Ansoff Matrix
Ansoff Matrix
Ansoff Matrix
The Anso Matrix is a strategic planning tool that provides a framework to help executives, senior managers,
and marketers devise strategies for future growth.[1][2] It
is named after Russian American Igor Anso, who came
up with the concept.
In product development strategy, a company tries to create new products and services targeted at its existing markets to achieve growth.
1.4 Diversication
Growth strategies
Market penetration
In diversication an organization tries to grow its market share by introducing new oerings in new markets.
It is the most risky strategy because both product and
market development is required. (i) Related Diversication - Here there is relationship and, therefore, potential synergy, between the rms in existing business and
the new product/market space. (a) Concentric diversication, and (b) Vertical integration. (ii) Unrelated Diversication: This is otherwise termed conglomerate growth
because the resulting corporation is a conglomerate, i.e.
This can be accomplished by: (i) Price decrease; (ii) In- a collection of businesses without any relationship to one
crease in promotion and distribution support; (iii) Acqui- another.A strategy for company growth through starting
sition of a rival in the same market; (iv) Modest product up or acquiring businesses outside the companys current
products and markets
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