09 Oct 2005 - Mumbai

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TEST DATE : 09 OCT 2005

LOCATION : Sydneham College, MUMBAI

Dear friends I am passing on Infosys paper test held on 9th Oct 2005 at Sydneham
College, MUMBAI. And the subsequent interview experience.

helped me for preparation.

Some tips for preparation:

I did Shakuntala Devi Puzzle to Puzzle and More puzzle. In one of the Chetana mails
only I had found explanations for few Shakuntala Devi Puzzles..it really helps, u get
idea how to proceed any problem.

Then previous Papers are must. Qnes r repeated they save your time and that u can
devote to new puzzles in paper during test. This will boost ur confidence while
solving. My test had nearly 50% puzzles repeated. So previous papers really helped

George Summers rough overview is good if times there go a bit thoroughly but don’t
spend much time


10 Puzzles 1 hr

1.There are 100 students among them 10 dont study both physics and chemistry,63
studying physics,85 studying chemistry. How many of them are studying both
chemistry and physics (3 mark) (similar Qn. Asked prev)

ans; 63+85-90=68

2. sal and saul are taking part in 100 yards running race in which sal beats saul by
10 yards. If sal starts 10 yards behind the starting line who will win the race?

Ans: Sal.

When 100mtrs is covered by Sal ,Saul covers only 90 mtrs…acc 1st race In 2nd race
Sal has to run tot 110 mtrs while Saul 100 mtrs but when Saul covers 90mtrs Sal
has coverd 100mtrs ie now for both 10 mtrs r rem but Sal is faster than Saul as he
won 1st rece so this 10 mtrs Sal will complete first and will win by 1 mtr.

3. A+B+C+D = D+E+G+H=G+H+I=17.
If A=4,Find value of D and G. (present in prev paper) (6 mark)

ans; D=5 G=1

4.In a dice the nos 1&6, 2&5, 3&4 are to be in opposite face . How many ways u can
do this arrangement. (prv paper)

Ans: I wrote 24 ways.

Suppose 1and 6 we fix in any 2 faces rem nos we can arrange in 4 ways again 4
combi in same way but 1 and 6 interchanged ie 8 combi for 1 pair so 8x3=24 combi.
Chk out tis one …….

5. Plumber+Paperhanger=1100
Painter+electrision=..... and so on 6 equation. (8 mark) (repe)

Ans: You can solve equation or try few values u get the ans.. i didn’t had enough
time so I put values and tried luckily I got correct answer

6.Some milkman problem. There are two cans A&B can A contains water, can B
contains pure milk . To dilute the milk first he put water frm Can A to Can B so that
he doubles the qty in Can B. then poured some qty frm Can B to Can A to double qty
in Can A and then again frm Can A to Can B to double qty in Can B. At the end he
finds both Qty same but in Can B 1 gallon water is more than Can A (something like
this I’m sorry I don’t remember exactly the last sentence). So what is the initial
quantity of milk and water (6 or 8 mark)

I didn’t solve only tis qn. If ny1 has d ans plz put it in group mail.

7.Jan robinson, kate jones, john smith are engineer, pilot & biochemist not in the
order .they have three martian assistants . as they find difficulty with martian names
they gave them nick names as smith, robinson, jones as their masters name.
1.robinson is an yomi 2. martians speak uti. 3.the martians name is the same as
the bio chemist 4.robinson beats engineer in the chess

(conditions I don’t remember properly) who is the pilot?

Ans :Jan robinson

U have to work out the conditions and analyze some 2 conditions r imp u get the
idea so concentrate and do.
8. This was gem problem .7 gems to be arranged on window 3 on left 3 on rt.
diamond always on rt, Emrald on lf always sapphire and something always together
ruby wont go with some gems etc etc.4 sub qns asked very easy u can easily solve

(8 mrks) (repeated)

9.Mr. And Mrs. XYZ has 15 children who where born in an interval of 1.5 years each .
the first child`s age is 8 times that of last child. what’s the age of the eldest child?.

Ans: 24 yrs youngest is 3 yrs. X=8Y,

X=Y+21 Solving X=24

10.Sita goes to Gita's house during vacation. They play a game of chess everyday
and the loser has to give a chocolate to the winner for every game . Sita gave 8
chocolates to Gita at the end of the vacation, although she had won 12 games. how
many days she stay there? 5 marks (repe)

Ans : 32 days

Sita 12 games won ----12 days Sita

12 days lost-------12 days Sita 8 games
lost----8 days tot: 32 days

English Section half an hr easy but make sure u attempt full and b quick .hint:1st will
be mostly a passage don’t waste time over here read the qn first the then passage
para wise u get ans simultaneously. rest was one story fill ups this for checking
tenses then correct sent, prepositions,meanings of general expre. all options present
so don’t have to think much just be quick and understd the meaning.

I think some 500 + roughly appeared for test and they shortlisted some 60-80
candidates. inter was scheduled next day slots were given. i had my int at 930 slot
at some office at nariman pt.

Interview experience:

There were 2 ladies 1 a little older around 40s and 1 young. the inter they check ur
confidence how u handle it b positive and don’t drop ur confidence in any case. Dare
to face any question.

They askedd first to introduce mainly education and family. They were impressed by
my marks appreciated me. then jumped to extra curricular activities I told abt the
robotics compete I partici and won then abt paper presentat, sports events in

Then they asked in detail each one regarding robotics ..i explained all mechanism
Then paper pres what topics seminars which all…in grp or alone .they asked in grp
how was it working? any probs u faced? how u solved…I told ya every person has
his/her own ideas /views we discussed it out sometimes fought but overcame it and
came out with what is best for as a team ….they were impressed.

As the robotics –car topic was going on the senior lady asked me how I will design a
car for 1 legged and 1 hand person. This was a bit tough to impress her then also I
handled it by giving her maximum ideas as I could all thru she was asking how I will
design the steering ,the brakes clutch etc the gear systems first I felt little tough but
then I thought i am not gonna loose it maintained my confidence.

They asked have u ever been a leader to any team here I told I shared my sports
activities then asked how I became captain, how I selected team members inside
team conflicts any how I resolved …..quite impressed coz I showed them I am well
as team member and team leader.

Then gave me 1 puzz frm paper that A+B+C…= 17 askd the approach

One situation…I am going to a meeting for infy and the deal is very imp on highway
my tyre punctures in attempt to fix it loose all the screws wat will u do?? I told ask
for help to any passenger or cell phone…etc……..they told nothing there…….i told I
will fix it using 1 screw for other 3 tyres………askd is it safe?? will wrk??? I told if the
deal is that imp I am ready to take the risk but I’ll b careful………….impressed

And lastly then what if I am posted to mohali ..r u clear with ur family …I said I will
definitely miss them but infy work will be interesting enough to handle it.

Askd any Qns I have……

told I will be informed in 3 weeks . I am selected ultimately by Gods Grace and join
infy this month end. I was struggling from more than a year for getting a job and
ultimately God gave me a good break….so much waiting and hard work is worth now.
Prepare Well and don’t loose hope God will definitely ans evey1s prayer, b sincere
and keep trying and b confident and positive.

All the Best and Thanks for all for the help. …………Smitha.T.

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