Evidence Capra
Evidence Capra
Evidence Capra
General stuff note that evidence rules only come into play when theres an OBJECTION to
Purpose/value of evidence rules:
- Efficiency
o Ex. Rule 401 make sure only pertinent evidence is admitted
- Preventing prejudicial and irrational decisionmaking
o Ex. Rule 403 balance we dont have sufficient confidence that fact-finders can
really ignore prejudicial facts
- Social policy
o Social policy objectives (ex. atty-client priv) would be undermined by a system of
unconstrained advocacy
- Ferreting out potentially unreliable information
DC: even though there are very few fed trials, still need to know ev rules they can come up at
any stage of litigation (ex. summ j)
- Only exception: ev rules NOT at play in bench trials b/c its just the judge no reason to
use ev rules in that situation
- Important in how you value settlements what is going to get to the factfinder impacts
how much youre willing to pay
First principles: The Federal Rules of Evidence are PURPOSE-DRIVEN
- This means that admissibility is going to be heavily dependent on the purpose for which
the evidence is being offered
o This means that the same pieces can be inadmissible for purpose A, while being
totally admissible for purpose B! (RULE 105)
DC: in this situation, the proponent of a piece of evidence will offer the
evidence and be prepared to articulate ONLY the ACCEPTABLE purpose
b/c there will def be an objection
We do this b/c if we had a total bar against ANY bad purpose, TOO
MUCH evidence would be excluded!
o In these situations, a ct will issue a limiting instruction tells the jury this ev can
be used for x purpose but not y purpose. (IRL its not gonna make a difference but
Cardozo: at some pt, the reverberating claim of the bad part of the
evidence overcomes the sound of the good at this point, limiting
instruction will not do the job and 403 will exclude
I. Introduction to Relevance
- 401: defines relevance
- 402: relevant evidence is admissible unless you hear otherwise
- 403: probative v. prejudicial balance presumption of admissibility [when relevant
evidence is nonetheless excluded]
The proponent must provide enough evidence that the conditional fact exists
Judge should admit evidence if proponent has already produced the other materials or
promises to produce them later
Facts: has committed a crime w/others, others not testifying; others will obv give
relevant ev of crime, but argues that state ethics rules in FL prevent this (says you cant
give people benefits to testify and these people are benefitting from sentence
Held: testimony is admitted b/c only STATE law source doesnt exclude under 402
DC Lowry takeaway: not only do you have to find a federal source for excluding
evidence, but the source itself has to be EXCLUSIONARY (why McD Amend blows)
MAJOR CASE: Old Chief all these reasons for rejecting a stipulation are discussed and then
REJECTED by the ct in this case!
- Facts: OC was arrested after an incident under a statute that criminalized stuff for
someone who had already been arrested for a felony. OC offered to stipulate that he was a
felon; govt was like no we want to talk about it a lot and basically smear you
- Holding: if is accused of a status crime (like felony gun possession) the govt must
accept the s stipulation as to his felon status
o An item of evidence can be viewed as an island or might be seen as inviting
further comparisons to take account of the full evidentiary context of the case as
the court understands it when the ruling must be made.
o No mechanical solution is offered. The determination must be made whether the
danger of undue prejudice outweights the probative value of the evidence in view
of the availability of other means of proof and other facts appropriate for making
decision of this ind under 403.
o In this case, as in any other in which the prior conviction is for an offense likely
to support conviction on some improper ground, the only reasonable conclusion
was that the risk of unfair prejudice did substantially outweigh the discounted
probative value of the record of conviction, and it was an abuse of discretion to
admit the record when an admission was available.
- DC: Old Chief is the exception to most stipulation cases normally the govt
o Takeaway rule from this case: if a proponent is bringing in unnecessarily
prejudicial evidence, it raises 403 concerns
Torres border patrol agent in TX sees a guy shoot at him and miss; returns to office and gives
vague details of suspects appearance; BP agent then looks in mugshot book and IDs T and wants
to admit mugshot book into evidence
o Held: some prejudice is inevitable, but some is avoidable and the latter should be
mitigated. Either cover up the words mug shot book or cover up everyone elses priors
avoid coloring the as a criminal ex ante
DC: good illustration of Old Chief rule
Guam v. Shymanovitz (9th Cir. 1998) rare case in which a dist. ct.s 403 decision was revd
o Facts: accused of having sex w/young boy; govt wanted to intro x-rated gay porn mag
o Held: NOT probative might lead the jury to believe he engages in other deviant sex acts
not in question here
Takeaway: you cant be convicted of a crime based just on what you have in your
library but depends on the case
US v. Curtin (applying Shymanovitz)
o Facts: in chat room for young girls, arranges to meet up w/one for sex, says he didnt
think she was actually 12, just into age role play. Cops found 140 stories on PDA of kids
engaged in sex. Prosecution admitted 5 stories, all of which were inflammatory and
included torture and other irrelevant stuff.
o Held: judge read all 140 stories and convicted . couldnt raise a Shym defense b/c
probative value of persons library depends on context
On review, the ct found error you need to figure out what the evidence is so we
know what to read. Judge ended up reading everything so he could figure out
what was and wasnt admissible under 403 and 401
Ex. mom suing for wrongful death post-plane crash. wants to intro that son smoked pot
Probative of damages loss of dope-smoking son is less than non-dope-smoking
BUT risk of prej is very high b/c the jury will be unsympathetic and distracted
from the real issue, so will prob be excluded
Perrin: 9 yo boy loses dad when he gets shot by cops suing from wrongful death
damages. cops did search of house and found BDSM mags in plain view in every room
in the house. If introd jury will think hes bad dad
Will probably be admitted PROBATIVE of value of lost dad also prej but
presump in favor of inclusion
US v. McVeigh govt found stuff at a cult place dealing w/a separate conspiracy to blow
up the same bldg; M wanted to intro.
Held: prejudicial would lead to jury confusion b/c they would get confused
by a separate conspiracy and would end up addressing that issue instead of Ms
guilt or innocence
DC: when introing alt perp ev, the crux is how strong your foundation is you
need sufficient evidence that the other perp existed/did it before you intro it b/c
you are in effect conducting a trial w/in a trial and it has a high potential for
being confusing and creating delays
This WAS a harsh ruling, but ct has a reason fear of slippery slope
everyone BUT me did it!
Generally, dist cts give govt the benefit of the doubt in criminal trials
Holmes v. South Carolina (SCOTUS 2006) - wins this case
Ct ruled that exclusion of evidence violated s right to an effective defense
The SC rule in question said that alt perp ev CANNOT be introd if the
govt provides forensic ev that the committed the crime, but should
be able to challenge the forensic experts; also overbroad b/c govt will
always have SOME evidence
Similar circumstances intro alternatives to how the events might have occurred
DC: in this context, s will move to bifurcate the trial liability phase
and damages phase and will ask to have the film shown in the damages
o Rule 106 if a party intros part of a recording or writing and
that part has any aspect of misrepresentation, the other side can
use the rest of it to make its own case [can happen w/these films]
Ex. class actions re: birth defects - was going to call expert saying there was no
statistical correlation between drugs and birth defects, wanted to bring deformed bebes
into ctroom.
Held: prejudicial and excluded jury will be distracted, bebes cannot
meaningfully contribute and would skew proceedings
This IS probative but HIGH RISK OF PREJ b/c youre basically using someone elses
guilt to prove the s guilt high risk of jury confusion
Govt intros this evidence to prove that there was no prosecutorial misconduct and
anticipate impeachment will issue limiting instruction saying its not ev of s guilt
Ex. arrested on boat filled w/pot, claims he didnt know pot was there, wants to bring
pot into ctroom inadmissible b/c NOT REPRESENTATIVE of what happened plants
age, smell changes, etc
Ex. walking past a driveway and truck backs up and hits her. says beeper on truck
wasnt working, wants to demonstrate what beeper sounded like. Does demonstration
films and completely recreates event but STILL INADMISISIBLE b/c circs of the day
are different (cant recreate ambient noise), plus in the recording you are LISTENING
FOR THE BEEP was not listening for it
Judge says jury was focused on the beep in a way that the was not, so probative
value is diminished waste of time
Keene v. P&G douche allegedly caused TSS expert wanted to demonstrate causation
by putting the enzyme and chemical in liquid form together in a beaker. Beaker caught on
Judge admitted the evidence we know vaginas dont catch fire, and the
evidence is sufficiently probative no prejudice b/c its SO unlike real life
Criminal cases
Ex. tried for importing drugs into US - s were not found in boat;
coast guard says 2 s dove into water, found them wet w/clothes on
coast. s say officer couldnt have seen s 80 feet away in the dark,
govt wants to do demonstration in a blacked out room and let the jury
see This was allowed b/c jury focusing is akin to coast guard focusing
Gaskell shaken baby syndrome recreation w/CPR baby that needs to be
shaken a lot harder for same effect. Trial ct allowed but appeals ct
reversed b/c SO prejudicial this was the most prejudicial way of
showing the probative ev
Gory pictures
o Criminal cases have high probative value and are almost always probative of
something (tying to crime, proving wasnt an accident, show intent)
Be careful of overkill
o Civil cases most decided in limine; can be admitted to show context, damages,
More limited that criminal dont want to inflame the jury
s damages
o Expert witnesses generally allowed to call an expert to testify about future
inflation of payout is supposed to occur over time of there is a lost waves issue
Cant be speculative needs to be based on econ principles
o s net worth HIGHLY prejudicial
Civil cases if punitive dams, need to show award will impact so ok.
NOT ok for compensatory (solution: bifurcate trial to liability and
Criminal cases: ev of s net worth is rarely admissible prosecution must
prove it is highly probative for some reason
Ex. firing someone whose negligence caused an accident, beefing up a safety rule
A safety report/post-accident report? NO
o Prentiss: even though a report might lead to subsequent remedial measures or be
evidence that such measures were taken, it is not automatically exclude under this
Ex. run over by car, sues purported owner (not driver); says I dont own the car;
wants to admit that after the accident, brought the car to the shop and paid for repairs.
Thus evidence is offered to prove OWNERSHIP, not fault.
DC: showing OWNERSHIP or CONTROL are proper purposes that get
around 407
Cameron v. Otto Bock Ortho injured when pylon in fake leg broke. Held: ct did not
err by excluding letters sent by to costumers specifying specific torque levels postaccident [sub rem meas] b/c it was introd to show feasibility and/or control and neither
of these things were an issue. also did not dispute that it provided advice to prosthetists
Contributory negligence
- If a says that a defect was open and obvious and that was a rahtard, then the
can admit a sub rem meas to refute the charge of contrib. neg!
ADMISSIBLE: Ex. someone dies after hitting a rock while skiing; resort claims it was
open and obv, but puts up signs around the rock later can come back w/ev of the sub
rem meass to refute the contrib. neg
INADMISSIBLE: Ex. Fermino v. Honda has motorcycle, gets wasted and drives it
off the road in a windy, hilly place. Claims design defect expert testifies that front
spindle was designed too thin. After the accident, Honda changed the spindle to thicken it
(sub rem meas), wants to intro it in response to Hondas contrib. neg aff defense. Held:
not admissible is not introing evidence to contradict s contrib. neg claim just
introing OTHER sub rem meas ev, so falls into 407 exclusion
Other bad effects if you change it alt designs have other disadvantages
This MAY be feasible but its not the only way
Ex. Honda if spindle too thin, motorcycle would wobble, if spindle too thick,
motorcycle would bob 2 alternatives are equally b/c both have drawbacks
Third party repairs these are admissible b/c do not speak to DEFENDANTS sub rem meas
- 407 does not cover repairs by 3d parties becomes a 403 issue in these cases
- Ex. works for construction company, co has road grinder; s job is to follow grinder, gets
sucked into it and dies. 2 days later, co brings in road grinder and on its own constructs a rear
guard to keep ppl from getting too close. This is admissible to show design defect doesnt
speak to s liability
o 3d party made modification
o Underlying social policy for 407 is not present here!
DC: for the same reason (social policy not at issue), pre-accident repairs are also
admissible under 407
Impeachment (generally, any evidence used to make a witness on the stand appear less
credible) how does this apply in the 407 context?
- Something contradictory when a says a product is super safe, but there has been a
subsequent change to it however, this is NOT ENOUGH to get around 407!
o Not admissible if offered for simple contradiction of witness testimony, i.e. if
witness just says product is safe or
- VERY SMALL EXCEPTION only if the makes an extravagant claim (i.e. I have
the safest product in human history!), if the claims no changes have been made
RULE: design changes are covered by 407 ONLY if they are made after the injury in
- Policy: you want to make the product safer if design changes happen prior to injury,
youre not dealing w/the social policy of encouraging repairs/increases in safety
Rule: statements made pursuant to settlement negotiations and settlements themselves are
inadmissible to prove admission of fault or the value of a claim
- Underlying policy: promoting settlements
o Protects the party making the offer
o Allows for more openness in negotiations
DC: w/o 408 we would still have settlements, but they would be more
formal/legalistic and less effective
- Applies to both the offeror and offeree many courts hold thatoor cant introduce his
own settlement offer
Ex. Pierce: laid off, suing for age discrimination; takes position that they never meant
to engage in age discrim, just realigning the company - wants to admit ev of them
offering job back w/difft title, bldg, obliges, but at same salary but would have to
sign something waiving discrim claim. Held: not admissible might lead to bogus
DC: slightly difft than normal 408 offer b/c not concerned w/protecting
settlement negs concerned w/disincentivizing bogus offers still has to do
w/408 tho, b/c its about the integrity of the settlement process
2006 amendment: no offers are admissible when offered to prove the validity of a claim
- Want to prevent strategic generation of evidence on both sides pitching settlements they
KNOW the other side wont take to make themselves seem more sympathetic at trial
- Basically hearsay as to whether a settlement offer has even been made anyway s and
s counsels discuss it (not or themselves)
Criminal cases? Civil settlements are not admissible as proof of guilt in a criminal case
What about statements made during settlement negotiations?
- Private lawyers on the rules committee said they SHOULD be PROTECTED b/c what is
critical in settling is that the has to APOLOGIZE to the we dont want this
apology admitted b/c of prejudice!
o Also, often an apology is necessary to convince a to settle, but lawyers would
tell s not to apologize if they coul be admitted
- Contra DOJ statements made in negotiations with regulatory investigators are
An offer needs to be STYLED like an offer to fall w/in 408 threatening letters saying we have
a strong case settle w/us are not protected!
When do settlements and negs fall outside 408(a) and into 408(b)?
- To prove bias or witness prejudice
Ex. McShain expert testimony given in exchange for releasing experts employer
from 3d party liability
Ex. Cates defective portable bldg units; settlement ag is admissible to prove parties
undertakings in the agreement if it is argued that party breached the agreement
o BUT may be admissible if statements are made to law enforcement officials with
the power to negotiate
Guilty plea is an admission to all elements of the crime. Confession just
relates a set of facts
Impeachment: statements made during plea negotiations cannot be used for impeachment
- If lies on the stand and statements made during plea negs contradict testimony, govts
remedy is bring new charges for perjury
Sentencing: this rule does NOT APPLY at sentencing phase
- Ev rules never apply at sentencing, except those relating to privilege
- Defense can ask govt to agree not to admit info at sentencing
WAIVER waiver of 410 must be KNOWING and VOLUNTARY
- Policy: supposed to encourage the parties to bargain w/e/o
o Mezzanatto: if the form says that no agreement is reached, statement can be
used for impeachment, the waives his rights under 410
o Burch extends Mezz by applying the waiver to the case-in-chief
entered into agreement with prosecutor that if he withdrew his plea, statements
made pursuant to plea negotiations would be admissible even if he did not testify.
Agreement upheld by ct
Breaches of plea agreements if the breaches his plea ag, the prosecution can use statements
from negs and the plea itself v. the
- Once plea discussions reach the k stage, they are admissible b/c no longer negs
failure to mark the intersection. wants to intro ev that it did not have funds to do more than it
did. wants to intro s liability insurance b/c she is scared jury will infer that cant pay if they
find them guilty. Held: deferred ct wanted to see nature of s evidence; if it led to jury
interference, ct would let proof of insurance in
Charter v. Chleborad: allowed liab ev in med malp case b/c s insurer employed s impeaching
o (A) provide notice of the general nature of such evidence that the prosecutor
intends to offer at trial AND
o (B) do so before trial or during trial if the ct, for good causes, excuses the lack
of pretrial notice
Rule re 404(b): if attacks a victims character trait, the prosecution can attack the same
character trait in the - permitted in the self-defense context
- must define the character traits as narrowly as possible to limit the scope of the
prosecutions permitted rebuttal
- DC: really easy for s to open the door to c-e character ev admission by the
prosecution, so they need to be VERY careful!
o Ex. charged w/sexually assaulting young girl; calls son, said no evidence of any
discord, struggle; counsel asks as far as you know, he didnt do it, right? And son
says, not only didnt he do it, but he WOULDNT DO IT
has thusly OPENED THE DOOR to govt use of character evidence on
RULE: when you start talking about wouldnt or would do something (v.
didnt do something), youve made an indirect reference to character and it opens
the door! Counts even if witness gets flustered and blurts it out
nervous, etc. wants to show that is srs LSD user to show an alternative
General note: you cant introduce evidence of a persons character to show the general way he
acts. This emphasizes the limits of the rule. If you can offer evidence for a purpose other than
showing someones general character with which he acted consistently, this is fine. But 404(b)
comes up when someone has done bad stuff in the past and the govt wants to admit prior
crimes/bad acts. Need find a not-for-character purpose something about s state of mind
thats being contested
- DC: but as a general rule, prosecutors will be able to come up with some proper purpose
to introduce something to get themselves out from under 404(b)
For what purposes are prior bad acts admissible under 404(b)?
o Bad acts to prove intent (mental state/scienter, mistake and accident)
Where must prove s intent, he can use similar prior bad acts to do so
witness was victim of abuse and had reason to not call cops
Ex. charged w/violent crime, wants to call character witness. Witness wants to say, Ive
known since HS, he is so peaceful, his nickname is non-violent Joe, I live in his
community and everyone knows him this way. One time there was a fly and I was gonna swat
it and he was like no its one of Gods creatures and set it free.
o Can testify to him being a peaceful person, but the fly anecdote is not admissible
the rules only allow character to be proven in very truncated ways.
Ex. Kaiser - wants to intro evidence about victim 10 nasty acts committed by the victim
claims that victims character is in issue b/c of s self-defense claim
o Held: victims char is not at issue in self-defense cases - just b/c hes violent doesnt
mean that he attacked you in that specific instance in question
Bruguier prosecution needs to have good faith proof that the specific acts it is asking
about actually occurred, and must present to the judge on sidebar before the witness
testifies, and the judge decides whether the proof is sufficient to ask the witness about
the matter
o Prosecution CANNOT introduce INDEPENDENT evidence of prior bad acts
The more volitional an act, the less likely it is habit looking for UNIFORMITY
Perrin: try to argue that s violent rxn to police is a matter of habit whenever he runs
across a cop he react violently. Held: ADMISSIBLE characterized as reflexive, reactive
behavior, rather than character ev showing a propensity to violence
Anguin aliens get into RV and didnt stop them I was in the military and they
trained me and as a result my habit is to take the least confrontation position in any social
situation. Held: NOT ADMISSIBLE this is a life philosophy/disposition, not a reflex
DC: exs above are individual habit also such a thing as CORPORATE HABIT
Can show that a large institution/entity has a particular practice or procedure that it
puts in place every time something occurs
Ex. says dr didnt ask me if I was allergic to these meds; hospital can intro probative ev
that the hospital has a std practice of always asking about allergy to rebut the s assertion
that the dr didnt ask. ADMISSIBLE
Deals with both civil and criminal cases involving allegations of sexual assault/misconduct
Criminal: rape shield law is of limited scope in federal cts b/c rape is not usually
prosecuted at the federal level, so mostly comes up w/rape on federal land or
Bear Stops other sexual acts of the victim are barred by the rape shield law
This is the GENERAL RULE b/c is not trying to show an alternative source
of injury here he is just trying to show that there is an alternate source of sexual
abuse - 412(a)(1)
Not allowed to intro this stuff under 412, but allowed under the
constitution shows that not necessarily cause of injury (412(b)(1)(C))
Olden v. KY - and have sex, drives home, when gets out of car, roommate is
there; then claims no consent. wants to intro that roommate is s boyfriend and they
have a sexual relationship. Held: ADMISSIBLE SCOTUS says that it is
unconstitutional to bar inquiry into this relationship bc it goes to the heart of s defense
probative evidence of bias in a he said-she said case resolution dependent on
credibility this ev is going to that and not sexual activity - 412(b)(1)(C)
Case that spurred these rules rape prosecution in FL brought against a Kennedy; girl claimed
rape, K claimed consent, was acquitted. Jury was never told about the fact that K had been in this
same situation before
Jury never got to hear b/c trial judge said it was excluded by 404(b)
Republicans were outraged, so drafted 413-415
o These rules basically say that bad acts of sexual assault can be admitted to
Rule: s prior acts of sexual assault are admissible to prove that had a propensity to commit
such crimes.
Rationale: if you committed prior sex offenses, more likely you did it again
Policy: more liberal admissibility of s prior sex offenses in rape/sex abuse than in
other cases b/c sex cases are different
o These rules basically contradict 404(b)
o Evidence may be introd solely to show that has a deviant personality
o Doesnt have to be a conviction to be introd
o Std: could a juror believe that the prior conduct occurred
This allows for broader admissibility than most other rules what safeguards?
LeMay: 403 is the safeguard that ensures constitutionality here
o Preserves s due process b/c otherwise admission would be automatic and
would just be convicted on prior acts
Critiques of 413-415
Equal protection disproportionately affects Indians
o This is dumb b/c its a jxl happenstance only Indians live on federal land, so
theyre the majority of people to whom this gets applied
Equal protection rape s not treated equally to similarly situated violent offenders
(murders, etc)
o Congress found that propensity inferences are more valuable in rape b/c of the
high rate of recidivism among these types of s higher for rape than any other
Academics say these rules should be limited to cases in which consent is used as a
A witness can be BOTH a lay and an expert witness your status is determined by
your relationship to the specific testimony you are giving, not by the person as a
Different requirements for the kinds of info that that a witness can rely on in
forming his opinion
o Lay can only rely on personal knowledge
o Expert can rely on any information, admissible or not, that other experts in
the field would rely on
Can testify to a broader scope of things than lay witnesses
Dont need personal knowledge
Can rely on symptoms, medical records, etc
Rea lay testimony ruled inadmissible under 701 b.c it was not helpful to the
jury. Jury already had enough evidence to reach the same conclusion, didnt need
witness opinion
Yazzie - raises mistake of age affirmative defense to statutory rape others
want to testify that they thought she was also of age. Held: admissible b/c this is
helpful jurors are seeing this girl NOW (2 years later), and they had NO WAY
of knowing what she looked like then. This is an acceptable opinion obv she
didnt look 16 is not a fact
Issue: sometimes witnesses will use words in a colloquial manner that have legal significance
in these cases, the judge will issue a clarifying instruction
Ex. that search seemed unreasonable v. that search was unreasonable under the 4a
o DC: you want to counsel witness to avoid this b/c opinion witnesses are not
allowed to testify to ultimate issues
What other stuff is admissible/not admissible?
ADMISSIBLE: common sense impressions as to o Appearance
o Emotional state
o Intoxication
o Speed of vehicle
o Testimony helpful in resolving issues
o Legal conclusions as to the ultimate issue (direct statements that instruct the
jury on the law)
See Rule 704
Rule: a witness qualifies as an expert based on his relation to the matter in question
Note in crim cases: expert witnesses have to be disclosed by lay witnesses do NOT!
(as a result DOJ opposed 702)
2006 amendment: affirmed trial cts gatekeeper role and says experts must use
reliable methods
Requirements of 702:
Expert must be qualified AND
o Have knowledge and/or skill in a particular area from education or experience
Expert experience needs to be objective/verifiable how did your
experience lead to this conclusion? Expert must explain
o Need to be adequate but not necessarily preeminent in ones field
Need to be an expert prior to trial (also, not a quack)
Need to have adequate training in field
Kline: calls in expert economist to testify about redlining in bank emp
discrim case; expert never worked in a bank, no degree, never worked
w/loans works for an expert witness firm. Testimony excluded
Exception Hanna: wrote letters threatening prezs life, std is would person
think it was a serious threat, govt calls secret service as expert. Revd on appeal
b/c secret service isnt ; plus expert was overquald and basically told jury what
to think
Frye v. US: ct held that polygraph test was not admissible b/c it was not generally
Critiques of Frye:
o Too restrictive
Got here first b/c ct didnt want to set bar too low and mislead juries
o Too conservative, lags behind science
Might disadvantage/disincentivize experts from using most recently
developed techniques
Hurts prosecutors using newest forensic techniques
DC: cts are for these reasons now moving toward looser stds, but Frye is
STILL the text in many jxs ex. NYS uses the Frye test
Generally admitted under Frye: DNA, fiber comparisons, bite-marks (as ID
methods), fingerprints
Generally not admitted under Frye: polygraphs, voice IDs, scientists w/personal
interest in the matter
Daubert test: an expert must be testifying to knowledge
Shift to the idea of trial judge as gatekeeper, regulating whether expert testimony,
upon objection, is based on sufficiently reliable methodology
o Daubert v. Merrell Dow: alleges that mom taking bendectin in utero caused limb
reduction. s 3 experts failed Frye; reversed for error, remanded for review under
Daubert std
RULE: cant just take experts word for something needs to be scientific/empirical proof
Generally, if the expert is acting professionally in their testimony and conclusion, it
will probably be admitted
But how to determine this? 4 Daubert factors! [not an exclusive list of what judges can consider
no factor is dispositive here, just indicia of reliability]
1. Is the method used verifiable/falsifiable can it be proven [in]accurate?
Is the experts methodology falsifiable, meaning that someone else can use and test
the methodology?
Basically fanci word for is the test OBJECTIVE (rather than subjective or
Ex. Three Mile Island case expert uses weird plume cloud test that no one else uses
NOT ADMISSIBLE; expert apparently didnt use the accepted test b/c it didnt come out
with the results he wanted
counsel is like yo theres no peer review/publishing govt is like DUH if we reveal the
method, pedos are gonna find a workaround
o Ex. VERY specific findings not everything gets/is expected to get published
3. Is there a discoverable rate of error and are there standards and controls?
If there is a rate of error, it means that the method is testable and you can objectively
determine if an outcome is right
o Focus on HOW test is conducted
2 requirements:
o Methods must be employed in the same way every time
o There must be some indication of the rate of error
Something will be inadmissible if there are no standards in place or the
rate of error is indeterminate or there is a known way of beating the test
Polygraphs can fail Daubert b/c of this but if the parties stipulate to
the admissibility of a polygraph ex ante, then it will be allowed in
4. Is there general acceptance for the method in the scientific community?
One Daubert factor this constitutes the WHOLE Frye test! Shows you how much
more permissive Daubert is! Frye is still relevant but NOT dispositive
BUT still a stringent gatekeeper fct proponent has to convince a JUDGE (rather
than a jury) of by preponderance see below [104(a)]
RULE 104(a) trial judge determining admissibility has to determine whether the method in
question is more likely than not reliable
Contra 104(b) Huddleston std, which is much more permissible
Rule 104(a) assessments are made at Daubert hearings these are discretionary
o Done before trial; adversary hearing before judge in which experts testify,
describe methods, get cross-examined, and the judge decides whether the
testimony will be admitted
DC: if testimony is NOT admitted, a motion for summ j from the
opponent will usually follow
o Most judges dont hold these b/c they create a ton of paperwork and the expert has
already been deposed (in civil cases) just creates more work. Wamp.
Std of review for Daubert hearings is abuse of discretion (Joiner)
Issues raised in Daubert hearings:
Problems with 2 competing expert witnesses
o Same method can lead to different conclusions
o In some disciplines, there are different but equally credible schools
Admitting stuff under Daubert that wouldnt get in under Frye sometimes good, but
sometimes bad
US v. Ferry murder case w/muddy footprint. Govt calls expert who is anthro Ph.D
who is creating a new method of IDing shoeprints; did a lot of experiments to figure out
this method, but is new and no one else uses it. Ph.D tells you theres a 20% error rate,
and 99% of errors are false NEGATIVES (meaning that if she finds it was , like she did
here, its def right). This theory has been peer reviewed and has support.
Trial judge ADMITS it. DC: this expert offed herself a few years later b/c turns
out shed been lying at govts behest and her shit wasnt really reliable
Ex. leaves dinner, walks by local airport where there has been jet fuel spill; she
is diagnosed w/respiratory disease, calls expert who links this w/jet fuel
exposure. Held: fit problem b/c only breathed it in once and studies referenced
make a link between disease and REPEATED exposure only
Bobosian: parks Ford, rolls down a hill and runs her over; brings in expert
design engineer whos like yo there is this thing w/these cars called false park
attempt where you think its in park and its not and 45 people have been run over
by their cars b/c of this. Held: not admissible b/c this ACTUALLY put her car
in park!
Westberry claims sinus infection from talc exposure; s claim that no fit,
how do we know studies proffered by s expert discuss the same amt of
exposure? Held: ADMITTED perfection is not required! has given evidence
that he was exposed to lots of talc doesnt need to show exact amt
Ex. totally healthy guy hit in head, develops many symptoms proximity of head hit is
relevant but not dispositive
Ex. everyone on a plane who eats fish gets food poisoning temporal prox on a large
scale can be more reliable
Alternative design
o Expert must test the alternative design if he is testifying that the product should
have been designed differently and that it would work that way
o If too expensive, can use an alternative, ex. exerot safety manual
Must bring same intellectual rigor to in ct testimony as to out of ct analysis
o Must act in prep for trial like you would in real life
What did the expert rely on?
What was the experts method?
Was the method accurately applied?
o Rule: Daubert applies to ALL EXPERT TESTIMONY, not just scientific
Collins: you can use probability evidence if you have a valid method and no confounding
evidence need empirical, independent factors
Chin: Asian port authority employees allege discrim promotions, but there are SO many more
whites than Asians messes with the stats
Smith v. Rapid Transit: cannot, on the basis of statistics alone, determine liability
o estabs conclusively that 70% chance she was hit by a RT bus; both sides move for
directed verdict; ct doesnt rule for echoes of market share liability, but no proof it
wasnt the 30%
This evidence is ADMISSIBLE, but its not dispositve
Indeterminate problem judge treats group as class action, reduces the damages
by the background rate of cancer, etc.
Marketshare liability works w/DES, other drugs w/100% rate of bad effect
o must prove that they did NOT market the product AT ALL to avoid liability;
otherwise liable for % share of the market they held
In some jxs, this shifts burden; in NYS no burden shifting
o When can marketshare liab apply?
There must be a defined market
Cant be other sources of contamination
Must be unable to determine whose product caused harm
Generally has been a time lapse between marketing and symptoms
Goods must be fungible
Ex. Vuitton case ppl will confuse Dooney logo w/ours and think we went downmarket.
Did survey that showed confusion, but did it in a poor people mall
Hypothetical questions
Otherwise inadmissible evidence if in line w/limiting instruction
o Can consider hearsay
o Not bound by rules of evidence in considering info in question b/c experts in the
field would rely on said info
o Expert must rely on this info in the normal course of his work
DC: this is why otherwise inadmissible stuff is ok here
DC: basically, under 703 the expert need NOT have personal knowledge experts often testify
to things like cause of death, symptoms, etc, without knowing/having ever treated the person in
Cases examples for 703:
Leeson: is the insane or pretending to be insane? Expert is psychologist, gets info from
interview w/ and discussions w/psychs at the jail who say was faking
o Admitted b/c experts would normally rely on interviews w/other drs, but admit w/caution
Ex. Ford case: window needs to be replaced, nothing in manual says how, mechanic does it in
a way that causes window to explode; calls warning expert, who says warning manual is un
- this expert looked at other warning manuals and the one reissued 6 mos post accident
o Admitted b/c normal stuff to rely on, even tho the manual itself would be a sub rem meas
and not admiss
Holyland: case re material support to Hamas; govt alleging that orgs are strawmen; to rely
on reports of ppl w/in the org; s allege that govt go reports by torturing these people!
o Rule: govt cannot rely on info that has been gleaned from torture, but ct refuses to rule
on this b/c says theres no factual basis for torture here
Peoli: dr prepd to testify to ppls symptoms (ppl lived near train yard) objection that dr
never saw any of these ppl as patients DOESNT MATTER under 703!
o BUT he relied on weird stuff checklist of possible symptoms from living near RR; had
s lawyer send checklists to s and they did it themselves. HELD: inadmissible under
703! If you were treating these patients, you wouldnt rely on a self-reporting checklist
prepped specially for litigation
o DC: Difference between creating patient records that no one would rely upon
(unreasonable) and relying on PREEXISTING patient records ()
Major 703 concern: expert becoming a conduit for admitting inadmissible evidence
The reverse 403 test solves this problem
Big 703 requirement: expert must be QUALIFIED
Meridia: calls toxicologist; based on years of study, he can certify that M causes damages
to the human heart. Has to be proven in contrast to benefits of M concludes that risks
outweigh benefits is this admissible?
o NO expert is not qualified to weigh benefis and risks like a dr hes just a
TOXICOLOGIST, that is his expertise he is testifying outside his expertise here
o DC says its b/c the wants to squeeze as much as it can out of 1 expert
DC: this in turn creates a big 702 problem in re the SUBJECT MATTER OF TESTIMONY
Maybe the expert is testifying to something that isnt the subject matter
Is the expert REALLY helping the jury come to a conclusion it couldnt w/o the
expert testimony?
o DC: scientific testimony is almost always helpful this question comes up mostly
in re non-scientific experts
Ex. as a rule, translating code/slang in a certain field is properly the subject
Expert testimony isnt automatically inadmissible just b/c its in re an ult issue, even
tho lay testimony would be
Question remains does the testimony help the jury?
Scop: fraudulent and manipulative security practices. Expert testifies about trades, gives
opinion that they were manip and fradut. Held: not helpful just parroting the statutory
Buchanan: charged w/operating firearm for shooting homemade potato gun this is
helpful capstone to complicated jury analysis (more than this is what I think but
whether it falls w/in the legal def of firearm
US v. Brown - called up prosecution expert and he is not allowed to testify judge says
this is dumb and allows it. Appeals ct reverses this is an injustice, but its what the rule
RULE: a statement, other than one made while testifying at trial or at a hearing, that is
offered into evidence for its truth, is not admissible unless it satisfies the requirements of
one of the hearsay exceptions
Rationale: having someone in court repeats someone elses out of court statement is a
bad way for the jury to determine its truth/credibility. Getting info through an
intermediary is inherently less reliable than getting it straight from the declarant
o The judge needs to screen for reliability b/c we dont trust the jury to be able to
DC: unlike many evidence rules, hearsay rules are RULES OF EXCLUSION
o This is b/c
Adverse party is denied opportunity to cross-examine potential denial
of DP and Confrontation Clause rights
Jurors cannot evaluate statements reliability by traditional means, so
prejudical potentially
Four major testimonial infirmities reasons why a statement can be unreliable:
1. Insincerity
a. Person is intentionally lying most common problem
2. Imprecision/ambiguity
a. Disconnect between what the witness is trying to say and what the declarant
hears. Also, need context
3. Perception
a. When you say something like I saw the run from the bank is it b/c he likes
to run or b/c he just robbed it
4. Memory
a. If you make a statement that occurs sometime after the event, can get hazy
DC: our adversarial system provides us w/certain guarantees of reliability
Jurys opportunity to view demeanor
o These safeguards do not exist when it comes to hearsay
Bench trials: hearsay rules APPLY
BUT hearsay rules dont APPLY in:
o Sentencing proceedings
o Suppression hearings
o Competency hearings
Rule 1101 judges can interpret reliability properly, dont want to exclude
evidence from proceedings that are supposed to be more flexible, as
opposed to more formal IRL trials
DC: basically, hearsay rules apply to trials on the merits
The std for determining hearsay is a preponderance of the evidence ( std), determined by a
judge once a determination as to whether it is hearsay is made, it is for the jury to decide
whether the evidence is powerful or not
Ex. someone overheard someone talking introd for whether someone survived an
Verbal Acts doctrine: some statements give rise to liability no matter what
Ex. Craig: declarant purported to terminate a k by saying I terminate;
Ex. US v. Brown: tax prepper allegedly filed false returns for clients, govt wants to show
that taxpayers have x amt in deductions and prepper overstated. The way to do this is ask
taxpayer how much they got in deductions. Held: excluded as hearsay; cant get around it
with 703 b/c expert testimony is not helpful here just need to show that amt was
overstated; govt can get actual amt from their own records, dont need the taxpayers
statements to establish fraud
Ex. McClure dude heard that his wife was sleeping around, kills his wife wants to
intro out of ct statement to show his state of mind. DC: this is ok b/c the issue is HOW
the declarant said what he said, not WHAT he said issue is that hes gonna lie to make
the context seem more dire
Sok tho! He gets cross-examined and this mitigates our concerns with
DC: just b/c testimony is self-serving, doesnt mean its excluded, you just argue
to the jury that its self-serving they determine its credibility goes to
WEIGHT of testimony, not admissibility.
Ex. Duress case - argues that he was acting in response to a threat [kill him or Ill kill
you] if offered for effect on , then may be admissible; def not a hearsay problem
Ex. typical criminal case: on trial for drug dealing, govt calls arresting officer, tells ct
that CI told him who the biggest drug dealer is and its ; got warrant, went to s house
and found a bunch of drugs; govt intros CIs statement for effect on listener
explaining WHY officer went to s house
Inadmissible cops conduct not in dispute, too prejudicial under 403
Not a hearsay problem tho
Would be probative if there was a gap in cops logic and he all the sudden
decides to go to s house why did he do that? Oh this statement. K cool.
Ex. Freeman officer testifies, heard from CI that Carlson is a counterfeiter, went to
address, sat outside, see and C sit down on stoop and exchange something I arrest
them both and find cash in brown sake and fake $$ in briefcase.
Admissible probative b/c gap in cops logic whats the background for my
actions/belief that is involved in this? Oh this statement
Probative under 403 b/c the statement was not against , it was against C! Less
prejudicial than prior ex b/c jury makes inferential leap ok C is big bad guy,
and is dealing w/him prob bad guy, but not relying on out of ct statement to
reach that conclusion!
Ex. Vinyard: people told driveway was slippery; this put him on inquiry notice.
Admissible truth of statement is not the point; trying to show that was on notice, thus
giving rise to a duty
Problem 403 prejudice issue fear that jury might use it for its truth (OMG
the driveway was slippery) but this is where a limiting instruction comes in
and mitigates the issue
How do we know when the statement is being offered for its truth?
Ex. Wright: is M competent to draft a will? Want to intro a letter if it says you are
competent! then its inadmiss b/c its hearsay and speaks directly to the matter at issue.
But if the letter is like OMG youre so good at complex trig! then it implies
competence, and its not hearsay
Ex. ship captain implies thru conduct that ship is seaworthy, so not hearsay. If hes like
OMG this ship is lyk So0o0o0o seaworthy, then hearsay
Zenni: caller is like put $500 on the Giants issue is is this place a betting parlour? We
can intro this b/c it implies that its a betting parlour w/o speaking to the matter itself
Park: charged w/killing someone whos never found, witness said he talked to s
associates who said in response to wheres the victim? that there are many places to
bury a body govt wants to intro statement, claims its ok for the implication that of
these many places, chose one to bury body. Held: THIS IS HEARSAY trying to
communicate that killed the dude, which is the matter at issue
Note on implied assertions (when a party offers an out-of-court statement for a matter that is
implied, rather than expressed, in the statement, it may still be deemed hearsay)
At common law, statements offered for the truth of the implication are subject to the
hearsay rules. All implicit assertions were inadmissible. Was meant to get at the fact
that everyone speaks in a veiled manner
The Federal Rules use an intent-based test did the declarant intend to assert the
proposition for which the proponent is using his out-of-court statement? Intended to
liberalize the common law appch
o Determining intent is very difficult helps to look to CONTEXT
If there was NO intent to communication the truth o the matter/a motive
other than to express the underlying premise, then its not hearsay
DC: still present is the major hearsay concern w/insincerity
how do we know what the speaker INTENDS? Hes gonna lie!
Applying this intent based test:
1. Classic case matter asserted is its raining
Witness testifies that I saw 10 ppl outside w/raincoats and umbrellas
o At common law this is hearsay b/c its implied its raining
o Under FRE, its ok speakers intent is keeping selves dry, not trying to tell ppl
its raining (intent of a person)
2. After oil spill in Gulf, BP exec goes to eat fish in LA restaurant, bringing media along
Hearsay under FRE clearly tryna communicate that eating fish is ok
3. Trayvon Martin protest everyone wearing hoodies
This would be hearsay communicative fct, not trying to be like oh my head is cold
o That being said, what is it communicative OF? Not probative of coldness, but
hard to determine what the speakers intent is so hard to say it would be excluded
from a trial on Zimmermans guilt
4. The Piano hub finds out wife is sleeping around, cuts off finger and sends it to student.
Probably hearsay intended to communicate husbands belief that wife is sleeping
Prior inconstant statements are admissible as substantive evidence if they meet the
Impeachment: prior inconsistent statements may be used to impeach a witness even
if it does not meet the (d)(1)(a) requirements [Rule 613]
(b) Prior Consistent Statements a statement is not hearsay if declarant testifies at trial or
hearing and is subject to cross-examination, and the statement isconsistent with the
declarants testimony and is offered to rebut an express or implied charge against the declarant
of recent fabrication or improper motive
RULE: Statement made out of ct by the witness that supports or reinforces the
witness in-court testimony is admissible for its truth
o Normally, these kinds of statements would be inadmissible (like yay you repeat
yourself, that doesnt make you more credible impermissible bolster), but in
this specific situation we allow it dealing with REBUTTING A MOTIVE TO
o Requirements:
Witnesss testimony must have been attacked AND
Can be an IMPLIED attack
allegations) ended up being able to admit PCSs b/c was saying this
stuff before motive to falsify presented itself
o This rule is used when there are prior statements that can rebut a charge by the
other side that the witness had a reason to fabricate the story
Explains inconsistency and rebuts attacks of witnesses having a bad
o PCSs need not have been made under oath
What is the other side saying?
When did the motive come about
When did the declarant make the original statement?
(c) Statements of Prior Identification a statement is not hearsay if declarant testifies at trial
or hearing and is subject to cross-examination, and the state isone of identification of a person
made after perceiving a person
RULE: prior ID is offered for its truth that is responsible for the crime charged
o DC: this is admissible b/c the person is subject to c-e about the ID and the
advisory comm. thought that c-e would be v effective in this sitch can ask
about ID procedure, conditions under which the witness first saw the perpetrator,
Used when a witness has previously IDd someone outside of ct at, ex., a crime scene
or lineup
o Required that witness a) made prior ID; b) has been produced at trial; and c) is
now willing to testify
The witness DOES NOT have to ID the in ct
o We like these prior ID statements b/c they were closer in time to the actual event
2 issues w/this rule:
o 1. Often, witnesses make incorrect IDs in ct BUT doesnt matter for the
purposes of this rule! Just must be now on the stand subject to cross-exam
about the PRIOR ID IDing ct not important/necessary
Ex. 1st WTC case accidentally IDd 3 alt jurors instead of the terrorist s
o 2. Subject to cross examination is a very loose requirement just having the
opportunity to c-e the witness is all that matters; doesnt matter if they are
crazy, cant remember, etc saying I dont know, etc speaks to
CREDIBILITY, which is for the jury to assess
This req does not guarantee a GOOD cross-exam just gives you
adequate OPPORTUNITY to impeach the witness
Ex. Owens: witness doesnt remember making the ID. Doesnt matter!
His prior ID is still admitted
Can admit more when the statement is more probative w/fuller inclusion (ex.
drugs were mine but guns were not)
There are FIVE kids of party-opponent statements that can be admitted for their truth under
(a) Partys Own Statement [party is available]
Statements made by individual parties or their reps are offered against said parties by an
Must be against the partys interest and must be relevant
Declarant does NOT need personal knowledge of the truth of the statement for
opposing party to offer v. him
Ex. Mahlandt: company had wolves running around in STL yards; Mr. Poos
(LOLOLOL), one of the s, comes home one day and sees a wolf standing over a kid.
Says wolf bit the kid! this is offered against him. He says at trial yeah I said that but I
was just assuming; I didnt see it happen! Ct was like too bad YOLO were admitting it
Ex. Flecha: and budz were on boat, pulled over by coast guard, raided and
found bales of drugs; F and buds chained together on deck of boat; one bud says
were in trouble now, F doesnt response. Govt says this is adoptive statement.
Held: NOT adoptive b/c a person would be silent in police presence!
Ex. DaSilva: border patrol finds drugs on a dude who requests a translator, translator
arrives, asks in Spanish are you here for me, trans says yes, says THANK GOD
and then speaks in Spanish. Customs agent called to testify - objects b/c its what
translator told him. Held: translator is customs agent in this setting not hearsay
BUT if trans has own motive to falsify and act on his own, no agency
Ex. McKeon: lawyer is generally an agent, so statement admiss v. client
RULE: as long as lawyer is authd to maek the statement, the statement by the
or the prosecution will be admitted as an agency admission
ISSUE atty will potentially become an unsworn witness and be
disqualified if wants to attack his statement
(d) Statements By an Agent About a Matter Within the Scope of His Authority [party is
A statement by the partys agent or employee concerning a matter w/in the scope of the agency
or employment, made during the existence of the relationship is admissible for its truth
Rationale: authority to do an act gives agent authority to speak about it
DC: in civil cases, this is a -friendly std b/c there are now going to be a lot of
statements admitted
you got fired b/c youre old wants to attribute these statements to
HR/mgmt. Held: NOT admissible b/c hiring/firing decisions are not w/in
the scope of their jobs DC: (d) does not apply to water cooler gossip
Ex. janitor statements
o Sorry you slipped should have cleaned that up
o Sorry the company has an oil monopoly NOT ADMISSIBLE
Ex. employee at chemical plant responsible for disposing waste comes
home after work, wife asks how day was. He says bad b/c we got all this
waste and I put it in the ocean YOLO.
o WOULD BE ADMISSIBLE within the scope of employment
and still employed
Pappas: at VT condo, comes out and slips on ice and falls and breaks
arm. Calls condo association and reports injury. 10 mins later guy comes
and de-ices; says theres been a lot of trouble with ice here, we should
be more cognizant. didnt get his name but wants to intro his
statement, cant find agent
o Statement is admitted b/c circumstances show hes an employee
Ex. Bill is , Barry and Jack have convo I was just talking to Bill, hes the new conspiracy
boss; we gotta kill a guy; J says ok if Bill says so b/c Bill is conspiracy master. B and Js
statements are admitted v. B
o These statements fulfill all three above factors
Ex. Holyland: material support to Hamas case; lots of statements by ppl in the org about the
need to fund Hamas, but many of them were made before Hamas was designated a terrorist
org. Held: doesnt need to be an illegal joint venture for CC statements to be admitted under
(e) so admitted
o DC: this is a stretch on the rule
Ex. Persico: NYS crime family head P incarcerated, while in jail CCs say P said to do stuff;
P says I withdrew from the consp Im in jail! Held: incarceration does NOT estab withdrawal
for purposes of this rule
Ex. Frigale: L says F will handle drug deal; deal goes down and F is found around but not in
transaction. Govt says F was near transaction and L says he was CC; F objects. Held: not
admiss b/c govt did not estab that a consp existed between F and L
If motive is to keep witness off stand, the testimony can still be impeached under
804, so really doesnt accomplish anything
Rule 806 you can impeach the declarant even if hes not on the stand
Ex. Manville: Dr. Crane used to work for asbestos co; testified for s at T1 as to
danger of asbestos. Dr. C is now dead (), can s suing asbestos co at T2 intro
his testimony? says no b/c T1 case involves end users and T2 involves
employees Held: doesnt matter! Crane depo is admissible b/c the nature of the
motive to develop the testimony was the same at T1 and predecessor in
interest did a good job doesnt matter that the ultimate question in the case is
Ex. Bailey: B charged w/robbing jewelry store at T1; alibi is he was w/his mistress. At
divorce proceeding at T2, wife wants to intro alibi to prove he was cheating. Held: not
admissible b/c NOT SIMILAR MOTIVE didnt investigate what he was doing
w/woman, just showing they were present together at T1; at T2, asking WHY are they
together. Because this line of inquiry was not explored at T1, T1 depo not admissible
Ex. Duenas: charged w/selling meth in return for stolen goods at T1. Govt wants to
admit part of transcript from this case at T2 suppression hearing. Held: not admissible b/c
different motives; at T1, just getting bare facts, at T2 the objectives are the details; too
Grand Jury Testimony: major use of prior testimony is w/GJ testimony later offered v. the govt
Under (b)(1), cant use GJ against the in trial b/c has no opp to c-e
might want to intro exculpatory ev from GJ proceeding
o ASK: when the govt questions a witness at a GJ proceeding who exculpates the
, is the motive for qing the witness at the time the same as it is when qing the
witness at trial
RULE: exculp GJ testimony rarely admissible against prosecution
EXCEPTION: similarity of motive likely to be found only where issuance
of an indictment is in doubt, so prosecution goes all out to c-e witness
Ex. woman w/cancer, dr makes house call and asks how she is feeling, says she thinks
she will be better b/c sis gave her pills, dies an hour later from poisoning. Held: not
admiss under (b)(2) b/c death was imminent enough and she wasnt aware
Ex. Shepard v. US: Ss wife died held: wifes statements NOT ADMISS b/c she was
not aware of swift and certain doom (Cardozo)
Ex. declarant walking down street, run over by car, someone comes up to him and is like
OMG ur dying and its like totez Im dying btw I committed a triple murder and an
innocent man is on death row for my crime. Held: NO ADMISSIBLE insufficient
nexus btwn circs of death and hearsay declaration
Personal knowledge requirement? Even if statement meets the requirements, the declarant must
have PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE of what was said
Judge must be convinced of this personal knowledge can prove it
CIRCUMSTANTIALLY (defensive wounds, etc)
Ex. dead guy shot in back; did it not admiss b/c how could he know?
Ex. Owens: guard hit in back of head with lead pipe, IDd O ct said it was ok b/c you
could infer personal knowledge from circs there were defensive wounds on arms so
he saw his assailant
Ex. Mr. Poos case this was let in w/o personal knowledge b/c opened the door to its
admission; thus we do not have the same reliability concerns
Ex. Williamson: in custody, makes statements directly implicating someone else NOT
ADMISS b/c not disserving motivation in custody is to help yourself out.
BUT govt can still use the disserving portions of the statement then try to
connect hearsay w/other evidence
Hypos (Bob is )
Inculpatory decs v. int: I robbed a bank w/Bob
To the extent that you ID other indivs in your crime, it can incriminate you b/c it
indicates inside knowledge speaks to reliability
Bright line rule: I bought drugs from W last night
If statement made to law enforcement CANNOT be used v. IDd
If statement made NOT to law enforcement CAN be used v. IDd
o DC: context is critical w/r/t inculpatory statements like this
Ex. Katsugrakis: declarant arsonist burns down diner; sitting in burn ward, he
says to friend I torched the diner, K gave me $$ to do it but I am bad at arson so
I messed it up. Admitted against K b/c motive is NOT currying favor (b/c made
to FRIEND diff than W), also TENDS TO DISSERVE you never know who
your friends are, if theyre gonna tattle, etc
DC: guiding principle w/this rule is when the statement could lead to a
risk of criminal responsibility, this cuts in favor of its admissibility!
Exculpatory decs v. int: Bill and I robbed the bank, we asked Bob to join and Bob said I dont
do criminal acts
Declarant is admitting to crime, also proving Bob was not involved!
W/an exculp statement, they might look like they incrim the declarant and exculpate
the , but it really depends on context
Ex. Silverstein: head of prison gang, charged w/killing prison guard, wants to intro
statement from another prisoner not available taking credit for killing the guard. Held:
not admissible not disserving; other guy is serving 7 life terms, wants street cred, status
in prison gang
Pagaio: statement made by dad: I did whole fraud, son not involved admissible by
son ? Held: YES dad inculpating self to help son. Keep in mind: dad helping son, cuts
Establishing liability:
Pecuniary liability more easily admitted; many reliable ppl make pecuniary
Penal interest statements against penal interest are those that subject the declarant
to liability. But thats not enough must show CORROBORATING
CIRCUMSTANCES that clearly indicate TRUSTWORTHINESS of the
Mills: leader of prison gang wants to intro statement from H taking credit for killing the
guard that M is on trial for killing; H is in for 3-5 years, so it seems disserving, but M
does not provide sufficient corroborating circs H just saying I did it and not M
doesnt cut it
Rule: statements that subject the declarant to liability and are offered to exculpate
the accused are NOT admissible UNLESS corroborating circ clearly indicate the
trustworthiness of the statement
Policy: dont want ppl confessing just to get others off the hook
Unclear what std of proof is
o Majority rule: both sides must provide corroborating circs
that make statement reliable
o Minority rule (2d cir plain language appch):
If statement INCULPATES declarant, statement
admiss w/o corrob circs
If statement EXCULPATES declarant, must prove
corrob circs
o How to prove estab corrob circs?
Proof of s motive/opportunity to commit crime
Physical evidence
Who it was said to if trusted confidante, likely more reliable
Spontaneity of statement (shows it wasnt a plant)
Consistent track record of credibility
Inside info shows that did it
Rule: a statement made immediately upon an event occurring can be admitted for its
o Statements are usually made to someone else who is there to check for accuracy
o Must be expressly contemporaneous needs to have happened at the time of the
event or IMMEDIATELY thereafter (no more than 1-2 mins)
Rationale: dec is speaking so close in time ot the event that he has no
opportunity to reflect
Proponent must provide corroborating evidence that the event actually happened
as described
Needs to be enough of an indication that what the witness is saying is true
Eye witness
Supporting ev of some sort
Totality of circumstances
Ex. Nicoles sister saying OJ killed her inadmissible b/c she wasnt there even tho
Proponent must show that there is a startling event by a preponderance AND
o Flexible test, but must be objectively startling
Anything surprising/out of the ordinary
Physical crimes
Declarant must be under the influence of the startling event for the entire time
between event and statement AND
o Must show by a PREPONDERANCE that
Dec was affected by the event AND
Dec was in a CONTINUOUS STATE OF EXCITEMENT between event
and utterance [subjective test]
No time to reflect once you calm down, no longer an excited utt
o More time that passes, less likely still excited, but no set
Can show continuity by relevant circumstantial ev
Factors to consider:
o Nature of event (seeing a stabbing is not as startling as
being stabbed)
o Whether dec was unconscious
o Fluidity of events leading to utt
o Nature of dec
Ex. children w/sex offenses: usually make more matterof-fact decs over an extended time pd
Is statement self-serving to dec?
Ex. extortion case govt must prove that dec put victim in fear
Ex. severe emotional distress usually used when someone wants to admit his
own state of mind
Statements about state of mind used to prove how dec subsequently acted NOT
o Can draw an inference about how dec acted b/r/t SOM
o Must offer SOM to prove or disprove a disputed issue in the case
Hillmon I: you know how someone felt, so you likely know how they acted
Use statement to prove existence of state of mind
Ex. tape saying if you find me dead, my wife did it can infer fear;
offer as fact to prove disputed issue of whether victim slept w/gun under
Hillmon II: when statement is used to predict someone elses activity
Maj rule: statements pertaining to another persons intentions are
Min rule (2d cir): statement ARE admiss if proponent can offer
corroborating circs to support truth of statement that pertains to another
persons SoM
Ex. I am meeting A in the parking lot
o Shows your and As intentions
o Under min rule, can prove A intended to meet you in parking lot
if you provide corrob circs
Shepard: Dr. S has been poisoning me statement cannot speak to past act,
needs to look forward
Still must pertain to issue in dispute
Use forward-looking statement to show SoM turn backward
looking into forward looking
o Ex. cannot admit I went to the movies yesterday, can admit
Im seeing a movie tmo stated on Thursday relevant to
whether went to movie on Friday
Ex. I hate you b/c sex w/B is better than sex w/you. I hate you falls under SoM
exception. Rest is factual assertion. Proponent argues that admitting only portion of
statement changes context and argues for whole thing to be introd introd w/limiting
Declarants motive must be consistent with purposes of obtaining medical
treatment, AND
Content of statement must be something that a physician would rely on
o Scope of rule:
Covers statements of existing conditions, past medical history (as long as
not too far back)
IMPORTANT: also covers causation where pertinent to tmt/diag [i.e.
would treatment differ based on how injury occurred]
Note: non-patient statements admissible if pertinent to diagnosis/tmt and motive is sincere
Case by case assessment
Particularly applies to kids if parents speak for them BUT when parent is involved
(e.g. child abuse), not automatically admissible
Note: statements attributing fault generally inadmissible
o Child sex abuse cases IDing perp is pertinent, so attrib of fault is ok
Even more pertinent when perp is neighbor or parent
Govt must estab:
Kid was aware he was speaking to dr
Kid knew he must tell the truth (was warned of this)
o Adult sex abuse cases ID of perp is admiss b/c goes to treatment of STDs
o Spousal abuse cases same rationale as child abuse
o Statements made to psychiatrists almost all statements could be admitted b/c
they are pertinent, but we need to make sure they are reliable
Rule 612 gives the opposing party the right, when the witness recollection is refreshed by the
document, to reexamine the document on the stand and make use of the document at the time
YES prison fights log book, medical records, personal activity when
proving truth of event
NO blotter/regular self-serving info, record of unusual event/non-routine
o Self-serving reports created in anticipation of litigation are INADMISSIBLE
Pre-accident reports ok when offered by preparer
Post-accident reports ok if they do not favor preparer
Regularly recorded when it occurs
o Case-by-case appch
o Entry must be made by someone with a duty to record/make entries (working for
biz) who has knowledge of records being made
event he is recording
Foundation required
o Need qualified witness to estab how event was recorded
o Can admit by stipulation or proven by affidavit by qualified witness
o ANYONE who has knowledge of record-keeping process can testify, even if you
never actually prepped a record (ex. outside auditors)
Trustworthiness clause
Johnson v. Lutz rule: if the witness does not have a biz duty to report, record is
INADMISSIBLE unless you can find another hearsay exception or verify the
info [meant to deal w/issue of verifiability of info]
Ex. Vigneau: Western Union verifies recipient of $$ but not sender. Can admit record
only to prove that recipient picked up the $$, not that sender was the one who signed the
form could be forged!
BUT govt can use 15 forms sent by same person to estab CONSPIRACY not
trying to prove senders guilt; tryna link all recipients to e/o
Palmer v. Hoffman: some kind of accident, investigated, came back w/routine accident
report; seemed routine because the accident had already occurred, prepprs
motives were already skewed
What about opinions in official reports? (ex. pilot error was cause of crash)
DC: you can only exclude a report that it COMPLETELY opinion!
o Rule says that reports containing factual findings are admissible says nothing
about opinion
Ex. Beech Aircraft: JAG finds plane crash caused by pilot error. Bias/opinion
issue b/c wants to justify buying these planes. But admitting pilot was badly
trained. Allowed in
Video tapes
Not an exhibit, just testimony so jury cant bring it into deliberations
Ex. sex abuse case hearsay usually more probative than childs
You must give notice to the other side before trial/hearing that youll be using
o Prevents proponent from using this as a last resort when planned efforts fail,
levels playing field,
o POLICY limits use of this exception
o FAIRNESS make sure opponent is prepared
At trial, you need to make a specific 6a objection. If you only challenge on hearsay
grounds and raise 6a on appeal, then you only get plain error review on 6a grounds
Ct has never said that there is an absolute right to confrontation; also never said that
testimony in open ct always satisfies confrontation
o Merely need adequate confrontation to satisfy 6a (meaning person was in ct and
you could ask them questions)
Ct just needs to police conduit problem 703 analysis to prevent expert from
sneaking his own analysis into his opinion testimony
RULE 601 Competency to Testify in General
Every person is competent to be a witness unless these rules provide otherwise. But in a civil
case, state law governs the witness competency regarding a claim or defense for which state law
supplies the rule of decision
Rule: presumption of competence. Exclusion is VERY rare.
RULE 606(b) Competency of Juror as a Witness During an Inquiry into the Validity of a
Verdict or Indictment
(1) Prohibited Testimony or Other Evidence during an inquiry into the validity of a verdict
or indictment, a juror may not testify about any statement made or incident that occurred during
the jurys deliberations; the effect of anything on that jurors or another jurors vote; or any
jurors mental processes concerning the verdict or indictment. The court may not receive a
jurors affidavit or evidence of a jurors statement on these matters
(2) Exceptions a juror may testify about whether:
o (a) extraneous prejudicial info was improperly brought to the jurys attention;
o (b) an outside influence was improperly brought to bear on any juror; OR
o (c) a mistake was made in entering the verdict on the verdict form
Rule: jurors are deemed incompetent to testify about anything relating to the deliberations that
led to the verdict
RATIONALE: protect the sanctity of jury deliberations, prevent a slippery slope
where everything would be questioned and there would never be any finality
Even if someone loses, interviews jurors, thinks there was a miscarriage of justice b/c
the jurors were all high you cant prove what the deliberations were like or what
misconduct may have occurred through juror testimony
INCLUDES threats among jurors, intoxication, inattention, etc
o Can think of it as internal factors (intoxication, mental illness, conversations,
racism, intimidation among jurors) as being things jurors are incompetent to
testify about and external factors like threats by outsides, outside research and
unauthorized experiments, as falling into (b)
Extraneous prejudicial info can get an affidavit
o If juror was bribed, threatened, or read material he wasnt supposed to read
o FACT of influence is admissible; the IMPACT on the juror is NOT
o One view: When racist or sexist comments are made during deliberations, those
606(b) outweighed by right to fair trial would violate the 6a to
knowingly allow a racist jury
o Another view: inquires into potentially racist juries are not permitted under 606(b)
fall into (a) prohibition
Clerical error if someone fucks up writing the verdict (puts a comma instead of a
decimal in the $$ award), you can ask them what they really meant
Ex. McVeigh Bill victims of crimes have the right to attend a trial of the in
their crime even if they are a witness
Ex. Agard: testifies in a way that plugs all of the holes exposed by previous
testimony; prosecutor pointed out that he heard the whole trial and could tailor
testimony ct says YOLO
May language allows judge to expand sequestration power witness cannot talk
about his own testimony, etc
Suppression hearings:
Some circuits have held that Rule 615 applies to suppression hearings
o Reflects the notion that trial judges have inherent authority to ensure the integrity
of the proceedings
o Deals w/fundamental fairness of proceedings (not like other rules)
o Judge needs flexibility to control hearings
You need to have a good faith reason for calling the witness must hold some
belief that he will testify truthfully to your benefit. CANNOT call witness just
HOPING theyll tell the truth if youre on notice that they arent planning to
looks like revival of common law surprise doctrine
Some cts will admit the prior statement if they believe the good faith
Rule: a party may question a witness about prior bad acts on c-e when the questions are
probative of character for tfulness; the party MUST accept the witness answers
Extrinsic evidence is NOT PERMITTED to prove bad acts here
o Exception: if ev if offered for a different purpose (ex. not for character purpose
like intent, motive to falsify, bias, etc), then extrinsic ev MAY be admiss
In this case 403 still applies even tho 608(b) does not
(2) for any crime regardless of the punishment, the ev must be admitted if the ct can
readily determine that establishing the elements of the crime required proving or
the witness admitting a dishonest act or false statement
(b) Limit on Using Evidence After 10 Years (b) applies if more than 10 yrs have passed since
the witness conviction or release from confinement for it, whichever is later. Ev of the conviction
is admissible ONLY IF
(1) its probative value, supported by specific facts and circs, SUBSTANTIALLY
outweighs its prejudicial effect; AND
(2) the proponent gives an adverse party written notice of the intent to use it so
that the party has a fair opportunity to contest its use
(c) Effect of Pardon, Annulment, or Certificate of Rehabilitation
Basically just says that ev of a convic is NOT ADMISSIBLE if (1) the convic has
been a subject of one of these things based on a finding of rehab and the person has
not been convicted of a later crime for more than a year; OR (2) the convic was the
subject of one of these based on a finding of innocence
o ALL OTHER CONVICTIONS (including those being appealed) ARE
Rule: no bar on extrinsic evidence for convictions b/c its really easy to intro this info and really
hard to misinterpret it. However, the most that a jury hears is what crime, the judgment, and
Sandoval compromise: gives a judge discretion in balancing to ADMIT convictions
but NOT tell jury what the conviction was for (ex. say felony, but not murder)
Steps to applying 609
Does crime fit under (a)(1) or (a)(2)?
If under (a)(2), admit automatically to impeach witness
Ex. Hayes (preceded 2006 amendment) H on trial for violent crime, prev convicted of
drug smugg; govt says admiss under (a)(2). Held: drug smugg NOT a (a)(2) offense
does not NEED to be committed by lying and is not an umbrella offense, so not admiss
RULE: umbrella offenses, like obstruction of justice, are admitted under (a)
(2) on a categorical appch logic element of lying, even tho specific cases
dont require it
Note: ppl like Charles Manson will never be able to have a conviction admitted
under (b) b/c hes never getting out of jail
Issue bringing up your own prior conviction to stave off impeachment by the other party
Oller: wants to testify, moves to exclude convic, trial judge says no, testifies
anyway; at trial, talks about prior convic on direct; is then convicted and asks for a
review of the in limine determination to include her conviction
o Held (SCOTUS): NO you opened the door
PROBLEM she brought it up as a matter of trial strategy
Ct said too bad so sad you ASSUME that the govt might have introd it,
but they might not have, and by introing it on direct yourself, you deprive
the govt of opportunity to avoid error
DC: govt might not bring this up b/c it has an airtight case and
doesnt want to create an appealable issue
o RULE 103 to reverse error, need to make a timely
Basically 609 TAKEAWAY
Convictions involving a dishonest act or false statement under crimen falsi principle
fall under (a)(2) these come in w/no balance
Felonies not involving false statements/lying come in under (a)(1) do balance
Limiting instruction judge should instruct jury that prior conviction is just for
credibility of s char for tfulness
Rule: like prior inconsistent statements but contradiction comes from other testimony or
extrinsic evidence
PIS must come from another witness
Contradiction must come from some other source
o If contradiction is denied, when can you intro extrinsic ev?
Beauchamp apply 403
Bias exists in situations where the witness has a predisposition in favor of someone, shows
prejudice, has a financial or liberty interest in the outcome of the case, or where there is
When considering whether to admit, ask: how important is witness? How probative is
Common bias situations:
o Financial interest at stake
Ex. Rodney King has financial motive to testify v. cops in crim case b/c
civil case is pending
o Parents protecting kids
o Witnesses who have entered into plea w/govt
Ex. adversary calls your witness who is impeached by prior perjury; want to intro prior
consistent statement NOT ALLOWED b/c perjury does not speak to the truth of
statement at issue at trial speaks to witness character GENERALLY!
Ex. drive by shooting, witness on stand says did shooting. On c-e, witness impeached
by counsel, saying that on the day after the event, the witness said I saw nothing.
Witness says he felt unsafe IDing the person b/c dangerous neighborhood, so that was
immediate rxn, but after thinking about it for a while, he told close friend I need to man
up I saw something and need to say it.
This statement to close friend is the PCS you want to intro
IX. Privileges
Privilege rules need to be certain b/c of private ordering concerns we want to encourage the
socially beneficial relationships need to know what priv applies and its scope before you speak
RULE 501- Privileges in General
The common law as interpd by US cts in the light of reason and experience governs a claim
of privilege UNLESS any of the following provides otherwise the US constitution, a federal
statute; or rules prescribed by SCOTUS. BUT in a civil case, state law governs priv regarding a
claim or defense for which state law supplies the rule of decision
Rule: exclude relevant and reliable evidence in cases in which countervailing social policy
requires non-disclosure
Party seeking to exclude on the grounds of privilege has the burden of showing that
the priv in question applies
501 itself does not delineate privilege Advisory Committee did not want to codify
In diversity cases, state rules of priv apply
In federal question, federal common law applies
Rationale: promoting clients being truthful to attys, empowers atty value, prevents
lawyers from serving as witnesses against clients
Ex. lawyer and drug dealer playing squash, dealer said fed searched my house
and found some of my finances I think theyre gonna search for drugs ct says
priv doesnt apply; dealer just looking for shoulder to cry on
Rule: so long as the employee is speaking to the corp lawyer about a matter in the
scope of his employment, that communication is protected by privilege he
becomes a client for the purpose of that communication, but he is not himself a client
as a whole
o Rejecting narrow control group test, which only protected comms between attys
and mgmt
o Note: priv does NOT protect the info itself protects communications ABOUT
the info
Not a personal priv the priv runs between the corp atty and the corp
Problem: makes basically everyone an agent of the corp makes it harder to
investigate corp misconduct b/c its harder to get internal convos between lawyers and
Ex. lawyer repping client; on break have convo in locked room; when lawyer comes out,
looks beat up; convicted and at sentencing govt wants to show he is bad guy so subpoenas
lawyer to testify about what happened in room lawyer invokes priv Held: not privd
beating up is not communicative, govt is just trying to prove that the punch happened
Ex. lawyer repping person in body cast, lawyer goes on vaca to Aspen, sees client skiing
down slopes; goes back and withdraws rep, sends red flag other side wants to know what
lawyer knows. Held: seeing client skiing is NOT privd just knowledge of a physical fact
However, PR people do NOT fall w/in the priv all emails on which PR ppl are ccd
3. Client must have reasonably anticipated and intended for the communication to be
Intent: client must intend to comms to remain confidential
Anticipation: must be careful w/your comms
o Discussions in the presence of 3d parties who are not agents destroys priv!
Emails and cell phone convos dont destroy priv
But what if talking loudly in the libe on cell phone? Maybe
bursts into restaurant and shouts I did it at atty not privd
Ex. People v. Harris: woman killed dr who dumped, calls cops from scene, says
I need to speak to my lawyer she says I want to do it here; picks biggest room
in mansion and goes to phone at other end to tell lawyer she did it out of ear
shot of cops but the cop across the room is a master lip readers so he knows she
said it and wants to admit it; says privd - anticipation. Held: not
anticipated to be confidential cops arent on your side in this situation; if
overhead-able, not privd!
DC: VERY famous case! Shows you need to be careful!
Ex. Shargel: priv does NOT apply to ID of client and the fee that they pay
POLICY REASONS: a general rule requiring disclosure of the fact of
consultation does not place attorneys in the professional dilemma of
cautioning against disclosure and rendering perhaps ill-informed advice
or learning all the details and perhaps increasing the perils to the client of
The COMMON INTEREST rule when clients agree to pursue a common interest,
communications BETWEEN CLIENTS become privd! Expands scope of a-c priv
REQUIREMENT: the common interest needs to exist PRIOR to the comms between
clients for the priv to apply!
o If multiple clients repd by multiple lawyers are pursuing a common int, comms
among ALL parties will be protected
BUT if/when comm. int breaks up, parties can sue e/o and use confid info
v. e/o!
Need a common interest agreement should be in writing
o Can limit risk of post comm. int suing by making a clause saying all info remains
Garner rule: if youre acting in a fiduciary relationship, you cant shield info from the
beneficiary in a suit between the 2
Garner: CEO engaging in transaction, it blows up CEO says I screwed that up
shareholders wont get that info
Rule: the person who holds the privilege may waive it
MUST be voluntary
o Can occur by either completely voluntary disclosure
Can be waived by client ONLY but atty can waive on his behalf
o Corporate mgmt has the authority to waive a corps priv
Rule: if the waiver is intentional, 502 requires a SUBJECT MATTER WAIVER
Subject Matter Waiver Rule: once you waive priv on a part of a communication,
communications on the same subject also get priv waived if the disclosure is intentional
Billzerian: B charged w/willfully violating sec laws, said he consulted a lawyer who told his
this stuff was ok so not willful; prosecutor requests ALL comms between B and lawyer. Held:
all comms on this matter are admissible under SMW rule w/o SMW, could tell a half
truth. Need all info to ensure this doesnt happen
Some courts say that if you release info to the govt, EVERYONE gets it b/c
public record
SMW logic rests on idea that when you assert a defense that you relied on advice
of counsel in order to negate an element of the crime, you waive all privd comms
on that matter
Implicit waivers when an atty waives on clients behalf we imply authorization
Majority view negligence std
If disclosure was innocent mistake and atty was quick to rectify, no
waiver of priv
If disclosure was negligent, waiver
Minority view inadvertent waiver waives ALL priv (SL)
Covers all subjet matter
Clients remedy is malpractice suit
Mistaken disclosures are a big problem w/e-discovery
o 502(b) seeks to remedy harms
o Now ppl will use clawback agreements send priv doc you accidentally
received back to other side; 2 sides strike an ag to do this and not waive priv for
accidental disclosures
502 made it so these agreements were enforceable in ct
Cts can mandate these agreements
PROBLEM dont necessarily apply to 3d parties
Rule: if a client is using his lawyer to perpetrate crime or fraud, the communication is not
o Burden is on the party SEEKING THE INFO to prove that c-f exception applies b/c
there is a presumption of priv
o Judge will hold an in camera hearing and determine by a more likely than not std that c/f
occurred in these hearings, the party seeking info can USE THE COMMS
THEMSELVES to prove the c/f. Judge can also look to circumstantial indicia of
something fishy going on
DC: dividing lines in c-f exception
Client is asking about a legal grey area
PROBLEM is the client REALLY seeking advice? If lawyer says dont do it and he
does it anyway? Hard to tease out clients intent
Seeking advice about PAST CRIMES is PRIVD. Asking about FUTURE CRIMES is
o Ex. we destroyed a bunch of documents lawyer, we think there are legal problems and we
want advice this is privd! The exact kind of comms we want to protect. Act has
already occurred, not seeking to further a crime or fraud
Note: sham marriage rule priv not designed to protect these
7th Cir: spousal priv does not apply to pre-marital activity
DC: general trend toward chipping away at this priv
Privilege Against Providing Adverse Testimony (Trammel): privilege against forcing a spouse
to give adverse testimony against his/her spouse
Focused on preserving the sanctity of marriage at the time of trial you need to be
married AT THE TIME OF TRIAL for this priv to apply
The privilege belongs to the testifying spouse if s/he wants to testify its ok, b/c
were not disturbing marital harmony, as it clearly does not exist
o cannot invoke the privilege
Post-Trammel reading of this priv: cannot force a wife under pain of contempt to
testify against her husband
BUT, privilege does NOT apply to spousal hearsay 3d party can be forced to
testify about what spouse said at time of incident; MUST STILL FALL INTO
HEARSAY EXCEPTION to be admitted
o Hypo: hub charged w/murder, wife waiting for him on porch, neighbor comes up to hub,
opens trunk, takes crowbar out and starts beating him and kills him. Wife runs into
house, calls mom, says Bill just killed neighbor. Held: would be admitted as an excited
utterance exception to hearsay rule; also spousal priv does not extend to mom, so doesnt
matter that wife will invoke ad test priv
o RESULT: circuits are split on whether this exception exists. Does not in 2d
Note: not all jxs have this privilege NYS does not have Trammel priv! Spouses can be forced
to testify
Rule: if the communications at issue are those reasonably expected to remain confidential at
the time that the communication was made, they are privileged
Why spousal hearsay is not allowed under this priv [same rat as a-c priv]
That being said, if hub knew that wife told mom everything, PRIVILEGE
o Hypo (DC calls this ruling too harsh) - communicates over work email w/wife,
employer has no monitoring policy for 1st 2 years; then enacts one so hub stops. Govt
wants archived emails from before policy; says at time he had exepec of confid.
Held: he should have deleted the archives WAIVED PRIV BY INACTION
Clergy-penitent recogd by common law
Protects comms to clergy where penitent is seeking religious/spiritual advice
Priv is held by penitent
State secrets recogd by common law
Protects v. disclosure of info that would harm state security interest
o Judge decides in camera if it applies
o If the only thing you can introduce is protected as a state secret, TOO BAD you
Executive privilege: allows prez to confer w/ppl in exec branch, encourages flow of
info; exists at federal common law
o QUALIFIED if substantial showing of need, priv disappears (ex. Nixon)
o Will never protect info from a grand jury proceeding b/c there will always be
showing of need (why Clinton didnt invoke it)