Paper CI56
Paper CI56
Paper CI56
M.A. Banarase
PRMIT&R, Badnera,
Amravati, Maharashtra, India
[email protected]
Abstract- The structure is designed with sufficient strength to behave elastically during
earthquake. Seismic design of multi storied RC building is to withstand the ground motion caused
during the earthquake. In order to design an earthquake resistant structure an Engineer must
have a good knowledge about various seismic design codes.
In this paper literatures of various researches were studied. Those papers give more
information about the static and dynamic analysis done on various types of structures using
various codes. The use of software in seismic analysis will reduce the time consumption and
errors in analysis and design of the structure. The researchers used various country codes to
evaluate the seismic performance of the structure. The parameters such as displacement, base
shear, storey drift, time period, axial and shear force bending moment were studied. This work
aims at the comparison of various provisions for earthquake analysis as given in building codes
of Indian Code, American code, European code, New Zealand code is carried out by Response
spectrum analysis and modeled with the help of ETAB2015 software.
Keyword- Base Shear, Storey Drift, Time Period, Displacement, Seismic Analysis, Stiffness.