Design of Base Isolator For R.C.C. Building & Performance Evaluation
Design of Base Isolator For R.C.C. Building & Performance Evaluation
Design of Base Isolator For R.C.C. Building & Performance Evaluation
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3 authors, including:
Sharadkumar P. Purohit
Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
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All content following this page was uploaded by Sharadkumar P. Purohit on 10 June 2016.
H = 709 mm
Steel plates ts = 1mm
Diameter = 450 mm
50 mm top cover
10 mm
Fig. 9. First mode T = 2.9979 sec Fig. 10 Higher mode T = 0.6130 sec
The base shear for fixed base building and base isolated building was obtained. The base shear
value for fix base building is 305.64 kN. The base shear for base isolated building with LRB
system is 1153.64 kN and for FPS system is 783.12 kN. It has been observed that the base shear
values for base isolated building is more compared to fixed base building. This is because of the
distribution of mass and stiffness which gives the fundamental time period more than 1 sec.
The displacements and story drift for fixed base & base isolated building were obtained and
compared with each other. It has been observed that the displacement at roof of base isolated
building is less compared to fixed base building. However because of flexibility at base the
displacement at base is higher in base isolated building compared to fixed base building. This can
also be well understood by calculating the story drift for fixed base and base isolated building. It
has been observed that the story drift in base isolated building is less compared to fixed base
building. The Fig. 11 below shows the story drift for base isolated building with LRB and FPS
system compared with fixed base building.
Story Drifts Drifts X FPS
Drifts Y FPS
Story levels
Drift x fixed base
4 Drift Y fixed base
Drift X LRB
Drift Y LRB
0 0.002 0.004 0.006
Fig. 11. Story Drift for Fixed & Base Isolated Buildings
The following conclusions were drawn out of the present work of comparison of fixed base
building to base isolated building.
¾ The fundamental time period of fixed base building was 1.3275 sec.
¾ The fundamental time period of base isolated buildings with LRB and FPS systems were
2.9595 sec and 2.9979 sec, respectively.
¾ The time period for base isolated buildings are approximately 2.25times higher compared
to fixed base building, which is the first objective of base isolation system called “Period
¾ The base shear value for fixed base building was as low as 305.64 kN, while for base
isolated buildings with LRB and FPS systems were 1153.64 and 783.12 kN, respectively.
¾ The base shear value for fixed base building is approximately 2.5 to 3.5 times lower
compared to base isolated building. The increase in base shear is due to higher time period
(1.3275 sec.) for the building undertaken.
¾ The story drifts for base isolated building with LRB system was more compared to story
drift for base isolated building with FPS system. However, the story drift of fixed base
building was found lower compared to base isolated building.
¾ Based on the values obtained for base shear and story drifts, it is recommended that, the
base isolated system is not effective for buildings with time period more than 1 sec.
¾ The above recommendation is based on the conclusions made through the work of base
isolation by Yeong-Bin Yang, Kuo-Chun Chang and Jong-Dar Yau.
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