7.5% Quarterly Conditional Coupon - European Barrier at 66% - 1 Year - USD
7.5% Quarterly Conditional Coupon - European Barrier at 66% - 1 Year - USD
7.5% Quarterly Conditional Coupon - European Barrier at 66% - 1 Year - USD
7.5% Quarterly Conditional Coupon - European Barrier at 66% - 1 Year - USD
Details Redemption
Issuer EFG Financial Products
Guarantor EFG International On 06.04.2010 Client pays USD 1000 (Denomination)
Rating: Fitch A
Underlying ANGLOGOLD ASHANTI- BARRICK GOLD CORP KINROSS GOLD CORP Each Quarter with N being the number of Quarters since the last Coupon (since inception if no
SPON ADR Coupon has been paid so far)
Bbg Ticker AU UN Equity ABX UN Equity KGC UN Equity
Spot Ref. (100%) USD 42.34 USD 44.25 USD 19.43 If all the Underlyings close at or above their Autocall Level:
Barrier Level (66%) USD 27.94 USD 29.20 USD 12.82 The Product is early redeemed and the Investor will receive a Cash Settlement in USD equal to:
Autocall Level (95%) USD 40.22 USD 42.04 USD 18.46 Denomination x (N x 7.5%) Coupon. The product expires.
Coupon Trigger (95%) USD 40.22 USD 42.04 USD 18.46
Convertion Ratio 23.6190 22.5990 51.4670
Initial Fixing Date 30.04.2010 On 06.04.2015 Client receives (if the product has not been early redeemed):
Payment Date 12.05.2010
Valuation Date 12.05.2011 a. If the Worst Performing Underlying closes above the Autocall Level on the Valuation date:
Maturity 19.05.2011 The Investor will receive a Cash Settlement in USD equal to: Denomination + (7.5% x N) Coupon
Details Physical Settlement Quarterly Autocall Observation b. If the Worst Performing Underlying closes between the Barrier Level and the autocall level on the
European Barrier Valuation date:
ISIN CH0111081086 The Investor will receive a Cash Settlement in USD equal to: Denomination
Valoren 11108108
SIX Symbol EFHHH c. If the Worst Performing Underlying closes at or below the Barrier Level on the Valuation date:
The Investor will receive a predefined round number (i.e Convertion Ratio) of the worst
performing Underlying per Product.
- AngloGold Ashanti Limited is a holding company for a group of companies which explore for and mine gold internationally. The Group has operations in the Vaal River and West Witwatersrand areas of South Africa as
well as Namibia, Mali, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, Tanzania and the United States.
- Barrick Gold Corporation is an international gold company with operating mines and development projects in the United States, Canada, South America, Australia, and Africa.
- Kinross Gold Corporation is involved in the exploration, development, and production of gold in countries located around the world. The Company currently has operations in the United States, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and
Opportunities______________________________________________________________________ Risks______________________________________________________________________________________________
1. Quarterly opportunity to receive a 7.5% Coupon, w ith Memory effect feature 1. I f on the Valuation Date, at least one Underlying closes at or below its Barrier Level, the
2. Your capital is protected against a decrease of 34% at maturity I nv estor will suffer a loss reflecting the performance of the Underlying
3. Secondary market as liquid as equity markets
Redemption: Denomination + 30% Coupon (4 x 7.5%) Redemption: Shares of the Worst Performing Underlying
Historical Chart
importer depuis la deuxieme feuille Observation date scenario
N Quarters since inception
Redemption: (N x 7.5% ) Coupon +
Autocall and Couppon Trigger Level at 100%
Redemption at maturity: Denomination
Barrier Level at 66%
60% AngloGold
Barrick Gold
40% On the Maturity Date:
Kinross Gold Shares of the Worst Performing
Jan-08 Apr-08 Jul-08 Oct-08 Jan-09 Apr-09 Jul-09 Oct-09 Jan-10 Apr-10
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Swiss Co de o f Obligatio ns. The relevant pro duct do cumentatio n can be o btained directly at EFG Financial Pro ducts A G: Tel. +41(0)58 800 1111, Fax +41(0)58 800 1010, o r via e-mail: [email protected] m. Selling restrictio ns apply for Euro pe, Ho ng Ko ng, Singapo re, the USA, US perso ns, and the United Kingdo m (the issuance is subject to Swiss
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