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Only for geniuses!
Only for geniuses!
Only for geniuses!
Ebook168 pages43 minutes

Only for geniuses!

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About this ebook

         Social networks have been very useful today, have even managed to overthrow a dictatorship, as happened in Egypt in 2013, when several people called to demonstrate against the then President Mohamed Morsi, who had been ruling for more than 30 years.

         This same year, we have seen how the use of social networks, in the presidential elections in Mexico, made a big difference in favor of the winning candidate.

          Although you have to be careful and learn to differentiate what is true or false, because many times you share ideas or images without even corroborating the origin of them.

         In my case, I have seen how they allow society to bring information that was previously privileged, and, as in the case of this book, to bring ingenuity problems that allow us to keep our minds active and in good condition.

          This is already the second volume of the series that began exposing the problems that during the past years reached the level of "viral". Now we have selected from among them, those that have been labeled as "Only for Geniuses" and that appear from daily publications, even in the big news chains.

         I hope you enjoy solving each exercise as much as I did, and remember to go to the solution of each one until you have managed to find it, proving to be a genius!

Release dateJul 12, 2022
Only for geniuses!

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    Book preview

    Only for geniuses! - Heinrich Grothendieck

    Solve problems of ingenuity:

    Only for geniuses!


    Heinrich Grothendieck



    Bad intuition

    The watch

    The villain


    Chairs on the wall



    The clock in the mirror

    T riangles

    Three lines

    Pandora's box

    D iagram


    The bored child

    What color is the bear?

    Arrangements of numbers

    A Tournament

    A singular race

    A game with cards

    Crossing the bridge

    Padlocks or encryption

    A curious deposit


    Entering the desert

    auto race

    The soldiers

    The Pirates

    A joke


    Incluso en ese momento,

    cuando todo desaparezca,

    te seguiré amando.

    For my beloved family



    Social networks have been very useful today, have even managed to overthrow a dictatorship, as happened in Egypt in 2013, when several people called to demonstrate against the then President Mohamed Morsi, who had been ruling for more than 30 years.

    This same year, we have seen how the use of social networks, in the presidential elections in Mexico, made a big difference in favor of the winning candidate.

    Although you have to be careful and learn to differentiate what is true or false, because many times you share ideas or images without even corroborating the origin of them.

    In my case, I have seen how they allow society to bring information that was previously privileged, and, as in the case of this book, to bring ingenuity problems that allow us to keep our minds active and in good condition.

    This is already the second volume of the series that began exposing the problems that during the past years reached the level of viral. Now we have selected from among them, those that have been labeled as Only for Geniuses and that appear from daily publications, even in the big news chains.

    I hope you enjoy solving each exercise as much as I did, and remember to go to the solution of each one until you have managed to find it, proving to be a genius!

    Heinrich Grothendieck

    January 2022.

    | Página

    Bad intuition


    Many times, the problems that become viral are those that are apparently very simple.

    The next problem is of this type, even students from the universities of Harvard, MIT and Princeton, which are the most important worldwide, failed to give their response. Let's see:

    A bat and a baseball cost $ 1.10. The bat costs a dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

    Pelota De Béisbol, Béisbol, Bola, El Deporte, Juego


    You will agree with me that the problem seems very simple, and it is, but the answer may not be the first one that comes to mind. I leave it for a while, think about your answer and I see it on the next page with the solution.


    If you think about it a bit, it seems that the obvious answer is that the bat costs a dollar and the ball costs 10 cents, but that is incorrect.

    Before giving the answer, I invite you to think a little before continuing with the answer.

    I will give the answer as they teach us in school, but it can be reached in a simpler way, we will see both arguments.

    If you remember a little, this kind of problems, when we do not know quantities, teach us to represent it using letters. Let's say that the cost of the ball is represented by the letter and the cost of the ball with the letter . So, since both cost $ 1.10, we have the equation:

    On the other hand, since the bat costs a dollar more than the ball, the equation is:

    That is, the bat costs the ball plus a dollar.

    Now, we rewrite the first equation using the second equation, that is, in the first equation I no longer put the letter , but its value in the second equation that is , so we get that:

    Now solving this equation is very simple, we have that , so the equation is like:

    That is to say:


    In conclusion, the basketball $ 0.05 and the bat:

    As you can see, it does not match the intuitive response, one dollar for the bat and 10

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