Unit Ii Economics of Power Generation
Unit Ii Economics of Power Generation
Unit Ii Economics of Power Generation
Economics of generation
The art of determining the per unit
(i.e. one kWHr) cost of production of
electrical energy is known as
economics of power generation
Connected load
It is the sum of the continuous rating in kW of all
electrical devices installed at the consumers
premises and connected to the supply system.
Maximum demand
It is the maximum load in kW which a consumer
uses at any time.
Demand Factor:
Maximum demand
Demand Factor = --------------------------Connected load
Average Load:
kW supplied during the period
Average Load = -------------------------------------Total hours of the period
Load Factor:
Average demand
Load Factor = --------------------------Maximum demand
Connected load factor:
Average Power Input
Connected load factor = ---------------------------Connected Load
Diversity factor:
sum of individual max. demands
Plant Use Factor:
Actual Energy generated
Plant Use Factor = ------------------------------------Capacity of Plant x No. of Hours plant is actually in operation during the year
Load Curves
Load curve - Showing the load demand of a
consumer against time in hours.
Gives the details about how load varies with time.
Daily load curve plotted for 24 hours of a single
Annual load curve plotted for one year.
Load Curves
Load Curve
Fixed Cost
Cost which is independent of maximum demand and
units generated.
Depends on annual cost of central organization,
capital cost of land, salaries of high officials.
annual cost of central organization and salaries of
high officials are fixed and doesnt depends on
generation or demand.
Running Cost
Depends - Number of hours the plant is in operation.
- Number of units of electrical energy generated.
Due to Annual cost of fuel, lubricating oil, water,
maintenance and repair cost of equipment.
Operational cost is proportional to units generated.