resolution XCT data collected from the cylindrical sample machined from a cuboid sample prior to
(left) and after the HIP cycle (right). Showing a: (a) large gas pores; and (b) a lack of fusion defect. The build direction for both is perpendicular
to the plane of the page.

The pressure increase (DP) is a function of the radius of

curvature of the bubble (r), and for a spherical bubble is
given by
DP 2  c=r:


Thus, the as-built pressure within the gas pores

detected can be estimated as P = Ph + DP. For example, the pressure within the largest gas pore detected by
high-resolution XCT, which had a diameter of 52 lm,
can be estimated to be ~120 kPa, whereas the largest
detected by the lower resolution XCT, which had a
diameter of 170 lm and was located in sample T1,
would have an initial internal pressure of ~40 kPa. The
temperature within the bubbles was assumed to be equal
to the solidus temperature of Ti-6Al-4V, 1877 K
(1604 C). Disregarding any transient eects, the change
in pressure (P) due to the temperature and volume
changes experienced during HIPing can then be approximated using the ideal gas law:

1944VOLUME 47A, MAY 2016

P  V n  R  T;


where V, n, R, and T are the volume (m ), number of

moles, universal gas constant (8.314 J K1 mol1), and
temperature (K), respectively. Here, we assume that
the number of moles remains constant due to the lack
of diusion of argon atoms in solid titanium and
hence the ratio PV/T is equal to a constant. The constant temperature during HIPing (1193 K) thus allows
the relationship between pressure and volume to be
calculated and this is shown in Figure 5 for the two
largest gas pores detected. It is clear that, according to
this simplistic model, the pressure within the gas pores
increases substantially as they shrink in volume, but
both the pores will still reduce below the detectability
limit of the equipment before they reach equilibrium
with the 100 MPa HIPing pressure. While the ideal
gas law applied here is unlikely to result in the true
value of the pressure change, this rough estimate highlights both the large increase in pressure that could


52 m gas pore detected by 2 m voxel XCT

170 m gas pore detected by 10 m voxel XCT
Detectable with 2 m voxel XCT
Detectable with either 2 m or 10 m voxel XCT

Pressure (MPa)

10-3 0




Diameter (m)
Fig. 5Pressure increase due to shrinkage of the largest gas pores
detected by high- and low-resolution XCT estimated with the ideal
gas law. The detection limits of the XCT equipment are indicated by
the background color.

result as the pores shrink and that the pores will ultimately reach a volume where they cease to shrink
under the application of a constant pressure, which is
dependent on their as-built volume. The calculated size
of the gas pore at the equilibrium pressure (100 MPa)
was only a small way below the detection limit of the
XCT equipment used (5 lm), indicating that if a
higher resolution system had been used, or larger gas
pores been detected initially, some remnant of the
pores may have been detectable following the HIP
cycle. In addition, in other AM processes conducted
under a shielding gas, rather than a vacuum chamber,
such as selective laser melting (SLM), the pressure
within the as-built pores could be much higher. HIPing
may therefore be less eective when applied to components manufactured via these AM systems.
Nonetheless, the high-cycle fatigue life of Ti-6Al-4V
samples manufactured by SEBM has been shown to be
greatly improved following a HIP cycle.[14,15] High-cycle
fatigue is generally dominated by the number of cycles
required to initiate a crack,[21] so the removal of ready
crack initiation sites is the primary reason behind the
increase in fatigue life. The size of a spherical pore does
not, in fact, change its stress concentration factor,[3] but of
importance in determining fatigue initiation is the eect of
a reduction in the size of the plastic zone near a defect
relative to the scale of microstructural barriers to early
stage crack growth.[21] It has been shown here that any
remaining argon lled pores would be less than 5 lm in
diameter, and this would increase the stress concentration
in only a very small volume of material above the elastic
limit. Such tiny pores are hence unlikely to initiate a crack
able to break through microstructural barriers such as a
colony boundaries.[21] The microstructural coarsening
that occurs in high-temperature HIPing cycles, and
associated increase in crack propagation resistance, has


also been suggested as a reason for the increase in fatigue

strength seen in Ti-6Al-4V SEBM components following
HIPing.[15] While this may increase the crack propagation
resistance and reduce the smaller crack propagation
contribution to high fatigue life, it seems more likely that
the reduction in pore size caused by HIPing is the major
reason for the improvement observed, given the reasoning
and results outlined above.
In summary, HIPing has been conrmed to be an
eective method to remove gas pores, lack of fusion
defects, and even large scale internal porosity, from
worst-case AM components built under non-optimized
conditions. However, surface connected porosity was
found to be retained, and possibly expanded after
HIPing. Comparison of samples built with dierent
geometries revealed that such aws were exclusively
large tunnel defects present in builds which had a top
surface melted by the hatching strategy. Even at high
resolutions, no evidence of conventional internal (gas)
porosity could be observed in the HIPed samples by
XCT; therefore, any residual voids can be assumed to
have collapsed to below the resolution limit of the
equipment, which was approximately 5 lm.

Thanks to Camille Kayode Agbanrin and Fabien

Leonard for assistance with data processing. The authors acknowledge EPSRC funding from: the CDT in
Metallic Systems (EP/G036950/1), the designing alloys
for resource efciency (DARE) program (EP/L025213/
1) and the Henry Moseley X-ray Imaging Facility under EP/F007906/1, EP/F001452/1 and EP/M010619/1.
For access to the original data please contact the corresponding author.

This article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
source, provide a link to the Creative Commons
license, and indicate if changes were made.

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