Comparison of Methods For Quantification of Topologically Close-Packed Phases in Ni-Based Superalloys
Comparison of Methods For Quantification of Topologically Close-Packed Phases in Ni-Based Superalloys
Comparison of Methods For Quantification of Topologically Close-Packed Phases in Ni-Based Superalloys
The Author(s) 2019
Ni Cr Co Mo Al Ti Ta C B Hf
RR1000 50.5 16.5 18.4 3 6.4 4.3 0.6 0.13 0.08 0.16
All elements measured by XRF except for B by ICP-OES and C using the combustion infrared detection method.
then cleaned using methanol and finally dried in air, and difference between the r and M23C6 precipitates is
kept covered to prevent contamination. illustrated in Figure 2 and quantified in Table II for the
Synchrotron XRD was performed on the ID22 alloy following exposure for 5000 hours at 800 C. It
high-resolution powder diffraction beamline at the can be seen that the r precipitate is primarily enriched in
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). Mo as well as Cr compared with the surrounding matrix
During data collection, the solid samples were contained phase, whereas the M23C6 precipitate is enriched pri-
in Kapton capillaries, and the extracted powder samples marily in Cr with a lower level of Mo. The given M23C6
were contained in 1 mm diameter borosilicate glass composition does not include C as C cannot be
capillaries. The capillaries were spun at 787 rpm to measured accurately using EDX but if the stoichiomet-
reduce any preferred orientation effects on the diffrac- rically expected C content is included then the compo-
tion data acquired. A multianalyzer stage containing 9 sitional trends observed with respect to the r phase
Si analyzer crystals was used with a beam energy of 50 remain the same. An additional difference between the
keV and a beam size of 1 mm by 0.9 mm. Data were two phases is that the M23C6 phase is depleted in Co,
collected over a 2h range of 1 to 34 deg at a scan speed whereas the r phase contains Co at similar levels to
of 0.5 deg/min for the powder samples and 0.75 deg/min those found in the matrix.
for the solid samples. Multiple scans were performed for
each sample and combined to produce the pattern for
B. XRD Data Analysis
Laboratory XRD was additionally carried out on the Initial Rietveld refinements were performed on the
extracted residues using a Bruker D8 DAVINCI diffrac- synchrotron XRD data for the extracted material. The
tometer with a Cu Ka source and a position-sensitive structural and site occupancy information obtained was
detector. The extracted residue was deposited on a subsequently used as the starting point for the refine-
single-crystal Si wafer, and the scans were carried out ment of the synchrotron data from the solid samples and
over a range of 10 to 120 deg 2h with a step size of the laboratory XRD data from the extracted material.
0.02 deg and dwell time of 2 seconds. Rietveld analysis The phases included in the refinements were the c and c¢
of the acquired diffraction data was performed using phases as well as the minor phases, M23C6, r and TiC, as
Topas-Academic software.[17] The equilibrium compo- identified using SEM. In addition, HfO2 was identified
sitions of the phases were predicted by thermodynamic in the XRD spectra, consistent with previous reports of
modeling using ThermoCalc[18] software with the HfO2 formation in RR1000.[12]
database TTNi8.[19] The compositions used in the Rietveld refinement for
the c and c¢ phases were those predicted for this alloy at
800 C using ThermoCalc software with the database
III. RESULTS TTNi8 (see Table III). For the c¢ phase, this was
combined with information from Stoloff[20] concerning
A. Microstructural Analysis which elements occupy which type of site within the
ordered structure. Ni and Co were allocated solely to the
SEM BSE images of the microstructure of RR1000
Ni site; Ti, Ta, and Al only to the Al site; and Cr and
after thermal exposures of varying durations at 800 C
Mo, which can occupy both sites, were distributed
are shown in Figure 1. The phases present in these
between them to ensure all site occupancies were equal
microstructures were identified using their appearance
to 1. In both the c and c¢ phases, the site occupancies
and phase contrast in BSE imaging combined with
were not allowed to refine, as this made the refinement
compositional information from EDX, and their pres-
ence was confirmed by analysis of the XRD data. These
In addition, the compositions of the M23C6 and r
phases are identified by arrows in the inset in
phases as obtained by EDX on samples following
Figure 1(d). It can be seen that after 15 hours at
exposure for 5000 hours at 800 C were used in the
800 C the predominant minority phase is MC-type
refinements (see Table II). In both phases, the levels of
carbides, which appear bright white in the BSE images
Al, Ti and Ta detected were very low (below 3.5 at. pct)
and are located primarily at prior particle boundaries.
and were considered likely to be the result of X-rays
After 1000 hours of exposure at 800 C, small amounts
originating in the surrounding c¢ phase. Therefore, it
of both dark M23C6 phase and bright r phase are
was decided not to include these in the analysis, and the
present on the grain boundaries, alongside a small
relative amounts of the remaining elements (Ni, Co, Cr,
quantity of MC carbides. Following both 2525 and 5000
and Mo) were re-scaled. This decision is supported by
hours of exposure at 800 C, a higher fraction of larger
compositional data collected using atom probe tomog-
discrete r precipitates can be seen on the grain bound-
raphy found in the literature, which show very limited
aries, alongside the other phases. The compositional
Fig. 2—BSE SEM image of a grain boundary in RR1000 following exposure for 5000 h at 800 C along with the associated SEM-EDX
elemental distribution maps. The M23C6 and r phases are identified in the BSE SEM image.
solubility for Al and Ta in the r phase[5] and no positions (see Table IV), so the atoms were distributed
solubility for Al and Ti in the M23C6 phase.[21] The evenly between these in proportion with the number of
M23C6 structure contains 4 non-equivalent metal atom each type of site in a unit cell and the overall phase
Ni Cr Co Mo Al Ti Ta
M23C6 Bal. 54.2 ±6.0 8.7 ±1.2 6.1 ±0.5 2.3 ±0.6 3.4 ±0.6 0.3 ±0.1
r Bal. 36.1 ±0.4 22.7 ±0.2 10.7 ±0.1 1.6 ±0.0 2.4 ±0.0 0.1 ±0.0
Table III. c and c¢ Phase Compositions at 800 °C Predicted allocated primarily to the 12 coordinated sites and then
Using ThermoCalc with Database TTNi8 (Atomic Percent) to fill the other sites as required. The site occupancies
were then allowed to refine for all elements on each site,
Ni Cr Co Mo Al Ti Ta under the constraints of each site occupancy being equal
c 42.6 26.2 25.2 3.6 2.0 0.3 0 to 1 and the total composition remaining equal to the
c¢ 65.7 1.8 9 0.3 12.2 9.6 1.4 measured composition. The atomic positions used to
start the refinement were taken from Yakel[24] for an
Fe-, Cr-, Ni-, Mo-, and Mn-containing r phase (see
Table V). Seven atomic position parameters were
Table IV. Crystal Structural Information for M23C6 Taken allowed to refine as detailed by Yakel.[24] The compo-
from Medvedeva et al.[22] with Atomic Positions Taken from sitions and atomic positions for TiC and HfO2 were kept
CIF File ICSD-154719 fixed.
Isotropic temperature factors were refined for each
Wyckoff Coordination phase as refining individual temperature factors for each
Site Position x y z Number atom caused very large errors in the values returned. A
M1 4a 0 0 0 12 stable refinement was obtained while allowing lattice
M2 8c 0.25 0.25 0.25 16 parameters, peak shapes, and temperature factors to
M3 32f 0.38 0.38 0.38 13 refine for all phases and also refining site occupancies
M4 48h 0 0.171 0.171 14 for M23C6 and r and atomic positions for the r phase
C 24e 0.272 0 0 8 for the synchrotron data acquired from the 1000-hour,
2525-hour, and 5000-hour-extracted residues.
The synchrotron data obtained from the 5000 hours
at 800 C extracted residue are displayed in Figure 3(a),
Table V. Crystal Structural Information for r Taken from
along with the calculated fit and the residual. The
Joubert[25] with Atomic Positions Taken from Yakel[24]
residual is the difference between the experimental data
Wyckoff Coordination and the calculated fit, and therefore its relatively small
Site Position x y z Number size shows that a good fit to the experimental data has
been obtained. For the primary region of interest,
A 2a 0 0 0 12 shown in Figure 3(b), the peaks are labeled according to
B 4f 0.39800 0.39800 0 15
which phase they originate from. All major peaks have
C 8i1 0.46371 0.13057 0 14
D 8i2 0.73868 0.06572 0 12 been identified and fitted, although it was not possible to
E 8j 0.18302 0.18302 0.2512 14 identify the origin of several minor peaks. The M23C6, r,
and c/c¢ peaks are clearly identifiable and can be fitted
with a large degree of confidence, but the MC peaks are
both broad and difficult to separate from peaks of other
composition. These site occupancies were allowed to phases, causing larger errors to be obtained in the fits of
refine while the total site occupancy of each site was this phase. However, the predominant minor phase in
constrained to be equal to 1 and the overall composition the sample exposed for 15 hours is MC carbide (see
was constrained to be equal to the measured Figure 1(a)) and, therefore, in data from the extract of
composition. this sample, the MC peaks are more intense and well
The crystal structure of the r phase has the P42/mnm defined. As a result, MC phase information obtained
space group and contains 5 non-equivalent positions from fitting the data for the 15-hour sample was used to
with coordination numbers varying from 12 to 15 (see inform the fits for the data from the longer duration
Table V). It is known that Group Vb or VIb atoms that samples. It should be noted that, while only one peak
are deficient in electrons and usually have larger radii has been labeled as resulting from the MC phase in the
preferentially occupy the sites with a coordination displayed region of the spectrum in Figure 3(b), overall
number of 15, while the electron-rich, smaller atoms more than ten peaks were fitted from this phase.
from Group VIIb or VIII prefer to occupy sites with a Table VI gives the lattice parameters and atomic coor-
coordination number of 12.[23] As a result of these dinates for the r phase and the M23C6 phase, which were
ordering preferences, the initial site occupancies were obtained from Rietveld refinement of the synchrotron
calculated by allocating all of the Mo and Cr to the 14 X-ray data from the extracted residue of the 5000-hour
and 15 coordinated sites, whereas the Ni and Co were
Atomic Coordinates
Fig. 4—Synchrotron X-ray diffraction data for the solid sample after
between 2525 and 5000 hours, while the intensity of
thermal exposure for 5000 h at 800 C, displayed with the calculated the c/c¢ peaks is comparable across the two spectra.
fit and the residual. (a) The complete angular range over which
refinement was performed and (b) a magnified view of a selected
angular range with phase identification markers.
A. Assessment of Results Obtained by Different Methods
error is the standard error obtained from image analysis
of 30 randomly selected regions for each sample. These The majority of the quantitative results obtained from
results appear to support the unexpected trend seen in diffraction analysis show an increase in r and M23C6
the results obtained from the extracted residues. How- precipitation (Figure 6), which agrees with the observa-
ever, consideration of the relative intensity of the r tions made using SEM analysis (Figure 1). A notable ex-
peaks in the solid spectra for the 2525- and 5000-hour ception to this trend is the decrease in the quantity of the
samples reveals a clear increase in their intensity r phase fraction obtained between 2525 and 5000 hours
of exposure in the data presented from the extracted
residues. This is unexpected and disagrees with the