The Scientific Nature of Post Processulism

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Christine S. VanPool and Todd L. VanPool

Tlie coniptrtibilify of processunl trrzd postprvcesszrnl nrchrreology has been heavily debnrecl. This discrrssio~lis freqrreritly
debate" is based
phrased in terms of scientific vs. nonscienfific/lzunznrzi.c.tictrrchaeology. We suggest thrrr the "posr~~rocessurrl
or1 N mischrrrtrcterizntion of science rhnr ispervnsive in nrchneology, and is largely Lrnrzecessars, whet1 n more rensonnble view
of the rlrrrure of science is considered. To demonstrate this point, rve begin our discussion by identrhing sever01 conirnorzrrlitrpproaches to provide tr jburldnriorl for our disc~lssion.We then corzsider the rnlo clnssic crities within most post~~rocess~lnl
terin used to differentiate science nricl nonscience, Bncorzinn inductivism nnd fnlsificntion, rmd clenzonstrnte nlhy these views
lend ro nri incomplete and irznccurnte unclerstnnding of science. We next exnmirle seven nttribures thrrr ore conzrnorlly rrccepred
as chnrncteristics of science in order to provide n more accurnte view of tlze nnture rrncl ~vorkirlgsof science. Bnsed on tlzis
discus.rion, we argue thrrf nzuch posrprocessurrl research is in fact scientific, nrld we rtltirnc~telycor7cl~rdethnt post1~rocessunl
rrpproc~chestrs currently rrpplied can contribure to tr scientific understariclirzg of the nrchneologicnl record.
Lo conzpntibiliclrrd del procescmlismo y postproceslmlisnzo se hrr disc~lticloe.xtensivniiiente. Con fieczrericin este debnre s ~ r ~ ~ o r i e
unrr oposicidn ,fundnnzenml entre In nrqueologirr cieritijicrr y lrr nryueologi'rr hurnnnistictr. Sugerenios qrre el clebnte procesunlconl~irieri In rrrqueologi'cr, y qLre
postprocesunl se derivrr de un erzterldirizierzto fnlso del rrze'todo cient$co, desgrncindnnzente ri~~ry
es posible tomnr urin perspectivn nzds bnlrmceadrr. Pnrrr clesnrr.ollnr r~~restrsls
iderrs, comerz:rrrnos corl identijicnr rrspecros
conzunes de Itr rnrryorin de Ins posiciones teore'tictrs del postprocesunlis~izo.Corisiderrrmos 10s dos crirerios tipicnnzerzte usnrlos
p n m distiriguir lo cientl$co de lo no cientij?co, el rn:onnmierzto irzductivo de Bncon y In,frrls(ficrrcidn, y derizostrtrmos que estrrs
perspectivas rzos dnrz urz erztendinzienfo inconzpleto y disforsionndo de In ciencitr. Iderztjficarrzos siete czmlidndes de In ciericirr
conzLmn?rzerztenceptrrdns porn mejor erifender cdmo fitrzciorzn el n~e'toclocientijico. En base N estrr discusidn, ~ r o p o n e ~qrie
pzrede contribuir nl erlterldirniento
muchos estudi0.r posrprocesutrles merecen llnmrrrse cienfrjScos, y que el post~~rocesntrlisnlo
cienrijico de 10s restos arqueoldgicos.

ith the development of postprocessual

approaches in the 1980s, the debate over
the correct or appropriate form of
archaeology has been intense (see Binford 1989;
Hodder et al. 1995; Lamberg-Karlovsky 1989;
Maschner 1996; Pinsky and Wylie 1989; Preucel,
ed. 1991; Preucel and Hodder 1996; Trigger 1989a;
Yoffee and Sherratt 1993). Archaeological theory
appears to have fragmented into "a thousand
archaeologies" (Schiffer 1988:479). A great deal of
recent theoretical discussion has focused on the
relationships and similarities between these apparently distinct approaches (e.g., Boone and Smith
1998; Patterson 1990; Schiffer 1996; Skibo et al.
1995; Spencer 1997; Trigger 1989a; Wylie 1993),
especially the relationships between processual and
postprocessual frameworks. This discussion, which
has been called "the postprocessual debate"
(Hodder 1997:691), has been the focal point for
Christine S. VanPool and Todd L. VanPool
Mexico 87131-1086

many of the discourses conceining archaeological

theory (e.g., Binford 1989; Clark 1993; Cowgill
1993; Duke 1995; Earle 1991; Earle and Preucel
1987; Hodder 1991a; Kosso 1991; Preucel, ed.
1991, 1995; Renfrew 1989; Saitta 1992; Trigger
1991; Tschauner 1996; Watson 1990, 1991; Watson
and Fotiadas 1990; Wylie 1993).
Often, the "postprocessual debate" has been
phrase in terms of scientific versus huinanistic/nonscientific archaeology (e.g., Bintliff 1991, 1992;
Tilley 1992; Watson 1993). For example, many
postprocessualists have argued that the positivist,
scientific approach of the "New Archaeology" is
inadequate (see Clark 1993:224; Duke 1995;
Gibbon 1989; Hodder 1986, 1991a; Leone 1991;
Shanks and Tilley 1987; Vinsrygg 1988; Wylie
1992a). They suggest that they can provide insightful alternative interpretations by abandoning the
requirements of an "explicitly scientific archaeol-

Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New

American Antiquity, 64(1), 1999, pp. 33-53

Copyright O 1999 by the Society for American Archaeology



ogy" (sensu Watson et al. 1984) as outlined by the

processualists through the early 1980s, and by
adopting a inore hurnanistic approach. While most
do not reject science as a whole (e.g., they will still
use radiocarbon dates), they do reject the applicability of science in certain aspects of their work
(e.g., Bapty 1990; Shanks and Tilley 1992:243;
Yates 1990; see Watson 1990:674-679). Others do
not reject "science" per se, but instead reject scientism (Hodder 1986:xiv; Preucel 1991b; Shanks and
Tilley 1992:48) and a view of science that constrains research questions and approaches (Hodder
1991a:3740; Leone 1986:431 4 3 2 ) . In response,
though, many processualists have contended that
postprocessual approaches are unable to provide
useful or rigorous insight into the archaeological
record, and therefore the application of these
approaches waste important archaeological
resources (Binford 1986, 1987, 1989:27-40;
Bintliff 1991; O'Shea 1992; Watson and Fotiadis
1990; R. Watson 1990, 1991). Unfoitunately, inuch
of this discussion has been argumentative and hostile in its tone 1.
Debate over appropiiate archaeological method
and theory is an important component of archaeology, because our theoretical stn~cturesaffect the
very nature of archaeology as a discipline. Alternate
theoretical perspectives will affect the questions
archaeologists ask and the types of data that they
collect to answer their questions. If processual and
postprocessual approaches are in fact different and
incompatible, then archaeology is no longer a
coherent discipline. Researchers such as P. Watson
(1991) have suggest that this fragmentation could
have the effect of causing archaeology to loose its
intellectual, scientific, and funding credibility. If
such a fission occurs, archaeology would necessarily undergo a split siinilar to the division between
classical archaeology and anthropological archaeology, or between cultural historic archaeology and
processual archaeology. Such a f~~ndainental
shift in
archaeology is unpalatable for many researchers,
and several authors have attempted to reconcile
processual and postprocessual approaches in various ways (Duke 1995; Preucel, ed. 1991, 1995;
Schiffer 199 1; Tschauner 1996; Wylie 1992~1,
Vaiious authors have argued that the differences
between postprocessual and processual approaches
are very limited and relatively uilimpoi-tant (Gibbon

[Vol. 64, No. 1 , 1999

1989; Kohl 1993; Kosso 1991; Preucel 1991a,

1995; Schiffer 1995; Trigger 1989a, 1989b).
Generally, these arguments are based on the assertion that there are "many types of science," and that
processual and postprocessual both are legitimate
scientific approaches (e.g., Preucel, ed. 1991, 1995).
Unfortunately, there has been little explicate discussion of what it is that inakes some postprocessual
approaches scientific or what makes postprocessual
and processual approaches compatible. As a result,
the split and then the subsequent reconciliation
remain largely sociological movements.
We agree with Schiffer (1996:643) and Redinan
(1991) that the division of archaeologists into antagonist cainps across which little discussion of substantive issues is possible is both unnecessary and
hasinful to archaeology as an intellectual endeavor.
However, the reconciliation of processual and postprocessual approaches inust be based on more than
a general commitment to "just get along."
Discussions between practioners of alternate theoretical structures must be based on a correct understanding of the underlying points of contention and
the relationship between the two approaches.
We suggest that much of the discussion of the
relationship between processual and postprocessual archaeology is based on subtle, yet important,
inisconceptions. Specifically, we argue that much
of it is based on an incorrect view of the nature of
science, and that Inany postprocessual archaeologies are in fact scientific. To support this position,
we will discuss seven recognized characteristics of
science and demonstrate that processualism and
postprocessualism both possess most of these characteristics. We therefore suggest that the conflict
between the practitioners of processual and postprocessual archaeological approaches is largely
unnecessary, not because of the social in~plications
of the conflict, but because of their substantive
intellectual similarities.
This paper is organized into two sections. The
first section provides a foundation for discussion by
presenting coinmonalities in postprocessual perspectives. Specifically, we discuss how the concepts of meanings, interpretations, social
structures, and hermeneutics provide a foundation
for postprocessual approaches. Because of the
diversity of postprocessual approaches (Hodder
1991a:37), this discussion is necessarily general.
We realize that the generalizations we present do

VanPool and VanPool]


not reflect the variation among the individual postprocessual approaches and refer readers interested
in the nuances of these approaches to any of the
excellent overviews available (e.g., Hodder et al.
1995; Preucel 1995; Trigger 1989a; Wylie 1992a).
We do suggest, however, that few postprocessualists will find our discussion at odds with the general
principles underlying most postprocessual theories.
The second section discusses the nature and
demarcations (i.e., identifying characteristics) of
science, and illustrates why much of postprocessual archaeology is, in reality, scientific. The suggestion that much of the recent postprocessual
research is scientific is not unique to us. For example, Pruecel ( 199 1x287, 1995) suggests that there
are different types of science, which includes types
that are co~llpatible with postprocessual and
processual research. However, what has been missing from the discussion, and what this article is
intended to provide, is an explicit identification of
what it is about a portion of postprocessual research
that makes it scientific. We will accomplish this
task by identifying the requirements for a scholarly
pursuit to qualify as science, and then deinonstrating that much of the recent postprocessual research
meets these requirements.
Specifically, we will address the "classic"
denlascation criteria proposed by Heinpel (1965)
and Popper (1980) and will argue that neither of
their criteria are acceptable. Instead, we present
seven characteristics typifying science, and argue
that Inany postprocessual approaches process these
characteristics. Our ultinlate goal is not to change
postprocessual research. Instead, we wish to
denlollstrate that the conflict between the practitioners of the various perspectives is unnecessary,
and that postprocessual and processual approaches
are conlpatible and can contribute in conju~lction
with one another to a rigorous understanding of the
archaeological record.
While processual and postprocessual research
lnay entail different intellectual approaches to the
archaeological record, the diversity in approaches
can be beneficial, in so far that they each force the
other to examine their underlying assumptions.
Additionally, the diversity in research questions
and analytical approaches may produce a more
conlplete understanding of the past. However, these
potential benefits of diversity are only possible if
the underlying sinlilarities and differences are


properly understood. By coilsidering why much of

the recent postprocessual research is science, this
paper hopes to denlonstrate that postprocessualism
can contribute to a scientific, rigorous understanding of the past.

Postprocessual Archaeology
Postprocessual archaeology is a manifestation of
the growing influence of postmodern thought in the
social sciences (Bintliff 199 1; Duke 1995:211 ;
Knapp 1996; Watson 1990:675). Postmodei~lisrn
shares inany elements with critical theory, feminist
theory, hermeneutics, neo-Marxism, Western
Marxism, and poststructuralis~n (Rosenau
1992: 13). As a general movement, postinodernis~n
is a reaction against modernism, i.e., the
Enlightenment. It is largely based on the beliefs
that science is not objective, not based on absolute
and true laws, and in practice has not improved
humanity (Bintliff 1991; Rosenau 1992). In fact,
some postrnodernists (and postprocessualists)
argue that adherence to rigid positivist science has
dehumanized disciplines such as archaeology by
removed the spiritual nature from the human experience by saying non-empirical entities don't exist
(Fields 1995; see Leone 1986:431-432; Shanks
1992; Shanks and Tilley 1987, 1992)'. Extreme
postrnodernisln questions episte~nological and
ontological assumptions, refutes methodology,
resists knowledge claims, obscures all versions of
truth, challenges beliefs about reality, and discards
policy recomlnendations based on any political,
religious, or social knowledge systems (Fields
1995; Rosenau 1992:3).
In co~llparisonto other social sciences such as
psychology and sociology, archaeology has been
slow to incorporate elements of postrnodernist
thought (Bintliff 1991:275; Rosenau 1992). In fact,
just as the postrnodein movernent was gaining
rnornentum in philosophy during the 1960s,
archaeologists were beginning to apply the frainework of logical positivism. It was alrnost two
decades before postmodernisin's influence was felt
in archaeology through the works of Ian Hodder in
the early 1980s (Bintliff 1991; Hodder 1982). This
brand of postmodern thought is commonly called
postprocessualism because it was viewed as a reaction to perceived weaknesses of the processual
school. Preucel(1995) has noted, though, that postprocessualis~nis no longer just a critique of the



processual program, but instead has its own

research programs and methodologies.
As with the postmodern movement in philosophy, there is no unified postprocessual school of
thought within archaeology (Hodder 1991x37-38).
Discussing postprocessual approaches in a general
sense is problematic, because they reject unifying or
"static" theory and methodology (Hodder et
a1.1995; Patterson 1989, 1990; Preucel 1995;
Rosenau 1992; Trigger 1989a; although see Hodder
1997). We will not separate the different approaches
into distinct schools, but, rather will instead attempt
to examine their commonalities (for discussion of
the various postprocessual schools see Patterson
1989, 1990; Preucel 1995; Trigger 1989a). As
Tiigger (1989c, 1991) has argued, though, we feel it
is important to differentiate between two "types" of
postprocessualists: moderate postprocessualists and
the hyperrelativists.3
Hyperrelativist research follows the more
extreme postmodeinists in rejecting all truth and
knowledge, and questioning the human ability to
perceive any sort of personal or physical reality
(Miller and Tilley 1984: 15 1; Rosenau 1992;
Shanks and Tilley 1992; Shanks 1992; Tiigger
1989c, 1991). These individuals argue that experience is inherently subjective, and that we are
unaware of our own biases or underlying motivations (Englestad 1991; Shanks and Tilley 1992). As
a result, they contend there is no aspect of the
archaeological record, prehistoric peoples, or
knowledge about either the present or the past that
can be understood though archaeological research.
Any analysis of the archaeological record, therefore, is completely subjective; interpretations are
created by our own biases. Additionally, our interpretations cannot be communicated to others, since
all knowledge is subjective and there is no way to
accurately force another individual to think exactly
the same thought. Therefore, any interpretation we
might try to communicate to others will be mixed
with their own biases and will necessarily be different from our own understanding.
Because our interpretations are created by our
own biases which are partly a result of our group
ideology, the study of the archaeological record is
inherently political according to some individuals
(Englestad 1991; Fotiadis 1994; Handsman and
Leone 1989; Leone 1986; Leone et al. 1987; Leone
and Preucel 1992). Thus, hyperrelativists view the

[Vol. 64, NO. 1, 1999

study of the archaeological record as a means of

accomplishing specific political goals (i.e., empowering disenfranchised groups), not as something
worthy of study in-and-of-itself (Fotiadis 1994;
Shanks and Tilley 1987; Trigger 1989c:77; Watson
1990). Such individuals act in a manner similar to
lawyers; they use the evidence gained from the
archaeological record as a means of argumentation
and persuasion, but they may not necessarily
attempt to develop a systematic body of knowledge
about the archaeological past or the archaeologist's
In contrast, most moderate postprocessual
archaeologists recognize that the archaeological
record does exist and that it can be studied. They do
not reject all knowledge in an absolute way, but
instead tend to concentrate on identifying those
assumptions that have been uncritically and often
subconsciously accepted (Conkey and Spector
1984; Englestad 1991; Gero 1983; Handsinan and
Leone 1989; Hodder 1986; Leone et al. 1987;
Leone 1991; Rosenau 1992:8; Shanks 1992;
Shanks and Tilley 1992). Instead of simply deconstructing others' work, postprocessualists have
worked to reconstruct archaeology in a less harsh
or modernistic framework by developing "interpretations" without the claim of absolute objectivity.
Most postprocessualists also believe that
archaeological research is inherently political
(Arnold 1990; Fotiadis 1994; Leone 1986, 1991;
Leone et al. 1987; Leone and Preucel 1992). Their
interpretations are intended to empower aboriginal
and other disenfranchised groups, show inequities
or inconsistencies within the current social structures, and challenge the dominant views of archaeological knowledge. However, they argue that the
archaeological record places limits on their interpretations. As Hodder (1986: 16) states, "the real
world does constrain what we can say about it."
These postprocessual archaeologists believe that:
1) there is a reality in that objects are empirical and
real, although objects may have multiple social
meanings (Leone 1986; Leone et al. 1987), 2) their
own writings must be logically coherent and noncontradictory (Hodder et a1.1995; Hodder 1989;
Renfrew 1989; Trigger 1989b), and 3) their conclusions must be plausible given the archaeological
data and their own understanding (Shanks and
Hodder 1995). Thus, the political nature of postprocessualisin is not the driving force behind its

VanPool and VanPool]


interpretations, but is rather a portion of the process

for developing thein (Leone 1986; Leone et al.
1987; Leone and Preucel 1992; Trigger 1989c,
1991). The following discussion is intended to
apply to the vast majority of postprocessualists who
reject hyperrelativisin.
Tlze Postprocessunlist Deconstruction o f

Many scholars in the 1970s were growing increasingly pessimistic with processual archaeology as
presented by Binford (1968), Fritz and Plog (1970)
and Watson et al. (1971). Their criticisms were
threefold. First and foreinost, postprocessualists
(and many processualists) argued that there are no
(or at the least only a very limited number of) universal generalities, laws, or absolute truths of
human behavior to be found by archaeologists
(Hodder 1986, 1992; Leone 1986; Shanks and
Hodder 1995; Shanks and Tilley 1987; Trigger
1993; see also Clarke 1979; Flannery 1986;
Renfrew 1989). They further argued that archaeological knowledge is subjective, not objective
(Hodder 1986; Shanks and Hodder 1995; Shanks
and Tilley 1987, 1992). Postprocessualists discarded the natural science model of archaeology
underlying the positivist approach (Hodder 199 1a).
They also rejected generalizing theory and replaced
it with a paiticularist view of culture; by knowing
the specific history of the culture, the postprocessual archaeologists argued they could provide
understandings of certain aspects of society (e.g.,
syrnbolisrn and ideology) that could never be
obtained using a strict positivistic framework.
Thus, postprocessual archaeologists believed that
archaeology should be and is a humanistic field of
inquiry, rather than a natural science (Bawden
1996; Hodder et al. 1995; Shanks 1992; Shanks
and Tilley 1987, 1992; Vinsrygg 1988).
Another philosophical disagreement between
the postprocessual and processual approaches is
that the postprocessual archaeologists believe that
society is not composed of a set of patterns that
accurately and absolutely produce behavior.
Postprocessual archaeologists criticized the processualists for asking questions that only pertain to the
collective group (i.e., Why societies change?, How
did societies iinpact one another?, and so on)
(Cowgill 1993; Shanks 1992; Shanks and Tilley
1987; Wylie 1992a). The postprocessualists


believed that such an approach causes individuals

to be systeinatically ignored (Vinsrygg 1988).
Postprocessual archaeologists also disagree with
some processualists' view that environmental or
external social forces are the major factors causing
cultural change in a society, which are inherent in
system theories, f~~nctionalism,
and ecological
approaches (Hodder 1982; Leone 1986; Leone et
al. 1987; Preucel 1995; Trigger 1993). Instead,
postprocessualists argue that the social negotiation
of individuals causes cultural change. Change is
thus made by individuals, and the understanding of
culture change requires an understanding of the
motives and intentions of individuals, not groups,
societies, or cultures (Bawden 1996; Thomas
1991,1996; Trigger 1993). Therefore, postprocessual archaeologists argue that we should not look
for patterns to define behavior, but should instead
focus on the motivations and desires that drive people based on their "culturally constructed perceptions of the world (Bawden 1996; Vinsrygg 1988).
Finally, postprocessual archaeologists rejected
the categorization of societies into cultural evolutionary types such as band, tribes, chiefdoins, and
states common in archaeology and anthropology.
According to the postprocessualists, these groupings are totally subjective and do not accurately
represent any aspect of the archaeological record
(Bawden 1989; Hodder et al. 1995). This criticism
has been echoed by researchers using different theoretical perspectives (Dunnell 1980; Fried 1967;
Leonard and Jones 1987; Yoffee 1992).

Fundamental Concepts in

Postprocessual Approaches

In addition to criticizing the processual archaeology program, postprocessual archaeologists have

presented a series of general suggestions and goals
they believe will lead to a richer understanding of
the past. One major method of postprocessualisin is
deconstr~ictionthrough critical hermeneutics (for
discussion, see Bleicher 1980; Leone et al. 1987;
Preucel 199 1b, 1995). Deconstruction in archaeology is partly an outgrowth of Marxist approaches
created by the extension of the concept of ideology
to archaeological research (Leone et al. 1987:
283-285). Ideology is the naturalization of unequal
distribution of power and resources between social
classes. Thus, ideology relates to social stratification, wealth holding, and power relations.



Postprocessualists observe that archaeology can

serve as ideology by legitimizing current social
structures (Leone 1986:42743 1). Archaeological
interpretations can therefore acquire meanings that
are both intended and unintended by the researcher,
but that are not inherent in the data thenlselves.
Deconstruction is accomplished when a
researcher analyzes a text, revealing its contradictions, assumptions, and the author's acknowledged
or unacknowledged intent. The goal of deconstruction for some postmodemists is not to improve,
revise, offer a better version of the text, or to find
the truth within the text, but to simply illuminate
the logical and cultural weaknesses and biases
within the work (Rosenau 1992). If carried to its
logical extreme, deconstructionists would reject all
empirical, political, social, and religious knowledge as biased (Yates 1990).
However, hermeneutics and deconstruction also
can be used for knowledge construction and the
evaluation of inte~pretations.Many postprocessualists use hermeneutics as a method (e.g., poststructuralist's hermeneutics, feminist's hermeneutics,
Marxist's hernleneutics, or the her~neneuticspiral;
for a discussion, see Hodder 1986; MuellerVollmer 1994; Preucel 1995). It is a way of evaluating inteipretations of the past to determine if they
are congruent with the theoretical concepts of the
present, and then reexamining the theoretical concepts of the present to determine if they are congruent with the interpretations of the past.
Likewise, deconstruction can help identify hidden
biases allowing them to be directly evaluated, and
potentially resulting in knowledge about the past
that is less culturally contingent. The methods of
deconstruction and hermeneutics can therefore
help to establish the validity of archaeological
interpretations, and help archaeologists modify
their theoretical approaches so that they fit the
"realities of archaeological data" (Leone et al.
Just as f~~nctional
explanation is the heart of
processual aschaeology, social interpretations are
the heart of postprocessual archaeology.
Postprocessualists argue that there are no ultimate
or comect inte~pretations.Instead, they argue that
there may be many plausible interpretations consistent with the archaeological record. Therefore, postprocessualists expect a plurality of archaeological
interpretations suited to different needs and desires

[Vol. 64, No. 1, 1999

(Shanks and Hodder 1995). Although there may be

infinite inteipretations, postprocessualists do not
believe all interpretations are valid (Hodder 1 985;
Preucel 1995). Most postprocessual archaeologists
have several crite~iafor evaluating interpretations:
1) interpretations must be consistent with the data
(Hodder 1992; Saitta 1992: Wylie 1993), 2) interpretations must take into account group needs, especially aboriginal or disenfranchised groups
(Handsman and Leone 1989; Saitta 1992; Shanks
and Tilley 1987), and 3) inte~pretationsmust be logically coherent (Hodder et al. 1995; Preucel
1995:161-162: Saitta 1992; Trigger 1993). Any
interpretation that meets these criteria is plausible,
and therefore an appropriate interpretation.
To meet these ctite~ia,postprocessual archaeologists have developed several loose methodologies
based on several general concepts. The core of their
methodology is the use of some form of hermeneutics andor contextualism to derive and evaluate
inte~pretationsfrom archaeological data (Bleicher
1980; Hodder 1986, 1991b, 1997; Hodder et
al. 1995; Mueller- Vollmer 1994; Preucel 199 1 b,
1995; Saitta 1992; Thornas 1996). Other itnpo~-tant
concepts including the use of meanings, inteipretations, symbols, and social structures are discussed

Postprocessual archaeologists are concerned with

individuals, specifically how the social negotiations
of individuals affect social structures represented
by the archaeological record. Basic to their
research, then, are the concepts of meaning, symbols, and interpretation. All three of these concepts
are difficult to separate, but for the purpose of our
argument, we think it is necessary to do so.
Social meaning can be given to material objects,
people, societies, and places through inte~pretation.
Interpretation and meaning are dictated by the ideology, the politics, and the religion of both past
individuals and the archaeologist (Bapty and Yates
1990; Bawden 1996; Hodder 1992; Hodder et al.
1995; Leone 1991; Leone et al. 1987; Thomas
1991, 1996). As a result, postprocessual archaeologists are concerned with meanings, including both
past and modem meanings, assigned to artifacts
and features in the archaeological record. Many
postprocessualists have argued that interpretations
developed by archaeologists are related to each

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archaeologist's personal practices, methods, and

cultural biases (Arnold 1990; Engelstad 1991; Gero
199 1 ; Leone 199 1; Leone et al. 1987). Therefore,
archaeological inteipretation is the extension of the
"here and now" of the archaeologists into the past.
Meaning reflected in material symbols informs
us of the meanings that were formed by and created
in the political, ideological, and cultural structure
of a society (Bawden 1995:268). Symbolivm is the
communication of important cultural information
(i.e., cultural interpretation) through material
means (e.g., objects, gestures, writing) (Hodder
1986; Hodder et al. 1995). Symbols are the center
of the human existence, according to many postprocessualists. They are an integrated part of daily
life and are the means through which people are
socialized and controlled (Bawden 1996; Hodder
1986; Thomas 1996; Trigger 1993).
Leone (1986:4 17) argues that material objects
can have a hierarchy of meanings stretching from
ecological, technological, and demographic meanings, to vaguely defined ideological or religious
meanings. The meanings of objects can be different
at each level, and can be potentially contradictory.
For example, the crown of a king can have the utilitarian meaning of a hat, a social meaning as a sign
of authority, and an ideological meaning of a god or
godliness. Each of these meanings represent different scales of meaning and none is more correct than
the others.
Meanings are abstract-that is, they are separate
from the artifact itself. Abstract meanings are completely subjective, and no longer share a link with
the "objective world." Our common sense tells us
that the artifact or object is real in-and-of-itself, but
bringing meaning to the object involves abstractions (Shanks 1992:43). The specific meanings of
objects or a set of objects will vary with the context
of their use (Hodder 1992: 109). Many postprocessual archaeologists view material culture in the
context of human activity as a part of language and
structure as seen through their use of hermeneutics.
They suggest it is comparable with spoken or written language in its ability to order human life
(Bawden 1996; Hodder 1986; Leone 1986;
Thomas 1996). The ordering of objects through
action can be used to communicate meanings in the
same way that words, which also are symbols with
a multitude of meanings, can. Additionally, the
meaning of objects is tied to language because it


can only be expressed through language (Shanks

and Tilley 1987).
Tlze Concept ofSocin1 S t r ~ ~ c t ~ t r e

As with many of the concepts in postprocessual

approaches, there is not a single unified concept of
structure. What we consider important to t h i ~discussion is that many postprocessual archaeologists
use sociological concepts of "structure" derived
from various poststructuralists including Bourdieu
(1977), Foucault (1970), Giddens (1984), and
Heidegger (see Macquai~ieand Robinson 1962)
(for examples, see Bawden 1996; Hodder 1986;
Thomas 1996). When used, these different
approaches allow the researcher to:
1. interpret structures of past social actors
2. find some of the shared knowledge that is
constructed by the rules and institutions of a group
of people through time and space through the discourses of Foucault (1970) or the continuity of
Giddens (1984), or
3. determine how syn~bols,artifacts, meanings,
interpretations, and structures can be explored
(Preucel 1995).

Postprocessual and Scientific Approaches

We argue that the incompatibility between the
recent processual and postprocessual progranlnles
in archaeology is largely illusory; postprocessual
approaches are more scientific than many practitioners of either group are willing to admit. Clearly,
many postprocessual archaeologists believe that
they use methods and theories that are incompatible with science to answer questions that science
cannot address (Tilley 1992), a view that is
accepted by many processualists (Binford 1989;
Watson 1990; Yoffee 1992). This view has been
succinctly summarized by Fotiadas (Watson and
Fotiadas 1990:622) when he observed, "Watson's
challenge to a 'Hodderian' approach to the prehistoric past follows forcefully: to claim that the study
of the mental processes of prehistoric men and
women are within the reach of science is to claim
that we can communicate with the nonexistent."
Many processualists and postprocessualists alike
feel that postprocessual research falls outside of
"science" and therefore postprocessualists are not
scientists. This may be true for the hypei-relativists,
but this is not the case for most postprocessualists.



We argue, along with others (e.g., Hodder 1989;

Preucel 1991b, 1995; Renfrew 1989; Trigger
1989a,1989b), that most postprocessual and
processual archaeologists have a very narrow and
inaccurate view (i.e., "the legendary view") of science based on the logical positivist model, and that
much of postprocessual archaeology is compatible
with science and is scientific when a more realistic
view of science is considered.
Denzal-cations qf Science
No one has developed an universally accepted definition of science. However, in our common usage,
science has a special meaning that distinguishes it
from philosophy, religion, theoretical ethics, law,
and artJaesthetics. It is not just a belief system, but
is a method of inquiry in which knowledge is subject to revision. A commonly held view of science,
especially among positivists, is illustrated by the
idea of the "legendary scientist" (Kitcher
1992:3-10). The legendary view of science states
that scientists are con~pletelyrational, objective
observers who meticulously record data; propose
logical hypotheses; evaluate every scientific perspective without the influence of greed, personality
conflicts, or dogmatism; and will readily drop any
aspect of their pet theories anytime that contradictory evidence suggests a better perspective. While
this view is widely accepted, it is fictional, as many
scientists have observed (see Woodward and
Goodstein 1996 for a more complete discussion).
Far from being supermen, scientists are humans
that are driven by the same desires and weakness,
e.g., greed, ambition, pride, cultural bias, as everyone else. Therefore, the demarcation (i.e., difference) between science and nonscience is based on
the structure of the knowledge system, not the
behavior of its practitioners.
Two demarcation criteria4 have been presented
and have at one time or another received considerable support. The first criterion, and the basis of the
legendary science myth, was originally proposed
by Francis Bacon. Baconian inductivists suggest
that science is a uniquely structured reasoning system based on inductive logic. To separate science
from nonscience, they use the demarcation that scientific investigation begins with scientists carefully
recording aspects of the empirical world free from
the bias of culture, religion, or theory. As observations are synthesized, patterns in the natural world

[Vol. 64, No. 1, 1999

will become evident. Scientists then extrapolate

from the patterns to propose hypotheses which they
believe characterize the world, creating universal
laws (Hempel 1965). Through this process, the
Baconian inductivists argue that our descriptions of
the world will become more accurate until they are
perfect and true. According to the inductivist
demarcation, then, science is different from other
types of knowledge systems because of the presence of inductive logical and systematic observation leading to universal laws.
The Baconian inductivist view has been
severely criticized. Popper (198034-37) argues
that inductivist logic is inappropriate for scientific
study. He refers to Hume's problem of induction in
which the logical structure of inductive conclusions
cannot be substantiated. The objection is simple;
past experience cannot be used as a logically secure
means of predicting future events. For example, we
have all heard that the sun will come up tomorrow.
An inductivist argument derived from this statement would be:
1. Every day of my life, the sun has come up every
2. In the lives of all individuals who have lived in
the past that I am aware of, the sun has risen
every morning, therefore
3. The sun will come up tomorrow.
While past experience does suggest this is true,
it is in no way logically valid to derive the conclusion (Statement 3) from the premises in Statements
1 and 2. The sun could blow up, or some supernatural force could stop the spinning of the world.
However unlikely these events, they are logically
consistent with, or at least not precluded by,
Statements 1 and 2.
Popper (1980:34) also launches a more practical
and potentially more damaging attack on the use of
inductivist logic as a demarcation criterion. He
observes that many commonly accepted nonscientific or pseudoscientific knowledge systems including religion, Freudian psychology, astrology, and
water witching can all claim to be science based on
inductivist logic and systematic observation.
Therefore, this demarcation is practically insufficient since it will allow nonsciences to be classed
as science.
An additional objection has been raised by
Feyerabend (1975), Thagard (1978), and
Woodward and Goodstein (1996). These authors

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observe that science simply cannot be done in

accordance with the inductivist view, and that science would in fact be hurt if it tried to do so. They
argue that scientists cannot record everything, and
that scientists cannot be free from theoretical bias.
These authors point out that an infinite number of
possible observations can be made of any empirical
phenomenon. It is only with a theoretical system
that a problem can be addressed so that the important observations can be identified. They also argue
that every observation is theory laden, since we
must use language to conceptualize and desci-ibe
our observation (see Hanson 1958:4-11).
Language is based on previous experience and on
our conceptual system. It is impossible, then, to
have theory-free observations since observers interpret any event or observation on the basis of their
language. All of these authors with the exception of
Feyerabend (1975) also argue that if scientists tried
to use an inductivist approach, the progress of science would be greatly impeded. According to these
authors, scientists would waste resources gathering
uninformative data, waste their time trying to be
theory free, and, by rejecting the role of theory in
science, reject the very basis of what makes science
a progressive system for understanding the world.
In connection with his critique of Baconian
inductivism, Popper (1980:78-92, 1963) argues
that falsification is the best demarcation criterion.
According to Popper, scientists should directly test
hypotheses derived through theory against empirically derived data. They should organize their
experiments to be able to provide infoimation that
could lead to the rejection of the hypotheses, and
by association, the t h e ~ r y In
. ~ this way, scientists
will weed out poor theoi-ies that are in contradiction
with nature and develop stronger theories. Bad science or nonscience will be characterized by not
announcing in advance what types of evidence
would lead to the falsification of a theory, ignoring
or discarding contradictory evidence of a pet theory, introducing ad hoc hypotheses to protect a theory from falsification, or decreasing the scope of
one's theory so that it does not apply to situations
that might lead to its falsification.
Falsification, according to Popper, escapes the
problem of induction by requiring the use of deductive logic. A scientific theory can come from any
source including dreams, generalized patterns from
previously observed data, or hunches (Popper


198031-32). However, expectations are derived

from theory and must be compared to data. In contradiction to the inductive view presented above
that relies on justification or verification (Watson et
al. 1971, 1984), Popper's falsification criterion stipulates that justification is unimportant. As Popper
observes, it is easy to find supporting evidence for
nearly any theory. The difficulty is reconciling theory with contradictory or negative data. Therefore,
for an individual to be a scientist, he or she must
foimulate theories with empirical consequences,
derive empirical expectations, and test them against
the empirical world. If the theory survives the test
(i.e., is in agreement with the data), the scientist
must design a more co~nprehensivetest that can
potentially provide contradictory evidence and lead
to the falsification of the theory. This testing program should continue until the theories are falsified. While Popper does not ever suggest this
approach will lead to the "Tmth," he does believe
that it will cause science to progress while at the
same time delineating science from nonscience.
Just as with inductivism, Popper's falsification
has been greatly criticized. The most damaging
objection is that it is impossible to logically falsify
a theory (Duhem 1962; Quine 1961; Woodward
and Goodstein 1996:484). Popper himself understood the validity of this objection (Popper
1980:4142), although he thought it was a fairly
minor point and simply a result of the humanness
of science. In practice, though, the problem of the
unfalsifiability of theory, often called the DuhemQuine objection, can be severe. Theories as defined
by Popper are not empirical themselves, but have
empirical consequences only when provided with
auxiliary conditions. If the data do not agree with
one's expectations, it is entirely possible that one of
the auxiliary conditions is wrong, not the theory
itself. Poor experimental design, experimental
error, or a simple misunderstanding of the conditions of the experiment can cause expectations to
be violated. The logical strength of the deductive
falsification argument is therefore impinged and no
more certain than the inductivist approach.
The flip side of the Duhem-Quine objection
discussed in the previous paragraph has also been
suggested. Thagard (1978) argues that many
pseudo-sciences and nonsciences can derive
propositions that are at least potentially falsifiable.
He contends that according to Popper's criterion,



astrology or virtually any other nonscience or

pseudo-science can be made to appear as a science. An example that Thagard uses is astrology,
which makes predictions of human behavior.
Characteristics of individuals could be predicted
using astrology and then cornpared to the individuals to evaluate the reliability of the predictions. If
the predictions are wrong, then astrology could be
falsified. Therefore, Thagard (1978) concludes
that falsification is not acceptable as a demarcation
Other authors have argued that applying a falsification criterion would prevent young and fragile
theories from ever being developed, and would
therefore impede scientific progress (Bartley 1968;
Feyerabend 1975; Kuhn 1957; Lauden 1977;
Woodward and Goldstein 1996). They observe that
young theories, such as Copernicus' sun-centered
view of the universe and Newton's initial foimulation of teirestrial physics, were full of misunderstandings and contradictio~lsthat were only solved
after scientists continued to develop the theories, in
spite of contradictory evidence. If Popper's falsification criterion was followed by scientists involved
in these scientific revolutions, these theories would
have been rejected and a great amount of scientific
knowledge would have been lost. Therefore, these
authors conclude that falsification is not an acceptable criterion for demarcating science and nonscience, because it is not a criterion that should be
widely applied in science itself.
The criticisms of both the Baconian inductivist's
justification and Popper's falsification demarcation
criteria are powerfill, and illustrate their basic
weaknesses. We believe that there is simply no
clear distinction between science and nonscience.
Science can take many foims that may not share a
single underlying characteristic (Feyerabend
1975). As Popper states, the distinction between
science and metaphysics or other types of knowledge is a convention (Popper 19805-56). What is
at one time accepted as science may very well not
be accepted under other circumstances. We suggest, though, that we can often identify what is science inore easily by considering a number of traits,
instead of developing a single rule to differentiate
science and nonscience. While the demarcation criterion is a subject of heavy debate, most authors
agree that a science inust have cei-tain characteristics. By identifying what these characte~-isticsare,

[Vol. 64, No. 1, 1999

we can evaluate the level of co~npatibilityof postprocessual archaeology with science.

Clzar-cictevisticsof Science ~ I I T the
L ~ Scie~lfzfic
of Postprwces,s~~ul

We have identified seven characteristics of science

that most scientists and philosophers of science
agree are important. While none of these seven criteria are considered sufficient de~narcationcriteria
by themselves, most scientists and philosophers of
science would agree that they include the characteristics that make a research program scientific.
We suggest that given these criteria, much of the
archaeological research we call postprocessual or
post-positivist archaeology is scientific. It is certainly as "scientific" as processual archaeology and
other recognized sciences, such as physics.
The first criterion is that science, including the
social sciences, must study empirical (i.e., physically observable) subjects (Popper 1980:93-111;
Kitcher 1982). Scientific knowledge must deal with
some aspect of the physical world, although empirical subjects can include non-tangibles such as
behavior as in psychology or social systems as in
sociology. This characteristic of science explains
why ethics, law, and religion may have aspects that
appear scientific, but as a whole are not; their funda~nentalresearch subject is not empirical. It is
important to note, though, that the theoretical structure does not have to be empirical itself (Lakatos
1970; Ti~ggleet al. 1972; see also Schiffer 1988). It
is only necessary that the expectations del-ived from
the theory be empirical.
Most p~stp~ocessualinteipretations meet the
requirement of empiricism, in our opinion (also see
Saitta 1992:890-89 I). Postprocessual archaeologists do study enlpirical phenomena: artifacts created within past social structures. While they might
vehemently deny that these social structures are
empirical, and would certainly deny that variables
such as meaning and ideology are empirical, their
variables and the social structures that they study
are every bit as empirical as the subject matter and
variables used in other accepted sciences.
The flaw in the postprocessual aschaeologists
argument is that most postprocessual archaeologists
have mistakenly equated elnpirical with "real," tangible objects that one can touch and observe using
one of the five senses (Saitta 1992; Hodder et al.
1995; Shanks 1992; Shanks and Tilley 1987;

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Trigger 1993). Even though this view of empirical

is cornmon, it is certainly wrong (Stace 1967). For
example, social structures are at least as empiiical as
the plethora of quantum particles postulated in
quantum mechanics. No physicist has ever seen any
particle of matter slnaller than an electron. The
ontological status of these items is in question, yet
they are still e~npi~ical
subjects of scientific study
(Maxwell 1964). An additional example from
physics is the force of gravity. It is an unseenforce
that cannot be directly observed and is not tangible.
Even Einstein's time-space circles are not "empirical" according to the common postprocessualist
(and processualist) definition of empirical.
However, gravity has been and is the subject of
empirical scientific study. While these examples
come from physics-an undisputed science-any
number of similar examples directly dealing with
social systems could be gleaned from the sciences
of sociology, psychology, and economics.
Why, then, are the unseen phenomena such as
gravity and social systems empirical? Past of the
reason is that they both have observable consequences that are intersubjectively identifiable.
Gravity causes material objects on the Earth's surface to fall towards the Earth's center. While we
cannot directly observe gravity, we can observe its
consequences. Therefore, gravity can be empirically studied. Likewise, social systems have empirical consequences (Bawden 1996; Vinsrygg 1988).
For example, the Indian caste system causes the
artifacts and features created by human behavior to
be organized in certain ways. While the caste system itself is not empirical, just like gravity, it has
elnpirical consequences.
The asgulllent for the empiricalness of gravity is
logically identical to the argument presented by
postprocessual archaeologists for connecting the
archaeological record to past social and ideological
systems. Most postprocessualists (Bawden 1995;
Handsman and Leone 1989; Hodder 1986; Thomas
199 1, 1996) argue that the rules, social structures,
and ideologies are reflected in symbols (i.e., artifacts and features) recovered from the archaeological record. Postprocessual archaeologists are
interested in the social world of individuals. By
their own admission, they believe it has reality.
Social structures can be reproduced, modified,
negotiated, and resisted. While social systems
themselves cannot be directly quantified or


observed, they are reflected in artifacts and features, according to the majority of postprocessual
archaeologists. Therefore, by their own argument,
it can be demonstrated that the subject matter of
most postprocessual archaeologists is as empirical
as much as the subject matter of physics.
Furthernlore, logically similar arguments are
advanced to justify the empiricalness of the subjects of other social sciences such as sociology,
psychology, and econonlics.
The second criterion is that scientific knowledge
is based on theoretical structures. It must be more
than isolated facts gathered by people who call
themselves scientists. Scientific knowledge is a
systematic body of knowledge based on a body of
theory organizing all of the facts and variables into
a coherent system. Non-empirical or abstract ideas
are not necessarily theoretical, and a theoretical
structure is much more than the agglomeration of
~niscellaneous hypotheses, propositions, or ideas
created using analogy or experience (Kuhn 1970;
Lakatos 1970; Lauden 1977). As Kuhn (1970)
observes, theoretical structures are coherent bodies
of thought that link important variables together in
specific ways such that their interaction can be
understood. Thus, the statement, "water freezes at 0
degrees Centigrade at sea level under normal
atlnospheric pressure," is not a theoretical statement, but an understanding of ~noleculartheory,
which explains why water freezes, is theoretical.
A related criterion is that a scientific theory
must, or at least ideally should, be non-contradictory. While the view of the world presented by a
scientific theory need not be Plre in an absolute
sense, it must at least be possible. Scientific theories are not always held to this ideal, but extreme
contradictions will make a theory nonscientific
according to most authors (e.g., Lauden 1977;
Popper 1980:39; Thagard 1978).
While Marxist archaeologists contend that they
do have a coherent theoretical structure (e.g., Saitta
1992), other postprocessual archaeologists might
argue that they do not have a coherent or systematic
body of theory, and therefore are not scientific.
According to such arguments, postprocessual
archaeological interpretations are based on whatever the particular aschaeologists wishes it to be.
Such a scattered theoretical structure would appear
to contradict the noncontradictory theory criterion
of science, as well as deny the presence of a theo-



retical structure at all. However, it does not for two

First, most postprocessual archaeologists share
certain theoretical premises (as discussed previously). For example, many of them including
Bawden (1995), Gibbon (1989), Hodder (1986),
McGuire and Paynter (1991), and Thomas (1991,
1996) accept some variation of poststructural theory. These views include a large number of theoretical propositions previously discussed that may
conlprise a noncontradictory theoretical system,
especially when compared to the theoretical fragmentation of processualism. Any number of
processualists will hold contradictory theoretical
positions on any issues you wish to suggest. The
chronic debate over the use of the theoretical terms
of function and style illustrates this point (Conkey
1990; Dunnell 1978; Hegmon 1992; Sackett 1982,
1985; Weissner 1983, 1985). The lack of a coherent
universal body of theory does not make postprocessual archaeology any less scientific than
processual archaeology. In fact, some of the theoretical statements held by postprocessualists (e.g.,
humans have agency, ideology is used to legitimate
social structures and social inequities) are more
widely accepted within their research program than
virtually any theoretical premise in processual
archaeology. In our opinion, based on this criterion
alone, the postprocessualists might even be more
scientific !
More importantly, though, it is in no way necessary that all or even any postprocessual archaeologists share a body of non-contradictory theory as a
whole. What is important is that individual postprocessual archaeologists do not use internally contradictory theoretical premises within a single piece
of research. And even this requirement is loose. As
Lauden (1977) observes, scientists often have competing views of the way the world is structured,
even during periods of Kuhnian normal science. If
they didn't, scientific revolutions would never
occur and a large amount of scientific research
designed to evaluate competing ideas would never
be completed. Scientists thus often hold completely
contradictory theoretical positions between each
other. Additionally, individual scientists can even
hold contradictory theoretical statements in their
own theoretical system under certain circumstances. For example, physicists have alternately
treated light as a wave and a particle even though

[Vol. 64, NO. 1 , 1999

this is in explicit contradiction with their theoretical

system of Newtonian physics. Given that postprocessual archaeologists do evaluate the logical
cohesiveness of their research and interpretations,
the criterion of noncontradiction appears to be met.
In addition, postprocessual archaeologists often
argue that they do not develop their hypotheses and
theories in the same way that scientists do. They
observe that they draw their theoretical propositions from virtually any source that they wish.
Often, these propositions can be taken from other
fields of study such as sociology, or they can be
taken from good, old-fashioned common sense.
This is in fact exactly how scientists develop their
theoretical positions. Scientists do use inductive
observation to develop commonsensical theoretical
propositions. They do use ideas from other bodies
of knowledge. Scientists may form their theoretical
propositions from any source they choose. As
Popper (1980:31-32) observes, there is no scientific logic to the process of proposing a new
hypothesis or theoretical premise. Scientists make
"bold, unsubstantiated conjectures" which they
then evaluate. Thus, the process of hypothesis and
theory formation is identical between postprocessual archaeology and science.
The fourth criterion is that science must be
objective. When used to refer to science, the term
objective does not mean impartial, absolute, or true
as many postprocessual and processual archaeologists (Binford 1972, 1982, 1989; Hodder et al.
1995:240) a s ~ u m e Instead,
it means intersubjectively testable and verifiable. As Popper (1980:44)
states, "the objectivit). of scientific statements lies
in the fact that they can be inter-subjectively tested'
(italics in original).
For example, the statement, "I am cold," is a
subjective statement. It is a statement of internal
belief that cannot be evaluated by others. In contrast, the statement, "the temperature in this room is
10 degrees Centigrade," is objective. We could each
pull out a thermometer and evaluate whether the
statement is accurate or not. Obviously, the statement is not free from bias, nor is it absolutely True,
even if it is 10 degrees Centigrade in the room. Our
statement implies a theoretical system (explaining
temperature through the movement of molecules),
a scale of measurement (the Centigrade scale), and
an instrument or series of acceptable instruments of
measurement (e.g., thermometers). Any of these

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attributes of the statement can be modified. Perhaps

molecular theory is incoirect. Maybe a particular
thermometer does not accurately measure temperature. Perhaps we will decide to use the Fahrenheit
or Kelvin scale of temperature instead. Regardless,
we can all evaluate the accuracy of the stateinent
independently, thereby inaking it objective.
Postprocessual archaeologists have spent a great
deal of time and ink asserting that they are openly
and explicitly subjective in contrast to the supposed
objectivity of scientists, in particular the processualists (Hodder et al. 1995; Fotaidis 1994; Little 1994;
Shanks and Tilley 1992; Tilley 1992). In making
this claim, though, they define objectivity as free
froin bias or "true" in an absolute sense, a definition
of objectivity that few scientists or philosophers of
science would accept (Popper 1980:44; Kitcher
1992; Wylie 1992b:19). While their definition is in
line with the work of Hempel and the other logical
positivists, it is a view that was abandoned by inany
if not most scientists and philosophers of science by
the early 1950s (Trigger 1989a). As a result, many
of the postprocessualists have created a strawman
(see Hodder 1989:15, 1991b:lO).
Many postprocessual archaeologists do in fact
require that their interpretations be intersubjectively testable and therefore objective, even though
this requirement is often implicit (Preucel
1995:161-162). Their evaluation of the plausibility
of interpretations must necessarily make reference
to some form of objectivity. As Hodder (1991b:lO)
states, "a guarded objectivity of the past needs to be
retained." Plausibility as they use it is more than
mere opinion. It is agreement with aspects of the
archaeological record such that interpretations are
logically compatible with the record (Preucel
1995). This form of evaluation is indistinguishable
from scientific objectivity.
Postprocessualists might also counter that their
explicit pursuit of political goals conflicts with scientific objectivity (Shanks and Tilley 1987, 1992).
However, Hodder (1991b:lO-13) and others (e.g.,
Preucel 1995; Wylie 1992b) explicitly and persuasively argue that political goals and the form of
objectivity discussed here are compatible. As Wylie
(1992b:30) states, "politically engaged science is
often much more rigorous, self-critical, and responsive to the facts than allegedly neutral science." Their
argument is simple; while interpretations are "constrained" by the data, the goals and the inspiration of


the research questions asked are not. This position is

completely compatible with Popper's (1980:31-32)
observation that scientists gain the inspiration for
their research from any source available (including
politics). Thus, while many postprocessual archaeologists correctly observe that their interpretations are
culturally and intellectually biased, they are incorrect when they argue that their subjectivity is incompatible with scientific objectivity.
Postprocessualists might also argue that the similarities between the objectivity of sciences such as
physics, sociology, psychology, and economics and
their view of objectivity and plausibility are superficial, and that the difference between them is that
physicists and the other scientists believe their phenomena are Real and seek Truth while postprocessualists do not. Once again, this argument is based
on a misunderstanding of scientific practice. As
discussed previously, postprocessualists do accept
that the past is real and that they can know something about it (Conkey and Spector 1984;
Englestad 1991; Gero 1983; Handsman and Leone
1989; Hodder 1986; Leone et al. 1987; Leone
1991). Likewise, scientists believe that the world is
real, and that they can know something about it.
While a few scientists might suggest they ideally
seek the Truth, most scientists would never suggest
they have it. The influence of Popper's (1980) falsification criterion and Kuhn's (1970) view of scientific revolutions illustrates this point. Good
scientists assume they are wrong! Scientists seek to
produce better and better descriptions and explanations of the world. This often ineans working
within an established theoretical structure.
However, most do not believe their conclusions,
explanations, or theories are "true." Eventually,
they believe their work will be replaced by others
who develop better explanatory systems and possess a greater understanding of the phenomenon of
study (Mayr 1982, 1997). As a group, most scientists do not believe they have truth any more than
most postprocessual archaeologists do. Scientists
may not even believe that the non-observable entities that they posit are potentially t i l e (see Maxwell
1964 and Toulmin 1988 for a more complete discussion). Therefore, the objectivity of postprocessual archaeologists is indistinguishable from the
objectivity of other physical and social sciences.
Fifth, scientific study must in some way be
based on experience and include some component



of evaluation. As Popper (1980:39) observes.

"Science could even be called the method of experience." This does not mean that science must be
inductive. It merely means that scientists nus st
compare the expectations derived from their theory
to the empirical world.
Postprocessualist archaeologists do have a limited form of falsification. The idea of plausibility
and critique used by most postprocessual archaeologists necessitates comparing the ideas of the
archaeologist to the archaeological record to see if
the proposed interpretations are reasonable and possible, given the data (Hodder 1986, 1992:191;
Preucel 1995: 16 1; Shanks and Hodder 1995;
Shanks and Tilley 1987:104; Thomas 1996; Wylie
1993). This is in fact the role of hermeneutics
(Preucel 1991b, 1995:158), and it is exactly the
same process that scientists undergo when comparing their explanations or descriptions to their data
(Kosso 1991; see Thomas 1989: 80 for a discussion
of the "scientific cycle"). The logical positivists
called it justification, Popper called it falsification,
and postprocessualists call it plausibility or critique.
Postprocessual archaeologists might object to
our equating plausibility with the justification or
falsification of scientific statements. He or she
might suggest that postprocessual archaeologists
simply evaluate whether their interpretations are
reasonable, but that they do not hold their theoretical statements available for testing (Hodder et al.
1995). If their inteipretations are not reasonable
given the available archaeological data, a postprocessual archaeologist is not compelled to reject
the underlying theoretical propositions as false, as
Popperian (1980) science would suggest. Instead,
postprocessual archaeologists will seek to apply
their theory in any way they can. They will interpret their data in such a way that their theory will
work and will produce a plausible interpretation.
Once again, postprocessual archaeologists are
not as different from scientists as many of processualists and postprocessualists would like to
believe. Many scientists and philosophers of science have observed that scientists do not really test
theories. They instead test ex~~ectc~tions.
This fact is
the heart of the Duhem-Quine objection to
Popper's falsification mentioned previously
(Duhem 1962; Quine 196 1 ). Scientists simply cannot logically falsify theoretical statements. Lakatos
(1970) and others have gone even further and sug-

[Vol. 64, No. 1, 1999

gested that scientists hold cei-tai~~

core ideas or
aspects of their theories above falsification. These
ideas define their theoretical structure. For example, an evolutionary biologist will not reject the
idea of natural selection as false because of the
problems produced by altruistic or communal
behavior (Sober 1993).They will instead work diligently to develop an interpretation based on their
theoretical structure that will account for the
observed data. Only in the face of long-term and
significant problems that elude solution and in the
presence of another theoretical structure that solves
the problems will scientists abandon their core tlieoretical concepts (Kuhn 1970; Lauden 1977). In
reality, this is no different than what most postprocessual archaeologists purport to do. Once
again. postprocessual practice is indistinguishable
from science.
The final two characteristics are more heavily
debated than the preceding criteria. The sixth criterion. proposed by the positivists including Hempel
(1 965:231-244), Nagel (1979:52-55). and Popper
(1 96 1. 1980) argues that science must necessarily
use universal and strict laws of nature. This position has been heavily criticized and effectively
challenged in the practical application of biology
(see Hull 1988 and Mayr 1997), the philosophy of
science (W. Salmon 1984). and even within the
Processual archaeological program (Dunnell 1982;
Flannery 1986; Morgan 1973. 1974: Renfrew
1973, 1989), itself.
In the philosophy of science, Feyerabend ( 197%
W. Salmon (1984), M. Salmon (1982a. 1982b),
Willer and Willer (1973) and others have argued
that universal laws are unnecessary for science.
Feyerabend (1975) contends that scientific reasoning may take any form that scientists feel is appropriate for a given situation. In fact, he suggests the
concentration on universal laws may impede scientific progress. Wesley and Memilee Sallnon (M.
Salmon 1982 a, 1982b; W. Sallnon 1984) do not
totally reject the role of laws as Feyerabend does.
Instead, they suggest that science does not require
unii?ersal laws. They argue that social science
should employ probabilistic laws instead. General
biology has rejected the logical positivist view of
laws in science (Hull 1988; Mayr 1997: Sober
1993). Instead of using universal laws, biology uses
a theoretical system with clearly defined variables,
but is devoid of ''1rr~1,s"
in the sense that the posi-

VanPool and VanPool]


tivists discussed them (see Hull 1988:78-81 for a

inore complete discussion and Nagel 1979 and
Popper 1961 for the positivist iesponse).
Although the processualists initially believed
that a scientific archaeology required universal
laws (Binford 1968; Watson et al. 1971, 1984), they
quickly retreated from this position. Within the new
archaeology, the use of laws came under almost
immediate attack (Clarke 1979; Dunnell 1978;
Flannery 1973; Morgan 1973, 1974; Renfrew
1973; Salmon 1982a, 1982b; Tuggle et al. 1972).
When they failed to find laws, they retreated to
"law-like generalizations" (Watson et al. 1984).
Now they only mention laws in passing7 At best,
modein processualists only use "laws" as heuiistic
devices or probabilistic statements (e.g., laws based
on ethnographic analogy such as "women work in
the domestic sphere"). More recently, the requirement of laws for a scientific archaeology has been
challenged by evolutionary archaeologists (e.g.,
Dunnell 1989: Leonard and Jones 1987).
Dunnell (1982) has argued that there are in fact
two types of science: time-like sciences and spacelike sciences (see also Flannery 1986; Kroeber
1952:66-78; Mayr 1982:36-76; Simpson 1963,
1970; Sober 1980, 1988 for related discussions).
Examples of space-like sciences are physics and
chemistry. These sciences deal with phenomena
that demonstrate consistent patterns across tiine.
The "natural laws" identified by these sciences do
not change. Space-like sciences can use laws. In
contrast, Dunnell argues that archaeology is a timelike science, sirnilas in stmcture to biology. Timelike sciences are historical in the sense that
previous conditions affect future manifestations.
These sciences cannot use laws in the same way as
space-like sciences because their subject matter is
constantly changing. For example. biological evolution cannot be made to follow the logical structure of Newtonian physics. They cannot develop
natural laws like "eyes will always evolve on mainmals" because the situation affecting what will
evolve changes as the circumstance of evolution
changes. As we discussed previously, "lrr\vs" (as
defined by the logical positivists) are simply
impossible within time-like sciences (Hull 1988;
Mayr 1982, 1997). We, therefore, argue that while
universal laws and generalities may be useful in
space-like sciences, they are not a necessary characteristic of science.


Postprocessualist archaeologists have argued

strenuously and at length that they are different
from science because they do not develop, wish to
develop, nor do they believe in the existence of universal laws for human behavior. Their rejection of
universal laws of huinan behavior is insufficient to
inake the postprocessual perspective nonscientific.
As previously mentioned, inany sciences and many
scientists do not search for, develop, or believe in
universal laws. If this criterion were enough to conclude that all postprocessual archaeology is nonscientific, we would also be forced to conclude that
evolutionary biology is also nonscientific. While
postprocessual archaeologists are cosrect that the
rejection of universal laws does differentiate them
from the earliest formations of processual archaeology, and even some more recent formulations of
processual (Watson et al. 1984: Kelley and Hanen
1988) and behavioral archaeology (e.g., Schiffer
1995), it does not make their research program
nonscientific. However, many processualists have
abandoned the search for laws as previously discussed.
Finally, the seventh characteristic frequently
used to differentiate scientific and nonscientific
research prograins is the concept of progress
(Lauden 1977; Thagard 1978). These authors
define progress as the development of more complex and complete theoretical systems that encompass more facts and possess fewer unanswered
Scientific programs increase
knowledge and therefore are progressive while
nonscientific programs fail to increase knowledge
or in fact impede progress. While the authors do not
contend this is a sufficient demarcation criteria,
they do suggest it is necessary for the research prograin to be progressive to be scientific.
To illustrate this view, we retuin to the astrology
example provided by Thagard (1978) previously
mentioned. Thagard argues that at one tiine, astrology was scientific. When Ptolomy initially developed it, it was an empirically based system with a
theoretical framework. Over tiine. it became a
pseudoscience, though, when it ceased to progress
and deal with significant problems. It is now nonscience because its theoretical structure has been
destroyed by modern astronomy and physics.
Based on this example, Thagard (1978:49) argues
that a research program becomes a pseudoscience
or a nonscience if and only if:



1) it has been less progressive than alternative

theories over a long period of time, and it faces
many unsolved problems; but
2) the community of practitioners make little
attempt to develop the theory towards solutions of
the problems, shows no concern for attempts to evaluate theory in relationship to others, and is selective
in considering confirnation or disconfiation.
While many authors such as Lauden (1977) have
obse~vedthat the progress of a research program
can only be evaluated after the fact, postprocessual
research demonstrates all of the characteristics indicating it is a progressive program. Postprocessual
archaeologists deal with logical, theoretical, and
empirical problems in their interpretations. They
bring new perspectives and ideas to bear on both
new and old theoretical and empirical problems.
They also develop new theoretical statements that
can at least potentially advance our understanding
of past social systems. While it is unclear how much
the postprocessual program in archaeology will
contribute to a knowledge of past social systems,
the researchers appear to be involved in a growing,
progressive research program.

A realistic view of the nature of science is necessuy
for any discipline that wishes to employ scientific
approaches. We suggest that science is more inclusive
than most archaeologists believe. Most discussions of
science in archaeology have been, and continue to be,
based on the "Legendary View of Science" (Kitcher
1992), a view that has been discredited. We have
attempted to provide a more complete discussion of
the nature of science, and have demonstrated why
much of the postprocessual research is scientific, in
spite of claims to the contruy.
Clearly, hyperrelativists and extreme positivistic
scientists do not share compatible worldviews.
Some scientists, particularly those influenced by
the writings of Hempel, will only accept the "legendary" view of science. They will never accede to
postprocessual study as science. For these individuals, postprocessual archaeology, psychology, history, economics, and even evolutionary biology are
inherently nonscientific, because their subject matter cannot be addressed using a nomological
approach. Likewise, hyperrelativists who argue that
there is not a "real" world beyond the mind will
never meet the accepted criteria of science.

[Vol. 64, NO. 1, 1999

Ultimately, however, based on any reasonable

criteria or clzaracteristics of science one wishes to
use, much of postprocessual archaeology qualifies
as science. In fact, postprocessual research may
more fully meet several of these criteria than does
processual archaeology.
By concluding that much of postprocessual
archaeology is scientific, we do not suggest that
postprocessualists should adopt a new name indicating their scientific status, or change their behavior or research to ensure that they remain
scientific. We wish instead to observe that the
ongoing antagonism between "scientific" archaeologists and postprocessual archaeologists is
unnecessary. Regardless of their other differences,
the distinction between postprocessualism and
processualis~ndoes not lie at the level of science
versus nonscience. They can both contribute to a
rigorous and "objective" understanding of the
archaeological record, an understanding that is the
ultimate goal of both groups of archaeologists.
Ultimately, then, we suggest that an intellectual
synergy between processual and postprocessual
approaches is possible, a synergy in which the two
programs working together can create a rich and
robust understanding of the archaeological record
by prompting archaeologists to ask a broader
range of questions and to employ a greater number
of analytic strategies.
Acknowledgnzents. We sincerely thank Ian Hodder, Lynne
Goldstein, Robert Pruecel, Lynne Sebastian. and three
anonymous reviewers for Aiizer-icniz Atltiq~tity for their
thoughtful comments and helpful editorial advice. We would
also like to thank Elizabeth Baswell, Jonathan Driver, Marcel
Harmon, Bruce Huckell, Teresa Hurt, Anne 0,ole-Leonard,
Lance Lundquist, Gerry Raymond, Marcos Rosas, Dean
Saitta, Brian Shaffer, Donald Smith, Sandra Smith, David
Vaughn, and Alison Wylie for their insi,ohtful su,o,oestions
improvins early drafts of this paper. In addition, James
Boone, Erica Hill, Mark Leone, David Phillips, Gordon
Rakita, and Bruce Trig,oer deserve special recognition for
their patience, encouragement, and extremely beneficial
comments. They have contributed tremendously to this manuscript. Finally, we owe a ,oreat debt to Garth Bawden,
Barbara Hannan, and Robert Leonard. Without their help,
this work would have been impossible.

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I The antagonism between the adherents of the two perspectives is generally more subtle, but the hostility is particularly
noticeable in statements such as "well, fellow archaeologists.
if you do feel tempted to respond to the frantic signals of
[postniodernism's] local practioners, the Postprocessualists-be advised that. in the words of that poignant poem

VanPool and Vanpool]


by Stevie Smith, they are 'Not waving, but drowning'

(Bintliff 1991:278)", and "Binford's 'science' reduces the
study of archaeology to the banal (Tilley 1992:165)".
It is important to note that extreme postmodernists are not
humanitistic (Flax 1990).
Of course, the distinction between moderate postprocessualists and hyperrelativists should not be over- stated. An individual's research approach changes according to his or her
research interests and intellectual growth. Thus, moderate
postprocessualists and hyperrelativists (Trigger 1989c) are
not necessarily different people, nor can a given researcher
be labeled as a moderate postprocessualist or hyperrelativist.
Instead, it is the characteristic of specific works, often written at different times in an archaeologist's development, that
make their research either moderate or extreme.
he "Problem of Demarcation" refers to the difficulty of
defining a "den~arcationcriterion" that will allow the empir-




ical sciences to be distinguished from mathematics. logic,

and "inetaphysical" systems (see Popper 1980:34-39 for a
brief overview).
Popper (1 980:59-60) defines theory as universal statements
with the characteristics of laws such as, "for every thread of
the structure S (determined by its material, thickness, etc.)
there is a characteristic weight bv, such that the thread will
break if any weight exceeding t v is suspended from it."
Wylie (1992b:19) refers to this definition as "naive objectivism."
With the notable exception of M. Schiffer and his fellow
behavioral archaeologists (e.g., Schiffer 1996; Skibo and
Schiffer 1995).

Received September 27, 1997; accepted Jlti,e 3, 1998;

revi.rer1J~tly30, 1998.

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